This document discusses appropriate technology and how Rotary Clubs can use it to get things done and have fun while building friendships and connections. It notes that appropriate technology needs to consider local needs and resources. The document also mentions Appropedia, an online wiki with over 60 million views and 300 thousand edits that provides information on appropriate technology design projects.
Waterpod image from
E.F. Schumacher
AT is technology with a human face.
"Economics as if people mattered" was the subtitle ofSmall is Beautiful, Schumacher's seminal book
The ability to repair, maintain, reproduce, and adapt it with local know how, money, etc.
Impacts to the local and global environment
Cultural impacts
Bolsters local capacity
Leverages local resources
Designed with the stakeholders
For me a truly appropriate technology must be designed and built not just for, but by or with the local stakeholders.
Prioritizing Needs and Exploring Resources
It all starts with the chaos of community building trust and projects