Microsoft laid off a bunch of reporters and replaced them with artificial intelligence. How is that working out for them? In one particular instance, not so well. I examine the results and give analysis.
This is the pilot for a new series I am considering producing in 2023. Let me know your thoughts? I am anxious to hear from you.
Special thanks to Tatio, the leader in competency-based hiring.
Articles and resources cited herein can be found online at:
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2. So, I had an idea about a new
series I wanted to produce.
Im thinking about a weekly series
about the world of work, the future
of work, emerging trends in the
workforce, labor market trends
around the globe
Pretty much if you have an interest in
attracting, hiring and retaining talent then,
Im going to share things that will capture
your imagination.
I wasnt sure what I was going to call it. I thought about it for awhile,
did some research and came up with a title that pretty much sums up
everything I plan on doing with this weekly series. (Drumroll please)
Welcome to.
Blah, blah, blah.
5. A couple years back, Microsoft
announced it was laying off a bunch
of reporters and replacing them
with machines.
Not to throw shade at Microsoft.
2020 was not a good year for
media companies.
6. Just a quick reminder about
2020s impact on the news biz.
7. Replacing reporters
with machines might
not have been the
best move. Why?
The AI tech used
began publishing fake
news stories.
Here are a few
8. MSN scooped up this article
from Exemplore and shared it
with its vast network as a
legitimate news story.
Other articles* that were propagated as
fact by MSN were:
"Woman Films Bigfoot Jumping Out of a
Tree in California
Party Stops as Giant UFO Flies Directly
Over It
-"Someone Swears They Caught a
Biblically Accurate Angel Floating in the
Sky Over LA"
*MSN has since deleted these news
stories once they were called out on it.
9. And this was another
bogus story that made
the rounds thanks to
*This has been
deleted off MSN
as well.
10. Microsoft says they have
human oversight in their news
articles but umm ok.*
*I guess a few slipped
through the cracks.
Things happen. #NoShade
11. Umm that was an
awkward moment
for AI (artificial
Indeed it was, sir.
Does this mean
that AI is just not
ready for prime
time, just yet?
Im going to go with.
12. I engaged with Open AIs ChatGPT to inquire of the benefits of AI
in the workplace, from an AI, and I agreed with the reasons it gave.
Ill also add the biggest benefit of AI in the workplace, which is, it
will automate menial and repetitive tasks. This will free workers up
to do more complex operations. It will not remove humans from the
Think Tony Stark, humans and
machines working together. Not
Terminators coming to destroy us.
13. But, I digress. Microsoft's error of
allowing AI to publish fake news is just a
blip in the overall scheme of things.
Theyve probably already fixed it from
happening again.
AI will continue to be improved and likely
fake news wont proliferate so much in
the future.
But what about now? Microsofts not the
only company using AI to help produce
news content. Before long, will we be
able to tell the difference between
articles generated by artificial
intelligence verses articles produced by
actual human beings?
Hmm I should invent a tool
that will help me figure out
the difference.
17. Oh, one last thing.
Check out this AI enhanced video
to see what women wore to
work in 1904. Interesting.*
*Link to this and
everything cited in this
presentation are on the
last slide.