Data driven decision making can be retrospective, real-time, or predictive. We use Amazon Machine Learning to predict the probability that a vulnerability will become exploited, using only the data available when a vulnerability is released.
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RSA 2017 - Predicting Exploitability - With Predictions
18. 70% Training, 30% Evaluation Split N = 81303
All Models:
L2 regularizer
1 gb
100 passes over the data
Receiver operating
characteristics for comparisons
19. Model 1: Baseline
-CVSS Base
-CVSS Temporal
-Remote Code Execution
-Access Complexity
-Access Vector
-Publication Date
29. -Track Predictions
vs. Real Exploits
-Integrate 20+
BlackHat Exploit
Kits - FP
-Find better vulnerability
descriptions - mine
advisories for content?
FN reduction?
Future Work
-Predict Breaches,
not Exploits
-Attempt Models
by Vendor
-There are probably
two exploitation
processes here.
1. CVE-2017-0003
2. CVE-2017-2963
3. CVE-2016-7256
These will have exploits in 2017:
Sharepoint Enterprise Server, Word 2016
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, Windows 7, 8, 10
32. Scan Data Is
Finding Vulnerabilities Needlessly Difficult
Impossible to Know
What to Prioritize
Not Integrated with
Threat Intelligence
Communication Is PainfulNo Single
Pane of Glass Suits All Stakeholders
33. CISO Sec Ops IT Ops
How Kenna Works
Exploit Intel
10+ Threat Feeds
21+ Connectors