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Rain Water
Harvesting Systems
Rain Ranchers are innovative and dedicated rainwater
professionals offering high quality well priced rainwater
harvesting systems. Rain Ranchers is a local, family-owned
business with rainwater catchment systems installed and
maintained all over Texas!
We design, install and
maintain all of our systems!
We offer custom systems based on our customers needs:
Residential and
Above Ground
Below Ground
Plastic, Metal
and Fiber Glass
Ken began Rain Ranchers in 1999 with a
passion for rainwater conservation. Ken is
an Accredited Professional (AP) with the
American Rainwater Catchment Systems
Association (ARCSA) and now dedicates over
20 years of experience in construction and
rain harvesting expertise to Texas homeown-
ers, businesses, and community partners who
want to collect their free rainwater. Ken is
on-site for every job, which assures that your
Rain Rancher System will be installed with
expertise and precision.
Jennifer is Kens daughter and her responsibilities
include equipment procurement, following up
with your online requests, preparing bids, and
scheduling appointments. Jennifer is also an
Accredited Professional (AP) with ARCSA. Her daily
involvement is vital to our timely completion of all
projects, and coordinates our courteous customer
Lizzy joined Rain Ranchers in July 2014 and her
responsibilities include marketing development,
organizational development, logistics and sales.
Lizzy is an Accredited Professional (AP) with ARCSA.
She is also responsible for communicating with
customers and vendors to ensure that our tanks
and equipment are ordered and on time.
*American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA), www.arcsa.org
How itworks
basic components
The basic components of your
rainwater harvesting system include:
Rain Ranchers offer aesthetically pleasing tank
options that blend with any environment.
above ground tank below ground tank
to city
or pop-up
non potable for
irrigation use
toilet washer
wet conveyance fill
line Pump Filter
non potable for
irrigation use
toilet washer
Rain Water
Rainwater harvesting is an ancient and wide-spread practice.
It may seem foreign to us to think about using our
rainwater, but our families have been using it for many
generations. Some of the Roman systems are still in
existence! Rain Ranchers are using ancient practices with
state of the art equipment to ensure long lasting and
functional systems.
The below chart represents
the gallons of rain collected
on a 3 rain, as well as the
gallons collected annually in
the dfw area.
A simple calculation is:
1 Rain on a 1,000
square foot roof = 600
gallons of free water.
Measured by square foot (sq ft) of roof and an average 3 rainfall
*90% efficiency
Texas Rainfall Catchment Texas Average Rainfall
1 Texas Water Development Board
1,000 3 1,875 19,700
2,000 3 3,750 40,000
3,000 3 5,625 60,000
4,000 3 7,500 79,000
5,000 3 9,375 98,000
6,000 3 11,250 118,000
7,000 3 13,125 138,000
10,000 3 18,750 197,000
rainwater USES FOR
potable / indoor use
rainwater USES FOR
nonpotable / outdoor use
Landscape Garden foundation
Independent Back Up Source
Water For Livestock | Animals
Stormwater Retention | Detenion
Cooling Tower Recharge
Drip Irrigation
Decorative Water Features
Rain water collection is a cost effective way to collect and store
water for garden, lawn irrigation and potable indoor uses.
The average american family uses more than 300 gallons of
water per day at home. Roughly 70% of this use occurs indoors.
Nationally, outdoor water use accounts for 30% of household use
yet can be much higher in drier parts of the country and in more
water-intensive landscapes.2
2 http://www.epa.gov/watersense/our_water/water_use_today.html
3 American Water Works Association Research Foundation Residential End Uses of Water.
	 Provides a free and independent water source
	 Saves money on water bill
	 Promotes a self-sufficiency and sustainable lifestyle
	 Independent rain systems are not subject to city water restrictions
	 Reduce or eliminate reliance on municipal or well water sources
	 Houses with sustainable water systems will add and protect the
property and resale value
	 Ability to keep plants and landscape lush and healthy in summer
	 Rainwater is mineral rich and pollutant free, great for you and
your plants!
	 Rain Rancher systems are easy to maintain
	 Solve any drainage problems
	 Help reduce stormwater runoff, pollution and flooding
	 Long term solution to our water crisis
	 Ability to control the quality of water
Investing in a rainwater harvesting system
can benefit you in the following ways:
27% 16%
22% 13%
17% 5%
The days of abundant, inexpensive
fresh water are over!
above gound tanks
Pioneer速 water tanks are innovators in the water tank
industry. Using a time tested Australian design,
Pioneer速 Ranch and Residential water tanks provide a
proven, high quality design for a wide range of domestic
uses including rainwater harvesting, well-water storage,
livestock watering, fire protection, long-term potable
water storage and many more.
10-year warranty
Pioneer Metal
20,000 GALLONS 40,000 GALLONS
3,000 8-10x 7-3 Zinc $6,500
5,000 11x7-3 Zinc $7,500
10,000 15-5x 7-3 Zinc $11,600
10,000 15-5x 7-3 Green $13,250
20,000 22x7-3 Zinc $15,800
20,000 22x7-3 Green $17,400
40,000 22x7-3 Zinc $25,500
40,000 30-9 7x-3 Green $28,100
50,000 35-2x 7-3 Zinc $29,000
65,000 39-6x 7-3 Zinc $46,900
Pioneer retail pricing includes tank delivery and assembly.
Standard features included with all tanks:
22 gauge galvanized steel corrugated walls
full coverage Galvalume速
Steel roof,
solid polypropylene Geoflex速
woven Geotex速
Pad under-liner,
galvanized sliding/lockable access hatch,
reversible access galvanized ladder,
galvanized steel trusses,
roof to tank wall dust seal,
freeze protection galvanized box,
two 2 bulkhead fittings installed with two brass ball valves,
4 overflow, leaf basket with lightguard.
20-year no-leak warranty
36,300 GALLONS
12,300 8-10x 7-3 Galvanized $10,500
20,400 11x7-3 Galvanized $13,500
25,200 15-5x 7-3 Galvanized $15,275
30,500 15-5x 7-3 Galvanized $17,425
36,300 22x7-3 Galvanized $18,700
42,600 22x7-3 Galvanized $20,750
72,800 22x7-3 Galvanized $27,500
Aquamate retail pricing includes tank delivery. Add freight.
15,000 GALLONS
1,500 6' d x 9' h Galvanized Inquire
3,000 9' d x 10' h Galvanized Inquire
5,000 12'd x 11' h Galvanized Inquire
10,000 9' d x 24' h Galvanized $ 15,500
15,000 12' d x 22' h Galvanized $ 17,800
25,000 24' d x 14' Galvanized $ 20,000
28,000 21' D x 17' Galvanized $ 22,000
62,000 27' d x 22' Galvanized $ 33,500
75,000 24' d x 28'6'' Galvanized $ 45,000
Contain retail pricing includes tank delivery and assembly.
Standard features included with all tanks:
high strength, galvanized steel water tank
Durable 25 mil pvc liner
Roof ladder / inspection hatch & man-way
8 Inlet strainer basket
6 Overflow flange connection
2 Outlet flange connection
2 Outlet valve
Classic cedar wrap or color powder coat options
Many sizes and capacities to choose from.
Stainless steel is as familiar and robust as your kitchen sink. It is
widely considered superior to other materials in the
categories of strength, durability, and hygiene, and its the ma-
terial of choice in commercial applications and food
preparation venues worldwide. Since stainless steel is com-
pletely recyclable and always has a high scrap value, no other
water tank on the market holds its value as well as a stainless
steel tank included accessories:
	 16 diameter strainer basket with stainless steel screen.
	 3 Sch40 pvc overflow with stainless steel screen.
	 1 Stainless steel threaded (npt) outlet fitting (2 fitting up-
grade also available).
250 3 x 5 2 Silver $ 975
500 4-2 x 5-2 Silver $ 1,300
750 5 x 5-2 Silver $ 1,625
1,000 5-10 x 5-2 Silver $ 1,950
1,500 7-2 x 5-2 Silver $ 2,500
2,500 7-6x 78 Silver $ 3,900
Add freight
Texas Stainless Steel TANKS
tanks are available up to 2,500 gallons and have
11 color choices. These are true rainwater collection tanks.
They feature 4 flat sides, 18 inlet strainer basket,
2 supply bulkhead fitting and overflow assembly.
5-year warranty
Norwesco tanks are available in 3,000 gallon and larger and
are available in green in black.
5-year warranty
Poly Tanks
100-2,500 GALLONS3,000-10,000 GALLONS
100 2-6 x 3-6 11 Choices $ 220
125 2-6 x 4-2 11 Choices $ 270
150 2-6 x 4-10 11 Choices $ 300
200 3 x 4 8 11 Choices $ 350
250 3 x 5-6 11 Choices $ 400
500 4 x 5-11 11 Choices $ 575
1,000 6-3 x 5-5 11 Choices $ 850
1,500 7-9 x 5-3 11 Choices $ 950
2,500 8 x 7-11 11 Choices $ 1,450
3,000 8-6 x 7-9 Green/Black $ 1,500
5,000 11-9 x 7-2 Green/Black $ 2,355
Add freight
below gound tanks
Xerxes fiberglass tanks from Rain Ranchers are below ground
tanks that range from 600 to 50,000 gallons. As communities,
businesses and industries become increasingly accountable to
meet LEED and other environmental requirements that require
safe, design-proven storage, Xerxes is in the forefront with
innovative answers. When considering the options in
customized systems for water storage, facility designers and
owners look for a long-term, structurally strong, watertight
and cost effective solutions. That is exactly what the Xerxes
fiberglass tank offers.
20,000 GALLONS
10,000 8 x 32 Red $ 26,200
15,000 10 x 30 Red $ 34,700
20,000 10 x 38 Red $ 42,500
25,000 10 x 48 Red $ 59,900
30,000 10 X 56 Red $ 69,300
Xerxes retail pricing includes a pump and pre-filtration. Add freight.
xerxes TANKS
Flowtite fiberglass storage tanks from Rain Ranchers con-
tribute to satisfying multiple credits of the LEED green
building rating system. Flowtight tanks are designed to
meet national standards for water/wastewater storage
tanks. Flowtight tanks are manufactured in many locations.
20,000 GALLONS
5,000 6 X 25 Tan $ 12,800
10,000 8 X 30 Tan $ 19,100
15,000 8 X 44 Tan $ 31,100
20,000 10 X 37 Tan $ 36,700
25,000 10 X 46 Tan $ 54,255
30,000 10 X 54 Tan $ 64,400
FlowTite retail tank pricing reflect tank only. Add freight..
Flowtite TANKS
Graf underground tanks are the largest and strongest
underground plastic water tank in the world! Supports up
to 8 tons of axle weight and 12 tons max total load.
Variable burial depth: 32 to 47 (59 max with
optional dome extension and maxi telescopic riser).
31.5 Manway opening. Unique in the world!  A global
innovation: unique manufacturing process produces the
highest stability using latest techniques. Vehicle-bearing
(with telescopic cast iron manway kit). Groundwater stable
up to the middle of the tank due to extremely rigid
construction. Made from high quality duralene; easy to
recycle. Can be expanded as required.
Secure investment with market leading 15-year warranty.
700 6-10 x 5-2 x 6-7 BLACK $ 1,500
1,000 7-6 x 5-9 x 7-3 BLACK $ 1,800
1,250 7-6 x 6-6 x 8 BLACK $ 2,100
1,700 7-10 x 7-2 x 8-11 BLACK $ 2,600
2,650 11-7 x 7-4 x 9-6 BLACK $ 4,400
3,400 7-10 x 16-4 x 8-11 BLACK $ 4,800
5,100 7-10 x 25-6 x 811 BLACK $ 7,000
Add freight
These unique designs are only available
through Rain Ranchers and use recycled and
readiliy available local materials in compact
and attractive designs.
Rain Rancher
original DESIGns
water catchment designs
Rain Ranchers offer chicken coops for our
clients who seek a more self-sufficient and
sustainable backyard.
chicken coopsGarden designs
starting at $995
Leader Ebs 1250 1 hp automatic
self-priming above ground rainwater
pump system. Up to 22 gpm and 80 psi (max)
他2 hp submersible rainwater pump high performance
submersible rainwater pump with stainless steel base
and 1-1/4 threaded inlet for use with a floating filter.
Grundfos mq 3-45 1 hp pressure boosting pump
is a compact all-in-one pressure boosting unit, de-
signed for domestic water supply and irrigation. The
mq pump is ideal for pressure boosting from water
storage tanks and cisterns or from city water supply.
features automatic on/off function for water usage.
Simple on-off switch
Electronic self-priming surface pressure pump;
internal electronic pump controller;
internal mini-pressure tank totally enclosed;
fan-cooled motor; 1 female inlet/outlet; inlet
filter recommended; requires rain protection;
1-year warranty
Custom designed for each application
multistage horizontal 3/4
horsepower pump. Up to 26 gpm
and 65 psi (max)
High-efficiency in-ground filtration
system. The basket filter is designed for
maximum water yield and lower cost.
Filters large debris from the
water coming off the roof
diverts the dirtiest water from going
into the collection tank.
stainless steel floating filter with
1-1/4 connection, 300 micron fine
mesh screen and 7 hose
The Ultra-Violet rainwater purification
package provides all the components
that you would need to disinfect water
for most local plumbing codes.
Rain Rancher
completed PROJECTS
LOCATION: Fate, Texas
TANK INFO: 500 gallon Poly
LOCATION: Robert E. Lee
Elemtary School
TANK INFO: 110 gallon
stacked Rain Rancher
original design
LOCATION: Ennis, Texas
TANK INFO: 1000 and
1500 Poly tank
LOCATION: Tanger Outlet
Mall, Texas City, Texas
TANK INFO: 20,000
gallon stainless tank - part
of a 98,000 gallon system
LOCATION: Arlington,
TANK INFO: two 3,000
gallon Poly tank
LOCATION: University of
North Texas. Denton, Texas
TANK INFO: 3,000 gallon
LOCATION: North Dallas,
Texas resident
TANK INFO: two 2,500
gallon tanks
LOCATION: Addison, Texas
TANK INFO: two 2,500
gallon tanks
Earth Day Texas, 2014
Earth Day Texas is an annual, outdoor
festival seeking to elevate environ-
mental awareness and influence the
way Texans think, live and work. Rain
Ranchers participation in the event
afforded us the opportunity to
educate people about rain water
harvesting, draught situations and how
rain water use can be beneficial.
Texas resident
TANK INFO: 40,000
gallon Pioneer tank
Volunteer project with United Way
of Metro Dallas at Titche Elemtary
enabled us to teach young children
about using earths resources
wisely. We were able educate
them about rain water harvesting
and how to grow their own food.
United Way of Metro Dallas
Ken Davis with Ed Beagley, Jr., an environmental leader
with many awards from some of the most prestigious
environmental groups in the nation. Mr. Beagley was in
awe of the Rain Rancher exhibit at Earth Day Texas!
Real School Gardens
(Rainwater Environmental Alliance Learning
The REAL School Gardens program unites
teachers, parents, businesses and the
students themselves to design a learning
garden tailored to each schools unique
needs. Rain Ranchers has participated
in Big Dig events, providing rainwater
tanks and education to communities in
the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
Educating the parent is vital for the next generation of rain water harvesting.
Earth Day Texas, 2014
Dear Ken and Jennifer,
I am writing to let you know how very pleased I have been with your work with Rain Ranchers.
We worked together all of last year, and during this time you impressed all of us at REAL School
Gardens. You were proactive in searching for our business, diligent in offering us options and
information that helped us make decisions, proactive when informing us of new methods of rain
collection, and easy to work with. I am very impressed with your knowledge in working with all
types of rainwater systems, from the smallest 55 gallon installations to very large systems; and,
how you can connect them to everything from simple gutters to city water and even timers! I
noticed your can-do attitude from the first installation you did. You handled the new experience
of working with over 100 volunteers very well and you lead a team of inexperienced volunteers
to do your first group installation - handled a hard-to-control event with professionalism and
strong leadership skills. Throughout the year I keep hearing positive feedback about you like how
much the volunteers had learned from you, and how you made the installation seem easy for
them copy for their homes. I also very much appreciated the fact that you did not shy away from
finding good solutions when different scenarios arose during installation. You are also always
prompt, proactive with your communication skills, and very good with your time management.
These are skills that, as a project manager, I admire and appreciate.
I look forward to working with you for many years to come.
With sincere admiration,
Nancy Payne, Project Manager
REAL School Gardens
Gulf Coast Renewable Resources has has the privilege of having Rain Ranchers on board with our
team to complete several of GCRR's rainwater harvesting projects, including the new Tanger
Outlet Mall in Texas City, Texas. The Rain Ranchers crew, Ken and Jennifer Davis, are a pleasure to
work with and we appreciate their professionalism and hard work while representing GCRR. Their
passion and expertise in rainwater harvesting systems is the reason we would recommend Rain
Ranchers for any of the DFW area's rainwater harvesting projects, and we hope to work with
them again soon.
Justin Owens
Owner, Gulf Coast Renewable Resources
Dear Ken and Jennifer,
I am writing to let you know how very pleased I have been with your work with Rain Ranchers.
We worked together all of last year, and during this time you impressed all of us at REAL School
Gardens. You were proactive in searching for our business, diligent in offering us options and
information that helped us make decisions, proactive when informing us of new methods of rain
collection, and easy to work with. I am very impressed with your knowledge in working with all
types of rainwater systems, from the smallest 55 gallon installations to very large systems; and,
how you can connect them to everything from simple gutters to city water and even timers! I
noticed your can-do attitude from the first installation you did. You handled the new experience
of working with over 100 volunteers very well and you lead a team of inexperienced volunteers
to do your first group installation - handled a hard-to-control event with professionalism and
strong leadership skills. Throughout the year I keep hearing positive feedback about you like how
much the volunteers had learned from you, and how you made the installation seem easy for
them copy for their homes. I also very much appreciated the fact that you did not shy away from
finding good solutions when different scenarios arose during installation. You are also always
prompt, proactive with your communication skills, and very good with your time management.
These are skills that, as a project manager, I admire and appreciate.
I look forward to working with you for many years to come.
With sincere admiration,
Nancy Payne, Project Manager
REAL School Gardens
Gulf Coast Renewable Resources has has the privilege of having Rain Ranchers on board with our
team to complete several of GCRR's rainwater harvesting projects, including the new Tanger
Outlet Mall in Texas City, Texas. The Rain Ranchers crew, Ken and Jennifer Davis, are a pleasure to
work with and we appreciate their professionalism and hard work while representing GCRR. Their
passion and expertise in rainwater harvesting systems is the reason we would recommend Rain
Ranchers for any of the DFW area's rainwater harvesting projects, and we hope to work with
them again soon.
Justin Owens
Owner, Gulf Coast Renewable Resources
customer testimonialsCOMMUNITY PROJECTS
Real School Gardens
(Rainwater Environmental Alliance Learning
Dear Rain Ranchers,
I wanted to commend you on the addition of the rainwater collection tanks you had added to my
small ranch in Argyle, Texas. Because of the collection tanks, I was able to make it through a dry
summer with my 200 fruit trees and my raised beds of 3 feet wide by 55 feet long. The modifi-
cations you made throughout the setup enabled me to have an easy source for water and I was
able to produce healthy peach, nectarine, apricot, Asian pear, plum, and apple trees ever since
you installed my tanks a few years ago.
Because of the use of free rainwater, I had no cost after initial setup and the quality of using
natural rainwater instead of city water or well water was superior to the alternatives. You always
provided me with excellent service and solutions for any of my irrigations needs. Thank you for all
the helo you provided during the early stages of getting everything started. If you have anyone
with questions about your systems, I will be happy to discuss my experiences with you.
Best Regards,
Steven J. Rodgers
Ebby Halliday Sales Agent
When we started looking for rain capture solutions online we couldnt get a call back
from anyone until we found Ken Davis at Rain Ranchers.
He called us back immediately and we were pleased from the get go. Ken is a salt of the
earth guy, has great follow up service and was a pleasure to work with.
He listened to our needs and designed a cool system for our home. The whole process
was great and the system is exactly want we wanted.
Kent Rathbun | Executive Chef and Partner
Kent Rathbun Concepts
Dear Rain Ranchers,
I wanted to commend you on the addition of the rainwater collection tanks you had added to my
small ranch in Argyle, Texas. Because of the collection tanks, I was able to make it through a dry
summer with my 200 fruit trees and my raised beds of 3 feet wide by 55 feet long. The modifi-
cations you made throughout the setup enabled me to have an easy source for water and I was
able to produce healthy peach, nectarine, apricot, Asian pear, plum, and apple trees ever since
you installed my tanks a few years ago.
Because of the use of free rainwater, I had no cost after initial setup and the quality of using
natural rainwater instead of city water or well water was superior to the alternatives. You always
provided me with excellent service and solutions for any of my irrigations needs. Thank you for all
the helo you provided during the early stages of getting everything started. If you have anyone
with questions about your systems, I will be happy to discuss my experiences with you.
Best Regards,
Steven J. Rodgers
Ebby Halliday Sales Agent
When we started looking for rain capture solutions online we couldnt get a call back
from anyone until we found Ken Davis at Rain Ranchers.
He called us back immediately and we were pleased from the get go. Ken is a salt of the
earth guy, has great follow up service and was a pleasure to work with.
He listened to our needs and designed a cool system for our home. The whole process
was great and the system is exactly want we wanted.
Kent Rathbun | Executive Chef and Partner
Kent Rathbun Concepts
customer testimonials customer testimonials
Rain Ranchers have been a valued exhibitor at Earth Day Texas
for years. Their rain water harvtesting demonstrations are a
huge draw at the event and show the quality of their products
and services. Rain Ranchers rain water harvesting services are
instrumental for water conservation in North Texas.
- The EDTx Team
WTFWater Thats Free

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RR sales book-v3-lr

  • 3. Rain Ranchers are innovative and dedicated rainwater professionals offering high quality well priced rainwater harvesting systems. Rain Ranchers is a local, family-owned business with rainwater catchment systems installed and maintained all over Texas! We design, install and maintain all of our systems! ABOUT US We offer custom systems based on our customers needs: Residential and Commercial Potable Non-Potable Above Ground Below Ground Plastic, Metal and Fiber Glass
  • 4. Ken began Rain Ranchers in 1999 with a passion for rainwater conservation. Ken is an Accredited Professional (AP) with the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) and now dedicates over 20 years of experience in construction and rain harvesting expertise to Texas homeown- ers, businesses, and community partners who want to collect their free rainwater. Ken is on-site for every job, which assures that your Rain Rancher System will be installed with expertise and precision. KEN JENNIFER LIZZY Jennifer is Kens daughter and her responsibilities include equipment procurement, following up with your online requests, preparing bids, and scheduling appointments. Jennifer is also an Accredited Professional (AP) with ARCSA. Her daily involvement is vital to our timely completion of all projects, and coordinates our courteous customer service. Lizzy joined Rain Ranchers in July 2014 and her responsibilities include marketing development, organizational development, logistics and sales. Lizzy is an Accredited Professional (AP) with ARCSA. She is also responsible for communicating with customers and vendors to ensure that our tanks and equipment are ordered and on time. *American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA), www.arcsa.org
  • 6. basic components The basic components of your rainwater harvesting system include: Rain Ranchers offer aesthetically pleasing tank options that blend with any environment. yOUR SySTEm TANK PIPING PUmPFILTRATION GUTTER (CoNveyANCe)
  • 7. above ground tank below ground tank inground filter floating filter Overflow to city stormwater or pop-up Pump Gutter Downspout UV calming inlet non potable for irrigation use potableforindooruse toilet washer 1stdiverter Filter UV Gutter downspout 1stdiverter floating filter wet conveyance fill overflow supply line Pump Filter non potable for irrigation use potableforindooruse toilet washer
  • 9. Rainwater harvesting is an ancient and wide-spread practice. It may seem foreign to us to think about using our rainwater, but our families have been using it for many generations. Some of the Roman systems are still in existence! Rain Ranchers are using ancient practices with state of the art equipment to ensure long lasting and functional systems. ANCIENT RAINWATER
  • 10. The below chart represents the gallons of rain collected on a 3 rain, as well as the gallons collected annually in the dfw area. A simple calculation is: 1 Rain on a 1,000 square foot roof = 600 gallons of free water. Measured by square foot (sq ft) of roof and an average 3 rainfall *90% efficiency Texas Rainfall Catchment Texas Average Rainfall 1 Texas Water Development Board SQ FT OF ROOF INCHES OF RAIN GALLONS CAPTURED ANNUAL/ DFW 1,000 3 1,875 19,700 2,000 3 3,750 40,000 3,000 3 5,625 60,000 4,000 3 7,500 79,000 5,000 3 9,375 98,000 6,000 3 11,250 118,000 7,000 3 13,125 138,000 10,000 3 18,750 197,000 1
  • 11. uses rainwater USES FOR potable / indoor use 油 drinking washing machings bathing toilets dish washing sinks 油 油 油 油 油 rainwater USES FOR nonpotable / outdoor use Landscape Garden foundation soaker washing vehicles fire emergency 油 油 油 油 油 Independent Back Up Source Water For Livestock | Animals Stormwater Retention | Detenion Cooling Tower Recharge Drip Irrigation Decorative Water Features uses
  • 12. Average WATER USAGE Rain water collection is a cost effective way to collect and store water for garden, lawn irrigation and potable indoor uses. The average american family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home. Roughly 70% of this use occurs indoors. Nationally, outdoor water use accounts for 30% of household use yet can be much higher in drier parts of the country and in more water-intensive landscapes.2 2 http://www.epa.gov/watersense/our_water/water_use_today.html 3 American Water Works Association Research Foundation Residential End Uses of Water. BENEFITS OF HARVESTING RAINWATER Provides a free and independent water source Saves money on water bill Promotes a self-sufficiency and sustainable lifestyle Independent rain systems are not subject to city water restrictions Reduce or eliminate reliance on municipal or well water sources Houses with sustainable water systems will add and protect the property and resale value Ability to keep plants and landscape lush and healthy in summer months Rainwater is mineral rich and pollutant free, great for you and your plants! Rain Rancher systems are easy to maintain Solve any drainage problems Help reduce stormwater runoff, pollution and flooding Long term solution to our water crisis Ability to control the quality of water Investing in a rainwater harvesting system can benefit you in the following ways: USE? HOW mUCH WATER DOWE 27% 16% 22% 13% 17% 5% TOILET FAUCET CLOTHES WASHER LEAKS SHOWER OTHER 3 The days of abundant, inexpensive fresh water are over!
  • 15. Pioneer速 water tanks are innovators in the water tank industry. Using a time tested Australian design, Pioneer速 Ranch and Residential water tanks provide a proven, high quality design for a wide range of domestic uses including rainwater harvesting, well-water storage, livestock watering, fire protection, long-term potable water storage and many more. 10-year warranty Pioneer Metal Tanks 20,000 GALLONS 40,000 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 3,000 8-10x 7-3 Zinc $6,500 5,000 11x7-3 Zinc $7,500 10,000 15-5x 7-3 Zinc $11,600 10,000 15-5x 7-3 Green $13,250 20,000 22x7-3 Zinc $15,800 20,000 22x7-3 Green $17,400 40,000 22x7-3 Zinc $25,500 40,000 30-9 7x-3 Green $28,100 50,000 35-2x 7-3 Zinc $29,000 65,000 39-6x 7-3 Zinc $46,900 AVAILABLE PIONEER TANK SIZES Pioneer retail pricing includes tank delivery and assembly. PIONEER METAL TANKS
  • 16. Standard features included with all tanks: 22 gauge galvanized steel corrugated walls full coverage Galvalume速 Steel roof, solid polypropylene Geoflex速 Liner, woven Geotex速 Pad under-liner, galvanized sliding/lockable access hatch, reversible access galvanized ladder, galvanized steel trusses, roof to tank wall dust seal, freeze protection galvanized box, two 2 bulkhead fittings installed with two brass ball valves, 4 overflow, leaf basket with lightguard. 20-year no-leak warranty Aquamate速 36,300 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 12,300 8-10x 7-3 Galvanized $10,500 20,400 11x7-3 Galvanized $13,500 25,200 15-5x 7-3 Galvanized $15,275 30,500 15-5x 7-3 Galvanized $17,425 36,300 22x7-3 Galvanized $18,700 42,600 22x7-3 Galvanized $20,750 72,800 22x7-3 Galvanized $27,500 AVAILABLE AQUAMATE TANK SIZES Aquamate retail pricing includes tank delivery. Add freight. Aquamate METAL TANKS
  • 17. 15,000 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 1,500 6' d x 9' h Galvanized Inquire 3,000 9' d x 10' h Galvanized Inquire 5,000 12'd x 11' h Galvanized Inquire 10,000 9' d x 24' h Galvanized $ 15,500 15,000 12' d x 22' h Galvanized $ 17,800 25,000 24' d x 14' Galvanized $ 20,000 28,000 21' D x 17' Galvanized $ 22,000 62,000 27' d x 22' Galvanized $ 33,500 75,000 24' d x 28'6'' Galvanized $ 45,000 AVAILABLE CONTAIN TANK SIZES Contain retail pricing includes tank delivery and assembly. CONTAIN METAL TANKS contain速 Standard features included with all tanks: high strength, galvanized steel water tank Durable 25 mil pvc liner Roof ladder / inspection hatch & man-way 8 Inlet strainer basket 6 Overflow flange connection 2 Outlet flange connection 2 Outlet valve Classic cedar wrap or color powder coat options Many sizes and capacities to choose from.
  • 18. Stainless steel is as familiar and robust as your kitchen sink. It is widely considered superior to other materials in the categories of strength, durability, and hygiene, and its the ma- terial of choice in commercial applications and food preparation venues worldwide. Since stainless steel is com- pletely recyclable and always has a high scrap value, no other water tank on the market holds its value as well as a stainless steel tank included accessories: 16 diameter strainer basket with stainless steel screen. 3 Sch40 pvc overflow with stainless steel screen. 1 Stainless steel threaded (npt) outlet fitting (2 fitting up- grade also available). TEXAS STAINLESS STEEL TANKS速 2,500 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 250 3 x 5 2 Silver $ 975 500 4-2 x 5-2 Silver $ 1,300 750 5 x 5-2 Silver $ 1,625 1,000 5-10 x 5-2 Silver $ 1,950 1,500 7-2 x 5-2 Silver $ 2,500 2,500 7-6x 78 Silver $ 3,900 AVAILABLE Stainless Steel TANK SIZES Add freight Texas Stainless Steel TANKS
  • 19. Poly-mart速 tanks are available up to 2,500 gallons and have 11 color choices. These are true rainwater collection tanks. They feature 4 flat sides, 18 inlet strainer basket, 2 supply bulkhead fitting and overflow assembly. 5-year warranty Norwesco tanks are available in 3,000 gallon and larger and are available in green in black. 5-year warranty POLY TANKS Poly Tanks 100-2,500 GALLONS3,000-10,000 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 100 2-6 x 3-6 11 Choices $ 220 125 2-6 x 4-2 11 Choices $ 270 150 2-6 x 4-10 11 Choices $ 300 200 3 x 4 8 11 Choices $ 350 250 3 x 5-6 11 Choices $ 400 500 4 x 5-11 11 Choices $ 575 1,000 6-3 x 5-5 11 Choices $ 850 1,500 7-9 x 5-3 11 Choices $ 950 2,500 8 x 7-11 11 Choices $ 1,450 3,000 8-6 x 7-9 Green/Black $ 1,500 5,000 11-9 x 7-2 Green/Black $ 2,355 AVAILABLE POLY TANK SIZES Add freight
  • 21. Xerxes fiberglass tanks from Rain Ranchers are below ground tanks that range from 600 to 50,000 gallons. As communities, businesses and industries become increasingly accountable to meet LEED and other environmental requirements that require safe, design-proven storage, Xerxes is in the forefront with innovative answers. When considering the options in customized systems for water storage, facility designers and owners look for a long-term, structurally strong, watertight and cost effective solutions. That is exactly what the Xerxes fiberglass tank offers. XERXES速 20,000 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 10,000 8 x 32 Red $ 26,200 15,000 10 x 30 Red $ 34,700 20,000 10 x 38 Red $ 42,500 25,000 10 x 48 Red $ 59,900 30,000 10 X 56 Red $ 69,300 AVAILABLE XERXES TANK SIZES Xerxes retail pricing includes a pump and pre-filtration. Add freight. xerxes TANKS
  • 22. Flowtite fiberglass storage tanks from Rain Ranchers con- tribute to satisfying multiple credits of the LEED green building rating system. Flowtight tanks are designed to meet national standards for water/wastewater storage tanks. Flowtight tanks are manufactured in many locations. flowtite速 20,000 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 5,000 6 X 25 Tan $ 12,800 10,000 8 X 30 Tan $ 19,100 15,000 8 X 44 Tan $ 31,100 20,000 10 X 37 Tan $ 36,700 25,000 10 X 46 Tan $ 54,255 30,000 10 X 54 Tan $ 64,400 AVAILABLE FLOWTITE TANK SIZES FlowTite retail tank pricing reflect tank only. Add freight.. Flowtite TANKS
  • 23. Graf underground tanks are the largest and strongest underground plastic water tank in the world! Supports up to 8 tons of axle weight and 12 tons max total load. Variable burial depth: 32 to 47 (59 max with optional dome extension and maxi telescopic riser). 31.5 Manway opening. Unique in the world! A global innovation: unique manufacturing process produces the highest stability using latest techniques. Vehicle-bearing (with telescopic cast iron manway kit). Groundwater stable up to the middle of the tank due to extremely rigid construction. Made from high quality duralene; easy to recycle. Can be expanded as required. Secure investment with market leading 15-year warranty. Graf速 Tanks 3,400 GALLONS1,000 GALLONS GALLONS DIMENSIONS COLORS RETAIL PRICE 700 6-10 x 5-2 x 6-7 BLACK $ 1,500 1,000 7-6 x 5-9 x 7-3 BLACK $ 1,800 1,250 7-6 x 6-6 x 8 BLACK $ 2,100 1,700 7-10 x 7-2 x 8-11 BLACK $ 2,600 2,650 11-7 x 7-4 x 9-6 BLACK $ 4,400 3,400 7-10 x 16-4 x 8-11 BLACK $ 4,800 5,100 7-10 x 25-6 x 811 BLACK $ 7,000 AVAILABLE GRAF TANK SIZES Add freight Graf TANKS
  • 24. 110 GALLON STACKED $475 275 GALLON TOTE $650 These unique designs are only available through Rain Ranchers and use recycled and readiliy available local materials in compact and attractive designs. Rain Rancher original DESIGns water catchment designs
  • 25. SMALL CHICKEN COOP $750 LARGE CHICKEN COOP $1,850 Rain Ranchers offer chicken coops for our clients who seek a more self-sufficient and sustainable backyard. chicken coopsGarden designs GARDEN KITS* starting at $995 110 GALLON PLANTER $475 油
  • 27. LEADER EBS Leader Ebs 1250 1 hp automatic self-priming above ground rainwater pump system. Up to 22 gpm and 80 psi (max) RAINMASTER SUBMERSIBLE 他2 hp submersible rainwater pump high performance submersible rainwater pump with stainless steel base and 1-1/4 threaded inlet for use with a floating filter. GRUNDFOS Grundfos mq 3-45 1 hp pressure boosting pump is a compact all-in-one pressure boosting unit, de- signed for domestic water supply and irrigation. The mq pump is ideal for pressure boosting from water storage tanks and cisterns or from city water supply. features automatic on/off function for water usage. PUMPSPUMPS LEADER PROTABLE Simple on-off switch AQUA-PRESS Electronic self-priming surface pressure pump; internal electronic pump controller; internal mini-pressure tank totally enclosed; fan-cooled motor; 1 female inlet/outlet; inlet filter recommended; requires rain protection; 1-year warranty EXTERNALS WITH PRESSURE TANK Custom designed for each application RAINMASTER multistage horizontal 3/4 horsepower pump. Up to 26 gpm and 65 psi (max)
  • 28. INGROUND FILTRATION High-efficiency in-ground filtration system. The basket filter is designed for maximum water yield and lower cost. FILTRATION FILTRATION LEAF EATER Filters large debris from the water coming off the roof 1ST WATER DIVERTER diverts the dirtiest water from going into the collection tank. FLOATING INTAKE FILTER stainless steel floating filter with 1-1/4 connection, 300 micron fine mesh screen and 7 hose ULTRAVIOLET FILTRATION The Ultra-Violet rainwater purification package provides all the components that you would need to disinfect water for most local plumbing codes.
  • 30. INSTALLATIONS 油 油 LOCATION: Fate, Texas TANK INFO: 500 gallon Poly LOCATION: Robert E. Lee Elemtary School TANK INFO: 110 gallon stacked Rain Rancher original design
  • 31. INSTALLATIONS 油 油 油 INSTALLATIONS LOCATION: Ennis, Texas resident TANK INFO: 1000 and 1500 Poly tank LOCATION: Tanger Outlet Mall, Texas City, Texas TANK INFO: 20,000 gallon stainless tank - part of a 98,000 gallon system LOCATION: Arlington, Texas TANK INFO: two 3,000 gallon Poly tank LOCATION: University of North Texas. Denton, Texas TANK INFO: 3,000 gallon Pioneer LOCATION: North Dallas, Texas resident TANK INFO: two 2,500 gallon tanks
  • 32. INSTALLATIONS LOCATION: Addison, Texas resident TANK INFO: two 2,500 gallon tanks COMMUNITY PROJECTS 油 Earth Day Texas, 2014 Earth Day Texas is an annual, outdoor festival seeking to elevate environ- mental awareness and influence the way Texans think, live and work. Rain Ranchers participation in the event afforded us the opportunity to educate people about rain water harvesting, draught situations and how rain water use can be beneficial. LOCATION: Gordon, Texas resident TANK INFO: 40,000 gallon Pioneer tank
  • 33. COMMUNITY PROJECTS Volunteer project with United Way of Metro Dallas at Titche Elemtary enabled us to teach young children about using earths resources wisely. We were able educate them about rain water harvesting and how to grow their own food. United Way of Metro Dallas Ken Davis with Ed Beagley, Jr., an environmental leader with many awards from some of the most prestigious environmental groups in the nation. Mr. Beagley was in awe of the Rain Rancher exhibit at Earth Day Texas! 油 COMMUNITY PROJECTS Real School Gardens (Rainwater Environmental Alliance Learning The REAL School Gardens program unites teachers, parents, businesses and the students themselves to design a learning garden tailored to each schools unique needs. Rain Ranchers has participated in Big Dig events, providing rainwater tanks and education to communities in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Educating the parent is vital for the next generation of rain water harvesting. 油 Earth Day Texas, 2014
  • 34. Dear Ken and Jennifer, I am writing to let you know how very pleased I have been with your work with Rain Ranchers. We worked together all of last year, and during this time you impressed all of us at REAL School Gardens. You were proactive in searching for our business, diligent in offering us options and information that helped us make decisions, proactive when informing us of new methods of rain collection, and easy to work with. I am very impressed with your knowledge in working with all types of rainwater systems, from the smallest 55 gallon installations to very large systems; and, how you can connect them to everything from simple gutters to city water and even timers! I noticed your can-do attitude from the first installation you did. You handled the new experience of working with over 100 volunteers very well and you lead a team of inexperienced volunteers to do your first group installation - handled a hard-to-control event with professionalism and strong leadership skills. Throughout the year I keep hearing positive feedback about you like how much the volunteers had learned from you, and how you made the installation seem easy for them copy for their homes. I also very much appreciated the fact that you did not shy away from finding good solutions when different scenarios arose during installation. You are also always prompt, proactive with your communication skills, and very good with your time management. These are skills that, as a project manager, I admire and appreciate. I look forward to working with you for many years to come. With sincere admiration, Nancy Payne, Project Manager REAL School Gardens Gulf Coast Renewable Resources has has the privilege of having Rain Ranchers on board with our team to complete several of GCRR's rainwater harvesting projects, including the new Tanger Outlet Mall in Texas City, Texas. The Rain Ranchers crew, Ken and Jennifer Davis, are a pleasure to work with and we appreciate their professionalism and hard work while representing GCRR. Their passion and expertise in rainwater harvesting systems is the reason we would recommend Rain Ranchers for any of the DFW area's rainwater harvesting projects, and we hope to work with them again soon. Sincerely, Justin Owens Owner, Gulf Coast Renewable Resources Dear Ken and Jennifer, I am writing to let you know how very pleased I have been with your work with Rain Ranchers. We worked together all of last year, and during this time you impressed all of us at REAL School Gardens. You were proactive in searching for our business, diligent in offering us options and information that helped us make decisions, proactive when informing us of new methods of rain collection, and easy to work with. I am very impressed with your knowledge in working with all types of rainwater systems, from the smallest 55 gallon installations to very large systems; and, how you can connect them to everything from simple gutters to city water and even timers! I noticed your can-do attitude from the first installation you did. You handled the new experience of working with over 100 volunteers very well and you lead a team of inexperienced volunteers to do your first group installation - handled a hard-to-control event with professionalism and strong leadership skills. Throughout the year I keep hearing positive feedback about you like how much the volunteers had learned from you, and how you made the installation seem easy for them copy for their homes. I also very much appreciated the fact that you did not shy away from finding good solutions when different scenarios arose during installation. You are also always prompt, proactive with your communication skills, and very good with your time management. These are skills that, as a project manager, I admire and appreciate. I look forward to working with you for many years to come. With sincere admiration, Nancy Payne, Project Manager REAL School Gardens Gulf Coast Renewable Resources has has the privilege of having Rain Ranchers on board with our team to complete several of GCRR's rainwater harvesting projects, including the new Tanger Outlet Mall in Texas City, Texas. The Rain Ranchers crew, Ken and Jennifer Davis, are a pleasure to work with and we appreciate their professionalism and hard work while representing GCRR. Their passion and expertise in rainwater harvesting systems is the reason we would recommend Rain Ranchers for any of the DFW area's rainwater harvesting projects, and we hope to work with them again soon. Sincerely, Justin Owens Owner, Gulf Coast Renewable Resources customer testimonialsCOMMUNITY PROJECTS Real School Gardens (Rainwater Environmental Alliance Learning
  • 35. Dear Rain Ranchers, I wanted to commend you on the addition of the rainwater collection tanks you had added to my small ranch in Argyle, Texas. Because of the collection tanks, I was able to make it through a dry summer with my 200 fruit trees and my raised beds of 3 feet wide by 55 feet long. The modifi- cations you made throughout the setup enabled me to have an easy source for water and I was able to produce healthy peach, nectarine, apricot, Asian pear, plum, and apple trees ever since you installed my tanks a few years ago. Because of the use of free rainwater, I had no cost after initial setup and the quality of using natural rainwater instead of city water or well water was superior to the alternatives. You always provided me with excellent service and solutions for any of my irrigations needs. Thank you for all the helo you provided during the early stages of getting everything started. If you have anyone with questions about your systems, I will be happy to discuss my experiences with you. Best Regards, Steven J. Rodgers Ebby Halliday Sales Agent PLACEHOLDER When we started looking for rain capture solutions online we couldnt get a call back from anyone until we found Ken Davis at Rain Ranchers. He called us back immediately and we were pleased from the get go. Ken is a salt of the earth guy, has great follow up service and was a pleasure to work with. He listened to our needs and designed a cool system for our home. The whole process was great and the system is exactly want we wanted. Kent Rathbun | Executive Chef and Partner Kent Rathbun Concepts Dear Rain Ranchers, I wanted to commend you on the addition of the rainwater collection tanks you had added to my small ranch in Argyle, Texas. Because of the collection tanks, I was able to make it through a dry summer with my 200 fruit trees and my raised beds of 3 feet wide by 55 feet long. The modifi- cations you made throughout the setup enabled me to have an easy source for water and I was able to produce healthy peach, nectarine, apricot, Asian pear, plum, and apple trees ever since you installed my tanks a few years ago. Because of the use of free rainwater, I had no cost after initial setup and the quality of using natural rainwater instead of city water or well water was superior to the alternatives. You always provided me with excellent service and solutions for any of my irrigations needs. Thank you for all the helo you provided during the early stages of getting everything started. If you have anyone with questions about your systems, I will be happy to discuss my experiences with you. Best Regards, Steven J. Rodgers Ebby Halliday Sales Agent PLACEHOLDER When we started looking for rain capture solutions online we couldnt get a call back from anyone until we found Ken Davis at Rain Ranchers. He called us back immediately and we were pleased from the get go. Ken is a salt of the earth guy, has great follow up service and was a pleasure to work with. He listened to our needs and designed a cool system for our home. The whole process was great and the system is exactly want we wanted. Kent Rathbun | Executive Chef and Partner Kent Rathbun Concepts customer testimonials customer testimonials Rain Ranchers have been a valued exhibitor at Earth Day Texas for years. Their rain water harvtesting demonstrations are a huge draw at the event and show the quality of their products and services. Rain Ranchers rain water harvesting services are instrumental for water conservation in North Texas. - The EDTx Team