Rohitprakash summarizes his one month training with Miniplanet, a company that provides education and school management solutions. He learned techniques for B2B marketing from his mentor. Through meetings with customers, he was able to overcome initial problems discussing product positioning. His observations included that Miniplanet aims to empower rural and urban schools, but faces challenges as a new organization. Competitors have captured much of the Lucknow market, but schools want solutions and see potential for Miniplanet's business despite the competition.
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Rohit prakash
1. Rohitprakash
ICCMRT, Lucknow
Summaryof training
Firstof all thanksto miniplanet forprovidingsucha goodplatformtolearnsome basicsof B2B
marketingandespeciallyourmentorMr. SankarshanSirfor theirmotivation.
At starting,Idontknowthe technique of B2BmarketingsoI face some problemlike how totalk
someone aboutourproductespeciallypositioningof productincustomermind.ButI sort outthese
problemswhenIattendedsome meetingwithcustomers.
These are the followingpointswhichIobserved inmylastone month trainingandspendsome good
time withminiplanet-
# Aboutthe organization____Miniplanetisworkingforempoweringthe schoolsfromrural urban
areas.It isprovidingcompletesolutionsforeducationandschoolsmanagement.
Challenges,whichwasIface inthe marketaboutthe companyis , itis a new organizationand,asa new
organizationitwill take time tosetup.
# Aboutthe services___servicesprovide byminiplanetare verygood.Itisobservedthat price are very
high..accordingtoschool managers.
# Aboutourmarket____ Inthe lucknowIsaw in my surveymostof the schoolsare coveredbyour
competitorsandotherschoolsare facingproblemlike fund,lackof strength ,andothermanagerial
problems.But schoolsare wantingsolutionsanditisa ray of hope forour business.
#Aboutthe competitor_____Lucknowmarketismostlycoveredyeducomp,HCl , teachnextandhelix.
Miniplanetprovidesbetterservicesamongthese.Butitisnota brandname so there are some problem
innmarketcapturing.In the surveyIobserve thatschoolsare wantingsolutionssoif there are heavy
competition,challengesinthe marketbutthere are some goodbusinessinlucknow.