The document outlines the work needed for a roof renovation project including installing new windows, galvanized steel ducting, removing obstructions, raising cables and pipes, filling holes, and restoring damaged insulation. Specifically, it will involve installing 230 new windows at a cost of 46,000 SAR, installing 550m of ducting at 27,500 SAR, installing 142m of smaller ducting at 9,900 SAR, raising cables for 2,100 SAR, and restoring 1130m^2 of damaged insulation for 33,000 SAR. The total cost of materials and labor for the roof renovation is outlined.
10. New Sun light Window with 5cm upper the roof surface
Number of target windows is 230 window with dimension
290cm x 95 cm and galvanized Steel duct Z shape 5cm
1.5mm thickness
they coast about =230x 220 SAR = 46000 SAR
18. Installation of Galvanized steel duct with dimension
35cmx20cmx20cm connected to the drain pipe
It is about 550m it will coast about 550m x 50
27,500 SAR=SAR
30. Installation of Galvanized steel duct with dimension
15cmx20cm connected to the drain pipe
It is about 142 m it will coast about 142m x 70
9,900 SAR=SAR
36. Rising the cable (earthing cable) with length about
=SAR2100420 m with coast about =420x 5 SAR
Rising the pipe with length about 100m with coast
about = 100x 6 SAR =600 SAR
46. Filing the pockets and the surface holes with foam
The pockets about 113 with it will coast about 113x 80
SAR =9000 SAR
Remove, restoration, and resealing in with insulation
foam the damaged factory surface
The area of the damaged insulation about 1130m族
with coast about 33000 SAR
Editor's Notes
#11: New Sun light Window with 5cm upper the roof surface