The survey found that most respondents were female aged 16-18 who enjoyed alternative, indie, and rock music genres. They preferred watching music online rather than channels. 90% said they would be interested in a video matching the brief which most felt represented the alternative genre through features like colorful hair, tattoos, and leather clothes. Respondents also wanted to see animals and visual effects included. - Geografia ¨C ClimaCarmem Lopes
Geografia - VideoAulas Sobre Clima. Cadastre-se em nosso site para receber em seu e-mail nosso material dessa videoaula : - ligue: 21 2267-3891 ou 21 8125-0356
Butterfly Parade feature in CST 10-04-13Dixie Layne
The Pacific Grove Butterfly Parade and Bazaar will celebrate its 75th anniversary this year on October 5th. The parade begins at 10am at Robert H. Down Elementary School and proceeds down Pine Street to Lighthouse Avenue, marking the return of the monarch butterflies to Pacific Grove. There will also be a bazaar from 11am to 2pm and a special exhibit celebrating the history of the parade and bazaar through photos and artifacts from 1939 to 2012. The first Butterfly Parade was held in 1939 as part of the city's 50th anniversary celebration and has become a fall tradition in Pacific Grove, welcoming both residents and new military families to the community.
El documento define el e-learning como aprendizaje mediante el uso de tecnolog¨ªas electr¨®nicas como computadoras, tabletas o tel¨¦fonos. Explica que los cursos de e-learning se entregan en l¨ªnea a trav¨¦s de Internet y no en formatos f¨ªsicos como DVD o CD. Describe los componentes clave del e-learning, incluido el tutor¨ªa y mentor¨ªa en l¨ªnea, el aprendizaje colaborativo a trav¨¦s de herramientas sociales y el aula virtual dirigida por un instructor. Tambi¨¦n cubre aspectos de la calidad del e-
Disability Studies - Responaut with an introduction by keith armstrongKeith Armstrong
Dorothy Page O.B.E. edited, for more than 25 years (from the 1960s, throughout the 1980s), a magazine from her home while in an iron lung; "Responaut" which had the tag, "by for and about respiratory aided and other gadget aided people". She wrote under the pen name of Ann Armstrong. In addition to editing the magazine she successfully brought up a family. Her husband remained loyal to her.
The magazine featured many progressive disabled people of the time including Megan Du Boisson (founder of DIG, the Disabled Income Group), Paul Hunt (one of the founders of UPIAS, the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation) and Geoffrey Webb.
Este documento analiza 19 plataformas de e-learning (LMS) mediante una investigaci¨®n colaborativa realizada de forma sincr¨®nica y conjunta a trav¨¦s de herramientas de escritura en tiempo real. Se resumen las caracter¨ªsticas b¨¢sicas de los LMS, los tipos existentes, y se compara el software libre de cinco LMS: ATutor, Chamilo, Claroline, Dokeos y Moodle, destacando sus caracter¨ªsticas, ventajas y desventajas.
"M¨¢r r¨¦gebb, hogy l¨¢ttam a f¨¦szbukon, egy egyetemi tan¨¢rn? rakta fel, hamburgert, mely ¨²gy n¨¦zett ki, hogy soha el nem romlik, mert n¨¦h¨¢ny h¨¦t ut¨¢n is, majdnem teljes frissess¨¦get mutatott. ?s akkor meg van a k¨¦t t¨¢bor, a j¨®k ¨¦s a rosszak. A rohad kapitalista, aki a haszon¨¦rt agyontart¨®s¨ªtott ¨¦lelmet ¨¢rul, ¨¦s az ¨¢rtatlan fogyaszt¨®, akit m¨¦rgez. Ma a v¨¦lem¨¦nyszabads¨¢g vil¨¢g¨¢ban mindenki figyelmeztet mindenkit, a fogyaszt¨®k t¨¢bor¨¢ban, hogy miben, mennyi m¨¦reg van. A tan¨¢rn? is ezzel a c¨¦llal rakta fel. Folyik, a j¨® ¨¦s a rossz mitologikus h¨¢bor¨²ja. Amelyt?l nem l¨¢tjuk a l¨¦nyeget, mely r¨¢nk is vonatkozik."
El Lazarillo de Tormes fue la primera novela picaresca espa?ola publicada a mediados del siglo XVI de forma an¨®nima. Narra las desventuras y el ingenio de L¨¢zaro, un ni?o hu¨¦rfano que sobrevive sirviendo a diversos amos de baja condici¨®n social, describiendo la dura realidad social de la ¨¦poca y criticando la hipocres¨ªa religiosa. La obra consta de siete tratados y tuvo una gran influencia en el desarrollo del g¨¦nero picaresco y en el arte posterior que retrat¨® pasajes de la
The Agile Marketer's Guide to Mobile CouponsFunMobility
Give your competitors "Coupon Envy."
In 1887, Coca-Cola released the world's first ever coupon ¡ª a simple piece of paper with a printed offer. But that was a loooooong time ago.
Nowadays, there are an endless variety of cool new tools and tactics marketers can use to:
Dramatically Increase Sales
Protection against Coupon Fraud
Collect bigger & better Business Intelligence
Expand your Email/SMS Audience
This eBook provides real-world case studies and best practices for accomplishing all of this and more. Learn how top CPG brands, retailers, and QSR restaurants are winning the mobile coupon arms race, with engaging, interactive, & personalized coupons designed for a modern, mobile audience.
Includes mobile coupon campaign results from FunMobility clients including: Papa Murphy's Pizza, Ace Hardware, and Carol's Daughter.
Dec 2012 Evening Talk - Managing Complex ProjectZulkefle Idris
The document provides an overview of managing complex projects. It discusses criteria for determining if a project is complex, areas that require scrutiny like program structure and governance. It also covers measures of success, potential pitfalls, and examples from managing a large IT transformation project. Specific topics covered include developing a project organization chart, establishing program governance, managing releases through tracking deliverables and dependencies, and overseeing vendors.
Evento Digital Day RJ 2016 - Native Ads no Mundo de Mobile e V¨ªdeo - Marcelo ...IAB Brasil
O documento discute o crescimento do consumo de m¨ªdia m¨®vel e de v¨ªdeo. O tempo gasto com dispositivos m¨®veis est¨¢ ultrapassando o tempo gasto em desktops e televis?o. An¨²ncios nativos e de v¨ªdeo est?o crescendo rapidamente em popularidade e efici¨ºncia em dispositivos m¨®veis.
Este documento analiza 19 plataformas de e-learning (LMS) mediante una investigaci¨®n colaborativa realizada de forma sincr¨®nica y conjunta a trav¨¦s de herramientas de escritura en tiempo real. Se resumen las caracter¨ªsticas b¨¢sicas de los LMS, los tipos existentes, y se compara el software libre de cinco LMS: ATutor, Chamilo, Claroline, Dokeos y Moodle, destacando sus caracter¨ªsticas, ventajas y desventajas.
"M¨¢r r¨¦gebb, hogy l¨¢ttam a f¨¦szbukon, egy egyetemi tan¨¢rn? rakta fel, hamburgert, mely ¨²gy n¨¦zett ki, hogy soha el nem romlik, mert n¨¦h¨¢ny h¨¦t ut¨¢n is, majdnem teljes frissess¨¦get mutatott. ?s akkor meg van a k¨¦t t¨¢bor, a j¨®k ¨¦s a rosszak. A rohad kapitalista, aki a haszon¨¦rt agyontart¨®s¨ªtott ¨¦lelmet ¨¢rul, ¨¦s az ¨¢rtatlan fogyaszt¨®, akit m¨¦rgez. Ma a v¨¦lem¨¦nyszabads¨¢g vil¨¢g¨¢ban mindenki figyelmeztet mindenkit, a fogyaszt¨®k t¨¢bor¨¢ban, hogy miben, mennyi m¨¦reg van. A tan¨¢rn? is ezzel a c¨¦llal rakta fel. Folyik, a j¨® ¨¦s a rossz mitologikus h¨¢bor¨²ja. Amelyt?l nem l¨¢tjuk a l¨¦nyeget, mely r¨¢nk is vonatkozik."
El Lazarillo de Tormes fue la primera novela picaresca espa?ola publicada a mediados del siglo XVI de forma an¨®nima. Narra las desventuras y el ingenio de L¨¢zaro, un ni?o hu¨¦rfano que sobrevive sirviendo a diversos amos de baja condici¨®n social, describiendo la dura realidad social de la ¨¦poca y criticando la hipocres¨ªa religiosa. La obra consta de siete tratados y tuvo una gran influencia en el desarrollo del g¨¦nero picaresco y en el arte posterior que retrat¨® pasajes de la
The Agile Marketer's Guide to Mobile CouponsFunMobility
Give your competitors "Coupon Envy."
In 1887, Coca-Cola released the world's first ever coupon ¡ª a simple piece of paper with a printed offer. But that was a loooooong time ago.
Nowadays, there are an endless variety of cool new tools and tactics marketers can use to:
Dramatically Increase Sales
Protection against Coupon Fraud
Collect bigger & better Business Intelligence
Expand your Email/SMS Audience
This eBook provides real-world case studies and best practices for accomplishing all of this and more. Learn how top CPG brands, retailers, and QSR restaurants are winning the mobile coupon arms race, with engaging, interactive, & personalized coupons designed for a modern, mobile audience.
Includes mobile coupon campaign results from FunMobility clients including: Papa Murphy's Pizza, Ace Hardware, and Carol's Daughter.
Dec 2012 Evening Talk - Managing Complex ProjectZulkefle Idris
The document provides an overview of managing complex projects. It discusses criteria for determining if a project is complex, areas that require scrutiny like program structure and governance. It also covers measures of success, potential pitfalls, and examples from managing a large IT transformation project. Specific topics covered include developing a project organization chart, establishing program governance, managing releases through tracking deliverables and dependencies, and overseeing vendors.
Evento Digital Day RJ 2016 - Native Ads no Mundo de Mobile e V¨ªdeo - Marcelo ...IAB Brasil
O documento discute o crescimento do consumo de m¨ªdia m¨®vel e de v¨ªdeo. O tempo gasto com dispositivos m¨®veis est¨¢ ultrapassando o tempo gasto em desktops e televis?o. An¨²ncios nativos e de v¨ªdeo est?o crescendo rapidamente em popularidade e efici¨ºncia em dispositivos m¨®veis.