This document discusses strategies for 21st century learners. It focuses on three key areas: improving classroom management, providing academic and digital learning, and engaging students. Various resources are also cited for ideas on using smart boards and technology in the classroom.
15. Resources
Ideas From:
Photos From:
Flickr (individual websites for the pictures are in the notes
Too Noisy App
Editor's Notes
Hello ladies and gentlemen! My name is Stacy Rone and I am going to give you a glimpse into a 21st century classroom.
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Youre probably wondering what does a snowball and a 21st Century classroom have in common? Well, like a snowball gaining in size and momentum technology is on a roll taking over K-12 classrooms.
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Bright, white SMART boards are a must have for any 21st Century classroom. These powerful digital tools are transforming the way students learn. They are engaging and exciting for all learners while preparing students for the ever-changing digital world!
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Using a SMART board will improve classroom management within the classroom. You can use it to take attendance interactively along with determining what students are having for lunch.
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You can even use it to control the noise level in a classroom during independent work time. Using the SMART board also helps younger students become comfortable using touch screen technology. The possibilities for classroom management are truly endless when using a SMART board.
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A screen shot from the Too Noisy App
Having a SMART board allows teachers to eliminate the need for having eyes in the back of their heads. By using the SMART board teachers can teach from any where in the room and never have to worry about where they position themselves in the classroom. The teacher will no longer have to worry about students misbehaving when they turn their backs.
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During lessons teachers will have students take turns using the equipment. This allows for the children to learn academically and digitally.
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Another great use for the SMART board is to help build motion within the classroom. A teacher could have students use it when demonstrating number sense. In this example students are demonstrating different ways to make the number seven.
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This could also be used in a physical education class to teach students about the long jump. Videos can also be inserted of past performances for students to critique their progress.
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Another example of how to use the SMART board would be to use it during a reading lesson. In this image a teacher is allowing students to compare and contrast two presidents. By using the SMART board it is a fun and interactive demonstration of their knowledge. The teacher also keeps track of who has participated in the lesson on the left side of the display.
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Students can show what they know by participating in test reviews using a SMART board. I know I would have loved to review for a test in this fun and interactive way! It can also be used to give a quick informal assessment throughout lessons as well.
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The object of the SMART board is to wake-up students with a hands-on approach to learning. They will learn by teachers adding a variety of instruction, getting students moving, and providing a novel way to respond to questions.
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My proposal to you is that Im asking for you to spend $2,000 per teacher for a total of $70,000 within a three year time frame. Taking a slower roll out would allow more time for the funds to be provided.
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With all of this being said, how about we shake hands and finalize this project of implementing 21st Century Classrooms? Thank you for your time and support.