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Cable entry seals
for Telecom applications
Roxtec telecom
Safety and reliability are crucial qualities for maxi-
mized uptime in all types of telecom networks,
mobile as well as fixed-line. With Roxtecs entry
seals installed you can forget your worries and
turn your focus to other important issues.
Reliable and efficient
Roxtec cable entry seals have been
designed for maximum customer
benefit both in terms of reliable
protection and simplicity in use.
The result is an efficient solution
that is easy to use for a wide range
of applications where it provides
long-term operational reliability.
Getting out of jeopardy
Certified protection through Roxtec
helps minimize the influence from
hazards induced by humidity,
rain, dust, sand, electromagnetic
disturbance (RFI/EMI) and fire.
The capacity of a Roxtec cable
entry seal also includes the ability
to prevent disturbance to equip足
ment from snakes, bees, rats or
other types of vermin.
Installers dream
Roxtec Multidiameter, our adapta足
bility solution based on sealing
modules with removable layers,
makes it easy to seal a whole range
of different sizes of cable.
Whenever changes to an
Peace of mind
installation are needed, it is easy
to open up the entry seal to add
further cables. Maintenance is
performed without disturbance
to the functionality of the telecom
With both world class safety and
operational reliability, thousands
of Roxtec customers around the
world now consider cable sealing
one less concern.
 Long-term durable solution
 Protection including firestop
 Easy installation and maintenance
 Multidiameter by Roxtec
Fast roll-out
Fits your project
The cable entry solutions from
Roxtec are simple and flexible to
install and use in the roll-out of sites.
Roxtec frames and sealing modules
can be integrated at any time during
the site construction. This allows the
shelters or buildings to be safely
sealed before they are equipped
with cables and electronics. More
over, the Roxtec entry seals improve
space management.
Only one part number
We supply our customers with
smart kit solutions, flexible enough
to handle a wide variety of cable
configurations. The Roxtec kit
solutions, with one part number,
make planning, purchasing and
installation a lot easier. The
Roxtec solution for adaptability,
Multidiameter, provides capacity
for additional installations and
reduces future maintenance costs.
A kit installation can always be
finished on site since the modules
themselves compensate for any
surprises or last-minute changes.
Everyone in the project, from design
to maintenance, will benefit.
Sites are always
Easy to add equipment and
more operators
Sooner or later any telecom
equipment and its cables will get
changed, added or removed. A
constant development of new
technology and the addition of more
operators to shared sites mean
challenges through new needs.
Roxtec provides a smart way for
the future.
Built-in spare capacity
Whenever more cables or pipes
need to be installed in the future,
our unique sealing technology is
ready. Multidiameter allows any
previously unused seal in a frame
to be adapted to fit the new cables
or pipes. The amount of spare
capacity can be decided from the
start, allowing additional cables and
pipes later at no additional cost.
 No downtime during service
 Easy to open and close
 Handles a wide range of cables
Roxtec for
maximum uptime
in your networks
Shown here are examples of
applications where Roxtec adds
value and helps protect telecom
Roof-top site: Cable seal
through the outer wall of
the building for antenna
Radio link: Roof-top cable
seal handling antenna
cables through the roof
Base station shelter:
Round sealing solution
for openings in port hole
Communication centers:
Sealing fiber optics and
cables in floors and outer
3G base station shelter:
Sealing of feeders
through the wall.
Outdoor cabinet: Sealing
of cables passing from
outside to inside of a
Manhole: Sealing of
power cables in vaults
below ground.
Railway: Sealing of cables
for GSM-R through floor
and wall of shelter.
Buildings: Feeding
of single cables into
Switch station: Cable
seals through floors and
walls in the switch station.
FTTH: Conduits for fiber
optics sealed in the foun-
dation of network shelter.
Cabinets: Cable entry
solution to seal cables in
outdoor cabinets.
A truly flexible
The smart adaptability of the tech-
nology makes installation of cables
and pipes easy and safe. Each
Roxtec module has removable
layers that enable a perfect fit to
different dimensions of cable or
pipe. Just peel of a few layers and
the seal fits the desired size of a
cable or pipe.
Space management
Thanks to the design and the
modular build of a Roxtec entry
seal, cables are neatly organized
as they pass through the opening.
A small but proper distance
between each cable creates high
area efficiency. It also allows
for a good overview and easy
Easy retrofit
More and more coax cables need
to run into shelters and cabinets.
Roxtec retrofit frame solutions
replace the traditional cable seals,
such as port panels. The advantage
is that you can run two to three
times as many cables through an
existing opening without ever having
to shut the system down.
Basic steps
in the assembly of a
modular-based Roxtec
sealing solution
Both mobile and fixed-line
A benefit with Roxtec is that it is just
as easy to use in mobile networks
as in fixed-line systems. Regardless
of the need for fast roll-out in mobile
applications or safety in vaults and
buildings, Roxtec provides outstand-
ing reliability.
Cables and fibers
In terms of routed items Roxtec
handles traditional cables and
feeders just as well as new
technologies, including fiber optics.
This provides further benefits, when
old and new solutions often need to
be installed side by side.
Local support for your
site team
Roxtec is much more than a
supplier. Our staff around the
world play an active role in helping
customers find the optimum
solution. Our knowledge, acquired
through many years of work in the
field, means we can guide you to
solutions that suit your needs and
Talk to our technicians
Our extensive R&D resources, with
a design department and a technical
center with test and fire labs,
enable us to continuously develop
and improve solutions.
We help ensure quality
People often come and go in
telecom projects during the
installation phase. Thanks to the
support and documentation
provided by Roxtec it is easy to
make the transfer of knowledge
to the installers on site to ensure
a high level of quality assurance.
Roxtec Transit Designer
Our free, web-based tool simplifies
product selection according to
needs and requirements and
improves the entire process of
designing, purchasing and installing
cable and pipe transits. It is available
on www.roxtec.com.
Installation training
We also provide product installation
training through our sales staff and
technicians. We are there to support
and train you on site.
Website for installers
On our global website we have
collected useful information
designed for staff involved in
assembly and installation of the
Roxtec sealing system. Instructions
and videos can be viewed online or
downloaded for free.
We support
you globally
Among our telecom customers you find:
Aircell, AT&T, Bharti, China Mobile, China Telecom, Dishnet, Ericsson,
Ghana Telecom, GrameenPhone Ltd, Huawei, Hutchison, Idea, Mobinil,
Motorola, Nokia Siemens Networks, Orange, Reliance, Sprint/Nextel, TATA
Indicomm, Tele2, Telecom Italia Mobile TIM, Telefonica, Telenor, Telia Sonera,
T-Mobile, VimpelCom, VIVO, Vodafone.
All our sealing solutions are
available through our extensive
network of local suppliers. This
means direct support and fast
deliveries from local stocks in
more than 70 markets.
on your market
Local presence
Roxtec is the world-leading provider
of flexible sealing solutions for cable
and pipe penetrations. Our adaptability
solution, Multidiameter, is based
on modules with removable layers.
It seals perfectly, regardless of the
dimension of the cable or pipe. We are
present all over the world in order to
ensure product availability as well as
quick support and supply.
Sweden, Roxtec International AB, HQ
Argentina, INGIAR Representaciones SRL
Australia, Roxtec Australia Ltd
Belgium, Roxtec b.v.b.a/s.p.r.l
Brazil, Roxtec Latin Am辿rica Ltda
Chile, FACOR Ltda	
China, Roxtec Sealing System (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
Croatia, Roxtec d.o.o.	
Czech Republic, Roxtec CZ s.r.o 	
Denmark, Roxtec Denmark ApS	
Finland, Roxtec Finland Oy 	
France, Roxtec France SAS	
Germany, Roxtec GmbH	
Hungary, Glob-Prot Trade and Service Ltd	
India, Roxtec India Pvt Ltd
Israel, C&P Co. Ltd	
Italy, Roxtec Italia S.r.l	
Japan, Roxtec Japan K.K	
Lithuania, SWELBALT UAB	
Mexico, Roxtec de M辿xico, S.A. de C.V	
Nigeria, Structured Resource Business Ltd	
The Netherlands, Roxtec BV	
Norway, Roxtec AS	
Peru, Synixtor S.A.C	
Poland, Pionet Sp.zo.o		
Russia, Roxtec RU	
Romania, Roxtec RO s.r.l.	
Singapore/Indonesia, Roxtec Singapore PTE Ltd
South Africa, Roxtec Africa (PTY) Ltd
South Korea, Roxtec Korea Ltd	
Spain, Roxtec Sistemas Pasamuros S.L	
Switzerland, Agro AG
Turkey, Roxtec Yal脹t脹m 旦z端mleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. ti.
UAE, Roxtec Middle East F.Z.E	
UK/Ireland, Roxtec Ltd, 	
USA/Canada, Roxtec Inc
Venezuela, Groupo ES Escorihuela Sornes, C.A
For other markets and detailed contact information,
please visit www.roxtec.com
Roxtec International AB
Box 540, 371 23 Karlskrona, SWEDEN
PHONE +46 455 36 67 00, FAX +46 455 820 12
EMAIL info@roxtec.com, www.roxtec.com

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Roxtec telecom

  • 1. Cable entry seals for Telecom applications
  • 3. Safety and reliability are crucial qualities for maxi- mized uptime in all types of telecom networks, mobile as well as fixed-line. With Roxtecs entry seals installed you can forget your worries and turn your focus to other important issues. Reliable and efficient Roxtec cable entry seals have been designed for maximum customer benefit both in terms of reliable protection and simplicity in use. The result is an efficient solution that is easy to use for a wide range of applications where it provides long-term operational reliability. Getting out of jeopardy Certified protection through Roxtec helps minimize the influence from hazards induced by humidity, rain, dust, sand, electromagnetic disturbance (RFI/EMI) and fire. The capacity of a Roxtec cable entry seal also includes the ability to prevent disturbance to equip足 ment from snakes, bees, rats or other types of vermin. Installers dream Roxtec Multidiameter, our adapta足 bility solution based on sealing modules with removable layers, makes it easy to seal a whole range of different sizes of cable. Whenever changes to an Peace of mind installation are needed, it is easy to open up the entry seal to add further cables. Maintenance is performed without disturbance to the functionality of the telecom network. With both world class safety and operational reliability, thousands of Roxtec customers around the world now consider cable sealing one less concern. Long-term durable solution Protection including firestop Easy installation and maintenance Multidiameter by Roxtec
  • 4. Fast roll-out Fits your project The cable entry solutions from Roxtec are simple and flexible to install and use in the roll-out of sites. Roxtec frames and sealing modules can be integrated at any time during the site construction. This allows the shelters or buildings to be safely sealed before they are equipped with cables and electronics. More over, the Roxtec entry seals improve space management. Only one part number We supply our customers with smart kit solutions, flexible enough to handle a wide variety of cable configurations. The Roxtec kit solutions, with one part number, make planning, purchasing and installation a lot easier. The Roxtec solution for adaptability, Multidiameter, provides capacity for additional installations and reduces future maintenance costs. A kit installation can always be finished on site since the modules themselves compensate for any surprises or last-minute changes. Everyone in the project, from design to maintenance, will benefit.
  • 5. Sites are always upgraded Easy to add equipment and more operators Sooner or later any telecom equipment and its cables will get changed, added or removed. A constant development of new technology and the addition of more operators to shared sites mean challenges through new needs. Roxtec provides a smart way for the future. Built-in spare capacity Whenever more cables or pipes need to be installed in the future, our unique sealing technology is ready. Multidiameter allows any previously unused seal in a frame to be adapted to fit the new cables or pipes. The amount of spare capacity can be decided from the start, allowing additional cables and pipes later at no additional cost. No downtime during service Easy to open and close Handles a wide range of cables
  • 6. Roxtec for maximum uptime in your networks Shown here are examples of applications where Roxtec adds value and helps protect telecom infrastructure. Roof-top site: Cable seal through the outer wall of the building for antenna cables. Radio link: Roof-top cable seal handling antenna cables through the roof construction. Base station shelter: Round sealing solution for openings in port hole plates. Communication centers: Sealing fiber optics and cables in floors and outer walls. 3G base station shelter: Sealing of feeders through the wall. Outdoor cabinet: Sealing of cables passing from outside to inside of a cabinet.
  • 7. Manhole: Sealing of power cables in vaults below ground. Railway: Sealing of cables for GSM-R through floor and wall of shelter. Buildings: Feeding of single cables into buildings. Switch station: Cable seals through floors and walls in the switch station. FTTH: Conduits for fiber optics sealed in the foun- dation of network shelter. Cabinets: Cable entry solution to seal cables in outdoor cabinets.
  • 8. A truly flexible system Multidiameter The smart adaptability of the tech- nology makes installation of cables and pipes easy and safe. Each Roxtec module has removable layers that enable a perfect fit to different dimensions of cable or pipe. Just peel of a few layers and the seal fits the desired size of a cable or pipe. Space management Thanks to the design and the modular build of a Roxtec entry seal, cables are neatly organized as they pass through the opening. A small but proper distance between each cable creates high area efficiency. It also allows for a good overview and easy maintenance. Easy retrofit More and more coax cables need to run into shelters and cabinets. Roxtec retrofit frame solutions replace the traditional cable seals, such as port panels. The advantage is that you can run two to three times as many cables through an existing opening without ever having to shut the system down. Basic steps in the assembly of a modular-based Roxtec sealing solution
  • 9. Both mobile and fixed-line telecom A benefit with Roxtec is that it is just as easy to use in mobile networks as in fixed-line systems. Regardless of the need for fast roll-out in mobile applications or safety in vaults and buildings, Roxtec provides outstand- ing reliability. Cables and fibers In terms of routed items Roxtec handles traditional cables and feeders just as well as new technologies, including fiber optics. This provides further benefits, when old and new solutions often need to be installed side by side.
  • 10. Local support for your site team Roxtec is much more than a supplier. Our staff around the world play an active role in helping customers find the optimum solution. Our knowledge, acquired through many years of work in the field, means we can guide you to solutions that suit your needs and applications. Talk to our technicians Our extensive R&D resources, with a design department and a technical center with test and fire labs, enable us to continuously develop and improve solutions. We help ensure quality People often come and go in telecom projects during the installation phase. Thanks to the support and documentation provided by Roxtec it is easy to make the transfer of knowledge to the installers on site to ensure a high level of quality assurance. Roxtec Transit Designer Our free, web-based tool simplifies product selection according to needs and requirements and improves the entire process of designing, purchasing and installing cable and pipe transits. It is available on www.roxtec.com. Installation training We also provide product installation training through our sales staff and technicians. We are there to support and train you on site. Website for installers On our global website we have collected useful information designed for staff involved in assembly and installation of the Roxtec sealing system. Instructions and videos can be viewed online or downloaded for free. We support you globally
  • 11. Among our telecom customers you find: Aircell, AT&T, Bharti, China Mobile, China Telecom, Dishnet, Ericsson, Ghana Telecom, GrameenPhone Ltd, Huawei, Hutchison, Idea, Mobinil, Motorola, Nokia Siemens Networks, Orange, Reliance, Sprint/Nextel, TATA Indicomm, Tele2, Telecom Italia Mobile TIM, Telefonica, Telenor, Telia Sonera, T-Mobile, VimpelCom, VIVO, Vodafone. All our sealing solutions are available through our extensive network of local suppliers. This means direct support and fast deliveries from local stocks in more than 70 markets. Available on your market
  • 12. BRO2004000701ver_4.3/EN/1435/thogeRoxtec速andMultidiameter速areregisteredtrademarksofRoxtecinSwedenand/orothercountries. Local presence worldwide Roxtec is the world-leading provider of flexible sealing solutions for cable and pipe penetrations. Our adaptability solution, Multidiameter, is based on modules with removable layers. It seals perfectly, regardless of the dimension of the cable or pipe. We are present all over the world in order to ensure product availability as well as quick support and supply. Sweden, Roxtec International AB, HQ Argentina, INGIAR Representaciones SRL Australia, Roxtec Australia Ltd Belgium, Roxtec b.v.b.a/s.p.r.l Brazil, Roxtec Latin Am辿rica Ltda Chile, FACOR Ltda China, Roxtec Sealing System (Shanghai) Co. Ltd Croatia, Roxtec d.o.o. Czech Republic, Roxtec CZ s.r.o Denmark, Roxtec Denmark ApS Finland, Roxtec Finland Oy France, Roxtec France SAS Germany, Roxtec GmbH Hungary, Glob-Prot Trade and Service Ltd India, Roxtec India Pvt Ltd Israel, C&P Co. Ltd Italy, Roxtec Italia S.r.l Japan, Roxtec Japan K.K Lithuania, SWELBALT UAB Mexico, Roxtec de M辿xico, S.A. de C.V Nigeria, Structured Resource Business Ltd The Netherlands, Roxtec BV Norway, Roxtec AS Peru, Synixtor S.A.C Poland, Pionet Sp.zo.o Russia, Roxtec RU Romania, Roxtec RO s.r.l. Singapore/Indonesia, Roxtec Singapore PTE Ltd South Africa, Roxtec Africa (PTY) Ltd South Korea, Roxtec Korea Ltd Spain, Roxtec Sistemas Pasamuros S.L Switzerland, Agro AG Turkey, Roxtec Yal脹t脹m 旦z端mleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. ti. UAE, Roxtec Middle East F.Z.E UK/Ireland, Roxtec Ltd, USA/Canada, Roxtec Inc Venezuela, Groupo ES Escorihuela Sornes, C.A For other markets and detailed contact information, please visit www.roxtec.com Roxtec International AB Box 540, 371 23 Karlskrona, SWEDEN PHONE +46 455 36 67 00, FAX +46 455 820 12 EMAIL info@roxtec.com, www.roxtec.com