The document summarizes research conducted on consumer preferences for shampoo products in India. A survey was administered to 100 consumers. Key findings include: 1) Most popular brands are Dove, Sunsilk, and Head & Shoulders. 2) 63% of consumers are open to trying new brands. 3) Consumers typically use shampoo 2 times per week and prefer bottle sizes of 300ml and 200ml. The proposed new product is a shampoo called Casa, targeting the 63% of consumers open to new brands.
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1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGYAitbar A. Khan 201010Rahul Deotale 201031DevdeepGuha 201032MayurKulkarni 201041Aashruti Jain 201048Akruti Jain 201049KarishmaKajekar 201052
2. RESEARCH ON FMCG PRODUCT - SHAMPOOSample Size : 100Research Problem : New product launchResearch method : Primary Research (questionnaire)
7. But At The Same time 38% Of The Consumers Want To Stay Loyal To There BrandUsage of brandConsumers stick to there brand for at least 6 monthInfluence To Buy The ProductConsumers get influence to buy the product through advertisements and word-of-mouth publicity.
8. Usage of the productMaximum users use the product only twice a week.Most preferred SKUMaximum Consumers Are Comfortable Buying 300ml And 200ml Bottle Of ShampooBenefits38% of the consumers look for smoothening of the hair
9. 25% for anti dandruffPurchase 36% of consumers prefer to buy shampoo from medical stores
10. 39% of consumers prefer to buy from retail outletsLook for before buying the shampoo58% of consumers look for features in the shampoo
11. 32% look for brand of the productPackaging67% Of Consumers Do Not Give Much Importance To The Bottle ShapePriceMaximum Consumers Prefer Buying Big Bottle At The Range Of Rs.150-200 OUR PRODUCT CASASHAMPOOCASASHAMPOOTarget Audience63% of ConsumersANTI-DANDRUFFFOR SMOOTH AND SHINING HAIR