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Recruitment Process Outsourcing
        Social Recruiting
 Recruitment Proces Outsourcing
                     Database met webportal/VMS
                     Werken bij website
                     App om via mobile te werken
Recruitment Process Outsourcing is een vorm van business process outsourcing
(BPO) waarbij een werkgever een deel of al zijn recruitment activiteiten
outsourced naar een externe service provider.
 Opmaken wervingsprofielen
 Inschakelen intermediairs(expediting)
 Toegang tot jobportals-cv data bases/adverteren
  digitale media
 Sociale media
 Promotionele activiteiten(deelname
 Inschakelen netwerken
 Het uitbesteden van uw Werving & Selectie
  activiteiten waarbij u proces eigenaar blijft.
   - Snelle terugverdientijd
   - Door gebruik te maken van diverse kanalen een
     grotere feedback
   - Meer kandidaten die voldoen aan de requirements
   - Status rapportage met vaste intervallen
   - Kwaliteits- persoonlijkheids- en skills-check voordat de
     kandidaat voor een interview word aangeboden
   - Toegang tot de grote job portals zoals
     Monsterboard, nationale vacaturebank, etc.
 3 fases
         Fase 1 integrale projectaanpak
                                Website integratie
                                HR marketing SEO/SEM/linkbuilding
                                Website werkenbijcentric.nl
                                Netwerken inschakelen
                                Sociale media
                                RSS feeds
 3 fases
            損 Fase 2
                          Evt. Opendagen
 3 fases
         Fase 3
                    Head hunting
                    Overig project specifiek

       Werkwijze en stappenplan wordt in overleg in detail uitgewerkt

 Koppelen VMS aan werkenbij.
     Dit is een inkoopportaal :Vendor Management Systeem
                 Risico beheersing
Voordelen RPO
 RPO leid tot lagere kosten vanwege de schaalgrote
 RPO van en door een specialist heeft als resultaat
  kandidaten met hoog kwaliteits level
 RPO heeft efficiency verbetering als gevolg vanwege de
  investering in recruitment tools met ingebouwde
  workflow en input output
 RPO leid tot variabele recruitment kosten die gelijk
  lopen met de opbrengsten
 RPO leid tot klant orientatie en daarmee kwaliteits
  verbetering dankzij performance targets.
Uitbesteden van uw Werving & Selectie waarbij U proces eigenaar blijft en meer
controle heeft dan nu door middel van dedicated software en dedicated
derde generatie RPO
 Met een flexibele en adviserende aanpak
  kunnen wij als RPO provider wijzigingen veel
  sneller en flexibeler implementeren, met
  minder verstoring in het proces en de
  systemen bij de klant.
 Bijkomend voordeel is een sterke risico
  vermindering en behoud van de investering in
  de implementatie.
RPO Risico
 RPO is succesvol wanneer er een goed gedefinieerde corporate
  staffing strategy is. Hier kunnen we samen aan werken.
 Een bedrijf moet de HR activiteiten blijven managen en in ieder
  geval initi谷le richting geven, daarnaast uiteraard de activiteiten
  blijven monitoren om samen tot goede resultaten te komen.
 RPO zal alleen maar goed werken wanneer het bedrijf duidelijke
  recruitment richtlijnen en procedures heeft.
 Kosten en de kwaliteit kunnen een issue worden, wanneer RPO niet
  goed geimplementeerd word. En kan de efficiency van het
  recruiting proces sterk beinvloeden, vooral wanneer de recruiter de
  business case niet begrijpt.
 Een RPO service provider zou er niet in kunnen slagen de kwaliteit
  en-of kwantiteit te leveren die gevraagd is. Vooral in industrie
  sectoren waar tekorten zijn kan dit een probleem worden en
Social Recruiting
Social Recruiting
 Social recruiting is een verzamel naam, het is een
  strategische benadering die ligt op het grensvlak
  tussen recruitment en het embryonale social
  media vlak.
 Hier worden diverse termen gebruikt die
  uitwisselbaar zijn zoals social hiring, social
  recruitment en social media recruitment.
 De meest populaire Social Media sites die voor
  recruiting gebruikt worden zijn
  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Viadeo, XING, Google
  + and BranchOut.
Social Recruitment RPO
Social Recruiting
   Social recruiting is het sourcing proces / recruitment proces van kandidaten waarbij gebruik gemaakt word van
    sociale media platformen als promotie en reklame kanalen door medewerkers en recruiters. Dit is interessant
    wanneer de doelgroep deze sociale media kanalen ook gebruikt en accepteerd.
   Social recruiting kunnen we in twee categori谷n indelen. De eerste is internet sourcing door gebruik te maken
    social media profielen, blogs, en online communities om passieve kandidaat data te vinden. De tweede is sociale
    distributie. Dit houdt in dat sociale media platformen en netwerken gebruikt worden om vacatures te
    distribueren. Met behulp van specifieke HR kanalen of door middel van crowd sourcing op online sociale
   Sinds 2009 is er discussie in de recruitment en social media communities over of eenvoudigweg het gebruik
    maken van sociale media als een communicatie en marketing kanaal "social recruiting genoemd kan worden.
    Het argument hiervoor is dat wanneer je deze vorm van recruiting echt social wil noemen je hiervoor eigenlijk een
    online community moet bouwen, en deze online community moet faciliteren van binnen uit de community. En
    daarnaast vertrouwen moet hebben in de sociale interactie tussen de community members voor de recrutering.
   80 % van de recruiters doet op de een of ander manier iets met social recruitment. Deze informatie komt uit een
    enquete van May 2011 reultaat 80% van de 600 werkgevers heeft het antwoord Ja gegeven op de vraag
    , Gebruikt U social media voor recruiting?"
   Tegen het einde van 2011, doken social media recruiter posts regelmatig op bij job agregatie sites zoals indeed en
    simply hired in aantal ver over de 1,000 in october 2011.
   Ons Social Media Recruiter standpunt: Het co旦rdineren van kandidaat sourcing door gebruik te maken van alle
    relevante recruiting tools zoals: social media, job boards, employee referrals, recruiting tools en klanten, en wvttk.
    Gebruik makend van LinkedIn, Xing, Pinterest, FaceBook, Google, Twitter en diverse nuttige andere vormen van
    Social Media waar de kandidaten gevonden kunnen worden. Noodzakelijk hiervoor is uitgebreidde kennis van
    Social Media, en de manier waarop je maximaal gebruik kunt maken van de aanwezige kanalen.
Employer Value Proposition
   Employee Value Proposition (EVP) geeft de balans weer tussen de primaire en secundair arbeitsvoorwaarden als
    wisselgeld voor hun resultaten, de inzet en de capaciteiten tijdens het werk.
   Minchington (2005) defines an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) as a set of associations and offerings provided
    by an organisation in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organisation. The
    EVP is an employee-centered approach that is aligned to existing, integrated workforce planning strategies
    because it has been informed by existing employees and the external target audience. An EVP must be
    unique, relevant and compelling if it is to act as a key driver of talent attraction, engagement and retention.
   It has become closely related to the concept of employer branding, in terms of the term EVP being used to define
    the underlying 'offer' on which an organisation's employer brand marketing and management activities are based.
    In this context, the EVP is often referred to as the Employer Brand Proposition.
   Tandehill (2006) reinforces this link to employer branding, and urges all organisations to develop a statement of
    why the total work experience at their organisation is superior to that at other organisations. The value
    proposition should identify the unique people policies, processes and programs that demonstrate the
    organisations commitment to i.e., employee growth, management development, ongoing employee
    recognition, community service, etc. Contained within the value proposition are the central reasons that people
    will choose to commit themselves to an organisation. The EVP should be actively communicated in all recruitment
    efforts, and in letters offering employment, the EVP should take the focus off of compensation as the primary
   Personal job satisfaction is driven by far more than financial factors such as salary and benefits. An organisation's
    EVP has thus been described as "critical to attracting, retaining and engaging quality people. Other key factors
    influencing how an individual may choose to balance his or her career path in an organisation are relocation
    services, salary, perquisites, career development, location, job stability, company stability, and so on.
   Benefits to an organisation of a well formed EVP include attraction and retention of key talent, helps prioritise the
    HR agenda, creates a strong people brand, helps re-engage a disenchanted workforce and reduces hire premiums.
   Only if the EVP of an organization really matches what someone values in his/her work, there is a win-win
    situation. An employer can then count on a motivated, committed worker who will go the extra mile. And the
    worker will experience his/her job as meaningful and fulfilling.
Employer Value Proposition
Employer Branding
   Employer brand denotes an organisation's reputation as an employer. The term was first used in
    the early 1990s, and has since become widely adopted by the global management
    community. Minchington (2005) defines employer brand as "the image of your organisation as a
    'great place to work'". Employer branding is concerned with enhancing your company's employer
   Just as a customer brand proposition is used to define a product or service offer, an employee value
    proposition is used to define an organisation's employment offer. Likewise the marketing disciplines
    associated with branding and brand management have been increasingly applied by the human
    resources and talent management community to attract, engage and retain talented candidates and
    employees, in the same way that marketing applies such tools to attracting and retaining
    clients, customers and consumers.
   While the term "employer brand" denotes what people currently associate with an
    organisation, employer branding has been defined as the sum of a company's efforts to
    communicate to existing and prospective staff what makes it a desirable place to work, and the
    active management of "a company's image as seen through the eyes of its associates and potential
   Employer Brand Management
        Employer brand management expands the scope of this brand intervention beyond communication to
         incorporate every aspect of the employment experience, and the people management processes and
         practices (often referred to as "touch-points") that shape the perceptions of existing and prospective
         employees. In other words, employer brand management addresses the reality of the employment
         experience and not simply its presentation. By doing so it supports both external recruitment of the right
         kind of talent sought by an organisation to achieve its goals, and the subsequent desire for
         effective employee engagement and employee retention.
Employer Branding
   Employer Brand Proposition:
        As for consumer brands, most employer brand practitioners and authors argue that effective employer branding and brand
         management requires a clear Employer Brand proposition, or Employee value proposition. This serves to: define what the
         organisation would most like to be associated with as an employer; highlight the attributes that differentiate the organisation
         from other employers; and clarify the 'give and get' of the employment deal (balancing the value that employees are expected
         to contribute with the value from employment that they can expect in return). This latter aspect of the employer brand
         proposition is often referred to in the HR literature as the "psychological contract".
   Employer branding and internal marketing
        Internal marketing focuses on communicating the customer brand promise, and the attitudes and behaviours expected from
         employees to deliver on that promise. While it is clearly beneficial to the organisation for employees to understand their role in
         delivering the customer brand promise, the effectiveness of internal marketing activities can often be short-lived if the brand
         values on which the service experience is founded are not experienced by the employees in their interactions with the
         organisation. This is the gap that employer brand thinking and practice seeks to address with a more mutually beneficial
         employment deal / Psychological contract.
   Brand-led culture change
        Compared with the more typically customer centric focus of Internal marketing, internal branding / brand engagement takes a
         more 'inside-out', value-based approach to shaping employee perceptions and behaviours, following the lead of the highly
         influential 'Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies' study published in the mid-90's. This sought to demonstrate
         that companies with consistent, distinctive and deeply held values tended to outperform those companies with a less clear and
         articulated ethos. While brand-led culture change is often the stated desire of these programmes their focus on communication-
         led, marketing methods (however, involving or experiential) has been prone to the same failings of conventional internal
         marketing. As Amazon.com's founder, Jeff Bezos, asserts: "One of things you find in companies is that once a culture is formed it
         takes nuclear weaponry to change it". You cannot simply assert your way to a new culture, no more can you assert your way to a
         strong brand, it needs to be consistently and continuously shaped and managed, which is one of the primary reasons many
         organisations have turned from the short term engagement focus of internal branding initiatives to more long term focus of
         employer brand management.
Employer Branding
Generation Y
   Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, is the demographic cohort following Generation X. There
    are no precise dates for when Generation Y starts and ends. Commentators use beginning birth dates from the
    later 1970s, or the early 1980s to the early 2000s ( a decade).
   The phrase Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 to describe teenagers of the day, which they defined as
    different from Generation X, and then aged 12 or younger as well as the teenagers of the upcoming ten
    years. Since then, the company has sometimes used 1982 as the starting birth year for this
    generation.["Generation Y" alludes to a succession from "Generation X."
   Millennials are sometimes called Echo Boomers, due to the significant increase in birth rates during the 1980s and
    into the 1990s. In America, the birth rate of the Echo Boom peaked in 1990. Millennials are mostly the children
    of baby boomers or Gen Xers. The 20th century trend toward smaller families in developed countries
    continued, however, so the relative impact of the "baby boom echo" was generally less pronounced than the
    original boom.
   The believe is there that the coming of age of year 2000 graduates sharply contrasts with those born before them
    and after them due to the attention they received from the media and what influenced them politically.
   Millennial characteristics vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions. It is generally marked by
    an increased use and familiarity with communication, media, and digital technologies. In most parts of the world
    its upbringing was marked by an increase in a neoliberal approach to politics and economics; the effects of this
    environment are disputed.
   The 20072012 global financial crisis has had a major impact on Millennials because it caused historically high
    levels of unemployment among young people. The problem is particularly acute in Europe, and led to speculation
    about possible long term economic and social damage.
   Several alternative names have been proposed by various people: Generation We, Global Generation, Generation
    Next, and the Net Generation. The name "Echo Boomers" refers to the size of the generation and its relation to
    the Baby Boomer generation.
   Like members of Generation X, who were heavily influenced by MTV, early members of Generation Y are also
    sometimes called the MTV Generation. This term can also be a catch phrase for youth of the late 20th
    century, depending on the context.
Generation Y
Generation Y
Generation X
   Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western post
    World War II baby boom. Demographers, historians and commentators use beginning birth dates
    from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.
   Generation X experienced the introduction of the personal computer, the start of the video
    game era, cable television and the Internet. Other events include the AIDS epidemic, the War on
    Drugs, the Iran hostage crisis, the Persian Gulf War, the Dot-com bubble, grunge, alternative
    rock and hip hop. They were often called the MTV Generation. Generation X birth years as falling
    between 1965-1982.
   In the preface to Generation X Goes Global: Mapping a Youth Culture in Motion, a collection of
    global essays, Professor Christine Henseler summarizes it as "a generation whose worldview is
    based on change, on the need to combat corruption, dictatorships, abuse, AIDS, a generation in
    search of human dignity and individual freedom, the need for stability, love, tolerance, and human
    rights for all.
   Compared with previous generations, Generation X represents a more heterogeneous
    generation, exhibiting great variety of diversity in such aspects as race, class, religion, ethnicity, and
    sexual orientation.
   Change is more the rule for the people of Generation X than the exception. Unlike their parents
    who challenged leaders with an intent to replace them, Gen Xers tend to ignore leaders and work
    for more long term institutional and systematic change through economic, media and consumer
   Generation X is highly educated, statistically holding the highest education levels when looking at
    current age groups.
   Gen Xers, who are defined in the report as people born between 1961 and 1981, are highly
    educated, active, balanced, happy and family-oriented. The study dispels the
    materialistic, slacker, disenfranchised stereotype associated with youth in the 1970 and 80s.
Generation X
Generation X
Top 3 benefits Gen Xers bring to bizz:
-Experience 50%
-Emotional Maturity 38 %
-Confidence 31 %
-Entrepreneurial 31%
-Motivation if given career
development 31%
Het nieuwe Flexibiliseren
 Ondernemingen moeten steeds sneller reageren op nieuwe
  ontwikkelingen en conjunctuur schommelingen om de concurrentie
  voor te blijven, zowel nationaal als internationaal.
 Personeel is daarbij een kritische succesfactor. RPO vergroot niet
  alleen de slagkracht maar ook het incasseringsvermogen. Maar hoe
  organiseert u dat, nu en in de toekomst?
 24dutch / flish ondersteunt bedrijven bij adviesvragen gericht op
  het inventariseren, stroomlijnen en optimaliseren van vraagstukken
  rondom het organiseren van flexibele arbeid.
 Het is onze overtuiging dat organisaties
  beter, slimmer, transparanter en professioneler met flexibele arbeid
  om kunnen gaan. Het is dan ook onze dagelijkse ambitie om
  bedrijven te brengen naar Inleen volwassenheid.
 24dutch / flish heeft hiervoor de kennis, de methodieken, de tools
  en mensen.

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RPO = recruitment process outsourcing

  • 2. RPO Recruitment Proces Outsourcing Recruiter Database met webportal/VMS Werken bij website App om via mobile te werken
  • 3. RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing is een vorm van business process outsourcing (BPO) waarbij een werkgever een deel of al zijn recruitment activiteiten outsourced naar een externe service provider.
  • 4. RPO Recruiter Opmaken wervingsprofielen Inschakelen intermediairs(expediting) Voorselectie&testen Toegang tot jobportals-cv data bases/adverteren digitale media Sociale media Promotionele activiteiten(deelname banenbeurzen) Inschakelen netwerken
  • 5. RPO Het uitbesteden van uw Werving & Selectie activiteiten waarbij u proces eigenaar blijft. - Snelle terugverdientijd - Door gebruik te maken van diverse kanalen een grotere feedback - Meer kandidaten die voldoen aan de requirements - Status rapportage met vaste intervallen - Kwaliteits- persoonlijkheids- en skills-check voordat de kandidaat voor een interview word aangeboden - Toegang tot de grote job portals zoals Monsterboard, nationale vacaturebank, etc.
  • 6. RPO 3 fases Fase 1 integrale projectaanpak Website integratie Profielen HR marketing SEO/SEM/linkbuilding Website werkenbijcentric.nl Vacatureplaatsingen Netwerken inschakelen Sociale media RSS feeds
  • 7. RPO 3 fases 損 Fase 2 Jobboards Campagne Adwords Affiliate Adverteren Beursvertegenwoordiging Evt. Opendagen
  • 8. RPO 3 fases Fase 3 Head hunting Intermediairs Overig project specifiek Werkwijze en stappenplan wordt in overleg in detail uitgewerkt
  • 9. RPO Koppelen VMS aan werkenbij. Dit is een inkoopportaal :Vendor Management Systeem Transparantie Controle Risico beheersing kostenreductie
  • 10. Voordelen RPO RPO leid tot lagere kosten vanwege de schaalgrote RPO van en door een specialist heeft als resultaat kandidaten met hoog kwaliteits level RPO heeft efficiency verbetering als gevolg vanwege de investering in recruitment tools met ingebouwde workflow en input output RPO leid tot variabele recruitment kosten die gelijk lopen met de opbrengsten RPO leid tot klant orientatie en daarmee kwaliteits verbetering dankzij performance targets.
  • 11. Uitbesteden van uw Werving & Selectie waarbij U proces eigenaar blijft en meer controle heeft dan nu door middel van dedicated software en dedicated recruiters
  • 12. derde generatie RPO Met een flexibele en adviserende aanpak kunnen wij als RPO provider wijzigingen veel sneller en flexibeler implementeren, met minder verstoring in het proces en de systemen bij de klant. Bijkomend voordeel is een sterke risico vermindering en behoud van de investering in de implementatie.
  • 13. RPO Risico RPO is succesvol wanneer er een goed gedefinieerde corporate staffing strategy is. Hier kunnen we samen aan werken. Een bedrijf moet de HR activiteiten blijven managen en in ieder geval initi谷le richting geven, daarnaast uiteraard de activiteiten blijven monitoren om samen tot goede resultaten te komen. RPO zal alleen maar goed werken wanneer het bedrijf duidelijke recruitment richtlijnen en procedures heeft. Kosten en de kwaliteit kunnen een issue worden, wanneer RPO niet goed geimplementeerd word. En kan de efficiency van het recruiting proces sterk beinvloeden, vooral wanneer de recruiter de business case niet begrijpt. Een RPO service provider zou er niet in kunnen slagen de kwaliteit en-of kwantiteit te leveren die gevraagd is. Vooral in industrie sectoren waar tekorten zijn kan dit een probleem worden en blijven.
  • 15. Social Recruiting Social recruiting is een verzamel naam, het is een strategische benadering die ligt op het grensvlak tussen recruitment en het embryonale social media vlak. Hier worden diverse termen gebruikt die uitwisselbaar zijn zoals social hiring, social recruitment en social media recruitment. De meest populaire Social Media sites die voor recruiting gebruikt worden zijn LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Viadeo, XING, Google + and BranchOut.
  • 17. Social Recruiting Social recruiting is het sourcing proces / recruitment proces van kandidaten waarbij gebruik gemaakt word van sociale media platformen als promotie en reklame kanalen door medewerkers en recruiters. Dit is interessant wanneer de doelgroep deze sociale media kanalen ook gebruikt en accepteerd. Social recruiting kunnen we in twee categori谷n indelen. De eerste is internet sourcing door gebruik te maken social media profielen, blogs, en online communities om passieve kandidaat data te vinden. De tweede is sociale distributie. Dit houdt in dat sociale media platformen en netwerken gebruikt worden om vacatures te distribueren. Met behulp van specifieke HR kanalen of door middel van crowd sourcing op online sociale netwerken. Sinds 2009 is er discussie in de recruitment en social media communities over of eenvoudigweg het gebruik maken van sociale media als een communicatie en marketing kanaal "social recruiting genoemd kan worden. Het argument hiervoor is dat wanneer je deze vorm van recruiting echt social wil noemen je hiervoor eigenlijk een online community moet bouwen, en deze online community moet faciliteren van binnen uit de community. En daarnaast vertrouwen moet hebben in de sociale interactie tussen de community members voor de recrutering. 80 % van de recruiters doet op de een of ander manier iets met social recruitment. Deze informatie komt uit een enquete van May 2011 reultaat 80% van de 600 werkgevers heeft het antwoord Ja gegeven op de vraag , Gebruikt U social media voor recruiting?" Tegen het einde van 2011, doken social media recruiter posts regelmatig op bij job agregatie sites zoals indeed en simply hired in aantal ver over de 1,000 in october 2011. Ons Social Media Recruiter standpunt: Het co旦rdineren van kandidaat sourcing door gebruik te maken van alle relevante recruiting tools zoals: social media, job boards, employee referrals, recruiting tools en klanten, en wvttk. Gebruik makend van LinkedIn, Xing, Pinterest, FaceBook, Google, Twitter en diverse nuttige andere vormen van Social Media waar de kandidaten gevonden kunnen worden. Noodzakelijk hiervoor is uitgebreidde kennis van Social Media, en de manier waarop je maximaal gebruik kunt maken van de aanwezige kanalen.
  • 18. Employer Value Proposition Employee Value Proposition (EVP) geeft de balans weer tussen de primaire en secundair arbeitsvoorwaarden als wisselgeld voor hun resultaten, de inzet en de capaciteiten tijdens het werk. Minchington (2005) defines an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) as a set of associations and offerings provided by an organisation in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organisation. The EVP is an employee-centered approach that is aligned to existing, integrated workforce planning strategies because it has been informed by existing employees and the external target audience. An EVP must be unique, relevant and compelling if it is to act as a key driver of talent attraction, engagement and retention. It has become closely related to the concept of employer branding, in terms of the term EVP being used to define the underlying 'offer' on which an organisation's employer brand marketing and management activities are based. In this context, the EVP is often referred to as the Employer Brand Proposition. Tandehill (2006) reinforces this link to employer branding, and urges all organisations to develop a statement of why the total work experience at their organisation is superior to that at other organisations. The value proposition should identify the unique people policies, processes and programs that demonstrate the organisations commitment to i.e., employee growth, management development, ongoing employee recognition, community service, etc. Contained within the value proposition are the central reasons that people will choose to commit themselves to an organisation. The EVP should be actively communicated in all recruitment efforts, and in letters offering employment, the EVP should take the focus off of compensation as the primary "offer." Personal job satisfaction is driven by far more than financial factors such as salary and benefits. An organisation's EVP has thus been described as "critical to attracting, retaining and engaging quality people. Other key factors influencing how an individual may choose to balance his or her career path in an organisation are relocation services, salary, perquisites, career development, location, job stability, company stability, and so on. Benefits to an organisation of a well formed EVP include attraction and retention of key talent, helps prioritise the HR agenda, creates a strong people brand, helps re-engage a disenchanted workforce and reduces hire premiums. Only if the EVP of an organization really matches what someone values in his/her work, there is a win-win situation. An employer can then count on a motivated, committed worker who will go the extra mile. And the worker will experience his/her job as meaningful and fulfilling.
  • 20. Employer Branding Employer brand denotes an organisation's reputation as an employer. The term was first used in the early 1990s, and has since become widely adopted by the global management community. Minchington (2005) defines employer brand as "the image of your organisation as a 'great place to work'". Employer branding is concerned with enhancing your company's employer brand. Just as a customer brand proposition is used to define a product or service offer, an employee value proposition is used to define an organisation's employment offer. Likewise the marketing disciplines associated with branding and brand management have been increasingly applied by the human resources and talent management community to attract, engage and retain talented candidates and employees, in the same way that marketing applies such tools to attracting and retaining clients, customers and consumers. While the term "employer brand" denotes what people currently associate with an organisation, employer branding has been defined as the sum of a company's efforts to communicate to existing and prospective staff what makes it a desirable place to work, and the active management of "a company's image as seen through the eyes of its associates and potential hires Employer Brand Management Employer brand management expands the scope of this brand intervention beyond communication to incorporate every aspect of the employment experience, and the people management processes and practices (often referred to as "touch-points") that shape the perceptions of existing and prospective employees. In other words, employer brand management addresses the reality of the employment experience and not simply its presentation. By doing so it supports both external recruitment of the right kind of talent sought by an organisation to achieve its goals, and the subsequent desire for effective employee engagement and employee retention.
  • 21. Employer Branding Employer Brand Proposition: As for consumer brands, most employer brand practitioners and authors argue that effective employer branding and brand management requires a clear Employer Brand proposition, or Employee value proposition. This serves to: define what the organisation would most like to be associated with as an employer; highlight the attributes that differentiate the organisation from other employers; and clarify the 'give and get' of the employment deal (balancing the value that employees are expected to contribute with the value from employment that they can expect in return). This latter aspect of the employer brand proposition is often referred to in the HR literature as the "psychological contract". Employer branding and internal marketing Internal marketing focuses on communicating the customer brand promise, and the attitudes and behaviours expected from employees to deliver on that promise. While it is clearly beneficial to the organisation for employees to understand their role in delivering the customer brand promise, the effectiveness of internal marketing activities can often be short-lived if the brand values on which the service experience is founded are not experienced by the employees in their interactions with the organisation. This is the gap that employer brand thinking and practice seeks to address with a more mutually beneficial employment deal / Psychological contract. Brand-led culture change Compared with the more typically customer centric focus of Internal marketing, internal branding / brand engagement takes a more 'inside-out', value-based approach to shaping employee perceptions and behaviours, following the lead of the highly influential 'Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies' study published in the mid-90's. This sought to demonstrate that companies with consistent, distinctive and deeply held values tended to outperform those companies with a less clear and articulated ethos. While brand-led culture change is often the stated desire of these programmes their focus on communication- led, marketing methods (however, involving or experiential) has been prone to the same failings of conventional internal marketing. As Amazon.com's founder, Jeff Bezos, asserts: "One of things you find in companies is that once a culture is formed it takes nuclear weaponry to change it". You cannot simply assert your way to a new culture, no more can you assert your way to a strong brand, it needs to be consistently and continuously shaped and managed, which is one of the primary reasons many organisations have turned from the short term engagement focus of internal branding initiatives to more long term focus of employer brand management.
  • 23. Generation Y Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, is the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when Generation Y starts and ends. Commentators use beginning birth dates from the later 1970s, or the early 1980s to the early 2000s ( a decade). The phrase Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 to describe teenagers of the day, which they defined as different from Generation X, and then aged 12 or younger as well as the teenagers of the upcoming ten years. Since then, the company has sometimes used 1982 as the starting birth year for this generation.["Generation Y" alludes to a succession from "Generation X." Millennials are sometimes called Echo Boomers, due to the significant increase in birth rates during the 1980s and into the 1990s. In America, the birth rate of the Echo Boom peaked in 1990. Millennials are mostly the children of baby boomers or Gen Xers. The 20th century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued, however, so the relative impact of the "baby boom echo" was generally less pronounced than the original boom. The believe is there that the coming of age of year 2000 graduates sharply contrasts with those born before them and after them due to the attention they received from the media and what influenced them politically. Millennial characteristics vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions. It is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communication, media, and digital technologies. In most parts of the world its upbringing was marked by an increase in a neoliberal approach to politics and economics; the effects of this environment are disputed. The 20072012 global financial crisis has had a major impact on Millennials because it caused historically high levels of unemployment among young people. The problem is particularly acute in Europe, and led to speculation about possible long term economic and social damage. Several alternative names have been proposed by various people: Generation We, Global Generation, Generation Next, and the Net Generation. The name "Echo Boomers" refers to the size of the generation and its relation to the Baby Boomer generation. Like members of Generation X, who were heavily influenced by MTV, early members of Generation Y are also sometimes called the MTV Generation. This term can also be a catch phrase for youth of the late 20th century, depending on the context.
  • 26. Generation X Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western post World War II baby boom. Demographers, historians and commentators use beginning birth dates from the early 1960s to the early 1980s. Generation X experienced the introduction of the personal computer, the start of the video game era, cable television and the Internet. Other events include the AIDS epidemic, the War on Drugs, the Iran hostage crisis, the Persian Gulf War, the Dot-com bubble, grunge, alternative rock and hip hop. They were often called the MTV Generation. Generation X birth years as falling between 1965-1982. In the preface to Generation X Goes Global: Mapping a Youth Culture in Motion, a collection of global essays, Professor Christine Henseler summarizes it as "a generation whose worldview is based on change, on the need to combat corruption, dictatorships, abuse, AIDS, a generation in search of human dignity and individual freedom, the need for stability, love, tolerance, and human rights for all. Compared with previous generations, Generation X represents a more heterogeneous generation, exhibiting great variety of diversity in such aspects as race, class, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Change is more the rule for the people of Generation X than the exception. Unlike their parents who challenged leaders with an intent to replace them, Gen Xers tend to ignore leaders and work for more long term institutional and systematic change through economic, media and consumer actions. Generation X is highly educated, statistically holding the highest education levels when looking at current age groups. Gen Xers, who are defined in the report as people born between 1961 and 1981, are highly educated, active, balanced, happy and family-oriented. The study dispels the materialistic, slacker, disenfranchised stereotype associated with youth in the 1970 and 80s.
  • 28. Generation X Top 3 benefits Gen Xers bring to bizz: -Experience 50% -Emotional Maturity 38 % -Confidence 31 % -Entrepreneurial 31% -Motivation if given career development 31%
  • 29. Het nieuwe Flexibiliseren Ondernemingen moeten steeds sneller reageren op nieuwe ontwikkelingen en conjunctuur schommelingen om de concurrentie voor te blijven, zowel nationaal als internationaal. Personeel is daarbij een kritische succesfactor. RPO vergroot niet alleen de slagkracht maar ook het incasseringsvermogen. Maar hoe organiseert u dat, nu en in de toekomst? 24dutch / flish ondersteunt bedrijven bij adviesvragen gericht op het inventariseren, stroomlijnen en optimaliseren van vraagstukken rondom het organiseren van flexibele arbeid. Het is onze overtuiging dat organisaties beter, slimmer, transparanter en professioneler met flexibele arbeid om kunnen gaan. Het is dan ook onze dagelijkse ambitie om bedrijven te brengen naar Inleen volwassenheid. 24dutch / flish heeft hiervoor de kennis, de methodieken, de tools en mensen.