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Romeo And Juliet Dramatic Monologue Essay
Part of her desperately wished that the door had remained shut, that the lights had been out and he had not been home. She would rather that he play such a cruel joke, because Fate seemed to be making a crueler joke on the both of them. It was the only explanation for the anomaly that occurred between them what else could explain the way that she froze when her eyes met his? Or the ease with which she stepped into this Montague home? Fate was making a cruel joke and the punchline was this one gentle Montague and this incredibly selfish Capulet. But if this Capulet was to be the brunt of the universe s humor ( for celestial bodies were not known for having a witty sense of humor ) then she supposed that she might as well laugh along with more content...Too familiarly. It was for a laugh. It was for the joke.
At his concern, she simply shook her head, believing her silence and the stubborn look cast his way to be the only answers necessary. Rest was an ever evasive concept that seemed to slip further and further away with each passing day. If she had wanted to rest then she would have forsaken the streets of Verona a long time ago and would have followed in the footsteps of the coward that she had once known as friend. Such thoughts, however, seemed difficult to hold onto when his soft gaze lingered on her.
A tour? So easily disarmed. So easily ensnared. I would love
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Romeo And Juliet Dramatic Monologue Essay
1. Romeo And Juliet Dramatic Monologue Essay
Part of her desperately wished that the door had remained shut, that the lights had been out and he
had not been home. She would rather that he play such a cruel joke, because Fate seemed to be
making a crueler joke on the both of them. It was the only explanation for the anomaly that occurred
between them –– what else could explain the way that she froze when her eyes met his? Or the ease
with which she stepped into this Montague home? Fate was making a cruel joke and the punchline
was this one gentle Montague and this incredibly selfish Capulet. But if this Capulet was to be the
brunt of the universe's humor ( for celestial bodies were not known for having a witty sense of
humor ) then she supposed that she might as well laugh along with more content...
Too familiarly. It was for a laugh. It was for the joke.
At his concern, she simply shook her head, believing her silence and the stubborn look cast his way
to be the only answers necessary. Rest was an ever–evasive concept that seemed to slip further and
further away with each passing day. If she had wanted to rest then she would have forsaken the
streets of Verona a long time ago and would have followed in the footsteps of the coward that she
had once known as friend. Such thoughts, however, seemed difficult to hold onto when his soft gaze
lingered on her.
"A tour?" So easily disarmed. So easily ensnared. "I would love
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