How to improve effectiveness of your retrospective with Rory's Story Cubes. Story Cubes enable people to tell their stories encouraging the storytelling. This feature can be used in your retrospective to connect the team on an emotional level.
2. - Enable people to tell their stories
encouraging the story telling
- Based on conceptual reasoning
which brain is great at making
links between things
- 9 cubes to construct a complete
story: beginning (3), middle part
(3), the end (3)
- More than 10M of combinations
4. Retrospective
with Story Cubes
- Sprint for each team is a
different story with its own ups
and downs, negative and
positive emotions of its
- Story Cubes enables to
connect the team on an
emotional level
5. PROs
- create relaxed environment and encourage more
contribution from attendees
- prevent retrospective standardization
- adaptable to different retrospective formats thanks to
different Story Cubes sets
- recommended in teams with difficulty to bring out
problems or team members with “blank page
6. CONs
- mistrust in randomness
- not suitable for remote approach
- not suitable for large teams