The document analyzes the music video for "Rockstar" by Nickelback and identifies several elements that could influence the production of the author's own music video. These include the effective use of lip syncing, simple but effective camera work including close-ups, and precise editing to perfectly sync the lip syncing with the song.
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Rockstar – nickleback
1. Rockstar – Nickleback
Textual Analysis
Rockstar by Nickleback is a video that is an influence as it is a whole
video of lip-syncing, and as lip syncing is an important part of our
video it is good to see how it should be done.
The sound of this video is obviously important, as the song is what
the video is an advertisement for. The song in the Rockstar video has
no meaning within the video as it does not follow any narrative but Is
simply a number of people, each singing part of the song. This
influences out video as lip-syncing plays a big part throughout our
The mise en scene is another thing that is relatively inconsequential
to the actual song. It is set in a number of locations, most of which
have little significance on the song, however, in our video our
locations will hopefully tie in with the lyrics.
The camera work in this video is very simply but also very effective.
The video uses close ups of a variety of people who are all lip-syncing
something we need to pay close attention to as we will be aiming to
include many close ups our lead singer singing. The concept of the
close ups is simple but it is something that if we do not do correctly
will ruin the effect of the lip-syncing.
The editing of this video is the key thing that we can take to use for
own video. We must make sure that the song and our lip-syncing is
perfectly synced in order to create the effect that our singer is
genuinely singing the song.