Prehled prezidentu USA s oznacenim jejich stranicke prislusnosti. Data pusobeni se vztahuji ke skutecnemu vykonu funkce; volby jsou kazde 4 roky v listopadu, ale vitez nastupuje do uradu az na pocatku nasledujiciho roku (napr. George Bush zvitezil ve volbach na podzim 2000, ale do funkce nastoupil az roku 2001).
Vedouci predstavitele Ciny po roce 1912 a doba jejich pusobeni. Jejich funkce neni uvedena 但 v jednotlivych obdobich se lisila. Jde vzdy o osoby s nejvetsi faktickou moci ve vymezenem obdobi. Vyhledove na cetne zadosti funkce doplnim.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family and was educated at Harvard and Columbia Law School. He became ill with polio in 1921 and was paralyzed from the waist down. Roosevelt went into politics and was elected Governor of New York and later President of the United States during the Great Depression and World War II. As President, he established programs like Social Security and raised taxes on the wealthy to deal with the economic crisis while leading the nation through World War II until his death in 1945.
Pedn叩邸ka uren叩 pro studenty Gymn叩zia Kladno pedstavuje hlavn鱈 technologick辿 zmny ve v箪voji m辿di鱈 a hodnot鱈 vliv jednotliv箪ch typ哲 m辿di鱈 na spolenost a zp哲soby komunikace.
The Czech language has its roots in Old Church Slavonic and was influenced by Latin and German. It is a West Slavic language that utilizes a modified Latin alphabet and is spoken primarily in the Czech Republic. The two main dialects of Czech are literary and spoken, which became more similar over the 20th century and are widely used today.
The document summarizes the high school experience at a US high school called LCUSD, including the junior high and senior high schools, elementary schools it feeds into, course offerings like media arts and culinary arts, assessments like warm-up quizzes and finals, extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, and school performances, and what students often do after graduation like attend various state universities and community colleges.
Pedn叩邸ka uren叩 pro studenty Gymn叩zia Kladno pedstavuje hlavn鱈 technologick辿 zmny ve v箪voji m辿di鱈 a hodnot鱈 vliv jednotliv箪ch typ哲 m辿di鱈 na spolenost a zp哲soby komunikace.
The Czech language has its roots in Old Church Slavonic and was influenced by Latin and German. It is a West Slavic language that utilizes a modified Latin alphabet and is spoken primarily in the Czech Republic. The two main dialects of Czech are literary and spoken, which became more similar over the 20th century and are widely used today.
The document summarizes the high school experience at a US high school called LCUSD, including the junior high and senior high schools, elementary schools it feeds into, course offerings like media arts and culinary arts, assessments like warm-up quizzes and finals, extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, and school performances, and what students often do after graduation like attend various state universities and community colleges.
California is the most populous US state with over 35 million residents and has the third largest economy driven by Silicon Valley. It has Sacramento as its capital city along with major cities like San Diego and San Jose known for technology and entertainment respectively. Choosing high school involves considering classes, counselors, social opportunities, school culture and the type of teacher-student relationships.
The document discusses shooting as a competitive sport involving tests of proficiency with various firearms. It describes different shooting disciplines like archery, rifle, pistol, and shotgun. It also provides details about biathlon which combines cross-country skiing and shooting. Finally, it provides information about American sport shooter M. Emmons and his Olympic medals in rifle shooting.
This document appears to be a chart showing NASA space shuttle missions from 1981-2010. It lists the space shuttles Columbia, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour with their launch years. Symbols like and x seem to indicate milestones or outcomes for each mission. The bottom section discusses the final mission of the space shuttle Endeavour in 2011 and issues that delayed its launch. It also mentions payloads for that mission like the AMS-02 spectrometer and technology tests for the ORION spacecraft.
5. 禽艶馨看一姻温岳辿 Republik叩ni
Vl叩dnouc鱈 republik叩ni
禽艶馨看一姻温岳辿, kte鱈 jsou v hledaj鱈 e邸en鱈 pomoc鱈
opozici maj鱈 p鱈le転itost dar哲 a chariry
pevz鱈t moc.
Hoover Dam
Obviov叩ni za krizi
11. v prvn鱈ch osmi dnechvl叩dy zachr叩nil banky
(mal辿 nechal zaniknout, velk辿 zachr叩nil)
zprostedkoval jedn叩n鱈 bank辿哲 a politik哲
12. 15 dal邸鱈ch z叩kon哲 ulevilo ekonomiku od dan鱈
Ukonil prohibici (pivo)
Tennessee Valley Authority - pr叩ce pro
nezamstnan箪 jih
13. Znovunabuzen鱈 ekonomiky, nikoliv zest叩tnn鱈
National economic planning
r叩mcov叩 pravidla pro 鍖rmy
reguluje konkurenci pro zachov叩n鱈 prac. m鱈st.
pozdji oznaena za proti炭stavn鱈
14. mnoho z legislativy pozdji prohl叩邸eno za
jeho druh辿 obdob鱈
obavy z dikt叩tora
(Hitler a Roosewelt se dostali k moci stejn箪 rok
- 39)
18. Roosewelt p鱈邸e po転adavek Hitlerovi se seznamem
zem鱈, na kter辿 nem叩 炭toit (ignorov叩no)
Amerika z哲stane neutr叩ln鱈 zem鱈
Pozdji si uvdomuje, 転e pokud se USA
nez炭astn鱈, Evropa padne (otv鱈r叩 komunikaci si UK)
p鱈邸e Churchillovi, n辿 ministrovi (odposlouch叩n)
Potet鱈 bude kandidovat, pouze pokud ho bude
strana potebovat
19. Chrchill premi辿rem
Roosevelt by 炭toil, ale
veejnost nepodporuje
zapojen鱈 do v叩lky
Volby 1940 - poprv辿
prezident usiluje o tet鱈 zvolen鱈
Obvinn z tajn箪ch pl叩n哲
zapojen鱈 do v叩lky
20. Anglie na pokraji por叩転ky,
Churchill p鱈邸e dopis Rooseveltovi.
-> Land & Lease Act
je nutn辿 pomoct SSSR
11. z叩鱈 41 - nmeck叩 ponorka zniila americk箪
1940 - embargo na obchod s Japonskem
21. pl叩ny na invazi Nmecka unikli do tisku
Pearl Harbour - 7. prosince 1941
Veejnost podporuje zapojen鱈 do v叩lky
4 dny pot辿 Nmecko vyhla邸uje v叩lku USA
ekonomika se orientuje na v叩lenou techniku
Amerin鱈 Japonci relokov叩ni do t叩bor哲 v pou邸ti
40 let pozdji se Raegan omluvil
23. I 転eny pracuj鱈 v tov叩rn叩ch
(t辿m 2 000 000)
Amerika bojuje v severn鱈 Africe
Leden 1943 - slibuje 炭tok proti Nmecku v
24. Eleanor bojuje proti rasov辿 segregaci v arm叩d a
zbrojn鱈m pr哲myslu
Navrhuje pr叩va a pl叩n pro zaji邸tn鱈 lid鱈
vracej鱈c鱈ch se z v叩lky
25. Amerika mus鱈 bojovat po boku rus哲, aby mohli
ovlivnit pov叩len辿 rozlo転en鱈 evropy
Projekt Manhattan
(alternativa mili坦n哲 ztr叩t na 転ivotech pi invazi
Teher叩nsk叩 Konference - Velk叩 Trojka
26. Teher叩nsk叩 Konference - Velk叩 Trojka
Churchill chce na balk叩n
(aby zabr叩nil rozp鱈n叩n鱈 SSSR)
Roosevelt podl辿h叩 Stalinovi
(Vylodn鱈 v Normanii - 6.6. 1944)
Stalin dostane 叩st Polska podle aktu Molotov-
27. Jaltsk叩 konference - Velk叩 Trojka
Vzik Organizace spojen箪ch n叩rod哲
Deklarace o svobodn辿 Evrop
demilitarizace a odzbrojen鱈 Nmecka
(+ reparace)
28. V roce 1945 nahrazen Trumanem
Zemel 12. dubna 1945
29. Zdroje:
America past and present - ninth edition
(Pearon 2011)
FDR: A Presidency Revealed (History channel