The Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise will run their annual Winter Coat Drive November 4th through December 12th, featuring the collection of new and gently-used (and laundered) coats, jackets, hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves in sizes infant through adult. If you or your kids have a winter coat, jacket or winter gear that you no longer use, consider donating them to this worthy cause. Currently, the greatest anticipated need remains for adult XL, 2XL, and 3XL in both men’s and women’s styles.
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Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise Winter Coat Drive Nov. 4 – Dec. 12
1. Rotary Club of Naperville
Sunrise Winter Coat Drive
Nov. 4 – Dec. 12
2. The Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise will run their
annual Winter Coat Drive November 4th through
December 12th, featuring the collection of new and
gently-used (and laundered) coats, jackets, hats,
scarves, mittens, and gloves in sizes infant through
adult. If you or your kids have a winter coat, jacket or
winter gear that you no longer use, consider donating
them to this worthy cause. Currently, the greatest
anticipated need remains for adult XL, 2XL, and 3XL in
both men’s and women’s styles.
3. According to the 2017 Farmers’ Almanac,
Winter Is Coming! It’s predicated to be an
exceptionally cold winter here in the Midwest.
By making a donation of warm winter gear for
the coat drive, you will be helping Sharing
Connections, Hesed House, and Midwest
Shelter for Homeless Veterans -- all shelters for
individuals and families in need, in and around
4. The shelters have teamed up with the Downtown
Naperville Alliance and several downtown
businesses to make it easy for residents to drop off
donations in collection boxes while shopping this
holiday season. So far, over 40 collection boxes have
been set up at these establishments:
5. • Fry YMCA (95th Street)
• Fair Oaks Ford
• Kroehler YMCA (Washington Street)
• Casey’s Fine Foods
• School of Performing Arts
• Dr. Joe Haselhorst
• Ellman’s Music Center
• Anderson’s Bookstore
• Russell’s Dry Cleaners
So far, over 40 collection boxes have been set up at these
For a complete list of participating businesses in the coat drive, visit Downtown Naperville.
6. About the Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise
Since 1991, The Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise has helped make
meaningful connections with local and global community partners,
including Ryan Hill Realty. Through the volunteerism of their group
of roughly 80 members who range from teens, to young adults,
and families in Naperville, the Rotary Club has served the greater
good with projects such as back pack collections for needy
Chicagoland students, donating supplies to the Loaves & Fishes
food pantry, mentoring others, and assisting with clean water and
electricity initiatives in Haiti and Zambia.
7. The Rotary Club is just one of many Rotary International
chapters around the globe, which is also supported through
funding by The Rotary Foundation. Together, they foster
community involvement by residents and local organizations
for various humanitarian efforts.
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
• United Nations
• Global FoodBanking Network
• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• World Health Organization
• ShelterBox
8. Teresa Ryan, Broker / Owner, a Rotary Club of Naperville
Downtown member, and the Ryan Hill Realty team are proud
supporters of the Naperville community’s initiatives to support
children and families in need, and we look forward to the
success of this year’s coat drive!