This document provides instructions for remote sensing image processing exercises using ENVI software. It describes how to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Landsat bands 3 and 4 to identify vegetation, convert the floating point NDVI to integer values, and perform principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensionality and segregate noise. Logical operations are also demonstrated to mask non-vegetated areas in the first PCA band using an NDVI threshold. The exercises familiarize students with common image math operations and transformations.
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Rs lab 06
1. Laboratory Session6 203415 &218422 Remote Sensing
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Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engeering Kasetsart University
Remote Sensing Laboratory
Lab Assignment # 6
Math Operation
Lecturer Weerakaset Suanpaga 21 January 2011
1. Objective
The main objective of this exercise is to familiarize with Math operation of
image processing such a Logical Operation, NDVI and PCA (Principal Component
Analysis) calculation
2. Data provided
The data used in this session is an image from Landsat 7 ETM+ sensor. Spatially it
covers the area around Pathumthani province of Thailand (Upper Left Coordinates are
100属 26 13.88E, 14属 3 14.38 N). The image contains six bands of Landsat having
spatial resolution of 30 m (excluding the panchromatic and thermal bands having
different resolution).
3. Methodology
3.1 Subset of the Image
1. Start image processing software ENVI 4.2
2. Open image file and consider to subset image to size 1000x1000 pixels
but this image size 500x500 pixels then should to use this image size.
Note: All the Math operations are carried out on this subset, to reduce
the computation time and storage required for the resultant images.
3.2 Band Math Operations
1. Click Basic Tools Menu and select the Band Math
Calculation of NDVI:
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is the most widely used vegetation
index to relate the remotely sensed signals with the ground features like vegetation,
health of vegetation, bare soil, snow, irrigated land and droughts. It can be calculated
using following equation.
Note that the MIN and Max keywords are required in the function call to
BYTSCL to ensure that the same minimum and maximum values are used for scaling
all ties as tiled image.
== tan (1)
when -1 C NDVI C -1
Providing the result of NDVI in term of floating value then Band Math should be
rewriting equation 1 by the following expression in Band Math window; (see equation
2. Laboratory Session6 203415 &218422 Remote Sensing
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Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engeering Kasetsart University
2) and in ENVI math window used b1 for NIR and b2 for Visible RED the result as
equation 3.(see figure 1).
NDVI float
NDVI float
= (3)
Figure1. Graphic Transformation of NDVI. [Ref 1.]
After entering this equation, ENVI will ask which band of the image should be
used as b1 and which one to be used as b2. The band 3 (red) & band 4 (NIR) of the
Landsat should be specified respectively as b2 and b1 (figure 2). The resulting
image can be seen in figure 3. The inset of the image clearly shows that the data is
in floating mode.
After the NDVI is calculated the resultant image can be viewed in gray shade. The
values in this image vary from -1 to +1. Therefore it is customary to convert the
floating point NDVI to Integer NDVI, with integer values of the range of 0-255. For
this the Interactive Data Language (IDL) function BYTSCL is used as under (eq.4);
BYTSCL(b1, min = -1.0, max = 1.0) (4)
After that, assign b1 should be linked with the floating NDVI band.
The output file so generated will contain the integer values ranging from 0 to
3. Laboratory Session6 203415 &218422 Remote Sensing
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Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engeering Kasetsart University
255. The dialogue box for specifying the input and output files and the syntax of the
formulae can be seen in figure 3 . The image result can be seen in figure 4.
Band Math can also be used for hundred of other purposes like adding the bands,
averaging the bands, removal of atmospheric errors, calculation of slope etc.
3.3 Principle Component Analysis (PCA) Calculation:
Use Principle component to procedure uncorrelated output bands, to segregate
noise components, and to reduce the dimensionality of data sets. Because multi-
spectral data bands are often highly correlated, the Principle Component (PC)
Transformation is used to produce uncorrelated output bands. This is done by finding
a new set of orthogonal axes that have their origin at the data mean and that are
rotated so that the data variance is maximized.
Click Transform> Principle Component> Forward PC Rotation> Compute
New Statistics & Rotate. It will open a menu to select the source file. Select the subset
file. It will result into forward PC Rotation parameter dialogue .Specify 0.1
for Stats X Resize Factor & Stats Y Resize Factor in order to reduce the number of
statistical calculations. Choose the statistics file name and output file name. Set the
parameter Select the subset from Eigenvalue to Yes and then press OK.
It will open a form showing eigenvalues of rotated bands (figure 5). Depending upon
the user requirement select the number of bands with high values of eigenvalue (e.g.
we have selected top 3 rotated bands). It will create a new image file with the no of
bands as selected by the user in PCA. The new file can be used for image
classification and for other purposes without loosing amount of information too much
extent. The six bands after PCA are shown as composite image in figure 6.
3.4 Logical Operation:
The NDVI product will use to mark PC1 image to show only vegetation are by
the criteria that NDVI value is less than zero will as -999 values for non-vegetation
1. Select basic tools> band math form main menu bar.
2. enter equation (5) in expression text box.
(b1 lt 0) * (-999) + (b1 ge 0) * b2 (5)
3. assign a b1 variable by NDVI band from last operation. And assign b2
variable for PC 1 band.
4. select result to file and enter the filename then click ok.
lt = lesser than le = lesser or equal than eq =equal
gt=greater than ge= greater or equal than And ,or
4. Result
4.1 Band Math Operations NDVI
4.2 PCA Calculation:
4.3 The color table of Pseudo color by using NDVI mark on PC1
5. Conclusion.
6. Reference: