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                                              Curriculum Vitae

                                    Imagineering & Water Parks





                                        Sketch & Others Works

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
Curriculum Vitae
 Full Name                   : Rizky Eka Putra                   2001        Auto CAD 2000 Architectural Desktop
 Place and Date of Birth     : Jakarta, July 4th, 1980           1995  1998 General English LB LIA, Ciputat
 Gender                      : Male
 Religion                    : Moslem                            Foreign Language : English
                                                                 Computer Program : Auto CAD 2004, MS Word, MS Power
 Marital Status              : Married
                                                                                    Point, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Sketch Up
 Nationality & Citizenship   : Indonesian
 Contact Address             : Way 3506 Building
                               No.501, Flat No.802
                               MBD Ruwi,
                               Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
                               ZIP/Postal Code: 130
 Mobile Phone Number         : +968 99869101/+968 98901788
 Email                       : rizkyekaputra@gmail.com

 1998 - 2003    Parahyangan Catholic University, Department of

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
design team (2006).Project proposed to make the beach more
2008-Now Resolution Engineering Consultancy, as a senior architect and                  attractive and become the provinces land mark
        project manager for project:                                                   Duta Wisata Water Park, Lampung, as Project Architect (2006-
          Mr. Yahya Al Rwahi Villa. A house in a plot of 9000m2, has 2900m2            2007). A water park with total area of 1,9Ha, planned to be inside
           built-up area (2008)                                                         the Duta Wisata Tourism Complex. The features in this water park
          Al Mabela North Compound Villa, for Mr. Mahmood Al Lawati. A                 are the lagoon pool, kids pool, lazy river, n slides.
           complex of standard housing with 41 plots (2008)                            Bekasi Athletic & Football Stadium, Bekasi, as design team(2006)
          Al Sooror Resort, in Manah, for H.H. Sayyed Asaad Bin Tariq. An            The Hayam Wuruk Residence, Denpasar, Bali, as design team
           exclusive resort with a concept of traditional Omani building n              (2006-2007). A complex of Modern Balinese Villa, to be designed
           architecture.                                                                as an oasis in the heart of Denpasar, Bali.
          Compound Villas, Bousher, for H.E Sayyed Sultan Al Busaidi. A               The Jungle Water Adventure, Bogor, as Project Architect (2006-
           cluster of 16 villas with a new concept offered in Oman, with                2007). A unique water theme park, in the green landscape of
           green area in each plot. Additional facility like swimming pool and          Bogor City. Consist of waterslides, 4D theatre, Kids Pool, and Lazy
           playground.                                                                  River. It said as the most profitable water park in Indonesia for the
          Ghala Office Building, Ghala, for Mr. Yahya Al Rwahi. An 8 stories           year of 2008 as said in SWA magazine in Indonesia.
           office building, that has modern look with a simple touch of                Delta Mas Edutainment Park, Jakarta, as Design Team (2007). An
           Omani architecture.                                                          edutainment water park that try to give a scientific theme to
          The Extention of Zakher Mall. Additional area to be added to the             children.
           well-known Zakher Mall to bring a new modern look to the fa巽ade             The Krakatoa Nirwana Sea Life, Lampung, as Project Architect
           and to make a new atmosphere and identity to the building.                   (2009). A 40 ha. Area that allocated as an marine base leisure
          Samahram City Mall, Salalah, a mixed-use complex of Mall,                    facility. Involved in preliminary design.
           Apartment, and Hotel which is being proposed to build in 8.2 Ha             The Jungle Water Adventure The Extension, Bogor, as Project
           plot in Salalah region in Sultanate of Oman. It has 170.000m2                Architect (2008). The extension of the water park is completed the
           rentable areas which was designed to accommodate shopping                    features that already built in the first phase. The design arranged
           area, food court, cinema, spa, hotel, and apartment.                         a 18 meters wide wave pool, deer park, and kangaroo park.

2005-2008 PT. Arga Calista Disain, as Architect, take part in designing:    2004-2005 PT. Pioner Manunggal Persada, as Senior Architect, take part in
           Interior of Ancol Tourism Hostel, Jakarta, as interior designer                designing
            (2005).                                                                 Gunung Geulis Villa (2004)
           Master plan of Duta Wisata tourism complex, Lampung, as Project         Sukabumi House (2004)
            Architect (2005). A tourism complex with total area of 27Ha.            Cempaka Putih House, Jakarta (2005)
           Master Plan Sea-side Tourism in Pantai Panjang, Bengkulu as

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
2004      PT. Griya Sukses Mandiri, as Project Communicator for Pulau Umang
          Resort & Spa project. A resort that build on 6 Ha Island in Ujung
          Kulon, Banten, Indonesia. The resort was planned to be operated by
          Aston Hotel Management. Take responsibility as a communicator
          between the owner, architects team, and the Aston Hotel
2003-2004 PT. Aneka Cipta, as freelance architect, take part in designing flat for
          Low Income Public Servant in Menteng Asri, Bogor
2003-2004 PT. Jimbaran Wahana Cipta, take part in RTRP Kapuas as junior
2003      Wastu Cipta Parama, made building models for:
          - Mekarwangi House, Bandung
          - Yens Baby Shop, Bandung
          - Pluit House, Jakarta
          - Pondok Indah House, Jakarta

2005       Agung Sedayu Sport Club Design Competition, Jakarta (Best 10
2007       Housing for Bank of Indonesia Employee at Jl.Panglima Polim, Jakarta
           (Best 3)
2007       Housing for Bank of Indonesia Employee at Jl.Birah 1, South Jakarta
           (Best 2)
2007       House for Bank of Indonesia Employee at Jl. Panglima Polim, Jakarta
           (Best 2)
2008       Shati Qurm Resto Complex, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

  rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
Imagineering & Water Parks

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
Block Plan

                                    2nd Floor plan

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
1995 - 1998

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
Best 10 design (of 150 participants)

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
TYPE 1                            TYPE 2

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
Sketch & Others Works

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
email :
                                                     phone :

rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o   T H A N K        Y O U

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Rizkyekaputra 1001 Rev 2 Fin

  • 1. Index : Curriculum Vitae Imagineering & Water Parks Buildings Residential Competitions Interior Sketch & Others Works rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae Full Name : Rizky Eka Putra 2001 Auto CAD 2000 Architectural Desktop Place and Date of Birth : Jakarta, July 4th, 1980 1995 1998 General English LB LIA, Ciputat Gender : Male Religion : Moslem Foreign Language : English Computer Program : Auto CAD 2004, MS Word, MS Power Marital Status : Married Point, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Sketch Up Nationality & Citizenship : Indonesian Contact Address : Way 3506 Building No.501, Flat No.802 MBD Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman ZIP/Postal Code: 130 Mobile Phone Number : +968 99869101/+968 98901788 Email : rizkyekaputra@gmail.com 1998 - 2003 Parahyangan Catholic University, Department of Architecture rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 3. design team (2006).Project proposed to make the beach more 2008-Now Resolution Engineering Consultancy, as a senior architect and attractive and become the provinces land mark project manager for project: Duta Wisata Water Park, Lampung, as Project Architect (2006- Mr. Yahya Al Rwahi Villa. A house in a plot of 9000m2, has 2900m2 2007). A water park with total area of 1,9Ha, planned to be inside built-up area (2008) the Duta Wisata Tourism Complex. The features in this water park Al Mabela North Compound Villa, for Mr. Mahmood Al Lawati. A are the lagoon pool, kids pool, lazy river, n slides. complex of standard housing with 41 plots (2008) Bekasi Athletic & Football Stadium, Bekasi, as design team(2006) Al Sooror Resort, in Manah, for H.H. Sayyed Asaad Bin Tariq. An The Hayam Wuruk Residence, Denpasar, Bali, as design team exclusive resort with a concept of traditional Omani building n (2006-2007). A complex of Modern Balinese Villa, to be designed architecture. as an oasis in the heart of Denpasar, Bali. Compound Villas, Bousher, for H.E Sayyed Sultan Al Busaidi. A The Jungle Water Adventure, Bogor, as Project Architect (2006- cluster of 16 villas with a new concept offered in Oman, with 2007). A unique water theme park, in the green landscape of green area in each plot. Additional facility like swimming pool and Bogor City. Consist of waterslides, 4D theatre, Kids Pool, and Lazy playground. River. It said as the most profitable water park in Indonesia for the Ghala Office Building, Ghala, for Mr. Yahya Al Rwahi. An 8 stories year of 2008 as said in SWA magazine in Indonesia. office building, that has modern look with a simple touch of Delta Mas Edutainment Park, Jakarta, as Design Team (2007). An Omani architecture. edutainment water park that try to give a scientific theme to The Extention of Zakher Mall. Additional area to be added to the children. well-known Zakher Mall to bring a new modern look to the fa巽ade The Krakatoa Nirwana Sea Life, Lampung, as Project Architect and to make a new atmosphere and identity to the building. (2009). A 40 ha. Area that allocated as an marine base leisure Samahram City Mall, Salalah, a mixed-use complex of Mall, facility. Involved in preliminary design. Apartment, and Hotel which is being proposed to build in 8.2 Ha The Jungle Water Adventure The Extension, Bogor, as Project plot in Salalah region in Sultanate of Oman. It has 170.000m2 Architect (2008). The extension of the water park is completed the rentable areas which was designed to accommodate shopping features that already built in the first phase. The design arranged area, food court, cinema, spa, hotel, and apartment. a 18 meters wide wave pool, deer park, and kangaroo park. 2005-2008 PT. Arga Calista Disain, as Architect, take part in designing: 2004-2005 PT. Pioner Manunggal Persada, as Senior Architect, take part in Interior of Ancol Tourism Hostel, Jakarta, as interior designer designing (2005). Gunung Geulis Villa (2004) Master plan of Duta Wisata tourism complex, Lampung, as Project Sukabumi House (2004) Architect (2005). A tourism complex with total area of 27Ha. Cempaka Putih House, Jakarta (2005) Master Plan Sea-side Tourism in Pantai Panjang, Bengkulu as rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 4. 2004 PT. Griya Sukses Mandiri, as Project Communicator for Pulau Umang Resort & Spa project. A resort that build on 6 Ha Island in Ujung Kulon, Banten, Indonesia. The resort was planned to be operated by Aston Hotel Management. Take responsibility as a communicator between the owner, architects team, and the Aston Hotel Management 2003-2004 PT. Aneka Cipta, as freelance architect, take part in designing flat for Low Income Public Servant in Menteng Asri, Bogor 2003-2004 PT. Jimbaran Wahana Cipta, take part in RTRP Kapuas as junior architect 2003 Wastu Cipta Parama, made building models for: - Mekarwangi House, Bandung - Yens Baby Shop, Bandung - Pluit House, Jakarta - Pondok Indah House, Jakarta 2005 Agung Sedayu Sport Club Design Competition, Jakarta (Best 10 design) 2007 Housing for Bank of Indonesia Employee at Jl.Panglima Polim, Jakarta (Best 3) 2007 Housing for Bank of Indonesia Employee at Jl.Birah 1, South Jakarta (Best 2) 2007 House for Bank of Indonesia Employee at Jl. Panglima Polim, Jakarta (Best 2) 2008 Shati Qurm Resto Complex, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 5. Imagineering & Water Parks rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 6. DUTA WISATA WATERPARK - LAMPUNG rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 7. Block Plan 2nd Floor plan rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 8. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 9. 1995 - 1998 rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 10. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 11. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 12. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 13. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 14. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 15. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 16. Buildings rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 17. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 18. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 19. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 20. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 21. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 22. Residential rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 23. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 24. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 25. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 26. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 27. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 28. Competitions rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 29. Best 10 design (of 150 participants) rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 30. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 31. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 32. TYPE 1 TYPE 2 rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 33. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 34. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 35. Interior rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 36. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 37. Sketch & Others Works rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 38. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 39. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 40. rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o
  • 41. email : rizkyekaputra@gmail.com phone : +96898901788 +96899869101 rizky eka putra p o r t f o l i o T H A N K Y O U