Webinar conducted by Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University on the topic 'Perspectives of politics of education', handled by the Resource Person
J.Vinotha Jaya Kumari,
Alumnus of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Tirunelveli- 627 012
Vocationalisation of secondary education and career developmentUttam Sharma
The document discusses the philosophy and need for vocational education at the secondary level in India. It outlines key recommendations from the Kothari Commission in the 1960s that vocational and general education should be blended. The National Policy on Vocational Education was launched in 1988 to introduce vocational training in 10,000 secondary schools. However, vocational education failed to succeed in India due to issues like a lack of trained teachers, insufficient funding, and poor industry linkages.
Right Knowledge (Satya Gyan) is the key issue in Axiology of Samkhya Philosophy
Desirable & Undesirable activity depends upon-Right Knowledge (Satya Gyan)
Samkhya considers Yoga Sadhana way (Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratyahaara, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi) necessary to acquire the great vows and rules of values.
Human can control his unethical perception only through compliance of these moral great vows and rules
Comparison of teacher education in France, England and GermanyA Being Blog
In England, teachers must obtain qualified teacher status by completing a bachelor's degree, passing skills tests in literacy and numeracy, observing classroom lessons, interviewing for a teacher training program, and completing a one-year initial teacher training program. In France, teachers study for five years at university with the last two years focusing on teaching, then must pass a competitive exam to obtain their license. They may then be assigned to teach anywhere in France. In Germany, teachers complete a bachelor's and master's degree in education, and a one to two-year teacher training program where they may be assigned to multiple schools, after which they are prepared to teach two to three subjects.
Research in Education (Unit 6) - UGC NET Education Paper IIThiyagu K
This presentation slides describe the contents of Research in Education (Paper-II - Unit 6 - UGC NET Education) into four parts. The contents involved in this presentation are the scope of scientific research, research design, types of research, hypothesis, variables, sample, tools, quantitative data analysis, quantitative data analysis, qualitative research, and mixed research. This material can help the UGC NET Educational Aspirants prepare Unit 6 (Research in Education) in the Paper-II syllabus.
The document discusses the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in India. The Government of India collaborated with the UN and World Bank to implement the People with Disabilities Act. As part of this, the DPEP was established with the goal of universal primary education by 2000, specifically focusing on including children with mild to moderate disabilities in schools. By 2006, DPEP was operating in 23 districts across 3 Indian states and had enrolled 600,000 children with disabilities.
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 as an autonomous body under the University Grants Commission. NAAC assesses and accredits higher education institutions in India on certain criteria through a self-study report and peer review process. Its accreditation is mandatory for universities to be eligible for UGC grants and financial aid. NAAC has accredited over 122 universities and 2,486 colleges so far.
The document summarizes research on the gap between findings from educational research and government policies on teacher education in India. It outlines some key findings from research, including that teachers agree students should be actively involved in learning but differ on goals for student motivation versus intellectual engagement. However, government policies do not always incorporate research findings and instead consider them as just one input. The document also reviews India's legal framework and policies for teacher education over time.
14. teacher training under the sarva shiksha abhiyanBrinal Lopes
The document discusses teacher training under India's Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program. It outlines SSA's emphasis on building teacher capacity through regular in-service training programs. SSA provides up to 20 days of annual training per teacher, with 10 days at the block resource center level and 10 days at the cluster/school level. It also provides 30 days of induction training for newly recruited teachers and 60 days of training for untrained teachers. The training covers pedagogical issues and child-centered teaching methods. National guidelines developed by NCERT recommend a "split up" 10-day training model with classroom observation and experience sharing. States have developed training modules focused on subjects, active learning methods,
The document discusses curriculum and the hidden curriculum. It provides definitions of curriculum from various sources that describe it as comprising all planned learning within and outside of school. It outlines principles of curriculum construction including being child-centered, community-centered, balanced, needs-based, useful, creative, and flexible. It notes major defects in current curriculums like being exam-oriented and lacking practical elements. It defines hidden curriculum as unintended lessons learned from social environments and structures within schools. These can reinforce social inequalities by educating students according to their class or status. The conclusion states that the current curriculum needs reorganization to align with principles and address its rigidness across age groups, while the hidden curriculum will always be present in
The exclusion of a school subject from the curriculum Dr. M. Deivam
The document discusses reasons for excluding school subjects from the curriculum. Some reasons include: a subject being outdated or irrelevant to student needs; containing useless material; not matching student interests or skills; and students not learning effectively. Other reasons are: lack of available resources or learning materials; insufficient infrastructure; inability to complete activities in the timeframe; difficulty in assessment; and lack of expert teachers. The document argues that subjects should be excluded if they do not meet learning outcomes or have available qualified teachers.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a flagship program launched in 2001 with the aim of providing universal elementary education in India. SSA aims to provide free and compulsory education to all children between ages 6-14. It was pioneered by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to involve central and state governments in achieving the goal of universal elementary education through community involvement. Key objectives of SSA include ensuring all children are in school and complete 5 and 8 years of primary and elementary schooling respectively by 2007 and 2010, with a focus on reducing gender and social gaps.
The document discusses the case study method of qualitative research. It defines a case study as an in-depth analysis of an individual, group, or event. The case study method involves two stages: diagnosis, where information is collected to analyze the causes of a problem, and treatment, where the clinician tries to modify behavior and the environment. Key steps in a case study include identifying the problem, collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources, identifying causes, and suggesting and implementing remedial measures. While time-consuming, case studies provide comprehensive understanding of individual behavior in context.
This presentation provides an overview of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program in India. SSA was launched in 2002 with the goal of providing universal elementary education and reducing educational disparities. Key points of the presentation include:
- SSA aims to provide 8 years of quality education to all children ages 6-14 by 2010.
- It focuses on increasing access, enrollment, and retention, especially for girls and disadvantaged groups.
- SSA integrates prior programs like Operation Blackboard, DPEP, and the Mid-Day Meal scheme.
- Enrollment has increased significantly since SSA's launch, though challenges remain in improving quality and reducing dropout rates.
This document discusses the structure, aims, and functions of higher education. It begins by defining higher education as continued study after secondary school, around age 18. It then outlines the major streams (science, arts, commerce) that students can pursue and the exam-based nature of higher education programs. The key objectives of higher education are described as providing wisdom and knowledge, furthering social aims like democracy and equality, cultivating higher values, and training future leaders. The document also discusses the national policy's view of higher education's role in developing specialized skills and knowledge to contribute to national development. Finally, it concludes that higher education prepares students for tertiary education and research at universities while conducting teaching, applied work, and social services.
Learning Objectives
After going through this module, the learner will be able to
Get awareness about the recent initiatives of the DoSE&L for school education such as PGI, UDISE+, etc. for implementation in the schools.
Understand the objectives and provisions under Samagra Shiksha for improving quality of school education
Take initiatives in schools with regard to promoting reading habits using library books and undertake activities related to sports, kitchen gardens, Youth and Eco Clubs, etc., for providing children experiential learning opportunities and joyful learning
Paper presentation made by Maddali Laxmi Swetha, MBA (HR)
Maddali Swetha Blog - http://maddaliswetha.blogspot.com/ https://in.linkedin.com/in/maddali-swetha-a0a424a6
E-Mail ID: maddali_swetha@yahoo.com
Thank You
The document discusses gender and education. It defines gender as the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles and relationships between groups. Gender varies across societies and is taught rather than innate. Sex refers to the biological differences between males and females, such as reproductive organs and chromosomes. While sex is fixed, gender is a social construct that differs over time and place. The document explores gender roles and stereotypes in various societies.
Inclusive education and right to education in IndiaMadhu Mahesh Raj
The document discusses inclusive education and the right to education in India. It outlines key points of relevant acts that promote inclusive education and free education for children with disabilities up to age 18. It also discusses advantages and challenges of implementing inclusive education in India, such as lack of teacher training and resources. The Right to Education Act of 2009 is also summarized, which made education a fundamental right for children ages 6 to 14 and included provisions for free education, uniforms, books, and meals. Recommendations to address challenges in implementing inclusive education and the act are provided.
National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE).pptxMonojitGope
The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) was established in 1973 and given statutory status in 1995 to regulate and promote teacher education programs in India. It oversees 15 teacher education programs and sets standards for curriculum, qualifications, infrastructure, and accreditation. Key functions of NCTE include coordinating teacher education, developing norms and standards, approving new institutions and programs, enforcing accountability, and advising governments on teacher education policies. The 2014 NCTE Regulations aim to improve teacher education by increasing program durations, integrating programs, emphasizing school-based learning and ICT/inclusion. NCTE carries out its work through regional committees and standing committees that focus on different levels and types of teacher education.
Structure of Teacher Education System in India by Garima Tandongarimatandon10
The document summarizes the structure of the teacher education system in India. It discusses the key agencies involved in teacher education at the international, national, state, and local levels. At the national level, important agencies include NCTE, UGC, NCERT, and NUEPA. At the state level, key agencies are SIE/SCERT and SBTE. Important local level agencies include DIET. The document also outlines the various teacher education programs in India based on level and eligibility.
BRC and CRC are two resources used for academic activities and resource teachers training programs. here the definition of brc and crc and role of BRC and CRC for disabled childrens. under SSA
The presentation is prepared for pre service teacher trainees of Geography subject. it is a brief description of various learning resources or teaching aids which are used in learning and teaching of Geography subjet.
E-Learning and Earning Ltd 2003 Of Bangladeshcimivav291
E-Learning and Earning Ltd. has been the foremost information technology service provider since 2013.
The training programs of e-Learning and Earning Ltd. a wide range of skills that are integral and necessary parts of everyday business. In our quest to address every organizational development need, we offer a gamut of training programs, which ranges from Executive Coaching and Leadership Training to basic Communication Skills.
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14. teacher training under the sarva shiksha abhiyanBrinal Lopes
The document discusses teacher training under India's Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program. It outlines SSA's emphasis on building teacher capacity through regular in-service training programs. SSA provides up to 20 days of annual training per teacher, with 10 days at the block resource center level and 10 days at the cluster/school level. It also provides 30 days of induction training for newly recruited teachers and 60 days of training for untrained teachers. The training covers pedagogical issues and child-centered teaching methods. National guidelines developed by NCERT recommend a "split up" 10-day training model with classroom observation and experience sharing. States have developed training modules focused on subjects, active learning methods,
The document discusses curriculum and the hidden curriculum. It provides definitions of curriculum from various sources that describe it as comprising all planned learning within and outside of school. It outlines principles of curriculum construction including being child-centered, community-centered, balanced, needs-based, useful, creative, and flexible. It notes major defects in current curriculums like being exam-oriented and lacking practical elements. It defines hidden curriculum as unintended lessons learned from social environments and structures within schools. These can reinforce social inequalities by educating students according to their class or status. The conclusion states that the current curriculum needs reorganization to align with principles and address its rigidness across age groups, while the hidden curriculum will always be present in
The exclusion of a school subject from the curriculum Dr. M. Deivam
The document discusses reasons for excluding school subjects from the curriculum. Some reasons include: a subject being outdated or irrelevant to student needs; containing useless material; not matching student interests or skills; and students not learning effectively. Other reasons are: lack of available resources or learning materials; insufficient infrastructure; inability to complete activities in the timeframe; difficulty in assessment; and lack of expert teachers. The document argues that subjects should be excluded if they do not meet learning outcomes or have available qualified teachers.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a flagship program launched in 2001 with the aim of providing universal elementary education in India. SSA aims to provide free and compulsory education to all children between ages 6-14. It was pioneered by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to involve central and state governments in achieving the goal of universal elementary education through community involvement. Key objectives of SSA include ensuring all children are in school and complete 5 and 8 years of primary and elementary schooling respectively by 2007 and 2010, with a focus on reducing gender and social gaps.
The document discusses the case study method of qualitative research. It defines a case study as an in-depth analysis of an individual, group, or event. The case study method involves two stages: diagnosis, where information is collected to analyze the causes of a problem, and treatment, where the clinician tries to modify behavior and the environment. Key steps in a case study include identifying the problem, collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources, identifying causes, and suggesting and implementing remedial measures. While time-consuming, case studies provide comprehensive understanding of individual behavior in context.
This presentation provides an overview of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program in India. SSA was launched in 2002 with the goal of providing universal elementary education and reducing educational disparities. Key points of the presentation include:
- SSA aims to provide 8 years of quality education to all children ages 6-14 by 2010.
- It focuses on increasing access, enrollment, and retention, especially for girls and disadvantaged groups.
- SSA integrates prior programs like Operation Blackboard, DPEP, and the Mid-Day Meal scheme.
- Enrollment has increased significantly since SSA's launch, though challenges remain in improving quality and reducing dropout rates.
This document discusses the structure, aims, and functions of higher education. It begins by defining higher education as continued study after secondary school, around age 18. It then outlines the major streams (science, arts, commerce) that students can pursue and the exam-based nature of higher education programs. The key objectives of higher education are described as providing wisdom and knowledge, furthering social aims like democracy and equality, cultivating higher values, and training future leaders. The document also discusses the national policy's view of higher education's role in developing specialized skills and knowledge to contribute to national development. Finally, it concludes that higher education prepares students for tertiary education and research at universities while conducting teaching, applied work, and social services.
Learning Objectives
After going through this module, the learner will be able to
Get awareness about the recent initiatives of the DoSE&L for school education such as PGI, UDISE+, etc. for implementation in the schools.
Understand the objectives and provisions under Samagra Shiksha for improving quality of school education
Take initiatives in schools with regard to promoting reading habits using library books and undertake activities related to sports, kitchen gardens, Youth and Eco Clubs, etc., for providing children experiential learning opportunities and joyful learning
Paper presentation made by Maddali Laxmi Swetha, MBA (HR)
Maddali Swetha Blog - http://maddaliswetha.blogspot.com/ https://in.linkedin.com/in/maddali-swetha-a0a424a6
E-Mail ID: maddali_swetha@yahoo.com
Thank You
The document discusses gender and education. It defines gender as the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles and relationships between groups. Gender varies across societies and is taught rather than innate. Sex refers to the biological differences between males and females, such as reproductive organs and chromosomes. While sex is fixed, gender is a social construct that differs over time and place. The document explores gender roles and stereotypes in various societies.
Inclusive education and right to education in IndiaMadhu Mahesh Raj
The document discusses inclusive education and the right to education in India. It outlines key points of relevant acts that promote inclusive education and free education for children with disabilities up to age 18. It also discusses advantages and challenges of implementing inclusive education in India, such as lack of teacher training and resources. The Right to Education Act of 2009 is also summarized, which made education a fundamental right for children ages 6 to 14 and included provisions for free education, uniforms, books, and meals. Recommendations to address challenges in implementing inclusive education and the act are provided.
National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE).pptxMonojitGope
The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) was established in 1973 and given statutory status in 1995 to regulate and promote teacher education programs in India. It oversees 15 teacher education programs and sets standards for curriculum, qualifications, infrastructure, and accreditation. Key functions of NCTE include coordinating teacher education, developing norms and standards, approving new institutions and programs, enforcing accountability, and advising governments on teacher education policies. The 2014 NCTE Regulations aim to improve teacher education by increasing program durations, integrating programs, emphasizing school-based learning and ICT/inclusion. NCTE carries out its work through regional committees and standing committees that focus on different levels and types of teacher education.
Structure of Teacher Education System in India by Garima Tandongarimatandon10
The document summarizes the structure of the teacher education system in India. It discusses the key agencies involved in teacher education at the international, national, state, and local levels. At the national level, important agencies include NCTE, UGC, NCERT, and NUEPA. At the state level, key agencies are SIE/SCERT and SBTE. Important local level agencies include DIET. The document also outlines the various teacher education programs in India based on level and eligibility.
BRC and CRC are two resources used for academic activities and resource teachers training programs. here the definition of brc and crc and role of BRC and CRC for disabled childrens. under SSA
The presentation is prepared for pre service teacher trainees of Geography subject. it is a brief description of various learning resources or teaching aids which are used in learning and teaching of Geography subjet.
E-Learning and Earning Ltd 2003 Of Bangladeshcimivav291
E-Learning and Earning Ltd. has been the foremost information technology service provider since 2013.
The training programs of e-Learning and Earning Ltd. a wide range of skills that are integral and necessary parts of everyday business. In our quest to address every organizational development need, we offer a gamut of training programs, which ranges from Executive Coaching and Leadership Training to basic Communication Skills.
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