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Introduction to Management and Organizations Chapter 1
L E A R N I N G  O U T L I N E  Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. Who Are Managers? Explain how managers differ from non-managerial employees. Describe how to classify managers in organizations. What Is Management? Define management. Explain why efficiency and effectiveness are important to management.
L E A R N I N G  O U T L I N E  (contd)  Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. What Do Managers Do? Describe the four functions of management. Explain Mintzbergs managerial roles. Describe Katzs three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level. Discuss the changes that are impacting managers jobs. Explain why customer service and innovation are important to the managers job.
L E A R N I N G  O U T L I N E  (contd)  Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. What Is An Organization? Describe the characteristics of an organization. Explain how the concept of an organization is changing. Why Study Management? Explain the universality of management concept. Discuss why an understanding of management is important. Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
Who Are Managers? Manager Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.
Classifying Managers First-line Managers Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees. Middle Managers Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers. Top Managers Individuals who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
Exhibit 11 Managerial Levels
What Is Management? Managerial Concerns Efficiency  Doing things right Getting the most output for the least inputs Effectiveness  Doing the right things Attaining organizational goals
Exhibit 12 Effectiveness and Efficiency in Management
What Do Managers Do? Functional Approach Planning Defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. Organizing Arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational goals. Leading Working with and through people to accomplish goals. Controlling Monitoring, comparing, and correcting work.
Exhibit 13 Management Functions
What Do Managers Do? (contd) Management Roles Approach (Mintzberg) Interpersonal roles Figurehead, leader, liaison Informational roles Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson Decisional roles Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
What Managers Actually Do (Mintzberg) Interaction with others with the organization with the external context of the organization Reflection thoughtful thinking Action practical doing
What Do Managers Do? (contd) Skills Approach Technical skills Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field Human skills The ability to work well with other people Conceptual skills The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organization
Exhibit 15 Skills Needed at Different Management Levels
Exhibit 16 Conceptual Skills Using information to solve business problems Identifying of opportunities for innovation Recognizing problem areas and implementing solutions Selecting critical information from masses of data Understanding of business uses of technology Understanding of organizations business model Source:  Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002.
Exhibit 16 Communication Skills Ability to transform ideas into words and actions Credibility among colleagues, peers, and subordinates Listening and asking questions Presentation skills; spoken format Presentation skills; written and/or graphic formats Source:  Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002.
Exhibit 16 Effectiveness Skills Contributing to corporate mission/departmental objectives Customer focus Multitasking: working at multiple tasks in parallel Negotiating skills Project management Reviewing operations and implementing improvements Source:  Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002.
Exhibit 16 Effectiveness Skills (contd) Source:  Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002. Setting and maintaining performance standards internally and externally Setting priorities for attention and activity Time management
Exhibit 16 Interpersonal Skills (contd) Source:  Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002. Coaching and mentoring skills Diversity skills: working with diverse people and cultures Networking within the organization Networking outside the organization Working in teams; cooperation and commitment
Exhibit 17 Management Skills and Management Function Matrix
How The Managers Job Is Changing The Increasing Importance of Customers Customers: the reason that organizations exist Managing customer relationships is the responsibility of all managers and employees. Consistent high quality customer service is essential for survival. Innovation Doing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risks Managers should encourage employees to be aware of and act on opportunities for innovation.
Exhibit 18 Changes Impacting  the Managers Job
What Is An Organization? An Organization Defined A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose (that individuals independently could not accomplish alone). Common Characteristics of Organizations Have a distinct purpose (goal) Composed of people Have a deliberate structure
Exhibit 19 Characteristics of Organizations
Exhibit 110 The Changing Organization
Why Study Management? The Value of Studying Management The universality of management Good management is needed in all organizations. The reality of work Employees either manage or are managed. Rewards and challenges of being a manager Management offers challenging, exciting and creative opportunities for meaningful and fulfilling work. Successful managers receive significant monetary rewards for their efforts.
Exhibit 111 Universal Need for Management
Exhibit 112 Rewards and Challenges of Being A Manager
Terms to Know manager first-line managers middle managers top managers management efficiency effectiveness planning organizing leading controlling management roles interpersonal roles informational roles decisional roles technical skills human skills conceptual skills organization universality of management

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  • 1. Introduction to Management and Organizations Chapter 1
  • 2. L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. Who Are Managers? Explain how managers differ from non-managerial employees. Describe how to classify managers in organizations. What Is Management? Define management. Explain why efficiency and effectiveness are important to management.
  • 3. L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. What Do Managers Do? Describe the four functions of management. Explain Mintzbergs managerial roles. Describe Katzs three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level. Discuss the changes that are impacting managers jobs. Explain why customer service and innovation are important to the managers job.
  • 4. L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. What Is An Organization? Describe the characteristics of an organization. Explain how the concept of an organization is changing. Why Study Management? Explain the universality of management concept. Discuss why an understanding of management is important. Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
  • 5. Who Are Managers? Manager Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.
  • 6. Classifying Managers First-line Managers Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees. Middle Managers Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers. Top Managers Individuals who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
  • 8. What Is Management? Managerial Concerns Efficiency Doing things right Getting the most output for the least inputs Effectiveness Doing the right things Attaining organizational goals
  • 9. Exhibit 12 Effectiveness and Efficiency in Management
  • 10. What Do Managers Do? Functional Approach Planning Defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. Organizing Arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational goals. Leading Working with and through people to accomplish goals. Controlling Monitoring, comparing, and correcting work.
  • 12. What Do Managers Do? (contd) Management Roles Approach (Mintzberg) Interpersonal roles Figurehead, leader, liaison Informational roles Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson Decisional roles Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
  • 13. What Managers Actually Do (Mintzberg) Interaction with others with the organization with the external context of the organization Reflection thoughtful thinking Action practical doing
  • 14. What Do Managers Do? (contd) Skills Approach Technical skills Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field Human skills The ability to work well with other people Conceptual skills The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organization
  • 15. Exhibit 15 Skills Needed at Different Management Levels
  • 16. Exhibit 16 Conceptual Skills Using information to solve business problems Identifying of opportunities for innovation Recognizing problem areas and implementing solutions Selecting critical information from masses of data Understanding of business uses of technology Understanding of organizations business model Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002.
  • 17. Exhibit 16 Communication Skills Ability to transform ideas into words and actions Credibility among colleagues, peers, and subordinates Listening and asking questions Presentation skills; spoken format Presentation skills; written and/or graphic formats Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002.
  • 18. Exhibit 16 Effectiveness Skills Contributing to corporate mission/departmental objectives Customer focus Multitasking: working at multiple tasks in parallel Negotiating skills Project management Reviewing operations and implementing improvements Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002.
  • 19. Exhibit 16 Effectiveness Skills (contd) Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002. Setting and maintaining performance standards internally and externally Setting priorities for attention and activity Time management
  • 20. Exhibit 16 Interpersonal Skills (contd) Source: Based on American Management Association Survey of Managerial Skills and Competencies, March/April 2000, found on AMA Web site ( www.ama.org ), October 30, 2002. Coaching and mentoring skills Diversity skills: working with diverse people and cultures Networking within the organization Networking outside the organization Working in teams; cooperation and commitment
  • 21. Exhibit 17 Management Skills and Management Function Matrix
  • 22. How The Managers Job Is Changing The Increasing Importance of Customers Customers: the reason that organizations exist Managing customer relationships is the responsibility of all managers and employees. Consistent high quality customer service is essential for survival. Innovation Doing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risks Managers should encourage employees to be aware of and act on opportunities for innovation.
  • 23. Exhibit 18 Changes Impacting the Managers Job
  • 24. What Is An Organization? An Organization Defined A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose (that individuals independently could not accomplish alone). Common Characteristics of Organizations Have a distinct purpose (goal) Composed of people Have a deliberate structure
  • 25. Exhibit 19 Characteristics of Organizations
  • 26. Exhibit 110 The Changing Organization
  • 27. Why Study Management? The Value of Studying Management The universality of management Good management is needed in all organizations. The reality of work Employees either manage or are managed. Rewards and challenges of being a manager Management offers challenging, exciting and creative opportunities for meaningful and fulfilling work. Successful managers receive significant monetary rewards for their efforts.
  • 28. Exhibit 111 Universal Need for Management
  • 29. Exhibit 112 Rewards and Challenges of Being A Manager
  • 30. Terms to Know manager first-line managers middle managers top managers management efficiency effectiveness planning organizing leading controlling management roles interpersonal roles informational roles decisional roles technical skills human skills conceptual skills organization universality of management