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R aresM ihail Bocanet
R azv
Romania  European country
 About 19 millions peoples
 With a surface area of 238,391
square kilometers, Romania is the
largest country in southeastern
 Romania is a semi-presidential
republic, in which the executive
branch consists of the President and
the Government;
 Romania joined NATO in 2004,
and the European Union in 2007;
 Romania's terrain is distributed
roughly equally between
mountainous, hilly and lowland
territories. The Carpathian
Mountains dominate the centre of
Romania, with 14 mountain
ranges reaching above 2,000 m (the
highest point is Moldoveanu
Peak 2,544 m)
Romania in numbers
The vegetation includes three major areas:
 steppe and forested steppe  specific to the
plains, but intensely transformed by practicing
 the forest fund of decidous and coniferous
trees, with precious species of z但mbru (Pinus
cembra)and yew tree (Taxus bacata)
 the alpine vegetation, with rare floristic
species: rose bay, the edelweiss ("the queens
flower"), the gentian, the sweet pea and a
unique world: Garofi釘a Pietrii Craiului (Piatra
Craiului pink).
In Banat and the Northern part of Oltenia,
Mediterranean species appear: the almond tree,
the lilac and the wild fig tree, the black and
maritime pine.
At the moment, the forests cover a little over
26% of Romanias surface. In what concerns the
trees, the beech prevails, followed by the oak,
the conifers and other species.
Over 400,000 ha of the countrys territory are
affected by the draught, as a result of the
The fauna comprises of rare species: the
bustard, the lynx, the mountain cock, the black
grouse, the pelican, the white-tailed eagle, the
sturgeons (fishes with black spawn), but also
large stocks of chamois, bear, wolf. Extincted
species have been introduced into the specific
habitat, such as the alpine marmot (the Retezat
and Rodna Mountains), the bison (Ha釘eg and in
the counties of D但mbovi釘a and Neam釘), the
moufflon (Dobrogea), the raccoon dog
(Nyctereutes procyonoides) Romania is
considered the richest European country in what
the hunting stock is concerned.
The existence of some unique natural
landscapes, the presence of many rare species of
vegetation and fauna required certain protection
measures of the environment. During the inter-
war period the first natural park is created  The
Retezat National Park (1935)  and the first
natural reserves are constituted.
In September 1990, the Romanian Government declared
the Danube Delta and some nearby areas (580 000ha) as
a Biosphere Reserve (RBDD).
In the same year the Danube Delta was recognized as a
wetland of international importance, especially as a
waterfowl habitat, and it was included in the RAMSAR
Convention together with other 600 similar areas.
In December 1990, the Danube Delta was included on the
UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage
The only delta in the world which was declared reserve of the biosphere.
It has the most compact reed plot in the world.
It annually grows with 40 square meters.
There are 135 species of fish and 331 species of birds in the Danube Delta, most of them
protected. The Danube Delta is also called  the birds paradise.
There are many excellent bird watching areas in Romania, the most stunning of which is
the Danube Delta - 5000 square kilometers of waterways, lakes, floating reed islets,
sand dunes and virgin forest.
Riverside coppices
(oaks, poplars, willows,
wild vine, lianas)
The great egret
The swan
The pelican 
the largest colony in Europe
Sturgeons (source of caviar)
The polecat
*Bacau county had a population of
616,168 and the population density is
93 of inhabitants/km族;
*Holds 2,8 % of Romania surface;
*Holds 3 municipalities (Bacau, Onesti,
Moinesti) and 5 smaller cities:
(Buhui, Comneti, Drmneti, Slni
c-Moldova i T但rgu Ocna);
*Has 49.1% forests in their area, while
Romania has 26% of their surface
covered with forests (Europe average
is 29%);
Citys panoramas
The town was first mentioned in 1408 when
Prince Alexander the Good of Moldavia (1400
1432) listed the customs points in the principality
in his privilege for Polish merchants
Men bearing the name Bak坦 are documented in Transylvania in the Middle Ages. The
town may have been named after a Hungarian innkeeper who, supposedly, had an
inn, the first building in the town, on the road from Bacu to Roman.
Today, the name of our town is
linked with the great poet George
Although his real name was George
Vasiliu, he wanted to be recognized
as poet of Bacau city.
He wrote sad poems like:
Plumb(Lead), Singur(Alone), etc.
*International airport
*Central library
*Culture house
*Recreational island
*History Museum
*The Astronomical Observatory
*The prefecture
*The Olympic International Basin
*Ruins of the Royal Court
The Astronomical Observatory Victor Anestin
Was built between 1886-1890, after a competition won in 1880 by architect Paul
Petricu, participating with the work that bear the motto "Justice.
(The Administrative Palace  night view)
The Olympic
International Basin
Today Citys panoramas
The Orthodox
Is the newest church from
Bacau and its still in
This cathedral has 18 bells:
-13 bells for carillons
-5 bells for peal
The Cancicov
*Computer science
*First aid
*Environmental protection
*Road education
*Fashion design
*Easel painting
*Traditional music
*Folk music
*Puppet theater
*European Studies
* Handball
*Fashion design club
Journalism club
The green corner (of ecology club)
*Canto club
*Theater club
The students from all of
the clubs of Bacau
Children`s Palace are
pleased to be partners in
this project!

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  • 1. OUR COUNTRY, OUR TOWN, OUR SCHOOL R aresM ihail Bocanet R azv anCons tantinStinga
  • 3. About 19 millions peoples With a surface area of 238,391 square kilometers, Romania is the largest country in southeastern Europe; Romania is a semi-presidential republic, in which the executive branch consists of the President and the Government; Romania joined NATO in 2004, and the European Union in 2007; Romania's terrain is distributed roughly equally between mountainous, hilly and lowland territories. The Carpathian Mountains dominate the centre of Romania, with 14 mountain ranges reaching above 2,000 m (the highest point is Moldoveanu Peak 2,544 m) Romania in numbers
  • 5. * The vegetation includes three major areas: steppe and forested steppe specific to the plains, but intensely transformed by practicing agriculture the forest fund of decidous and coniferous trees, with precious species of z但mbru (Pinus cembra)and yew tree (Taxus bacata) the alpine vegetation, with rare floristic species: rose bay, the edelweiss ("the queens flower"), the gentian, the sweet pea and a unique world: Garofi釘a Pietrii Craiului (Piatra Craiului pink). In Banat and the Northern part of Oltenia, Mediterranean species appear: the almond tree, the lilac and the wild fig tree, the black and maritime pine. At the moment, the forests cover a little over 26% of Romanias surface. In what concerns the trees, the beech prevails, followed by the oak, the conifers and other species. SEND
  • 6. * Over 400,000 ha of the countrys territory are affected by the draught, as a result of the pollution. The fauna comprises of rare species: the bustard, the lynx, the mountain cock, the black grouse, the pelican, the white-tailed eagle, the sturgeons (fishes with black spawn), but also large stocks of chamois, bear, wolf. Extincted species have been introduced into the specific habitat, such as the alpine marmot (the Retezat and Rodna Mountains), the bison (Ha釘eg and in the counties of D但mbovi釘a and Neam釘), the moufflon (Dobrogea), the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) Romania is considered the richest European country in what the hunting stock is concerned. The existence of some unique natural landscapes, the presence of many rare species of vegetation and fauna required certain protection measures of the environment. During the inter- war period the first natural park is created The Retezat National Park (1935) and the first natural reserves are constituted.
  • 7. In September 1990, the Romanian Government declared the Danube Delta and some nearby areas (580 000ha) as a Biosphere Reserve (RBDD). In the same year the Danube Delta was recognized as a wetland of international importance, especially as a waterfowl habitat, and it was included in the RAMSAR Convention together with other 600 similar areas. In December 1990, the Danube Delta was included on the UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage THE DANUBE DELTA NATURAL RESERVE OF THE BIOSPHERE The only delta in the world which was declared reserve of the biosphere. It has the most compact reed plot in the world. It annually grows with 40 square meters. There are 135 species of fish and 331 species of birds in the Danube Delta, most of them protected. The Danube Delta is also called the birds paradise. There are many excellent bird watching areas in Romania, the most stunning of which is the Danube Delta - 5000 square kilometers of waterways, lakes, floating reed islets, sand dunes and virgin forest.
  • 8. TYPICALL PLANTS AND ANIMALS IN THE DANUBE DELTA Riverside coppices (oaks, poplars, willows, wild vine, lianas) Water-lilies The great egret The swan The pelican the largest colony in Europe Sturgeons (source of caviar) The polecat
  • 10. * *Bacau county had a population of 616,168 and the population density is 93 of inhabitants/km族; *Holds 2,8 % of Romania surface; *Holds 3 municipalities (Bacau, Onesti, Moinesti) and 5 smaller cities: (Buhui, Comneti, Drmneti, Slni c-Moldova i T但rgu Ocna); *Has 49.1% forests in their area, while Romania has 26% of their surface covered with forests (Europe average is 29%);
  • 12. The town was first mentioned in 1408 when Prince Alexander the Good of Moldavia (1400 1432) listed the customs points in the principality in his privilege for Polish merchants
  • 13. Men bearing the name Bak坦 are documented in Transylvania in the Middle Ages. The town may have been named after a Hungarian innkeeper who, supposedly, had an inn, the first building in the town, on the road from Bacu to Roman.
  • 14. Today, the name of our town is linked with the great poet George Bacovia. Although his real name was George Vasiliu, he wanted to be recognized as poet of Bacau city. He wrote sad poems like: Plumb(Lead), Singur(Alone), etc.
  • 15. * *International airport *Central library *Culture house *Recreational island *History Museum *The Astronomical Observatory *The prefecture *The Olympic International Basin *Ruins of the Royal Court
  • 22. Was built between 1886-1890, after a competition won in 1880 by architect Paul Petricu, participating with the work that bear the motto "Justice.
  • 23. THE PREFECTURE OF BACAU COUNTY (The Administrative Palace night view)
  • 27. The Orthodox Cathedral Is the newest church from Bacau and its still in construction. This cathedral has 18 bells: -13 bells for carillons -5 bells for peal
  • 31. * *Computer science *First aid *Environmental protection *Road education *Electro-technical *Fashion design *Easel painting *Traditional music *Drawing *Folk music *Guitar/piano *Graphics *Puppet theater *European Studies *Journalism *Judo * Handball
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  • 36. The green corner (of ecology club)
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  • 41. The students from all of the clubs of Bacau Children`s Palace are pleased to be partners in this project!