Regional Scrum Gatherings (RSGs) are usually 2-3 day events where Scrum practitioners can meet others, hear keynote speakers, participate in open space sessions, and deepen their knowledge. Attendees can earn Scrum Education Units. RSGs are organized locally so each event is unique. The 2021 RSGT had 438 total attendees, up from 423 in 2020. Sessions were split across multiple rooms on Discord.
3. R E G I O N A L S C R U M G AT H E R I N G S
? usually span two to three days
? You'll meet like-minded agile and Scrum practitioners, trainers, coaches,
and enthusiasts. You'll hear amazing keynote speakers, participate in
open space sessions, and deepen your knowledge.
? You can also earn Scrum Education Units (SEUs) for attending.
? Regional Scrum Gatherings??are organized and hosted by local/regional
agilists, so each one is truly a unique and valuable experience!
4. ? 2021 1 6 ( ) 8 ( )
? 438
- 2020: 423 2019: 308 2018: 284
? 5
R S G T 2 0 2 1