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2013: Rotary Water Year
   and time to organize worldwide
Rotary Walking for Water

 Proposal to Rotary Clubs World-wide
2013 is UN Year for Water
 Leverage media attention for water
   The extra media attention the UN theme brings is
    an opportunity to showcase Rotary & Water.
PROPOSAL: make water
  your club theme for 2012-2013
By adopting water, we encourage clubs to:
 Raise water awareness
   Knowledge of water problems & solutions
   Learn how Rotary clubs work for water causes
 Consider supporting a water project
   Work together with Wasrag and other clubs
 Consider holding a water fundraising event
 Help promote Rotarys activities for water
Why Water
 900 million people without clean water
 2,3 billion people without adequate sanitation
Ensuring safe drinking water is the most
effective way to reduce poverty
                                   Source: UN University 2008

Investments in more and beter water is one of
the most efficient forms of aid.
Payback/value to per $1 (intl. aid) investment:
 Household water filters = $30 (thats a 30 times ROI)
 RopePump = $50                           Source: WHO 2008
Water First?
Water has a huge impact on
all other humanitarian and               Disease and Health
development areas of focus                   Education


                                           Infant mortality
    Sanitation &                         Womens equality
      Hygene                                  Hunger
     (better known as WASH)

When clean water is lacking, all these   Econ. development
become problems.
To impact these problems Water is        Conflict resolution
one of the best places to start
Peace through Service
 Choosing water as your
  club theme is one way to
  support Future Vision,
  Focus Areas and the new
  RIs theme peace
  through service

                       Many of todays conflicts around
                       the world are being fuelled by water
                       shortages Increasingly, fights are
                       erupting over such basic human
                       needs as water and arable land.
                        Ban Ki-moon, February, 2008
Rotary Future Vision
 2013 begins the international roll-out of the
  new strategy for RI and TRF
   Areas of Focus
   Global Grants
   Focus efforts to increase global impact
   Simplify global & district grant processes
   Increase district & club ownership of goals
   Enhance Rotarys public image
6 Key Areas of Focus
Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention and treatment
Water and sanitation
Maternal and child health
Basic education and literacy
Economic and community
Peace through Service
            Starts with Water
                Disease and Health
Service             Education


Water            Infant mortality
                Womens equality

                Hunger & Poverty

               Econ. development

                Conflict resolution
Start with Water at your club

      Vision Ron Denham: Every
      club a water project

      Idea: every club at least
      one Wasrag member as
      from 2012-2013
Rotary water projects
              bringing peace around the world:
                                                 Country        Projects
                                                 India            212
                                                 Indonesia         35
                                                 Philippines       50
                                                 Thailand          38
                                                 Other             90

                                                 Country        Projects
Country     Projects                             Burkina Faso       5
Bolivia        12                                Cameroun           9
Dom. Rep.      17                                Ghana             25
Ecuador        32                                Kenya             55
Guatemala      25
                                                 Malawi            10
Haiti          27
                                                 Nigeria           21
Honduras       51
                                                 South Africa      27
Mexico         55
                                                 Tanzania          15
Nicaragua      11
                                                 Uganda            58
Peru           18
                                                 Zambia            29
Other          57
                                                 Other            100
On the Wasrag site you can find
hundreds of Rotary water projects to
    support and get involved in

   Idea for 2012-2013: Choose to
      support a Water project
Types of Rotary Water Projects
   Drilling of boreholes, installing pumps
   Rainwater harvesting, water storage
   Household filters and purification
   Building latrines and toilet blocks
   Irrigation and food security
   Pipelines/distribution systems
   Hygiene education
Fundraising for Water Projects
 Rotary Walking for Water
     School children walking 6 miles with 6 liters water
     Business walk/marathon
   Golf tournament (or another sport)
   Swimming or biking marathon
   Benefit concert, dance, dinner, event
   Selling water bottles or similar product
   Boat races, celebrity auctions,
Consider organizing Rotary
Walking for Water in 2013
   Early registration starts in April 2012
What is Walking for Water?
 Children aged 10-14 through primary schools
  walk 6 km with 6 liters of water
   Experiencing and empathizing
                                       Dutch and UK
    with children in developing
                                     Rotary Clubs are
    countries that have to do this
                                      organizing this
    every day
                                      charity walk for
                                         ten years.
                                     In 2013 we hope
                                       this will grow
When: UN World Water Day
 During the week of March 22
 Around the world this is the
  week that attention is given
  to water and sanitation.
 Participating Rotary clubs
  leverage the extra media
  attention given to WWD
 Rotary clubs are virtually
  connected to each other in common
  cause, message and timing
Reasons for Rotary clubs?
 Support Future Vision, Water and Wasrag
   Raise money and awareness for water projects,
   In line with Future vision; endorsed by WASRAG
 Easy to organize
   Easiest way for a club to participate in Water.
   Piggyback on experiences of other clubs
 Alignment between Avenues of Service
   Fits with New Generations (youth), Community
    service and International service
 Fundraising                    Membership
    Raise up to $20,000          recruitment
    Matching grants               Target: "parents of school
     provided by Aqua for All       children" learn about
     for approved projects          Rotary.
 Publicity                        Indirectly leads to new
    Generates media
     attention, promotes club    Manageable
 Youth involvement                1 RC can organize or
                                    several cooperating clubs.
    Rotarian Guest lectures
                                   Fits commission structure
    Brings Rotary close to
     communities.                  Fits within Rotary year

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Rotary wandelen voor water intro v2 (feb 2012)

  • 1. 2013: Rotary Water Year and time to organize worldwide Rotary Walking for Water Proposal to Rotary Clubs World-wide
  • 2. 2013 is UN Year for Water Leverage media attention for water The extra media attention the UN theme brings is an opportunity to showcase Rotary & Water.
  • 3. PROPOSAL: make water your club theme for 2012-2013 By adopting water, we encourage clubs to: Raise water awareness Knowledge of water problems & solutions Learn how Rotary clubs work for water causes Consider supporting a water project Work together with Wasrag and other clubs Consider holding a water fundraising event Help promote Rotarys activities for water
  • 4. Why Water 900 million people without clean water 2,3 billion people without adequate sanitation Ensuring safe drinking water is the most effective way to reduce poverty Source: UN University 2008 Investments in more and beter water is one of the most efficient forms of aid. Payback/value to per $1 (intl. aid) investment: Household water filters = $30 (thats a 30 times ROI) RopePump = $50 Source: WHO 2008
  • 5. Water First? Water has a huge impact on all other humanitarian and Disease and Health development areas of focus Education Literacy Infant mortality WAter, Sanitation & Womens equality Hygene Hunger (better known as WASH) Poverty When clean water is lacking, all these Econ. development become problems. To impact these problems Water is Conflict resolution one of the best places to start
  • 6. Peace through Service Choosing water as your club theme is one way to support Future Vision, Focus Areas and the new RIs theme peace through service Many of todays conflicts around the world are being fuelled by water shortages Increasingly, fights are erupting over such basic human needs as water and arable land. Ban Ki-moon, February, 2008
  • 7. Rotary Future Vision 2013 begins the international roll-out of the new strategy for RI and TRF Areas of Focus Global Grants Goals Focus efforts to increase global impact Simplify global & district grant processes Increase district & club ownership of goals Enhance Rotarys public image
  • 8. 6 Key Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development
  • 9. Peace through Service Starts with Water Disease and Health Service Education Literacy Water Infant mortality Peace Womens equality Hunger & Poverty Econ. development Conflict resolution
  • 10. Start with Water at your club Vision Ron Denham: Every club a water project Idea: every club at least one Wasrag member as from 2012-2013
  • 11. Rotary water projects bringing peace around the world: Country Projects India 212 Indonesia 35 Philippines 50 Thailand 38 Other 90 Country Projects Country Projects Burkina Faso 5 Bolivia 12 Cameroun 9 Dom. Rep. 17 Ghana 25 Ecuador 32 Kenya 55 Guatemala 25 Malawi 10 Haiti 27 Nigeria 21 Honduras 51 South Africa 27 Mexico 55 Tanzania 15 Nicaragua 11 Uganda 58 Peru 18 Zambia 29 Other 57 Other 100
  • 12. On the Wasrag site you can find hundreds of Rotary water projects to support and get involved in Idea for 2012-2013: Choose to support a Water project
  • 13. Types of Rotary Water Projects Drilling of boreholes, installing pumps Rainwater harvesting, water storage Household filters and purification Building latrines and toilet blocks Irrigation and food security Pipelines/distribution systems Hygiene education
  • 14. Fundraising for Water Projects Rotary Walking for Water School children walking 6 miles with 6 liters water Business walk/marathon Golf tournament (or another sport) Swimming or biking marathon Benefit concert, dance, dinner, event Selling water bottles or similar product Boat races, celebrity auctions,
  • 15. Consider organizing Rotary Walking for Water in 2013 Early registration starts in April 2012 www.walkingforwater.eu
  • 16. What is Walking for Water? Children aged 10-14 through primary schools walk 6 km with 6 liters of water Experiencing and empathizing Dutch and UK with children in developing Rotary Clubs are countries that have to do this organizing this every day successful charity walk for ten years. In 2013 we hope this will grow internationally
  • 17. When: UN World Water Day During the week of March 22 Around the world this is the week that attention is given to water and sanitation. Participating Rotary clubs leverage the extra media attention given to WWD Rotary clubs are virtually connected to each other in common cause, message and timing
  • 18. Reasons for Rotary clubs? Support Future Vision, Water and Wasrag Raise money and awareness for water projects, In line with Future vision; endorsed by WASRAG Easy to organize Easiest way for a club to participate in Water. Piggyback on experiences of other clubs Alignment between Avenues of Service Fits with New Generations (youth), Community service and International service
  • 19. Advantages Fundraising Membership Raise up to $20,000 recruitment Matching grants Target: "parents of school provided by Aqua for All children" learn about for approved projects Rotary. Publicity Indirectly leads to new members Generates media attention, promotes club Manageable Youth involvement 1 RC can organize or several cooperating clubs. Rotarian Guest lectures Fits commission structure Brings Rotary close to communities. Fits within Rotary year
  • 20. Steps WvW 2013 (1) Generate club support for Water Inspire club to adopt water theme in 2012-2013. Share experience with WvW from other clubs Tip: tie into other club goals WvW helps achieve other club goals such as fellowship, PR, member recruitment, youth, Registration (as from April 2012) Clubs wishing to organize WvW need to register Agree to (later) adopt approved (Rotary) projects, or submit own project for approval
  • 21. Steps WvW (2) Approval granted to Rotary club Akvo gives approval to Rotary clubs to approach schools (as from May 2012) School Recruitment (June) Send invitation to Schools before summer break Based on standard templates and examples from experienced Rotary clubs For a commission (July) Establish a WvW commission of between 4 and 6 Rotarians to manage the organization.
  • 22. Steps WvW (3) Commission roles and actions delegated Adopt/adapt Rotary guide and support material Resume school recruitment (september) Allocate tasks, plan track progress Project selection (Oct/Nov 2012) Multiple project options available Choose from approved (Rotary) projects Team up with other clubs for larger water projects Submit your own Rotary project for approval
  • 23. Steps WvW (4) Rotarians give Guest lectures (Feb 2013) A lesson on water for all participating schools and children. For most Rotarians the best part of WvW Contents include: the importance of water, situation in your country, situation in poor countries, cause and effects of water diseases, tangible solutions, project information and practical information about finding sponsors and participating in WVW.
  • 24. Convinced, or want to know more? Visit: www.walkingforwater.eu Contact Walking for Water, WASRAG or Rotary Netherlands to learn more Walking for Water: Chris Amsinger, chris@akvo.org WASRAG: Nancy Gilbert, nancy.gilbert@wasrag.org Rotary Netherlands: Scott King, saking@xs4all.nl And dont forget to sign up as from April 2012