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Routing Games

  By Javad Ghareh Chamani

   Some Definitions
   Non-atomic Selfish Routing
   Atomic Selfish Routing

   2 Routing models
     Nonatomic selfish routing
     Atomic selfish routing

   Reasons of explain
     Simple but general
     Understandability of POA
     Different techniques needed for analyze
Some Definitions
   Pigous example
     Selfish players
     Each player wants to minimize cost

Multicommodity Flow Network
   Directed graph G = (V, E), may have parallel edges
        set of source/sink pairs: (s1, t1),,(sk , tk )
   Assign each player to asome commodity
   nonnegative, continuous, non-decreasing cost
    function ce

Multicommodity Flow Network

      Traffic described with flow f
      fP: amount of traffic of commodity i that chooses
       path             to travel from si to ti
      Prescribed amount of traffic for commodity i : ri

Feasibility of Flow
   A flow f is feasible for a vector r if it routes
    all of the traffic

Cost Definition
   Cost of a path P with respect to a flow f

 fe  amount of traffic using paths that contain
    the edge e.

Nonatomic Equilibrium
   A flow (f) is equilibrium if:
    no commodity can increase its gain by
    changing its traffic

Braesss Paradox

                    One commodity
                    wants to route
                     unit of traffic
                    from s to t

Braesss Paradox(cont)
                 New equilibrium
                 Old cost: 1.5
                 New cost: 2

Existence & Uniqueness of
   There exists at least one equilibrium
   All equilibriums are equivalent (of
    equal cost)

     Using Potential Function

Potential Functions
 Let ce(x) be the cost of transporting x over
  some edge e
 The total amount spent on that edge is

Marginal Cost and Optimality

Follows from convex optimization problem
 nonnegativity constraints

Marginal Cost and
   How to minimize the total marginal

Create a new network with the marginal
cost as cost function, and find an

Back to Finding Equilibrium
   Remaining questions?
     Can we find equilibrium by finding optimal flows?
     What function should we minimize?

Potential Function
   We want to minimize the functions he(x) of
    all edges. The sum of those is called the
    potential function and should be minimized.

   The potential function is convex:
     there exists a minimum, and therefore an
     and all equilibriums form a set
     with the same cost

Atomic Selfish Routing
 Almost the same as the nonatomic
     Each commodity represents ONE player instead
      of a large number of players.
     Player i must route traffic amount ri on a
      SINGLE path.
   Result: Each player must route a significant
    amount of traffic instead of a negligible

Feasibility of a flow
   A flow f is feasible if:
     it routes all traffic
     it uses one path per player i to route ri

Atomic equilibrium flow

   Also note:
   Different equilibrium flows can have different costs

               no uniqueness

Nonexistence of equilibria
   Traffic amount: r1 = 1; r2 = 2
   P1   s -> t
   P2   s -> v -> t
   P3   s -> w -> t
   P4   s -> v -> w -> t

   1- If player 2 takes P1 or P2, player 1
    takes P4.
   2- If player 1 takes P4, player 2 takes
   3- If player 2 takes P3 or P4, player 1
    takes P1.
   4- If player 1 takes P1, player 2 takes
   This does never end. . .
Difference of Atomic and Non
 Different EQ of an atomic instance can
  have different costs
 Nonatomic EQ have same cost
 POA in atomic instance can be larger
  than nonatomic

Overcome nonexistence of
  To guarantee an equilibrium, additional
    restrictions are placed on atomic instances.
    For instance:

  Give all players an equal amount of traffic
   which has to be routed.

Overcome nonexistence of
equilibrium (cnt)

   In atomic instances we can discretize
    the potential function that was used for
    nonatomic instances:

       #Possible flows is finite. One flow f is
        a global minimum of
Proof (cnt)
   Claim: flow f is an equilibrium flow for
    instance (G,r,c).
   Suppose: Player i could strictly decrease cost in
    equilibrium flow f by deviating from path P to P
    , yielding the new flow f :


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Routing games

  • 1. Routing Games By Javad Ghareh Chamani 1
  • 2. Outlines Introduction Some Definitions Non-atomic Selfish Routing Atomic Selfish Routing 2
  • 3. Introduction 2 Routing models Nonatomic selfish routing Atomic selfish routing Reasons of explain Simple but general Understandability of POA Different techniques needed for analyze 3
  • 4. Some Definitions Pigous example Selfish players Each player wants to minimize cost 4
  • 5. Multicommodity Flow Network Directed graph G = (V, E), may have parallel edges Commodities: set of source/sink pairs: (s1, t1),,(sk , tk ) Assign each player to asome commodity nonnegative, continuous, non-decreasing cost function ce 5
  • 6. Multicommodity Flow Network (cnt) Paths Routes Traffic described with flow f fP: amount of traffic of commodity i that chooses path to travel from si to ti Prescribed amount of traffic for commodity i : ri 6
  • 7. Feasibility of Flow A flow f is feasible for a vector r if it routes all of the traffic 7
  • 8. Cost Definition Cost of a path P with respect to a flow f fe amount of traffic using paths that contain the edge e. 8
  • 9. Nonatomic Equilibrium A flow (f) is equilibrium if: no commodity can increase its gain by changing its traffic 9
  • 10. Braesss Paradox One commodity wants to route 1 unit of traffic from s to t 10
  • 11. Braesss Paradox(cont) New equilibrium Old cost: 1.5 New cost: 2 11
  • 12. Existence & Uniqueness of Equilibrium There exists at least one equilibrium All equilibriums are equivalent (of equal cost) Using Potential Function 12
  • 13. Potential Functions Let ce(x) be the cost of transporting x over some edge e The total amount spent on that edge is x.ce(x) 13
  • 14. Marginal Cost and Optimality Follows from convex optimization problem nonnegativity constraints 14
  • 15. Marginal Cost and Optimality(cnt) How to minimize the total marginal cost? Create a new network with the marginal cost as cost function, and find an equilibrium. 15
  • 16. Back to Finding Equilibrium Remaining questions? Can we find equilibrium by finding optimal flows? What function should we minimize? 16
  • 17. Potential Function We want to minimize the functions he(x) of all edges. The sum of those is called the potential function and should be minimized. 17
  • 18. Consequences The potential function is convex: there exists a minimum, and therefore an equilibrium and all equilibriums form a set with the same cost 18
  • 19. Atomic Selfish Routing Almost the same as the nonatomic instance. Differences: Each commodity represents ONE player instead of a large number of players. Player i must route traffic amount ri on a SINGLE path. Result: Each player must route a significant amount of traffic instead of a negligible amount. 19
  • 20. Feasibility of a flow A flow f is feasible if: it routes all traffic it uses one path per player i to route ri units 20
  • 21. Atomic equilibrium flow Also note: Different equilibrium flows can have different costs no uniqueness 21
  • 22. Nonexistence of equilibria Traffic amount: r1 = 1; r2 = 2 P1 s -> t P2 s -> v -> t P3 s -> w -> t P4 s -> v -> w -> t 1- If player 2 takes P1 or P2, player 1 takes P4. 2- If player 1 takes P4, player 2 takes P3. 3- If player 2 takes P3 or P4, player 1 takes P1. 4- If player 1 takes P1, player 2 takes P2. This does never end. . . 22
  • 23. Difference of Atomic and Non Different EQ of an atomic instance can have different costs Nonatomic EQ have same cost POA in atomic instance can be larger than nonatomic 23
  • 24. Overcome nonexistence of equilibrium To guarantee an equilibrium, additional restrictions are placed on atomic instances. For instance: Give all players an equal amount of traffic which has to be routed. 24
  • 26. Proof In atomic instances we can discretize the potential function that was used for nonatomic instances: #Possible flows is finite. One flow f is a global minimum of 26
  • 27. Proof (cnt) Claim: flow f is an equilibrium flow for instance (G,r,c). Suppose: Player i could strictly decrease cost in equilibrium flow f by deviating from path P to P , yielding the new flow f : 27

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Nonatomicvery large number of player each controlling negligible fraction of traffic.Atomic each player control non-negligible amount