learn about reniform nematode and life stages and also characteristics and symptoms produced by reniform nematode also management practices for this nematode
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1. Reniform nematode
R. reniformis
Prepared by
Assisstant Professor (Plant Pathology)
JSA College of Agriculture and Technology,
Ma. Podaiyur, Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu
2. First recorded in India is cotton by Seshadri & Sivakumar 1963
Systematic position
Phylum : Nematoda
Class : Secernentea
Order : Tylenchida
Suborder : Tylenchina
Super family : Tylenchoidea
Family : Hoplolaimidae
Sub-family : Rotylenchulinae
Genus : Rotylenchulus
Species : R. reniformis (reniform/kidney shape of
mature females)
Major hosts : Cotton, cowpea, castor, papaya and
Type of parasitism : Semiendoparasite
3. Mature Female
Swollen to kidney shaped with
irregular, body length upto 0.5mm,
Dorsal oesophageal gland empties
into the oesophagus about one
stylet length behind knobs,
Vulva raise in the posterior half of
the body
ovary - didelphic, amphidelphic
with a double flexture;
Tail conoid to round terminus
4. Immature female
Vermiform, acquires typical C
shape in the posterior half when
heat relaxed
Head region conoid
Cephalic sclerotization prominent
and stylet well developed
Vulva in the posterior half of the
Tail conoid with rounded
6. Male
Cephalic sclerotization
Stylet and oesophagus reduced,
Weak median bulb;
Tail curved, pointed,
Bursa absent sometimes present
but not reaching upto tail tip
7. Biology and life cycle
Sedentary semiendoparasite on roots
The pre-adult female(immature female) is infective stage.
Vermiform females insert their anterior most region of the
body into the root and start swelling, becoming kidney
shaped(mature female).
Gelatinous matrix is secreted by the female around the body
in which eggs are deposited.
Second stage juveniles undergo three moults in the soil.
Third and fourth stage juveniles do not shed the old cuticle.
8. The nematode can feed upon cortical, pericycle, endodermis
and phloem cells and results in the formation of syncytium
due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the cells
Life cycle- 25 days 25-30oC
Lomy and clay loam soils are favourable for reproduction of
reniform nematode
Males are non parasitic, but reproduction is by amphimixis
Reniform namatode plays an imporatant role in the
Fusarium & Verticillium wilts of cotton
10. Control
Deep Summer Ploughing during May/June 2-3 times at 10-15 days
interval can be effective in killing most of the nematode population.
Grow non hosts such as Onion, Garlic, Turnip, Carrot etc., for 1-
2years in rotation
In bold seeded crops nematicidal seed coating with Carbosulfan 3%
w/w, Fensulfothion 2% and Oxamyl has been found effective