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Spend time in a?ective moments
Take care of the emotional state of your
bonds. Recover the sense of what
connects us as a couple, family, friends,
community. Hold intimate moments.
Spend time on time
Create a routine for the routine. Organize
the priorities of demands so routine does
not invade all of our time. De?ne a point to
go back to if the routine invades you.
Spend time in your own privacy
Do not lose the connection with your
interests, with the subjects that inspire you.
Do not get involved with contents that will
generate more despair and anguish.
Spend time in reality
Avoid precarious sources and content that
do not contribute to what you need to
understand and cope with this moment.
Take care of your connection frequency.
Spend time on your biology
Move to maintain the ?ow of the chemistry
of emotions, to untie the emotional knots.
Nourish the body and do not expose it to
unhealthy demands.
Uncertainty activates the biological impulse to act. These ?ve points will allow you to refocus
this impulse in ?ve speci?c moments to generate a daily dynamic with other possibilities.?
www.marcelomanucci.com DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.24308.91522

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  • 1. 04 03 05 02 01 Spend time in a?ective moments Take care of the emotional state of your bonds. Recover the sense of what connects us as a couple, family, friends, community. Hold intimate moments. Relationships Spend time on time Create a routine for the routine. Organize the priorities of demands so routine does not invade all of our time. De?ne a point to go back to if the routine invades you. Routine Spend time in your own privacy Do not lose the connection with your interests, with the subjects that inspire you. Do not get involved with contents that will generate more despair and anguish. Inspiration Spend time in reality Avoid precarious sources and content that do not contribute to what you need to understand and cope with this moment. Take care of your connection frequency. Information Spend time on your biology Move to maintain the ?ow of the chemistry of emotions, to untie the emotional knots. Nourish the body and do not expose it to unhealthy demands. Body ROADMAP FOR HANDLING UNCERTAINTY Uncertainty activates the biological impulse to act. These ?ve points will allow you to refocus this impulse in ?ve speci?c moments to generate a daily dynamic with other possibilities.? www.marcelomanucci.com DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.24308.91522