This document outlines a Rotary U presentation about humanitarian service projects. It discusses community service projects, international service projects, and how to get started with each type of project. Examples are provided of successful community and international projects from Rotary clubs in District 5170. Information is also provided about available district and Rotary Foundation grant money that clubs can apply for to fund their projects. The presentation concludes by encouraging attendees to post completed projects on the District's Rotary Showcase website.
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Rotary District 5170 International and Community Projects
1. Rotary U
May 16, 2013
Share Success Rotary Showcase
Humanitarian Service Projects:
+ Community Service
+ International Service
Intro of your D-5170 resource people (1)
Types of service projects (1) -2
Character4istics and Examples of Community Service
projects (18)-20
Characteristics and Examples of International Service
projects (13) -33
How to get started with an International Service project
(3) -36
Available District and Rotary Foundation grant money (2)
Questions (5)
3. Your D-5170 Resource People
Community Avenue of Service Chair:
Ginny Lear
(Palo Alto)
International Avenue of Service Chair:
Jeboy Koshy
(Fremont Warm Springs Sunrise)
Plus other program &/or project chairs
4. Community Service
Presented by Bruce Barsi, Mountain View
Lets get started and make it a winner!
Examples from MV Rotarys Cops and
Gobblers project
14. Whats The Need?
How to identify
Club member(s) passion
Community input (schools, city, social service, etc)
Other clubs projects
Is it doable?
Member interest and commitment
Manageable scope
15. Whos Gonna Do It?
Visioner Passionate member takes lead
Organizer Needs to plan & get things rolling
Asker Finds the funding
Inspirer Involves the masses
Promoter Gets the word out
Spread it out
Dont all have to be Rotarians
16. Partners
Look to the community, i.e., Challenge Team,
Community Roundtable
Ask family and friends to help
Other Rotary Clubs
Dont forget the Interacters
Folks benefiting from the project
Volunteer groups, i.e., GoVoluntr, One Brick,
HandsOn Bay Area, even Craigslist
17. How Do We Pay For It?
Figure out how much you need a budget
Clubs funds
District Designated Funds (DDF)
And everywhere else businesses,
foundations, other clubs (Kiwanis and Lions
too!), community groups, individuals
People want to give to a good cause, just ask!
18. Get It Done
Take the plunge
Try to stay on schedule
Make sure folks have something meaningful to do
Ask for feedback
Be flexible; change things if you need to
Dont stress out about it; it wont go totally as
planned; but itll be great anyway
19. And Then What?
Debrief what went right and what needs to
get better
Feedback from partners
Say thanks you to all Very Important!
Do we want to do it again? Can we?
If yes, start planning now
Think succession unless you want it for life
20. Show It Off!
Let the media know in advance they love
this stuff
Send out a press release with photos
Follow up with a phone call
Add it to Rotary Showcase on the RI website
The District Showcase is coming soon
Your partners and participants will spread the
word for you
22. Presented by
David Smith
(Los Altos Rotary Partners for Elder Generation Chair)
The mission of the Partners for Elder
Generations (PEG) committee is to support
and enhance the quality of life of 50+
23. For the last 3 years the PEG Committee has
organized and promoted an Encore Event in late
The catalyst was a talk by Laura Carstensen,
Director of the Stanford Center on Longevity
Her message You have been given a gift of 30+
years of life so plan to use it wisely
24. Encore Event Two Primary Goals
Bring together 26 non-profit organizations
that primarily serve the local communities and
rely on volunteers for their service goals
Engage young seniors (50+) to get involved
and identify a passion to make the world a
better place and pursue healthier lifestyle
25. Budget
Revenue - $7,500
Donations of $500 - $2,000 from
four organizations
Donation of $2,000 from the Town
of Los Altos Hills
City of Los Altos facilities at no
charge & Senior Center Staff
Raised $800 by organizing focus
group sessions for a technology
Expenses ($6,700)
27. 2012
Panel of Encore Careers
Making an Impact
Alex Tarics Worlds Oldest
Living Olympic Gold
28. International Project
Driven by an International club as Host Club
Partner w international club as Sponsoring
Typically Sponsoring Club only does funding
Minimum Total project cost $30K and max
Minimum required Global Grant $15K
29. Two Examples of Successful
International Projects
Faces of Hope - Guatemala
Presented by Don MacKenzie (Palo Alto University)
Adopt a Village - Uganda
Presented by Lorena Tuohey (Morgan Hill representing Area 6)
59. How to get started with a project
International Service
Form a committee in your club
Befriend an international club
Learn of a community need in their community
Form a partnership with that club to devise a
project to address that need
(be sure it fits one of 6 TRF Area of Focus)
Seek out other D-5170 clubs to join you
Develop a budget & apply for matching GG
from TRF
60. DDF Grant Money
Available for Approved Projects
All D-5170 clubs are allocated DDF
Two types of grants:
District Grant (DG): For Community project or small International
Global Grant (GG) : For International projects ($30k - $200)
Clubs determine % of DDF going to DG and GG;
check District Allocation sheet for your club
Global grants are matched by TRF
For TRF Grant application ask for help from your
Foundation Chair , Grant Resource Leaders and
District Foundation committee.
62. Rotary U
May 16, 2013
Share Success Rotary Showcase
Humanitarian Service Projects
Questions ?
Editor's Notes
#2: Peter, any change that I made I color coded RED
#4: Note: Peter, may be we can list on a separate slide other Project Chairs and their Project Name. Example: Jolean Faces of Smile. I will not read them but point out to our brochure.