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Roberto boneque history timeline
1862   1864   1867
1869   1870   1870
Melting Pot was
                                 An Mixture of people
                                 Of different cultures
                                 Who come together
                                 By forgetting about their
                                 Native Americans language.

                          1870                                    1870’s

Jacob a Riis a United
States reporter ,                                       Longhorn's any
social reformer, and                                    Breed of cattle from Texas,
photographer who                                        Sturdy and short tempered
shocked the U.S.                                        Longhorns .
conscience in 1890.                                     Accustomed to dry areas
Immigrated to the                                       Mainly grasslands. Also
United states at age of                                 Raised by Spanish
21. became a police                                     Settlers.
reporter assigned to
new yolk's city lower
east side.
Frederick law Olmsted was a
                                 landscape architect that helped
                                 design a plan for Greensward which
                                 was selected became a central park in
                                 New York City.

1870                                        1871

                                                                         Andrew Carnegie Moved from
National farmers Alliance was                                            Scotland to America to work his
Organized by grange , farmers. This                                      way up to become private secretary
                                                                         of the local boss of Pennsylvania
Sent out many lectures to educate                                        railroad. In 1873 he founded the
So many people. This was the first banner                                camegie steel factory and he
Of the southern farmers alliances.                                       improved this factory . By
                                                                         controlling all most all the steel
Great plains grassland that
Through the west. Federal
Government passed an
Act so that It made the
Plains a vast reservation
For the native Americans.

The Telephone was made to
       Communicate with people
        Worldwide. Invented by
Bell . This created jobs for women and
         Also affected office.


                                         George Armstrong
                                         Custer was an US general
                                         Who was killed along
                                         With all his command by
                                         The Sioux at the battle
                                         Of little Bugham.
Sitting Bull is a
                                                         Leader of the Sioux,
Nez Perce a                                              He was never signed.
Tribal group that was                                    He led people by his
Forced of their land.                                    Strength of character and
                                                         Surrendered to the federal


                        Chief Joseph a
                        Leader of the Nez Perce
                        In their retreat in the united
                        States Troops.
Booker T. Washington was an
                                                          United States educator who was
Kickback a deal people made                               Born a slave but became
Which benefitted one person over                          Very educated. He believed that
another usually a political                               Racism would end when blacks
Bribery. Was an illegal                                   Proved their economic value to
Payment for services                                      Society. Also he founded a college
That enriched the political                               at Tuskegee in Alabama.

      1880                                   1880                                          1881

                               Political machine is a political
                               Organization Where an authoritative
                               Boss or small groups commands
                               The support of businesses who receives awards.
       1881   1883
Scab a term for a worker
called in by an employer to
Replace striking laborers

1884                          1884

                                     Dumbbell tenements
                                     Were built in New York cit
                                     For immigrants. The name
                                     Came from shapes of
                                     Building of a dumbbell.
Collective Bargaining is a process
where wages, hours, rules, and working
conditions are negotiated and agreed upon
 by a union with an employer for all of the   The Settlements house was
Employees collectively whom it presents.      Established for immigrants.
                                              It was a center in an under-
                                              Privileged community

               1886                                  1886                                1887

                                                                             Dawes act was a federal
                                                                             law intended to turn native
                                                                             Americans into farmers
                                                                             and landowners
Jane Adams was a us social
Poll taxes were taxes that                                                 Reformer and feminist who founded
had to be paid by registered voters.                                       hull house, a social settlement in

                                                                                     1889                            1890
         1888                                  1888

                                                                                                                Culture shock-
                                                                                                                feeling of
                                       George Eastman was an                                                    bafflement
                                       United states inventor of                                                encountered by some-
                                       a dry plate process of developing                                        one who is
                                       photographic film and of flexible                                        subjected to an
                                       film                                                                     unfamiliar culture,
Angel Island was a place
                                    that immigrants had to pass
                                    Inspection at the San Francisco
                                    Bay. Now a state park.

         1890                           1890                                 1890

                                                                      Sherman antitrust act
                                                                      was an act of congress
Wounded knee - a
                                                                      prohibiting any contract ,
Village in southwestern
                                                                      conspiracy , or combination
Pine ridge Indian reservation.
                                                                      of business interests in
1890 massacre the soldiers killed
                                                                      restraint of foreign or interstate
more than 200 unarmed Sioux.
Ghost dance was a
Ellis island was an island in new                                            religious dance of native
York bay that was formerly the                                               americans looking for
Principal immigration station in the                                         Communication with the
united states in the 1800’s                                                  Dead.

           1890                           1890                                        1890

                                       George Westinghouse was
                                       A united states inventor and
                                       Manufacturer. received more
                                       than 400 patents for his inventions
                                       Including the air brake.
Eugene V. Debs was a
                                                           United states labor organizer that ran for
The Omaha platform was
                                                           as a socialist. Also made
the party program adopted
                                                           the first major attempt
at the formative convention
                                                           To form an industrial union
of the people’s.
on July 4 .

            1892                    1892                                         1894

                              Ida B. Wells born
                              a slave before the emancipation.
                              She was an African American
                              Journalist and newspaper editor.
                              Later she became a teacher.
The Pullman                                                               Monopoly –
Strike of 1894 was one of the most                                         Excessive control of a
Influential events in the history of                                       Commodity or service in a
US labor. It began as a walkout                                            Particular market, or a
by railroad workers in the company town                                    Control that makes possible
of Pullman, Illinois into the country’s                                    The manipulation of prices
First national strike.

             1894                                  1900                        1901

                                          Urbanization the growth
                                          and migration to large cities.

edison.htm            http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Mugwum
 n?s=joseph%20pulitzer           https://woodward8.wikispaces.com/Scab
 z-Perce-Men-1906.html       http://www.federationnc.org/Federation-


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Roberto boneque history timeline

  • 2. 1862 1864 1867
  • 3. 1869 1870 1870
  • 4. Melting Pot was An Mixture of people Of different cultures Who come together By forgetting about their Native Americans language. 1870 1870’s 1870 Jacob a Riis a United States reporter , Longhorn's any social reformer, and Breed of cattle from Texas, photographer who Sturdy and short tempered shocked the U.S. Longhorns . conscience in 1890. Accustomed to dry areas Immigrated to the Mainly grasslands. Also United states at age of Raised by Spanish 21. became a police Settlers. reporter assigned to new yolk's city lower east side.
  • 5. Frederick law Olmsted was a landscape architect that helped design a plan for Greensward which was selected became a central park in New York City. 1873 1870 1871 Andrew Carnegie Moved from National farmers Alliance was Scotland to America to work his Organized by grange , farmers. This way up to become private secretary of the local boss of Pennsylvania Sent out many lectures to educate railroad. In 1873 he founded the So many people. This was the first banner camegie steel factory and he Of the southern farmers alliances. improved this factory . By controlling all most all the steel industry.
  • 6. Great plains grassland that extended Through the west. Federal Government passed an Act so that It made the Plains a vast reservation For the native Americans. 1874 1875
  • 7. The Telephone was made to Communicate with people Worldwide. Invented by Bell . This created jobs for women and Also affected office. 1876 George Armstrong Custer was an US general Who was killed along With all his command by The Sioux at the battle Of little Bugham.
  • 8. Sitting Bull is a Leader of the Sioux, Nez Perce a He was never signed. Tribal group that was He led people by his Forced of their land. Strength of character and Surrendered to the federal Government. 1880 Chief Joseph a Leader of the Nez Perce In their retreat in the united States Troops.
  • 9. Booker T. Washington was an United States educator who was Kickback a deal people made Born a slave but became Which benefitted one person over Very educated. He believed that another usually a political Racism would end when blacks Bribery. Was an illegal Proved their economic value to Payment for services Society. Also he founded a college That enriched the political at Tuskegee in Alabama. Machine. 1880 1880 1881 Political machine is a political Organization Where an authoritative Boss or small groups commands The support of businesses who receives awards.
  • 10. 1881 1881 1883
  • 11. Scab a term for a worker called in by an employer to Replace striking laborers 1885 1884 1884 Dumbbell tenements Were built in New York cit For immigrants. The name Came from shapes of Building of a dumbbell.
  • 12. Collective Bargaining is a process where wages, hours, rules, and working conditions are negotiated and agreed upon by a union with an employer for all of the The Settlements house was Employees collectively whom it presents. Established for immigrants. It was a center in an under- Privileged community 1886 1886 1887 Dawes act was a federal law intended to turn native Americans into farmers and landowners
  • 13. Jane Adams was a us social Poll taxes were taxes that Reformer and feminist who founded had to be paid by registered voters. hull house, a social settlement in Chicago. 1889 1890 1888 1888 Culture shock- feeling of George Eastman was an bafflement United states inventor of encountered by some- a dry plate process of developing one who is photographic film and of flexible subjected to an film unfamiliar culture,
  • 14. Angel Island was a place that immigrants had to pass Inspection at the San Francisco Bay. Now a state park. 1890 1890 1890 Sherman antitrust act was an act of congress Wounded knee - a prohibiting any contract , Village in southwestern conspiracy , or combination Pine ridge Indian reservation. of business interests in 1890 massacre the soldiers killed restraint of foreign or interstate more than 200 unarmed Sioux. trade.
  • 15. Ghost dance was a Ellis island was an island in new religious dance of native York bay that was formerly the americans looking for Principal immigration station in the Communication with the united states in the 1800’s Dead. 1890 1890 1890 George Westinghouse was A united states inventor and Manufacturer. received more than 400 patents for his inventions Including the air brake.
  • 16. Eugene V. Debs was a United states labor organizer that ran for president The Omaha platform was as a socialist. Also made the party program adopted the first major attempt at the formative convention To form an industrial union of the people’s. on July 4 . 1892 1892 1894 Ida B. Wells born a slave before the emancipation. She was an African American Journalist and newspaper editor. Later she became a teacher.
  • 17. The Pullman Monopoly – Strike of 1894 was one of the most Excessive control of a Influential events in the history of Commodity or service in a US labor. It began as a walkout Particular market, or a by railroad workers in the company town Control that makes possible of Pullman, Illinois into the country’s The manipulation of prices First national strike. 1894 1900 1901 Urbanization the growth and migration to large cities.
  • 18. http://www.history.com/topics/transcontinental-railroad http://woodward8.wikispaces.com/longdrive http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/ellis- island-2.htm http://fixquotes.com/authors/thomas-a- edison.htm http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Mugwum ps http://worldwildlife.org/places/northern- great-plains http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webw n?s=joseph%20pulitzer https://woodward8.wikispaces.com/Scab http://www.firstpeople.us/photographs2/Ne z-Perce-Men-1906.html http://www.federationnc.org/Federation- History.page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_Al liance