A case study of an integrated communication campaign implemented by MANGO-OMC.com on behalf of Rocking the Daisies Music Festival.
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Rocking the Daisies
1. 20 November 2008 Presentation to PR Success Strategies Conference ROCKING THE DAISIES CASE STUDY Arrow back to return to previous slide Arrow forward to proceed to next slide Spacebar to pause or continue Presentation runs automatically up to the title slide Thereafter press the spacebar or mouse click to proceed Catherine L端ckhoff
8. The facebook event To initiate WOM/viral campaigns To communicate with key target markets To offer sponsor and media partners branding opportunities To communicate with members directly To upload rich media content (videos, pictures, mp3s) To drive competitions To initiate conversations To include your audience in a meaningful way FB is a great platform through which:
13. Blog power Competition results: 33 dedicated posts 1381 page views 771 visits 95 tags linking back to RTD and Digicape websites Exponential readership from each individual blog
15. Power of community Competition results: 28 000 votes 15 000 unique voters 35 bands signed up Top 5 music judges in the country First campaign of its kind in SA 1 winner
16. Converging online, offline and mobile Online articles = 86 (Excl Channel24.co.za) Relevant online mentions tracked by Brandseye = 476 (1 Aug - 13 Nov) Blog posts = 54+ Magazine articles = 80 Newspaper articles = 68 Radio interviews = 36 (Excl. Radio5) TV interviews = 7 (Excl. MK coverage) Mobile site hits over 1.5 wks: 517 Unique Browsers 4,059 Page Impressions (7.8 pages per user) Results from RTD media campaign:
17. Dealing with media Push vs. pull, pull vs. push - year on year growth
21. Remember, remember Choose your tools wisely T-E-A-M Think like everyone else Never pull favours Budget for the unknown Ubuntu Collaboration, celebration Doh, re, me spells strategy Content is KING Give as good as you get Track and evaluate Be wise, condomise
23. 20 November 2008 Presentation to PR Success Strategies Conference THANK YOU Arrow back to return to previous slide Arrow forward to proceed to next slide Spacebar to pause or continue