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Recast of the Directive on restrictions
of hazardous substances in electrical
      and electronic equipment

       Brussels, 14 July 2009
             Madalina Caprusu
   European Commission  DG Environment
Current RoHS Directive

Objective: to avoid leakage of hazardous substances from waste to the
environment and to prevent contamination with these substances when
recycling materials
Key elements:
      Ban on the use of 4 heavy metals and 2 brominated flame
      retardants in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)
      Scope of products leaning on the WEEE Directive
      Exemptions by comitology, based on availability of alternatives
      and an assessment of their impacts in terms of environment,
      health, and consumer safety
Similar legislation adopted by China, Korea, Japan, some U.S.
The RoHS Recast
Why a revised RoHS?

Better Regulation
     Problems with implementation
     Coherency with other legislation

Article 6 current RoHS:
     Inclusion of Medical Devices and Measurement and Control
     Equipment (categories 8 and 9)
     Adaptation of the list of restricted substances
Current RoHS                         Proposal (Art.2, Annexes I and II)
  Based on the WEEE Directive           Product categories and binding
        EEE under categories 1 -        list of products defining the
        7 and 10 of Annex IA of         scope are set under RoHS
        the WEEE Directive              Products list  amendable
        Electric light bulbs and        through comitology
        luminaries in households        Inclusion of categories 8&9
  Not spare parts for repair or         Not spare parts for compliant
  reuse of EEE put on the market        EEE
  before 1/7/2006
  Not (guidance):                       Not (legal text):
        Military                               Military
        Equipment designed as part             Equipment designed as part
        of another equipment                   of another equipment
        Fixed installation                     Fixed installation (clarified)
Current RoHS                         Proposal (Art. 3)
        EEE                                   EEE
        Producer                              EU marketing of
  Main problem: some definitions              products legislation
  are unclear (e.g. producer) or            definitions e.g.
  missing (e.g. put on the                   manufacturer, distributor,
  market)                                    making available on the
                                              market, market
                                              surveillance etc.
                                              Categories 8&9
                                              definitions (e.g. AIMD)
                                              Homogenous material
Substance restrictions
Current RoHS                       Proposal (Art. 4(7), Annex IV)
  Ban on the use of heavy metals      No changes to the list of
  (Pb, Hg,Cd,CrVI) and                substances
  brominated flame retardants         Substance restriction
  (PBB&PBDE) in EEE put on the        mechanism in line with the
  market after 1/7/2006               REACH methodology
  Maximum concentration               List of banned substances and
  values (MCVs) to be tolerated       MCVs - amendable through
  regarding compliance (Annex)        comitology instead of co-
  New substances  co-decision        decision
                                      4 substances identified for
                                      priority assessment
Current RoHS                            Proposal (Art. 5, Art.4(4)(f),
   Art. 5(1)(b)- Criteria for              Annexes V&VI)
   granting exemptions:                    4-year maximum validity period,
          if elimination or                with possibility of requesting
          substitution is technically      renewals
          or scientifically                New exemption criteria:
          impracticable, or                availability and reliability of
          where the negative               substitutes and socio-economic
          environmental, health            impacts.
          and/or consumer safety           Permission to use non-
          impacts caused by                compliant spare parts is
          substitution are likely to       extended to equipment
          outweigh the                     benefitting from an exemption
          environmental, health            New annex - exemptions for
          and/or consumer safety           categories 8&9
   Review  at least every 4 years         Rules for exemption request -
   or 4 years after                        comitology
   Applications listed in the

Current RoHS:                       Proposal (Arts. 7-17)
   Art. 4: MS to ensure that from
   1/7/06 products put on the EU
   market comply
                                       Alignment with the recently
   Does not foresee compliance         adopted EU "Marketing of
   procedures or standards to be       Products" legislation
                                       Harmonised provisions on
   Compliance: is entirely             conformity assessment
   competence of the MS.               procedures, CE marking and
   2006-MS have set up an              market surveillance
   informal Enforcement Bodies
Summary of proposed modifications

   Clarification of scope and definitions
   Inclusion of Medical Devices and Measurement and Control Equipment
   A clearer mechanism for identifying and restricting the use of additional
   hazardous substances
   Adaptation of the procedure for exemptions
   Harmonisation of conformity assessment requirements with EU
   legislation on the Marketing of Products

Full COM proposal downloadable at:

    Thank you for your attention.

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RoHS Roundtable FH 2009 July 14

  • 1. Recast of the Directive on restrictions of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Roundtable Brussels, 14 July 2009 Madalina Caprusu European Commission DG Environment
  • 2. Current RoHS Directive Objective: to avoid leakage of hazardous substances from waste to the environment and to prevent contamination with these substances when recycling materials Key elements: Ban on the use of 4 heavy metals and 2 brominated flame retardants in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) Scope of products leaning on the WEEE Directive Exemptions by comitology, based on availability of alternatives and an assessment of their impacts in terms of environment, health, and consumer safety Similar legislation adopted by China, Korea, Japan, some U.S. states
  • 4. Why a revised RoHS? Better Regulation Problems with implementation Coherency with other legislation Article 6 current RoHS: Inclusion of Medical Devices and Measurement and Control Equipment (categories 8 and 9) Adaptation of the list of restricted substances
  • 5. Scope Current RoHS Proposal (Art.2, Annexes I and II) Based on the WEEE Directive Product categories and binding EEE under categories 1 - list of products defining the 7 and 10 of Annex IA of scope are set under RoHS the WEEE Directive Products list amendable Electric light bulbs and through comitology luminaries in households Inclusion of categories 8&9 Not spare parts for repair or Not spare parts for compliant reuse of EEE put on the market EEE before 1/7/2006 Not (guidance): Not (legal text): Military Military Equipment designed as part Equipment designed as part of another equipment of another equipment Fixed installation Fixed installation (clarified)
  • 6. Definitions Current RoHS Proposal (Art. 3) EEE EEE Producer EU marketing of Main problem: some definitions products legislation are unclear (e.g. producer) or definitions e.g. missing (e.g. put on the manufacturer, distributor, market) making available on the market, market surveillance etc. Categories 8&9 definitions (e.g. AIMD) Homogenous material
  • 7. Substance restrictions Current RoHS Proposal (Art. 4(7), Annex IV) Ban on the use of heavy metals No changes to the list of (Pb, Hg,Cd,CrVI) and substances brominated flame retardants Substance restriction (PBB&PBDE) in EEE put on the mechanism in line with the market after 1/7/2006 REACH methodology Maximum concentration List of banned substances and values (MCVs) to be tolerated MCVs - amendable through regarding compliance (Annex) comitology instead of co- New substances co-decision decision 4 substances identified for priority assessment
  • 8. Exemptions Current RoHS Proposal (Art. 5, Art.4(4)(f), Art. 5(1)(b)- Criteria for Annexes V&VI) granting exemptions: 4-year maximum validity period, if elimination or with possibility of requesting substitution is technically renewals or scientifically New exemption criteria: impracticable, or availability and reliability of where the negative substitutes and socio-economic environmental, health impacts. and/or consumer safety Permission to use non- impacts caused by compliant spare parts is substitution are likely to extended to equipment outweigh the benefitting from an exemption environmental, health New annex - exemptions for and/or consumer safety categories 8&9 benefits Review at least every 4 years Rules for exemption request - or 4 years after comitology Applications listed in the Annex
  • 9. Compliance Current RoHS: Proposal (Arts. 7-17) Art. 4: MS to ensure that from 1/7/06 products put on the EU market comply Alignment with the recently Does not foresee compliance adopted EU "Marketing of procedures or standards to be Products" legislation applied Harmonised provisions on Compliance: is entirely conformity assessment competence of the MS. procedures, CE marking and 2006-MS have set up an market surveillance informal Enforcement Bodies Network
  • 10. Summary of proposed modifications Clarification of scope and definitions Inclusion of Medical Devices and Measurement and Control Equipment A clearer mechanism for identifying and restricting the use of additional hazardous substances Adaptation of the procedure for exemptions Harmonisation of conformity assessment requirements with EU legislation on the Marketing of Products Full COM proposal downloadable at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/weee/pdf/com_2008_809.pdf Thank you for your attention.