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 Initial Sales Training Protocol

           NADA RIT FDU
? The Road to the Sale
   ? Greeting
   ? Build Rapport
   ? Investigate
   ? Presentation
   ? Demonstration
   ? Service Walk
   ? Evidence Manual
               ? Negotiation & Paperwork
                  ? First Pencil
                  ? Counter Offer
                  ? Credit App
                  ? Buyers Order
                  ? Trade Payoff
                  ? Intro to F&I
                  ? Delivery
Road To Good Intentions
         ? Follow me Kid
            ? Coffee and a Bagel
            ? Fly for Lunch
            ? Pull up a Car
            ? Stock in the Trade
            ? Write up this deal
            ? Deliver this car
? Wait for the Up Bus
   ? Product Knowledge
   ? Manufacturer Certified

?Now what?
       ? More than just waiting for
         the fish…..
          ? Tie a knot
          ? Bait a hook
          ? Flycasting
          ? Baitcasting
          ? Set a hook
          ? Remove a hook
? Prospecting
   ? Quality Conversations
   ? Networking
   ? Friends & Family
   ? Clubs & Organizations
   ? Restaurant/Bars
   ? Self Promotion

   ? Service Drive
         ? Who ya gonna call
            ? Orphan Owners
            ? Service Customers
            ? Un Sold Opportunities
            ? Lease Ending
            ? Finance Maturities
            ? Dealer Programs
?   So, how do you get them to fill their
?   You make it a condition of continued
?   You'll provide training and coach those
    who don't know how
?   You'll provide training and long-term
    coaching for those who are
?   You'll replace those who lack
?   You'll redeploy those who aren't
    motivated to an account management
?   The rest - the professionals - don't
    have to be asked
?   1. The culture won't change on its own.
?   2. The culture won't change without someone in management driving that change.
?   3. The culture won't change without identifying people who should be participating
?   4. The culture won't change without simple, basic expectations.
?   5. The culture won't change without showing them how to do what they need to do to
    meet the expectations.
?   6. The culture won't change without training them with the necessary skills to provide
    them some ability and confidence.
?   7. The culture won't change without coaching.
?   8. The culture won't change without getting outside expert advice.
?   9. The culture won't change unless there is an early emphasis on low -risk concepts
    like cross-selling, up-selling, calling inactive customers/clients, and trolling for
?   10. The culture won't change unless management holds everyone accountable .

? There you have it. Good Luck,
        ?    Rob Winters   ?   Scott Farbman
    ?       973-866-5112   ?   973-879-6845
?   rob@rjwinters.com      ?   scott@rjwinters.com

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Road To Good Intentions

  • 1. RJWINTERS Initial Sales Training Protocol NADA RIT FDU
  • 2. THE ROAD TO GOOD INTENTIONS ? The Road to the Sale ? Greeting ? Build Rapport ? Investigate ? Presentation ? Demonstration ? Service Walk ? Evidence Manual
  • 3. FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD ? Negotiation & Paperwork ? First Pencil ? Counter Offer ? Credit App ? Buyers Order ? Trade Payoff ? Intro to F&I ? Delivery
  • 5. THE SHADOW EFFECT ? Follow me Kid ? Coffee and a Bagel ? Fly for Lunch ? Pull up a Car ? Stock in the Trade ? Write up this deal ? Deliver this car
  • 6. HIT THE GROUND RUNNING ? Wait for the Up Bus ? Product Knowledge ? Manufacturer Certified ?Now what?
  • 7. GONE FISHING ? More than just waiting for the fish….. ? Tie a knot ? Bait a hook ? Flycasting ? Baitcasting ? Set a hook ? Remove a hook
  • 9. THE WHOLE PACKAGE ? Prospecting ? Quality Conversations ? Networking ? Friends & Family ? Clubs & Organizations ? Restaurant/Bars ? Self Promotion ? Service Drive
  • 10. PICK UP THE PHONE ? Who ya gonna call ? Orphan Owners ? Service Customers ? Un Sold Opportunities ? Lease Ending ? Finance Maturities ? Dealer Programs
  • 11. FILL THE PIPELINE ? So, how do you get them to fill their pipeline ? You make it a condition of continued employment. ? You'll provide training and coach those who don't know how ? You'll provide training and long-term coaching for those who are uncomfortable ? You'll replace those who lack commitment ? You'll redeploy those who aren't motivated to an account management position ? The rest - the professionals - don't have to be asked
  • 12. CHANGING THE CULTURE ? 1. The culture won't change on its own. ? 2. The culture won't change without someone in management driving that change. ? 3. The culture won't change without identifying people who should be participating ? 4. The culture won't change without simple, basic expectations. ? 5. The culture won't change without showing them how to do what they need to do to meet the expectations. ? 6. The culture won't change without training them with the necessary skills to provide them some ability and confidence. ? 7. The culture won't change without coaching. ? 8. The culture won't change without getting outside expert advice. ? 9. The culture won't change unless there is an early emphasis on low -risk concepts like cross-selling, up-selling, calling inactive customers/clients, and trolling for referrals ? 10. The culture won't change unless management holds everyone accountable . ? There you have it. Good Luck,
  • 13. RJWINTERS ? Rob Winters ? Scott Farbman ? 973-866-5112 ? 973-879-6845 ? rob@rjwinters.com ? scott@rjwinters.com
  • 14. WWW.RJWINTERS.COM rob@rjwinters.com 973-866-5112

Editor's Notes

  • #3: The road to hell is paved with good intentions
  • #4: With proper training and a great GRIPDSE, this part is a cake walk
  • #6: Shadows the old pro… no fresh ups, no prospecting, this guy works off repeats & referrals.. And drinks lots of coffee
  • #7: They get thrown a few bones, trip over a deal or 2. Discouraged, they take a job at Burger King doubling their income.
  • #8: There’s more to it than waiting for a fish