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RMSRmsvieuu Midde Sctrool
After Sohod Program Prthwe
Permlssion slips are due by August 29'n. Please return to your
advisory leach'er. All afler schoot cluns will begin Seplembir O'h.
There will be no clubs ltlovember 24h-20th,The lasi day for I
semester clubs will begecember I I
. Please fill out the after school club permission slip on the foJlowingi
. Return the permission slip to your child's advisory teacher by
August 29tn-
Parfiicipation in after school activities is based on tlre followinE
. Yottr child participates and contributes to the group activities ryith
rn'inimal Support.
. Your child will behave accordingf to the H.A.W.K.S. expectations.
. You.r child must be picked up on time. Dismissal varies based on the
Eus transportafion will not begin until after fallbrak lf
your child would like to parficipateina cluh, you Willneed
to providetransporfation ulrtil Ostoher 201il,
Afler School Club Permission
Please prirrt cllarrly and conplete ALL partsl
Stud,ent Information:
Student Name Advisory Teacher:
Parent or Guardian Name
We must have a telephone number where you can be reached
durinEi the hours of 8:15 and 4:15 or the number of someone
wh,o can be resBonsible for your child. Please list at least 5
names and numbers.
Na^me Number
Na,rne Number
Na,rne Number
Please list any medical conditions that your student has
Please check the aBBroBriate blank.
_Military Dependent (parent is active duty or retired)
_Military Connected (parent works on mllitarybase, but is NOT military)
_ NOT a military dependent or militar5r conlected
.r: j ;* ;-;,*-;o-.ut'.'
Transportation from the atterschool proEiram
I require bus transportation
My street address is
I DO NOT require bus transportation. I ^rill pick my chlld up at 4:15.
Bus transBortation Illl"ILL NOT be€in until after
fall break.
Please list th,e club/clubs you would like your child to
Barticipate in. Please remember that some clubs will be
limited, in number and your child may not receive his or her
first choice.
Choice I:
Choice 8:
understand a,:ad will abide by the expectations.
Student Na,me
, understand the expectations and give
par€nrNa,me permission for my child to attend the after
school progl€rm.
Club List
Gouch to 5K
Sponsor: Darra Ba€iby (Dawn.bagby@cmcss.net)
This club is forbeginning runners and non-runners who want to take up running as
regiular exercise. This after school club will ease them into a runrlng progfam that
consists of stretching, walkingg, and run-ning in order to gain the strengSh and endr:rance
to complete a 5K run.
Who : Beglinningi F,rrnners
Alhen: Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:15 beg[::nin$ Sept. 8
Needed: fsnnis shoes (preferably running shoes), gJruo clothes, water bottle
Militaqlr Gonnections Glub
Spousor: Kelly ll[ells (IIelly.wells@cmcss.net)
Military Connections CIub will provide military connected students witJr a safe
envjronment to discuss challenges inherent to the deplo5rment cycle (pre-deplo5rment,
deplo5nrrent, reinteg?ation) a,nd frequent tre.nsitions of military life such as PCS's and TDY
Military children face unique challenges that are speciflc to military life a,nd best
understood and supported by tJrose that are specially trained in the intrlcacies of this
lifestyle. Our MFLAC, Carrie Arhite, offers a unique set of skilLs for assisting our military
childlen in facing challenges with resilience and a positive outlook. Kelly TlVells holds a
certification from the University of Pennsylva,nia in B,esilience Training for military
fa,rnilies. Together, we hope to create a EFoup where shildrsa ca,n openly share and learn
skills that facilitate academic and social success whlle ma,naging the challenges of
military life. tVe hope that creating this community will also lead to peer to peer
mentoring as students who have faced particular challenges successfi:Ily can help those
who are new to the challenge.
Spousor: Bridget f,a3din€ (Brid€let.harding@cmcss.net)
Everyone is invited to join tJris club and learn how to work with others while
progfa,mming a,n autonomous robot using Lego's. We have two competitive teams and one
tea,rn that wjll continue to grow i-n FLL's three categories. We meet every Monday and
Thursday a,fter school from 2:5O to 4:I5. Since our team be€lins to meet in August we are
only a parent pick-up gpoup until October. We do collect a $2O dollar dues yearly which
pays for shirts a.nd other items needed tJ:roughout the year. This year we will be having a
fundraiser to raise moDey for travel expenses. Hope to see you on our Hawkbotlc Teaml !
Science rocks!
SD"r"*t T."i S.r--.rs (terri.summers@cmcss.net)
If you a,re a^rr Sth glrade student and could use Science exbra help, test or study review,
there's a.n after school club for youl It doesn't matter who your teacher is; all Sttr grade
students are welcomel Our club meets Tuesday a.fternoons from 2:50-4:15 in room C-5
with Mrs. Summers.
Gomputer Technolotlf Glub
Sponsor: Mark Campbell (Mark.campbell@cmcss.net)
Club members will use the code.org website and complete the Intro to Computer Science
Course, whieh is fun, coilaborAtive, and creative! It's desiEfned to inspire students to
continue learning how technolo€5/ improves real world relationships, connections, and
Students learn:
. hovv tJre Internet works
. basic computer progfamming
. lo$ic, problem soiving and creativity
The course features puzzles, video lectures by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Bosh
of the Miami Heat, as well as familiar characters flom popular games: Angry Birds and
Pla,nts vs. Zombies. Usin€ a blended lsarninEl model, your children €Lre lsarning with a mix
of online, self-€luided activities and "unpluglged"activities that use no computer at all.
Computer Technology CIub is open to the first 2O students who sj6ln up, and will meet from
2:5O-4:3O on Tuesday's begiinniag October 2lst.
Media Glub
Sponsor: Chrls Eambrick (Ghris.hambrlck@cmcss.net)
The Rossview Media/Technology CIub is for those who are serious about gaining a deeper
understandiag of the many facets of the world of Media and Technologf,r and its
application to our everyday life. During the club time you will be able to go deeper than
the short time i.n the classroom aJlows for. /lle will explore and practice the applications
that we find in tJre world of Advertising Mediums, News Media, Video Production and
Editing, Photography a,nd Photo Editing, Audio Production and Editing, Pod,fVodcasting,
Vtrebsite Desigln, Animation and more....
*Special Note: Those students who are in the Media/Technolory Club will receive first
consideration for bei:rg on the cast of Rossview's flrst Daily Newscast.
AII Students are Welcome. IVe have a limit of 50, so the flrst 5O to sign-up will zu the roll.
We will be€in meeti:rgl September 8th after Labor Day on Mondays from 2:5O - 4:8O
(Busses wiII be available for transportation home after Fall Break - October 1?th).
* * *Those s,ttenrring tJre club meetings prior to October eOth will need to have a ride home.
Parents will need to pick il1sir shildren promptly at 4:I5pm
There will be a $1O fee for naterials ond suBBlies.
Drama Glub
Sponsor: Bebecca ghittin€ (Bebecca.schllling@cmcss.net)
In Dra,rna CIub we will rehearse and create tJre set for the yearly production. Students
memorize the script, build the set, desig[ the program and advertisements for the play,
and run.tJre lights and sound for the play. We meet every Monday and Thursday flom
right after school until 4: I5. T'lrere are no fees associated with drama. Dra,rna Club is open
to everyone. AIe will be having auditions, but only to place people in the character that is
rigfht for tJrem. There will be aa Interest Meeting Auglust e5th. That is mandatory for all
iaterested members. Drama CIub will be closed to e.Il new members after September 4th.
Sponsor: Maqy Ellen Luther (mar5r.luther@curcss.net)
B,ossFit is F,ossview's Fitness CIub. We meet from 2:5O until5:5O.
Students attending this club must be a car rider, and rides are to be here no later than
5:5O. Each day we meet, a WOD (workout of the day) will be completed. Each WOD MilI
include a cardio warm up, stretching, a skill, the work out, and final stretchin€. Students
wlIl need a water bottle; no other equipment is needed. Students are required to have a
Sports Physical. Interested students need to see Mrs. LutJrer for an application. This
club is open to all B,ossview Middle students, however the club is limited to a total of 15
participants and spots will be given on a first come first serve basis (in which all proper
paperwork is returned).
Study Or€anize Succeed (S.O.S)
SBonsor: Mercl Ghartrand (mercedes.chartrand@cmcss.net)
Need to study for a test or quiz? Arant to study with a friend? Need more explanation?
Missing assi€lnments? Need to do research? Have a project due? Need to write a paper?
Wa,nt help with your homework? Need to organize your binder or folders?
Stay after school any Monday, Tuesday, or fhursday for extra help a.nd motivation. Stay
5O minutes to 2 hours. Rides must be here by 4:5O. *Buses avaflable after fall break. See
Mrs. Lig[tner, Mrs. Crosslin, and Mrs. Chartrand for more information.
cfr. Givitan
Spousor: Boranne Morrls (Boxanne.morr'rs@cmcss.net)
Jr. Civltan ls a service club for young people tailored speciflcally for trajning tJrem to
become "builders of good. citizenship" in ttre home, school, community, a.nd nation. The
purpose of clr. Cifitaa is to develop initiative and leadership , and to encourage young
people to live a fi:Iler life enriched by selfless senrice to otJrers, with a focus on living the
Golden Rule in all human relationships by precept and example.
There is a $2S fee to cover annual dues and a t-shirt.
Fuel Ifp to Play 6O
Sponsor: Marie Bainey (marie.rainey@cmess. net)
Fuel Up to PIay 60 is a prograrn founded by tJ:e National Dat5r Council aad NFL, in
collaboration witJr USDA, that empowers students to take charge in making spa.Il,
everyday changes at school. Students ca.n !yi.n cool prizes, like a.n Ntr'L player visit or
Super Bowl tickets, for choosing good-for-you foods and getting active for at least 60
minutes every day. We want kids to make a difference not only in their lives, but a,Iso tJreir

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Rossview After School Club Handouts 2014

  • 1. RMSRmsvieuu Midde Sctrool After Sohod Program Prthwe Permlssion slips are due by August 29'n. Please return to your advisory leach'er. All afler schoot cluns will begin Seplembir O'h. There will be no clubs ltlovember 24h-20th,The lasi day for I *t semester clubs will begecember I I th. Instnrctions: . Please fill out the after school club permission slip on the foJlowingi page. . Return the permission slip to your child's advisory teacher by August 29tn- Parfiicipation in after school activities is based on tlre followinE errllectations: . Yottr child participates and contributes to the group activities ryith rn'inimal Support. . Your child will behave accordingf to the H.A.W.K.S. expectations. . You.r child must be picked up on time. Dismissal varies based on the club. Eus transportafion will not begin until after fallbrak lf your child would like to parficipateina cluh, you Willneed to providetransporfation ulrtil Ostoher 201il,
  • 2. Afler School Club Permission Please prirrt cllarrly and conplete ALL partsl Stud,ent Information: Student Name Advisory Teacher: Parent or Guardian Name We must have a telephone number where you can be reached durinEi the hours of 8:15 and 4:15 or the number of someone wh,o can be resBonsible for your child. Please list at least 5 names and numbers. Na^me Number Na,rne Number Na,rne Number Please list any medical conditions that your student has Please check the aBBroBriate blank. _Military Dependent (parent is active duty or retired) _Military Connected (parent works on mllitarybase, but is NOT military) _ NOT a military dependent or militar5r conlected '::";,,rr, :"1:.:.-]|''=1,.l-,:,.-,.','-,. .r: j ;* ;-;,*-;o-.ut'.' lLti:J i_ OTEn,
  • 3. Transportation from the atterschool proEiram I require bus transportation My street address is I DO NOT require bus transportation. I ^rill pick my chlld up at 4:15. Bus transBortation Illl"ILL NOT be€in until after fall break. Please list th,e club/clubs you would like your child to Barticipate in. Please remember that some clubs will be limited, in number and your child may not receive his or her first choice. Choice I: Choice 8: Si€natures: understand a,:ad will abide by the expectations. I, Student Na,me , understand the expectations and give par€nrNa,me permission for my child to attend the after school progl€rm.
  • 4. Club List Gouch to 5K Sponsor: Darra Ba€iby (Dawn.bagby@cmcss.net) This club is forbeginning runners and non-runners who want to take up running as regiular exercise. This after school club will ease them into a runrlng progfam that consists of stretching, walkingg, and run-ning in order to gain the strengSh and endr:rance to complete a 5K run. Who : Beglinningi F,rrnners Alhen: Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:15 beg[::nin$ Sept. 8 Needed: fsnnis shoes (preferably running shoes), gJruo clothes, water bottle Militaqlr Gonnections Glub Spousor: Kelly ll[ells (IIelly.wells@cmcss.net) Military Connections CIub will provide military connected students witJr a safe envjronment to discuss challenges inherent to the deplo5rment cycle (pre-deplo5rment, deplo5nrrent, reinteg?ation) a,nd frequent tre.nsitions of military life such as PCS's and TDY situations. Military children face unique challenges that are speciflc to military life a,nd best understood and supported by tJrose that are specially trained in the intrlcacies of this lifestyle. Our MFLAC, Carrie Arhite, offers a unique set of skilLs for assisting our military childlen in facing challenges with resilience and a positive outlook. Kelly TlVells holds a certification from the University of Pennsylva,nia in B,esilience Training for military fa,rnilies. Together, we hope to create a EFoup where shildrsa ca,n openly share and learn skills that facilitate academic and social success whlle ma,naging the challenges of military life. tVe hope that creating this community will also lead to peer to peer mentoring as students who have faced particular challenges successfi:Ily can help those who are new to the challenge. Hawkbotics: Spousor: Bridget f,a3din€ (Brid€let.harding@cmcss.net) Everyone is invited to join tJris club and learn how to work with others while progfa,mming a,n autonomous robot using Lego's. We have two competitive teams and one tea,rn that wjll continue to grow i-n FLL's three categories. We meet every Monday and Thursday a,fter school from 2:5O to 4:I5. Since our team be€lins to meet in August we are only a parent pick-up gpoup until October. We do collect a $2O dollar dues yearly which pays for shirts a.nd other items needed tJ:roughout the year. This year we will be having a fundraiser to raise moDey for travel expenses. Hope to see you on our Hawkbotlc Teaml ! Science rocks! SD"r"*t T."i S.r--.rs (terri.summers@cmcss.net) If you a,re a^rr Sth glrade student and could use Science exbra help, test or study review, there's a.n after school club for youl It doesn't matter who your teacher is; all Sttr grade students are welcomel Our club meets Tuesday a.fternoons from 2:50-4:15 in room C-5 with Mrs. Summers.
  • 5. Gomputer Technolotlf Glub Sponsor: Mark Campbell (Mark.campbell@cmcss.net) Club members will use the code.org website and complete the Intro to Computer Science Course, whieh is fun, coilaborAtive, and creative! It's desiEfned to inspire students to continue learning how technolo€5/ improves real world relationships, connections, and life. Students learn: . hovv tJre Internet works . basic computer progfamming . lo$ic, problem soiving and creativity The course features puzzles, video lectures by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Bosh of the Miami Heat, as well as familiar characters flom popular games: Angry Birds and Pla,nts vs. Zombies. Usin€ a blended lsarninEl model, your children €Lre lsarning with a mix of online, self-€luided activities and "unpluglged"activities that use no computer at all. Computer Technology CIub is open to the first 2O students who sj6ln up, and will meet from 2:5O-4:3O on Tuesday's begiinniag October 2lst. Media Glub Sponsor: Chrls Eambrick (Ghris.hambrlck@cmcss.net) The Rossview Media/Technology CIub is for those who are serious about gaining a deeper understandiag of the many facets of the world of Media and Technologf,r and its application to our everyday life. During the club time you will be able to go deeper than the short time i.n the classroom aJlows for. /lle will explore and practice the applications that we find in tJre world of Advertising Mediums, News Media, Video Production and Editing, Photography a,nd Photo Editing, Audio Production and Editing, Pod,fVodcasting, Vtrebsite Desigln, Animation and more.... *Special Note: Those students who are in the Media/Technolory Club will receive first consideration for bei:rg on the cast of Rossview's flrst Daily Newscast. AII Students are Welcome. IVe have a limit of 50, so the flrst 5O to sign-up will zu the roll. We will be€in meeti:rgl September 8th after Labor Day on Mondays from 2:5O - 4:8O (Busses wiII be available for transportation home after Fall Break - October 1?th). * * *Those s,ttenrring tJre club meetings prior to October eOth will need to have a ride home. Parents will need to pick il1sir shildren promptly at 4:I5pm There will be a $1O fee for naterials ond suBBlies. Drama Glub Sponsor: Bebecca ghittin€ (Bebecca.schllling@cmcss.net) In Dra,rna CIub we will rehearse and create tJre set for the yearly production. Students memorize the script, build the set, desig[ the program and advertisements for the play, and run.tJre lights and sound for the play. We meet every Monday and Thursday flom right after school until 4: I5. T'lrere are no fees associated with drama. Dra,rna Club is open to everyone. AIe will be having auditions, but only to place people in the character that is rigfht for tJrem. There will be aa Interest Meeting Auglust e5th. That is mandatory for all iaterested members. Drama CIub will be closed to e.Il new members after September 4th.
  • 6. RossFit Sponsor: Maqy Ellen Luther (mar5r.luther@curcss.net) B,ossFit is F,ossview's Fitness CIub. We meet from 2:5O until5:5O. Students attending this club must be a car rider, and rides are to be here no later than 5:5O. Each day we meet, a WOD (workout of the day) will be completed. Each WOD MilI include a cardio warm up, stretching, a skill, the work out, and final stretchin€. Students wlIl need a water bottle; no other equipment is needed. Students are required to have a Sports Physical. Interested students need to see Mrs. LutJrer for an application. This club is open to all B,ossview Middle students, however the club is limited to a total of 15 participants and spots will be given on a first come first serve basis (in which all proper paperwork is returned). Study Or€anize Succeed (S.O.S) SBonsor: Mercl Ghartrand (mercedes.chartrand@cmcss.net) Need to study for a test or quiz? Arant to study with a friend? Need more explanation? Missing assi€lnments? Need to do research? Have a project due? Need to write a paper? Wa,nt help with your homework? Need to organize your binder or folders? Stay after school any Monday, Tuesday, or fhursday for extra help a.nd motivation. Stay 5O minutes to 2 hours. Rides must be here by 4:5O. *Buses avaflable after fall break. See Mrs. Lig[tner, Mrs. Crosslin, and Mrs. Chartrand for more information. cfr. Givitan Spousor: Boranne Morrls (Boxanne.morr'rs@cmcss.net) Jr. Civltan ls a service club for young people tailored speciflcally for trajning tJrem to become "builders of good. citizenship" in ttre home, school, community, a.nd nation. The purpose of clr. Cifitaa is to develop initiative and leadership , and to encourage young people to live a fi:Iler life enriched by selfless senrice to otJrers, with a focus on living the Golden Rule in all human relationships by precept and example. There is a $2S fee to cover annual dues and a t-shirt. Fuel Ifp to Play 6O Sponsor: Marie Bainey (marie.rainey@cmess. net) Fuel Up to PIay 60 is a prograrn founded by tJ:e National Dat5r Council aad NFL, in collaboration witJr USDA, that empowers students to take charge in making spa.Il, everyday changes at school. Students ca.n !yi.n cool prizes, like a.n Ntr'L player visit or Super Bowl tickets, for choosing good-for-you foods and getting active for at least 60 minutes every day. We want kids to make a difference not only in their lives, but a,Iso tJreir commurdff.