2. Introduction
Getting enough vitamin D helps the growth and development of
bones and teeth. It may also provide improved resistance to certain
3. uses
Your body produces vitamin D naturally when its directly exposed to sunlight.
You can also get vitamin D from certain foods and supplements to ensure
adequate levels of the vitamin in your blood.
Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are
regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and facilitatingTrusted
Source healthy immune system function.
Getting enough vitamin D is important for the typical growth and
development of bones and teeth and for improving resistance to certain
4. uses
Research has shown that vitamin D might play an important role in
regulating mood and decreasing the risk of depression.
A reviewTrusted Source of 7,534 people found that those experiencing
negative emotions who received vitamin D supplements noticed an
improvement in symptoms. Vitamin D supplementation may help
people with depression who also have a vitamin D deficiency.
Another studyTrusted Source identified low vitamin D levels as a risk
factor for more severe fibromyalgia symptoms, anxiety, and depression.
5. Deficiency
Several factors can affect your ability to get adequate vitamin D from sunlight alone.
You may be less likelyTrusted Source to absorb enough vitamin D from the sun if you:
live in an area with high pollution
use sunscreen
spend most of your time indoors
live in a big city where buildings block sunlight
have darker skin (The higher the levels of melanin, the less vitamin D your skin can absorb.
These factors can increase your risk of vitamin D deficiency, so its important to get some of
your vitamin D from sources other than sunlight.