
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 The Best Source of Funding is a Customer  January 19, 2011  Rizwan J. Kheraj (Dilbert comic strip  2238)
Resources Incubators / Accelerators Mentoring Type Resources Consulting Community Private Funding Government Funding
Incubators / Accelerators SFU TIME Ventures Innovation Incubator (IT / Cleantech) Center for Digital Media NRC - Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (Cleantech) NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics  BCIC Entrepreneurship @ x series (IT) Alacrity Foundation (IT) Wavefront NCE  Wireless Commercialization (Wireless IT) Bootup Entrepreneurial Society (DM) WMedia Ventures (Consumer DM) The Centre for Drug Research and Development (Life Sciences) The Network Hub, Yaletown 209 (All) Discovery Parks Vancouver (Tech Generator) (IT / Cleantech) Vancouver Island Tech Park (All) Okanagan Research and Innovation Center (All) - Talk to Dean Prelazzi at BCIC about latest list of accelerators
Mentoring Type Resources NRC-IRAP Advisory Services BCIC New Ventures Competition (NVBC) BCIC Mentor Program (w ACETECH) ACETECH - Growth Strategy Program, Market Entry BCIT - Commercialization Assistance Program  BCTIA C4G (new), Xelerate Life Sciences BC - BC Excels DigiBC SFU Venture Connection, Greentech Exchange, Hatchery DFAIT Market Access Bootcamps Bootup Entrepreneurship Society (BES)  Mentorship events UILOs, VIATEC, KAST, OSTEC
Consulting Community Business planning Sales and Marketing Financing and funding strategy Human Resources Financial management, accounting, tax, SR&ED Legal and intellectual property  Product development and Marketing Operations and Manufacturing Customer relationship management Strategic Partnerships Events  VEF, Bootup, DigiBC, BCTIA, Techvibes
Private Funding F&F, Angel Investors, VCs, Debt Financing, Public Markets VANTEC, Angel Forum Canadian Financing Forum NRC-IRAP Lions Den  Western Universities Technology Investment Fund (WUTIF) FRACTAL Local VCs = YVP, GwC, BDC, VW, Panagea, Renewal Partners, Telus Valley VCs  connect through community Strategic Investors  KODAK, RIM, LG, etc Loans   CYBF+BDC $30K, VanCity CreditLine  up to $30K
Government Funding  1 of 3   BC (Before Customer) MITACS Accelerate - $15K  4 month internship  M,PhD NSERC Engage - $25K  6 month  Short-term R&D NSERC- USRA Coop Students - $4.5K  16 weeks  NRC-IRAP  Market Analysis  up to $30K  75% 2-3 months NRC-IRAP  Youth (YEP) - $30K  6-12 months  Tech/Non tech CMF  Experimental Stream  Development  up to $1m  75% PRECARN T-GAP  up to $100K  75% - 9 months SR & ED  Tax refund on R&D done - ~ 42% of R&D costs back  NRC-IRAP  ARP  up to $50K  < 1 year
Government Funding  2 of 3    EC (Early Customers) Industry Canada SBIP  online technologies - up to $10K  25% - 12 weeks CMF  Experimental Stream  Production & Marketing  up to $1m  75% PWGSC - CICP - $40m  -  opportunity for FED GOVT to  purchase and test SME innovative products and services  2 yr program  NRC-IRAP Technology Validation (ARP) - < $50K testing of the value of new innovations to a customer prior to buying  NRC-IRAP Technology Development  few $1,000s to $1m DFAIT Going Global Innovation  up to $75K
Government Funding  3 of 3    CC (Customers Customers) SDTC  Clean Tech - $550m Fund  up to several $m  33% late-stage development and pre-commercial demo of clean technologies Working Capital BDC Sub-debt  more flexible than debt financing EDC -  loan or guarantee to financial institution or lines of credit Many banks  small business loans
Strategie d  innovation Technical and  economic studies ($$) Graduates ($) Strategic information Projects ($$$) Innovation strategy NRC-IRAP Funding  & Advisory Services CLIENT CLIENT Technical advice, Business advice Connector -> Customers,  Investors International partnership, for export
NRC-IRAP  - How Does It Work? To directly support Canadian SMEs develop their technology, enhance their competitiveness and grow their business  It  s a &quot;contact sport  Initial contact between company and an IRAP advisor (ITA) Discuss company  s business and strategy Look at ways IRAP can help with funding & advisory services Develop long term,   trusting   relationships
Whom to contact at NRC-IRAP? ~200  Industrial Technology Advisors - 150 locations - 12,000 to 15,000 SMEs BC  over 20+ advisors  all technology sectors - some IT sector focused Nicholas Fong  Electronics, Telecom, Security, Wireless, Chip Design, H/W Jerome Kashetsky  Gaming, Digital Media, Software Hafeez Shaikh  Wireless, Embedded Systems, Software, Protocol Dev Perry Quan  Business, Wireless, Software Ken Gamble (Kelowna)  IT / Software Development Rob Wylie (Victoria)  Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Computing Slobodan Kuzmanovic  Software, Web 2.0, SaaS, SOA, Software Engineering Glen Sampson  Business, Software, ICT David Whitehead  Marketing, Digital Media, Software Gary Au-Yeung  Computer Systems, Communications, Electronics Riz Kheraj  Software, Wireless, Usability, Health IT
Best Practices when looking for Government Funding Do your homework  put together a spreadsheet of RELEVANT government programs for your venture  how will a program(s) will move you forward? Talk to your peer entrepreneurs who have participated in these programs  and get their take on them  strong & weak points  what worked? Put together a clear 1-2 page write-up about your venture, what you need to do, and why you are approaching a particular program before you meet with a government program representative  preparation is key. Identify the steps of assessment / eligibility required by the particular program and prepare a checklist of what you have to do to meet the criteria Some programs (like SR &ED) have reporting / documentation requirements  make sure your venture  s paperwork is in place  timesheets, financials Be aware of deadline application dates, and always apply early  government funding money gets allocated efficiently
NRC-IRAP Pacific 604-666-6062 http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/ibp/irap.html

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Riz kheraj govt. funding & resources for startups

  • 1. The Best Source of Funding is a Customer January 19, 2011 Rizwan J. Kheraj (Dilbert comic strip 2238)
  • 2. Resources Incubators / Accelerators Mentoring Type Resources Consulting Community Private Funding Government Funding
  • 3. Incubators / Accelerators SFU TIME Ventures Innovation Incubator (IT / Cleantech) Center for Digital Media NRC - Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (Cleantech) NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics BCIC Entrepreneurship @ x series (IT) Alacrity Foundation (IT) Wavefront NCE Wireless Commercialization (Wireless IT) Bootup Entrepreneurial Society (DM) WMedia Ventures (Consumer DM) The Centre for Drug Research and Development (Life Sciences) The Network Hub, Yaletown 209 (All) Discovery Parks Vancouver (Tech Generator) (IT / Cleantech) Vancouver Island Tech Park (All) Okanagan Research and Innovation Center (All) - Talk to Dean Prelazzi at BCIC about latest list of accelerators
  • 4. Mentoring Type Resources NRC-IRAP Advisory Services BCIC New Ventures Competition (NVBC) BCIC Mentor Program (w ACETECH) ACETECH - Growth Strategy Program, Market Entry BCIT - Commercialization Assistance Program BCTIA C4G (new), Xelerate Life Sciences BC - BC Excels DigiBC SFU Venture Connection, Greentech Exchange, Hatchery DFAIT Market Access Bootcamps Bootup Entrepreneurship Society (BES) Mentorship events UILOs, VIATEC, KAST, OSTEC
  • 5. Consulting Community Business planning Sales and Marketing Financing and funding strategy Human Resources Financial management, accounting, tax, SR&ED Legal and intellectual property Product development and Marketing Operations and Manufacturing Customer relationship management Strategic Partnerships Events VEF, Bootup, DigiBC, BCTIA, Techvibes
  • 6. Private Funding F&F, Angel Investors, VCs, Debt Financing, Public Markets VANTEC, Angel Forum Canadian Financing Forum NRC-IRAP Lions Den Western Universities Technology Investment Fund (WUTIF) FRACTAL Local VCs = YVP, GwC, BDC, VW, Panagea, Renewal Partners, Telus Valley VCs connect through community Strategic Investors KODAK, RIM, LG, etc Loans CYBF+BDC $30K, VanCity CreditLine up to $30K
  • 7. Government Funding 1 of 3 BC (Before Customer) MITACS Accelerate - $15K 4 month internship M,PhD NSERC Engage - $25K 6 month Short-term R&D NSERC- USRA Coop Students - $4.5K 16 weeks NRC-IRAP Market Analysis up to $30K 75% 2-3 months NRC-IRAP Youth (YEP) - $30K 6-12 months Tech/Non tech CMF Experimental Stream Development up to $1m 75% PRECARN T-GAP up to $100K 75% - 9 months SR & ED Tax refund on R&D done - ~ 42% of R&D costs back NRC-IRAP ARP up to $50K < 1 year
  • 8. Government Funding 2 of 3 EC (Early Customers) Industry Canada SBIP online technologies - up to $10K 25% - 12 weeks CMF Experimental Stream Production & Marketing up to $1m 75% PWGSC - CICP - $40m - opportunity for FED GOVT to purchase and test SME innovative products and services 2 yr program NRC-IRAP Technology Validation (ARP) - < $50K testing of the value of new innovations to a customer prior to buying NRC-IRAP Technology Development few $1,000s to $1m DFAIT Going Global Innovation up to $75K
  • 9. Government Funding 3 of 3 CC (Customers Customers) SDTC Clean Tech - $550m Fund up to several $m 33% late-stage development and pre-commercial demo of clean technologies Working Capital BDC Sub-debt more flexible than debt financing EDC - loan or guarantee to financial institution or lines of credit Many banks small business loans
  • 10. Strategie d innovation Technical and economic studies ($$) Graduates ($) Strategic information Projects ($$$) Innovation strategy NRC-IRAP Funding & Advisory Services CLIENT CLIENT Technical advice, Business advice Connector -> Customers, Investors International partnership, for export
  • 11. NRC-IRAP - How Does It Work? To directly support Canadian SMEs develop their technology, enhance their competitiveness and grow their business It s a &quot;contact sport Initial contact between company and an IRAP advisor (ITA) Discuss company s business and strategy Look at ways IRAP can help with funding & advisory services Develop long term, trusting relationships
  • 12. Whom to contact at NRC-IRAP? ~200 Industrial Technology Advisors - 150 locations - 12,000 to 15,000 SMEs BC over 20+ advisors all technology sectors - some IT sector focused Nicholas Fong Electronics, Telecom, Security, Wireless, Chip Design, H/W Jerome Kashetsky Gaming, Digital Media, Software Hafeez Shaikh Wireless, Embedded Systems, Software, Protocol Dev Perry Quan Business, Wireless, Software Ken Gamble (Kelowna) IT / Software Development Rob Wylie (Victoria) Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Computing Slobodan Kuzmanovic Software, Web 2.0, SaaS, SOA, Software Engineering Glen Sampson Business, Software, ICT David Whitehead Marketing, Digital Media, Software Gary Au-Yeung Computer Systems, Communications, Electronics Riz Kheraj Software, Wireless, Usability, Health IT
  • 13. Best Practices when looking for Government Funding Do your homework put together a spreadsheet of RELEVANT government programs for your venture how will a program(s) will move you forward? Talk to your peer entrepreneurs who have participated in these programs and get their take on them strong & weak points what worked? Put together a clear 1-2 page write-up about your venture, what you need to do, and why you are approaching a particular program before you meet with a government program representative preparation is key. Identify the steps of assessment / eligibility required by the particular program and prepare a checklist of what you have to do to meet the criteria Some programs (like SR &ED) have reporting / documentation requirements make sure your venture s paperwork is in place timesheets, financials Be aware of deadline application dates, and always apply early government funding money gets allocated efficiently
  • 14. NRC-IRAP Pacific 604-666-6062 http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/ibp/irap.html