This document discusses using tactile sensing to improve AI-based robotic manipulation of deformable and fragile objects. Specifically, it proposes using a vision-based tactile sensor called FingerVision to learn a policy for grasping. The grasping policy includes 1) estimating a grasp pose using computer vision, 2) reaching the pose, and 3) adapting the grasp in real-time using a tactile-based controller to avoid slip when lifting the object. The approach was tested on a robot, with results showing successes in grasping as well as failures from computer vision errors or insufficient grasp adaptation. Future work is outlined to improve various aspects of the system like grasp pose estimation, tactile sensing, and failure handling.
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RSJ 2017 - Grasp Adaptation Control with Finger Vision
1. Grasp Adaptation Control with Finger Vision
Verificationwith Deformable and Fragile Objects
Akihiko Yamaguchi(*1*2), Chris G. Atkeson(*1)
*1 Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
*2 Grad Schl of Info Sci, Tohoku University
2. Tactile Sensing for AI-based Manipulation
For next generation of robot manipulation
(deformableobjects, fragile, cooking, ¡),
AI-based approach is necessary
Robot Learning,ReinforcementLearning, Machine
Learning, Deep Learning,Deep RL, Planning,
Tactile sensing improves AI-based manipulation
but we don¡¯t know a good strategy to use tactile sensing in
learning manipulation2
3. Is Tactile Sensing Really Necessary?
E.g. Learning grasping with deep learning
(L) Learning to grasp from 50K Tries, Pinto et al. 2016
(R) Learning hand-eye coordination for robotic grasping, Levine et
al. 2017
No tactile sensing was used
4. Tactile Sensing is Useful in Many Scenarios
What if uncertain external force is applied?
What if grasping the same-visual / different-weight
Imagine: Wearing heavy gloves; Frozen hands
7. Using Tactile Sensing in Learning Manipulation
To make manipulation robust and learning faster
In this study:
Using FingerVision for tactile sensing(+¦Á)
Learning general policy of
grasping deformable and fragile objects
8. FingerVision: Vision-based Tactile Sensing
Multimodal tactile sensing
Force distribution
Proximity Vision
? Slip / Deformation
? Object pose, texture,shape
Low-cost and easy to
Physically robust
Cameras are becoming
smaller and cheaper thanks
to smart phone & IoT
NanEye: 1mm x 1mm x 1mm
12. How to Use FingerVision in Learning Grasping?
Eternal or head vision is necessary
Representation of policy to be learned:
No tactile: (Vision) ? (Command)
With tactile: (Vision, Tactile) ? (Command)
13. How to Use FingerVision in Learning Grasping?
Grasping (picking up) structure:
Deciding a grasp pose (vision)
Reaching gripper to a grasp pose (vision)
Grasping the object (tactile[force], (vision))
Lifting up the object (tactile[slip, force], (vision))
Evaluating grasp (vision, tactile)
14. How to Use FingerVision in Learning Grasping?
Grasping (picking up) structure:
Grasp Pose Estimator(vision-based)
Deciding a grasp pose (vision)
Reaching gripper to a grasp pose (vision)
Grasp Adaptation Controller (tactile-based)
Grasping the object (tactile[force], (vision))
Lifting up the object (tactile[slip, force], (vision))
Evaluating grasp (vision, tactile)
15. Grasp Adaptation Controller
Grasping and lifting up
Idea: Controlling to avoid slip
Simple state machine:
[1] Grasp test
? Moving the object upward slightly
? If slip detected --> moving the object to the initial height and closing
the gripper slightly
? No slip --> [2]
[2] Lift-up
? Moving the object upward to a target height
? If slip detected --> [1]
Slip avoidance feedback controller is always activated15
22. Future Work
Learning Grasp Pose Estimator
How to parameterize Grasp Adaptation Controller?
Improving Grasp Adaptation Controller
Failure detection and recovery
Improving FingerVision
Computer vision (object detection, movement classification)
Hardware (sensitive to normal force)
Learning how to break objects (and how to avoid it)
New gripper
Agility is necessary22