The document outlines a schedule for a project being worked on by four individuals - Selda, Derya, Rowan, and Tim-Pieter. It includes the dates and tasks assigned, with multiple individuals assigned to complete various tasks such as creating a prototype app, writing articles, and designing a database. By the second week in March, the group aims to have finished drafting their ECIS article and presenting a wrap-up of their project.
2. Schedule
Date Task(s) Actor(s)
10 February 2012 Describe Idea, work out process All
17 February 2012 Create draft of Design and Database Rowan, Tim-Pieter
Choose track & topic ECIS Selda, Derya
24 February 2012 Learn programming language Rowan, Tim-Pieter
2 March 2012 Build prototype app Rowan, Tim-Pieter
Write ECIS article Derya, Selda
9 March 2012 Build prototype app Rowan, Tim-Pieter
Write Univers article Derya, Selda
Write ECIS article All
16 March 2012 Finish ECIS article All
Wrap-up All
3. Project Progress Week 4
ECIS Topic: Social Computing and Collaboration
Research Topic: Impact of WEB 2.0 Technologies on Business
RouteMate App
Android Emulator: a virtual mobile device
Database Design
(Rowan& Tim-Pieter)