The document reports on progress made in the second year of research reactor coalitions established with IAEA support. It discusses the activities and results of coalitions in Eastern Europe, Eurasia, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean region. Upcoming initiatives include new coalitions for Africa, the Baltic region, and the Pacific, as well as continued efforts to strengthen existing coalitions through training, workshops, and business planning to promote self-sufficiency. While successes have been achieved, substantial work remains to fully realize the goal of establishing self-sustaining research reactor coalitions.
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Rrc Rrfm March09
1. Research Reactor Coalitions: Second Year Progress Report Ira Goldman, Pablo Adelfang, Danas Ridikas International Atomic Energy Agency Kevin Alldred, Nigel Mote International Nuclear Enterprise Group, LLC Research Reactor Fuel Management Meeting (RRFM) 23 March 2009 Vienna, Austria
2. RR Coalitions Background Initial discussions and project design (May-Sept 2006) Approval of NTI grant request, RER/4/029 (Sept/Oct 2006) Informal consultations and development of notional proposals (Oct 2006-Spring 2007) Number of models identified Exploratory missions/meetings (Sept-Dec 2007) Implementation of 3 formal coalitions, 1 network (2008) Caribbean RRC, East European RR Initiative, Eurasia RRC Mediterranean RR Utilization Network IAEA facilitator - generate and coordinate ideas/proposals/ventures, provide initial support (meetings, training, studies/analyses)
3. RR Coalitions Types No one size fits all Different forms to meet needs, capabilities, objectives of members Start small, evolve, change form, expand as confidence grows Bilateral sub-contracting by a lead reactor (or joint venture) Scientific consortium Peer group network that can share best practice information Full-fledged, subscription-based coalition/consortia that Acts as a single entity, shares revenue, joint marketing Facilitates access, accepts subscriptions, invests in capability Variants include:
4. RR Coalitions Multi-Discipline Education and Training Radioisotopes Eurasia INP-K/INP-U/CZ/UKR and isotope users RI production, supply, export Caribbean- JAM/COL/MEX/AUT/IAEA NAA, training; regional access E.Europe- AT/HU/CZ/RO/PO/SL Nuclear E&T; Neutron Scattering; Material testing? RIs? Mediterranean RRUN AZ/EG/GR/MNGR/SYR NAA/PGNAA; Beam apps; RI, calculations; NDT Latin America RLA/0/037: Regional self-sufficiency in RIs; nuclear E&T network; feasibility of regional state-of-art RR Mexico- ININ/LVNPP Practical training for reactor ops & rad protection Baltic RR Users Network (proposed Nuclear E&T) EST/FIN/LAT/LIT/PO/RU/GE/DE/SW/NO South/North America MURR/MNR/IPEN/CCHEN RI R&D, supply
5. RR Coalitions Activities, Results, Future Actions Eastern Europe Research Reactor Initiative (EERRI) 2008 28-29 January, Budapest (MOU w/action items) 5 May, Budapest, discussions at NEST 3-4 September, Atominstitut, Vienna, 2 nd EERRI Meeting monthly teleconferences; standardized capabilities information 2009 3rd EERRI Meeting, Vienna, 26-27 March EERRI RR theoretical and practical training course, Budapest & Vienna, 4 May-12 June 2009 Central European Neutron Scattering School, Budapest, May 2009 (TBC)
6. RR Coalitions Activities, Results, Future Actions Eurasia Research Reactor Coalition (EARRC) 2008 Eura sia RRC meeting and MOU, 24-26 November, Vienna UK BERR/CNCP Workshop on Commercial Production of Isotopes for Industrial and Medical Purposes, Kazakhstan, 22-23 May US DOE Workshop on Isotope Supply, Rockville, MD USA 7-9 August 2009 2 nd Eurasia RRC Meeting, Vienna,19-20 March Finalization of Eurasia technology path and business plan May June Presentation of Coalition capabilities September
7. RR Coalitions Activities, Results, Future Actions Caribbean Coalition & North/South America 2008 1-2x month conference calls; Colombia operator training at ATI Caribbean Coalition Practical Arrangement signed South-North America Coalition Meeting, 9 October, Columbia, Missouri 2009 Jamaica NAA expert mission to Colombia, 9-20 Feb. Kick-off workshop for RLA/0/037, Bariloche, 2-6 March Argentina NAA expert mission to Colombia, April/May. Caribbean/LA regional NAA and custom-oriented service workshop; intro workshop (2 nd half 2009, 2010
8. RR Coalitions Activities, Results, Future Actions Mediterranean RR Users Network (M-RRUN) 2008 Feb. 2008: TM on strategic planning for sustainability of RRs Creation of M-RRUN, agreed on actions plan 2008-2010 2009 Implementation of actions (web page, NAA, workshops, etc.) Strengthen/extend organization to other countries in the region Status as of today Egypt (2) Greece (1) Syria (1) Tunisia Montenegro Azerbaijan
9. RR Coalitions Activities, Results, Future Actions Russian Federation (~50 operational RRs) 2008 Discussions on Russian Nuclear E&T, 12-14 March, Moscow & Obninsk (agreed protocol) Several telephone conferences; exchange of ideas Proposal by IAEA for feasibility study on conversion of IRT RRs in Russia 2009 Training of Russian RR specialists in Western RR facilities Workshop on experience from conversion of Russian- fueled RRs?
10. RR Coalitions Activities, Results, Future Actions Neutron Scattering 2008 11-13 February, Vienna, Investigation of Neutron Scattering Coalition (report & recommendations) 13-14 October UCN technical assessment mission to TRIGA Pitesti, Romania
11. RR Coalitions Nuclear Education and Training 2008 Power reactor operators training course held at ININ Triga for LVNPP training mgrs 26-28 March 2008, regular training programme including for reactor engineers Additional practice activities related to thermal balance, xenon and samarium poisoning to be included ININ also held radiation protection course for LNVPP 2009 NCSU-JUST Internet Reactor Laboratory (IRL) consultancy, Vienna, 9-10 March IRL pilot project to be implemented in 2 nd half 2009 EERRI Group Fellowship Training Course in Budapest & Vienna (May-June) Baltic exploratory meeting, Poland, June
12. RR Coalitions Upcoming Activities: New Initiatives Implementation of AFRA project for African RR Users Network Exploratory meeting on formation of Baltic RR Users Network (E&T), June 2009, Poland (10 countries) Cooperation with Asia-Oceanic Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA) on Pacific RR Users network
13. RR Coalitions African RR Users Network (A-RRUN) Africa regional RAF4022 TC project design Vienna, 7-9 May 2008 Coalitions is one of the main objectives (2009-2011) Potentially constant need to access RRs by Member States without RRs Need of regional concerted/organized actions (e.g. request/supply forum-data base) AFRA RR conference & kick-off in November 2009, Nigeria
14. RR Coalitions Baltic RR Users Network (B-RRUN) Nordic/Baltic region remains nuclear (Finland, Sweden, Baltic States + Poland) RRs shutdown in Latvia, Denmark, and Sweden Clear needs for personnel training & education, R&D Exploratory meeting in June 2009, Poland (10 countries)
15. RR Coalitions Pacific RR Users Network (P-RRUN) Exploratory meeting in Q4 2009, ANSTO, Australia Since 2007 ANSTO is the IAEA Collaborative Centre for Neutron Scattering Applications Potential access to the OPAL neutron beam lines for developing Member States from the region: Bangladesh, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines Framework for support from the Agency short & long term visitors summer schools & training events Coherent actions with developed countries in the region like Japan & Korea, & existing structures like AONSA 1 2 1 3 0 1 1 1 6
16. RR Coalitions Other Future Actions Continue efforts to strengthen/extend the Med RR Network Clarify the situation related to the STRAINET (residual stress) Formulation of 3-year work plans to promote self-sufficiency and to minimize IAEA role Development of common market analyses, business plans, and marketing and outreach activities Particular emphasis on developing arrangements for and bringing customers from non-RR countries
17. RR Coalitions Summary Several successes, but substantial work remains to achieve full objective of coalitions. 2009-2011: New NTI grant to IAEA (project management); DOE funds; three regional TC projects IAEA support will continue, but will emphasize catalytic role, seek to encourage the arrangements to become self-supporting and sustainable Clear opportunities related to isotope production but competitive history and instincts need to be overcome IAEA remains open to further ideas, welcomes additional partners and participants