double bottom pada kapal secara umum yang ada di duniaMahendraJaya8membicarakan tentang bentuk dasar kapal
H2Hub Wallonia Séance d'information : VKHyLab - DMA TECH - HECO2 | A6K Charle...Cluster TWEEDDans le cadre de H2Hub Wallonia, le Cluster TWEED, en partenariat avec les pôles Mecatech et GreenWin, ont organisé une séance d'information le 24 mai au sein de A6K à Charleroi, qui a réalisé le point sur des développements récents liés à cette nouvelle filière en Wallonie au travers de 3 présentations : Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, DMA Tech et HECO2.
Stress pada ikan wiwin.pdfWiwin Kusuma Atmaja Putra1. Stress pada ikan merupakan respon fisiologis terhadap faktor-faktor eksternal yang menyebabkan kondisi tidak normal.
2. Stress dapat meningkatkan kadar hormon kortisol dan glukosa darah serta mengganggu proses reproduksi dan pertumbuhan ikan.
3. Faktor lingkungan seperti suhu, kepadatan, dan polusi dapat memicu terjadinya stress pada ikan.
Conservation Of Endangered Tree Species Of India by RPG.pdfGanesan RPMoEFCC yet to understand and act on Conservation of Endangered TREE species
The lack of Clarity lead to restrictions TREE growing FARMERS
India can become 40% GREEN, if restrictions are removed for FARMERS
Comments for Forest Conservation Act Amendment Oct 2021Ganesan RPTree growing is still harassed in India with old colonial laws. Good that govt is bring changes in FCA to remove the hurdles.
My comments for FCA amendment
Farmer perspective on Farm boundary trees Her Med Per PedGanesan RPIndia can become 40 % green, if hurdles for tree growing is removed. I am doing my best for the same.
Tree growing at farm boundaries is much more challenging than growing in plantation.
Happy to note that Director general of ICAR and other officials are aware of difficulties of tree growing farmers.
I have put forth farmers perspective to best of my knowledge
Why Agroforestry My Experience CAFRI 9th Nov 2020Ganesan RPIt is good CAFRI has organized a all India level webinar on Agroforestry.
My presentation in brief - for 10 mini
Objective Policies, Laws & Guidelines that will reduce litigation by RP Ganes...Ganesan RPMany laws, conventions, treaties to protect environment and mitigate damages, but none could achieve expected results. One of the reason, i found is that the laws and rules are very much subjective, which very difficult to follow, implement that leads to corruption, court cases, project delays etc.
So, objective laws will not only reduce litigation but also will improve the ENVIRONMENT
Draft EIA 2020 - Good and ConcernsGanesan RP- The document discusses concerns with India's environmental performance and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. It notes that India ranks poorly on environmental indexes and that lapses by the Ministry of Environment have reduced confidence.
- Reforms are needed for the EIA process, including providing clear guidance on endangered species, compliance reporting, and qualifications for EIA consultants. Compensatory planting ratios should be specified based on species vulnerability.
- Overall the EIA process needs simplification, transparency, timebound decisions, and compensation for affected people while balancing development and environmental protection. Reforming the EIA is one part of improving India's environmental governance.
Consolidated List of RP Ganesan's Grievances and StatusGanesan RPGood, Digital grievances to change policy lapses - Digital ERA
GOI made grievance portal well, could write the grievances and rate based on our satisfaction. I could create a separate export policy for FARMERS Red Sanders wood, 18th Feb 2019. Believe me, I never visited any office. It would have costed crores earlier, meeting many MPs / Ministers / associations etc.
This policy has created a confidence among farmers that all other hurdles for tree growing also will go. Last year alone a MILLION more Red Sanders got planted.
Struggling to remove hurdles for all tree species growing in FARMERS land, which will benefit farmers and others, as farmers will come out of water consuming crops like sugar. Trees will bring more rain, means more fresh water and clean air.
A Timber Development Board under Min of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare is the solution.
Suggest, a team of people shall take up such issue, find the root cause of problem, collect proofs, find solution and writing to Govt will change the country / world.
Digital era, all is accessible, bureaucrats can no longer dictate policies.
With a vision to make India 40 % Green.
Thanking you all
World Environment Day 2020 RP GanesanGanesan RPAll have started realizing the importance of Environment. Let us all contribute our best and criticize constructively
Endangered Tree Species of India - Conservation - Confusions - Status and Sol...Ganesan RPEndangered tree species recovery in India faces challenges due to lack of clear definitions, mandates, and policies. There is no central authority responsible for overseeing endangered species recovery, surveys are not conducted, and recovery plans are not made. This leads to confusion and hinders conservation efforts. Standardizing key terms and delineating responsibilities among ministries could help strengthen protections for endangered trees.
Representation to India's Members of Parliament on Hurdles for Tree growingGanesan RPThe noble deed, tree growing is most harassed with policy lapses, old colonial rules & procedures of Forest dept. The fundamental lapses are, applying laws meant for forest protection on farmers and applying conservation issues on farmers without doing it in forest by forest dept.
It is nobodies intention to harass tree growing farmers, but it has happened.
So, representing to all Honorable Members of Parliament of India.
My representation also to UNEP / UNCCD / UNFCC etc because failure in distinguishing farmers trees from forest creates problem internationally, convention and treaties
Hope hurdles for tree growing is removed and eco-friendly wood use for furniture / buildings increase, carbon sink.
Thanking you
My comments on Draft Forest Policy 2018Ganesan RPThis document provides a draft of India's revised National Forest Policy of 2018. Some key points:
- It recognizes the need to update the 1988 policy to address new issues like climate change, urban forestry, and participatory management.
- The overall goal is ensuring ecological and livelihood security through sustainable forest management to provide ecosystem services.
- Objectives include conservation, rehabilitation, improving livelihoods, contributing to climate targets, and increasing forest cover.
- Strategies outlined include sustainable management of natural and plantation forests, protecting biodiversity, strengthening community forestry, and promoting agroforestry and urban greens.
Red Sanders Policy issues after BSI NDF report, Feb 2020Ganesan RPThe NDF report is with fundamental lapses. The purpose of NDF study is say whether Red sanders wood lot applied for export is Detrimental to it's population or not.
Requested them multiple times, to recommend removal of CITES quantity restriction for FARMERS Red Sanders wood or at least to fix at 10000 MTS / year
Whereas BSI has recommended to harvest from planted forest and export, in spite of the fact that already around 12000 MTs are lying with state forest dept.
They did not estimate demand, they do no conservation, they do know the hardships of tree growing farmers.
SAD, confusing, unclear Misleading Report
BSI Red Sanders NDF Report with RP Ganesan commentsGanesan RPThe purpose of NDF report is to recommend whether a lot of Red Sanders applied for Export is Detrimental to it's population in the wild
It should be done whenever there is an application for export, in a short period, referring with base details. However, MoEFCC / BSI / IFGTB is doing once in 5-6 years, TOOK 2 Years to submit.
Farmers Red Sanders wood do not require detailed NDF study, only identification is required, not mentioned this clearly.
BSI yet to understand IUCN criteria for threatened species. It says Red sanders should not been down-listed to Near Threatened from Endangered, purely a ignorance / EGOISTIC statement. Snow leopard was removed from Endangered category, as it's population was found more than 2500, with difficult assessment . Whereas Red Sanders populations in wild / naturalized wild is around 8 million And IUCN classification did not deter them do more conservative work
BSI do not have clear idea about recouping threatened species. Basically the population should be increased by new plantation in forest area, conserve it, naturalize it, in multiple locations to increase the EOO / AOO / No of mature individual / reduce risk of reduction in population in it's rotation cycle etc..
Recommendations are not specific and giving recommendation without knowing its populations in FARMERS land is VERY BAD, USELESS, MISLEADING. SORRY
BSI NDF report with my comments is uploaded.
Will add a presentation on this shortly
Rosewood NDF RP Ganesan views dec 2019Ganesan RPThey are many international treaties to save our environment, spices, biodiversity etc but very poorly understood. Such poor understanding creates hurdles which is indirectly acting against environment. One such thing is NDF study of species for CITES. India signed CITES in 1978 but still there is no claarity
Find my views on NDF study on ROSEWOOD ( Dalbergia latifolia) by BSI, Kolkata
To High Level Task Force Agri reforms 2019Ganesan RPShri Modiji has started reforms in military, finance, international relationship etc and made a remarkable progress. Now, he has started for agri also, a complex one. It needs support of state govt also. Let's hope for the best
I put forth my views to the High level committee headed by Honorable Chief Minister of Maharastra and others
Thanking you
Timber Board Under Agriculture is a Wholistic SolutionGanesan RPAll say grow trees. They are right, even though they may not know the full benefit. And many know wood is eco-friendly. They are right even though they may not know the indirect benefits like wood use will reduce mining, which is good for environment.
But only grower experience the harassment of forest dept and know the policy hurdles.
Tree growing is a challenge which we are ready to face. Bad part is policy hurdles.
I feel, the colonial foot print of forest laws & procedures meant to protect forest is been applied on farmers also. It is not only hurting tree growing in India but feel, may be hurting tree growing in many countries.
So I request UN, UNEP, UNFCC, UNCCD, FAO, IUCN, CITES all study and remove such hurdles for tree growing in all the countries and promote eco-friendly wood instead of metal / plastics.
Responsive Govt Ganesan RPUnbelievable. A farmer's representation was considered and responsive Shri Modi ji government created a separate policy for Farmer's Red Sanders wood.
It not only benefit the farmer but also 1000s of farmers growing now and lakhs farmers going to grow Red Sanders, a dry land species.
Thank and very hopeful with confidence that you write to Honorable Prime minister Shri Modiji, the genuine issues, it will be resolved.
Policy issues on Red Sanders wood export Jan 2019Ganesan RPThere were some good developments last year. Red Sanders was removed from Endangered category and CITES notification 2018 /031 clearly specified that All wood species / specimen from cultivated source is allowed for export / International trade.
And Botanical survey of India completed NDF, Non Detrimental Study for Red sanders.
Now, MoEFCC has to clearly recommend separate policy for farmer's Red Sanders wood for export without any conditions and restrictions.
Hoping for a good policy within this year
Farmer Representation for PIL, WP C 976 of 2014, in Hon'ble SCIGanesan RPFarmers are struggling with policy hurdles for export of dry land tree, Red Sanders wood. Whereas M/s Common Cause, an NGO has filled a writ petition against export of Red Sanders wood, without knowing the all the facts. It is unfortunate.
The sad part is, a good Sr Advocate, Mr. Prasant Bhusan is appearing for the case. He is known for fighting against corruption, deprived , environment etc.
So, I have represented to both of them, via email to revise the petition to facilitate FARMER'S Red Sanders wood WITHOUT any restrictions.
Hoping for the best.
RPG Representation to DGFT for favorable Export Policy for Farmers Red Sander...Ganesan RPRed Sanders wood is used for medicine, dye, spices, furniture etc across the globe. But it is restricted for export by GOI. The global need met through smuggling. Tree Growing farmers are struggling due to bad policy. So, Requesting GOI to create a separate policy for Farmer's Red Sanderss Wood.
RPG Representation CITES India MA & SA Aug 2018Ganesan RPI have represented to CITES India, to make efforts to remove Red Sanders from CITES Appendix II. BSI Kolkatta is now conducting survey for NDF study. That can be extended for this also, as IUCN has removed Red Sanders from Endangered Category and listed in Near Threatened.
Hope MoEFCC, ADGF WL ie CITES MA and BSI Kolkatta ie CITES SA will act upon it and ensure all hurdles are removed for dry land farmers Red Sanders wood.
RPG Representation to CITES Plants committee members before PC meet july 2018Ganesan RPIUCN removed Red sanders tree from endangered category and classified it as Near Threatened on 5th July 2018. Understood CITES Plants committee meet is going to happen in 16 to 26 July 2018. So, put some important points and sent it to all plants committee members
NHAI will not correct it's mistake, even a Farmer wants to resolve an issue b...Ganesan RPMoEFCC / forest department's ignorance led to a High court case, project delayed for half a decade. Such kind of negligence reduces the confidence on govt and more protests for new projects. A mistake should not be substantiated, instead Mediation is a better option.
I have opted for mediation but NHAI did not use the opportunity to resolve this unique issue
Comments on CITES 2018 / 048 notification by RP Ganesan indiaGanesan RPCITES is trying to resolve ambiguities and inconsistencies in trade in specimens Flora and Fauna of NOT OF WILD SOURCE. As a stack holder, a threatened species grower, sent my comments to them. They also acknowledged
Red sanders is not an Endangered Species. Representation to IUCN by RP GanesanGanesan RPRed Sanders tree, Pterocarpus Santalinus, is a dry land tree. It grows in degraded land of hot climate and withstands erratic rain fall. It was classified as an Endangered species in 1998, without an objective study. Sadly it was not assessed for 20 years. Good that now IUCN, Global Tree Campaign is assessing it. Hence I have represented to them the facts and proofs, as a farmer, to remove it from endangered list.
Sadly, there is no interaction between BSI (Botanical Survey of India ) and IUCN. No-one is part of assessment team. They may not even know that it is being assessed by IUCN.
Hope their assessment will remove it from Endangered list, which will be a starting point for removal of hurdles for growing it.
I understand that they will be publishing it by 28th June 2018.
Draft EIA 2020 - Good and ConcernsGanesan RP- The document discusses concerns with India's environmental performance and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. It notes that India ranks poorly on environmental indexes and that lapses by the Ministry of Environment have reduced confidence.
- Reforms are needed for the EIA process, including providing clear guidance on endangered species, compliance reporting, and qualifications for EIA consultants. Compensatory planting ratios should be specified based on species vulnerability.
- Overall the EIA process needs simplification, transparency, timebound decisions, and compensation for affected people while balancing development and environmental protection. Reforming the EIA is one part of improving India's environmental governance.
Consolidated List of RP Ganesan's Grievances and StatusGanesan RPGood, Digital grievances to change policy lapses - Digital ERA
GOI made grievance portal well, could write the grievances and rate based on our satisfaction. I could create a separate export policy for FARMERS Red Sanders wood, 18th Feb 2019. Believe me, I never visited any office. It would have costed crores earlier, meeting many MPs / Ministers / associations etc.
This policy has created a confidence among farmers that all other hurdles for tree growing also will go. Last year alone a MILLION more Red Sanders got planted.
Struggling to remove hurdles for all tree species growing in FARMERS land, which will benefit farmers and others, as farmers will come out of water consuming crops like sugar. Trees will bring more rain, means more fresh water and clean air.
A Timber Development Board under Min of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare is the solution.
Suggest, a team of people shall take up such issue, find the root cause of problem, collect proofs, find solution and writing to Govt will change the country / world.
Digital era, all is accessible, bureaucrats can no longer dictate policies.
With a vision to make India 40 % Green.
Thanking you all
World Environment Day 2020 RP GanesanGanesan RPAll have started realizing the importance of Environment. Let us all contribute our best and criticize constructively
Endangered Tree Species of India - Conservation - Confusions - Status and Sol...Ganesan RPEndangered tree species recovery in India faces challenges due to lack of clear definitions, mandates, and policies. There is no central authority responsible for overseeing endangered species recovery, surveys are not conducted, and recovery plans are not made. This leads to confusion and hinders conservation efforts. Standardizing key terms and delineating responsibilities among ministries could help strengthen protections for endangered trees.
Representation to India's Members of Parliament on Hurdles for Tree growingGanesan RPThe noble deed, tree growing is most harassed with policy lapses, old colonial rules & procedures of Forest dept. The fundamental lapses are, applying laws meant for forest protection on farmers and applying conservation issues on farmers without doing it in forest by forest dept.
It is nobodies intention to harass tree growing farmers, but it has happened.
So, representing to all Honorable Members of Parliament of India.
My representation also to UNEP / UNCCD / UNFCC etc because failure in distinguishing farmers trees from forest creates problem internationally, convention and treaties
Hope hurdles for tree growing is removed and eco-friendly wood use for furniture / buildings increase, carbon sink.
Thanking you
My comments on Draft Forest Policy 2018Ganesan RPThis document provides a draft of India's revised National Forest Policy of 2018. Some key points:
- It recognizes the need to update the 1988 policy to address new issues like climate change, urban forestry, and participatory management.
- The overall goal is ensuring ecological and livelihood security through sustainable forest management to provide ecosystem services.
- Objectives include conservation, rehabilitation, improving livelihoods, contributing to climate targets, and increasing forest cover.
- Strategies outlined include sustainable management of natural and plantation forests, protecting biodiversity, strengthening community forestry, and promoting agroforestry and urban greens.
Red Sanders Policy issues after BSI NDF report, Feb 2020Ganesan RPThe NDF report is with fundamental lapses. The purpose of NDF study is say whether Red sanders wood lot applied for export is Detrimental to it's population or not.
Requested them multiple times, to recommend removal of CITES quantity restriction for FARMERS Red Sanders wood or at least to fix at 10000 MTS / year
Whereas BSI has recommended to harvest from planted forest and export, in spite of the fact that already around 12000 MTs are lying with state forest dept.
They did not estimate demand, they do no conservation, they do know the hardships of tree growing farmers.
SAD, confusing, unclear Misleading Report
BSI Red Sanders NDF Report with RP Ganesan commentsGanesan RPThe purpose of NDF report is to recommend whether a lot of Red Sanders applied for Export is Detrimental to it's population in the wild
It should be done whenever there is an application for export, in a short period, referring with base details. However, MoEFCC / BSI / IFGTB is doing once in 5-6 years, TOOK 2 Years to submit.
Farmers Red Sanders wood do not require detailed NDF study, only identification is required, not mentioned this clearly.
BSI yet to understand IUCN criteria for threatened species. It says Red sanders should not been down-listed to Near Threatened from Endangered, purely a ignorance / EGOISTIC statement. Snow leopard was removed from Endangered category, as it's population was found more than 2500, with difficult assessment . Whereas Red Sanders populations in wild / naturalized wild is around 8 million And IUCN classification did not deter them do more conservative work
BSI do not have clear idea about recouping threatened species. Basically the population should be increased by new plantation in forest area, conserve it, naturalize it, in multiple locations to increase the EOO / AOO / No of mature individual / reduce risk of reduction in population in it's rotation cycle etc..
Recommendations are not specific and giving recommendation without knowing its populations in FARMERS land is VERY BAD, USELESS, MISLEADING. SORRY
BSI NDF report with my comments is uploaded.
Will add a presentation on this shortly
Rosewood NDF RP Ganesan views dec 2019Ganesan RPThey are many international treaties to save our environment, spices, biodiversity etc but very poorly understood. Such poor understanding creates hurdles which is indirectly acting against environment. One such thing is NDF study of species for CITES. India signed CITES in 1978 but still there is no claarity
Find my views on NDF study on ROSEWOOD ( Dalbergia latifolia) by BSI, Kolkata
To High Level Task Force Agri reforms 2019Ganesan RPShri Modiji has started reforms in military, finance, international relationship etc and made a remarkable progress. Now, he has started for agri also, a complex one. It needs support of state govt also. Let's hope for the best
I put forth my views to the High level committee headed by Honorable Chief Minister of Maharastra and others
Thanking you
Timber Board Under Agriculture is a Wholistic SolutionGanesan RPAll say grow trees. They are right, even though they may not know the full benefit. And many know wood is eco-friendly. They are right even though they may not know the indirect benefits like wood use will reduce mining, which is good for environment.
But only grower experience the harassment of forest dept and know the policy hurdles.
Tree growing is a challenge which we are ready to face. Bad part is policy hurdles.
I feel, the colonial foot print of forest laws & procedures meant to protect forest is been applied on farmers also. It is not only hurting tree growing in India but feel, may be hurting tree growing in many countries.
So I request UN, UNEP, UNFCC, UNCCD, FAO, IUCN, CITES all study and remove such hurdles for tree growing in all the countries and promote eco-friendly wood instead of metal / plastics.
Responsive Govt Ganesan RPUnbelievable. A farmer's representation was considered and responsive Shri Modi ji government created a separate policy for Farmer's Red Sanders wood.
It not only benefit the farmer but also 1000s of farmers growing now and lakhs farmers going to grow Red Sanders, a dry land species.
Thank and very hopeful with confidence that you write to Honorable Prime minister Shri Modiji, the genuine issues, it will be resolved.
Policy issues on Red Sanders wood export Jan 2019Ganesan RPThere were some good developments last year. Red Sanders was removed from Endangered category and CITES notification 2018 /031 clearly specified that All wood species / specimen from cultivated source is allowed for export / International trade.
And Botanical survey of India completed NDF, Non Detrimental Study for Red sanders.
Now, MoEFCC has to clearly recommend separate policy for farmer's Red Sanders wood for export without any conditions and restrictions.
Hoping for a good policy within this year
Farmer Representation for PIL, WP C 976 of 2014, in Hon'ble SCIGanesan RPFarmers are struggling with policy hurdles for export of dry land tree, Red Sanders wood. Whereas M/s Common Cause, an NGO has filled a writ petition against export of Red Sanders wood, without knowing the all the facts. It is unfortunate.
The sad part is, a good Sr Advocate, Mr. Prasant Bhusan is appearing for the case. He is known for fighting against corruption, deprived , environment etc.
So, I have represented to both of them, via email to revise the petition to facilitate FARMER'S Red Sanders wood WITHOUT any restrictions.
Hoping for the best.
RPG Representation to DGFT for favorable Export Policy for Farmers Red Sander...Ganesan RPRed Sanders wood is used for medicine, dye, spices, furniture etc across the globe. But it is restricted for export by GOI. The global need met through smuggling. Tree Growing farmers are struggling due to bad policy. So, Requesting GOI to create a separate policy for Farmer's Red Sanderss Wood.
RPG Representation CITES India MA & SA Aug 2018Ganesan RPI have represented to CITES India, to make efforts to remove Red Sanders from CITES Appendix II. BSI Kolkatta is now conducting survey for NDF study. That can be extended for this also, as IUCN has removed Red Sanders from Endangered Category and listed in Near Threatened.
Hope MoEFCC, ADGF WL ie CITES MA and BSI Kolkatta ie CITES SA will act upon it and ensure all hurdles are removed for dry land farmers Red Sanders wood.
RPG Representation to CITES Plants committee members before PC meet july 2018Ganesan RPIUCN removed Red sanders tree from endangered category and classified it as Near Threatened on 5th July 2018. Understood CITES Plants committee meet is going to happen in 16 to 26 July 2018. So, put some important points and sent it to all plants committee members
NHAI will not correct it's mistake, even a Farmer wants to resolve an issue b...Ganesan RPMoEFCC / forest department's ignorance led to a High court case, project delayed for half a decade. Such kind of negligence reduces the confidence on govt and more protests for new projects. A mistake should not be substantiated, instead Mediation is a better option.
I have opted for mediation but NHAI did not use the opportunity to resolve this unique issue
Comments on CITES 2018 / 048 notification by RP Ganesan indiaGanesan RPCITES is trying to resolve ambiguities and inconsistencies in trade in specimens Flora and Fauna of NOT OF WILD SOURCE. As a stack holder, a threatened species grower, sent my comments to them. They also acknowledged
Red sanders is not an Endangered Species. Representation to IUCN by RP GanesanGanesan RPRed Sanders tree, Pterocarpus Santalinus, is a dry land tree. It grows in degraded land of hot climate and withstands erratic rain fall. It was classified as an Endangered species in 1998, without an objective study. Sadly it was not assessed for 20 years. Good that now IUCN, Global Tree Campaign is assessing it. Hence I have represented to them the facts and proofs, as a farmer, to remove it from endangered list.
Sadly, there is no interaction between BSI (Botanical Survey of India ) and IUCN. No-one is part of assessment team. They may not even know that it is being assessed by IUCN.
Hope their assessment will remove it from Endangered list, which will be a starting point for removal of hurdles for growing it.
I understand that they will be publishing it by 28th June 2018.
3. India 24%
(Forest policy 1988 said 33% !)
Possible only in farm lands
Aim: Green 40 % India
அ" #வசா'க)* ெபா-p/ம12m
It is collective goal
Old policies / lapses should go
11. Farmers Economics ???
Farmer’s family, Uncertain
■ Soil / Climate /crops
■ Pest control / harvest
■ Market / Risk factors
■ 8hrs, 3 P, 365 days
■ = Rs 6.85 / 10 min
■ = Rs 2.3 / 10 / person
A Govt official, assured
■ One subject / for life
■ Rs 60000 / 20 days
■ Rs 3000 / day
■ Rs 500 / hour
■ Rs 100 / 10 min / person
A middle level govt employee gets 30 times of farmers
income with little knowledge and risk !!!
39. தQgநா2 வனkெகாllைக 2018
▪Ref 3.4.3 “The outdated rules and regulations will
be revisited and certain obsolete restrictions &
regulations which hampers tree growing by
farmers be done away with”.
▪“Tree growing in private lands will be reformed
into free enterprise “
▪Tree growers co-op societies be facilitated
50. வளrkக
1st Year
Description Amount No Total
Land preparation 20000 1 20000
Fence 40000 1 40000
Pitting 20 440 8800
Sapling 25 450 11250
Planting 5 440 2200
Weeding / mulch 5000 1 5000
Water, tran, mis 5000 1 5000
Grand total 92250
51. 2nd Year
Description Amount No Total
Sapling 25 100 2500
Planting 5 100 500
Weeding / mulch 5000 1 5000
Water, tran, mis 3000 1 3000
Labour / main 7000 1 7000
Our exp 2000 1 2000
1st yr, with int 108855 1 108855
52. ஓr அOpபைட
■ Planting = Rs 1,30,000 / acre
■ If you calculate 1.5% pm ie 18 % pa
■ In 25 years, it will be = Rs 1,71,40,956 ie 1.7 crores
■ In 30 years, It will be = Rs 2,76,51,491 ie 2.75 crores
■ Note : Land cost not taken, it appreciates.
■ So getting a crore after 25/30 years is not very big amount
TARGET : 5 crores
53. எdr காலtdl
Heart wood / tree
Avg dia 10 cm Weight 3.14*10*10*500
Hight 500 cm So 150 Kgs/ tree
Per acre
No trees 440 80% 352 Trees /acre
Heart wood 352 150 52800 Kgs / acre
52.8 Ton / acre
Income / acre
Price lakhs Amount
A grade 25
B grade 10 20% 105.6 lakhs
C grade 5 60% 158.4 lakhs
D grade 1 20% 10.56 lakhs
Say 2.75 crores 274.6 lakhs
60. NITI Aayog is considering it now
We will thank
Hon’ble Prime minister Shri Modi ji,
if Timber Development board
is created under
Min of Agriculture and FARMER’s welfare
Write to : @pmoindia @nitiaayog
Also write at dept NITI aayog
61. மர மJOகll
● Timber Development Board (MoAFW) வnதாl
ெசmமரtTUகான மர மVH ஆரm_kக எனk; ஆrவm
● Airport அ-காைம)l, ேகாைவ....
● எlலா மாவ1டHக)_m மர மJO வர ேவJ2m