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Range Safety Officer
RESPONSIBILITIES MC Base, Range Control and RSOs overall responsibility for Safety Briefs, use of Ranges, Facilities, and Training Areas. ROIC/RSO is responsible for everything that happens or fails to happen on the Range, Facility or Training Area. Commanders are responsible for certifying the ROICs/RSOs on each weapon system and ammunition that will be used in training.
Commanders Ensure compliance with applicable TMs, FMs, Orders, and the MCB Range SOP for safe training and firing for each weapon system within the Command. Designates an OIC and RSO for each live fire exercise and or maneuver. Ensures personnel performing duties of OIC/RSO are certified in accordance with established installation safety certification program. Competent and properly instructed/trained in the performance of their duties. Knowledgeable in the weapon systems for which they are held responsible for and in safe ammunition handling and use procedures. Applies risk management and develop safety controls and procedures for all phases of training.
SCHEDULING   Different areas must be requested at different times. Requests must be submitted on a TAR via TAMIS-R to RSU S-3 electronically. Know what you are scheduling: Training Areas do not include TLZs, ALZs, GPs, MPs CBT Town, etc.. G-3 (G-3 7.62 and below, G-3 .50cal, G-3 TOW MP-7/OP-5/Bivouac Sites Alcoholic Beverages in the Field(Must be Approved by Base)(Special Events-Mess Night, Warrior Night).
SPECIAL RANGE/TRAINING REQUESTS (SRR) If it is not in Range Control SOP then you need a SRR. All SRR will be submitted  10 working days prior to the event!  To Live Is To Suffer! USMC
WHAT IS A SRR?   Letter from your CO to Base RCO, via RSU, S-3. Letter requesting  alternate usage  of a Training Area/Facility/Live Fire Range. In your letter describe in detail SOM/Safety plan. Include Operational Risk Assessment (BN Level Approval) Include SDZ overlays (Review with your Gunner) . Must be endorsed by the RSU S-3.
FACE to FACE BRIEFS Face to Face is with RANGE CONTROLL prior to 1400 the day before the operation. Face to Face is to ensure all participants are on the same Sheet of Music.(All Hands)
Safety Brief A  detailed  safety brief should come from your unit. (RSO/ROIC)  Appendix F, Range SOP At a minimum your brief should have: - The Four Safety Rules and weapons conditions. - Ammunition Safety Requirements. - Right and Left Lateral Limits Signs. - Cease Fire Procedures. - Malfunction Procedures (Immediate Action). - Special Instruction i.e. Fire and Movement. - Safety Parameters (ORM Handout). - Location Corpsman, Safety Vehicle. -Target Emplacement/Range Sweep/Duds
Ammunition Handling RSO and Ammo Tech must do a joint inventory.  Ammo Tech will explain any past Malfunction/Defected Ammunition Reports. Ammunition must be guarded at all times. Organize the dunnage/issue point, keep track. When opening boxes/cans, use only approved tools.  Avoid Excessive Break-out of Ammunition.  Save all Packing Material, Boxes, Cans. During inclement weather cover ammunition. No Smoking with-in  50 Feet of ammunition. Report all expenditures to Range Control and record on the Ammo Techs expenditure reports
VEHICLE  MOVEMENT Obey posted speeds limits at  all times   Vehicle Accidents--report them to :  (1) Road Master (2) Range Control  (3) PMO  Emergency Vehicles have the Right of Way. Stay off trails or paved road shoulders. Ground Guides for all wheeled/track vehicles.
SIMUNITIONS/SESAMS Scheduling = Use drop down in TAMIS-R for TA/facility  Have proper safety gear Isolate 150 meter bubble Range Fan. Read  Range Regulations BO P3570.1A. Must have a RSO. Rules of Engagement-do not shoot at someone if you are closer that 30 feet. Special Effects Small Arms Marking System
MOUT Popular training facility on the Base because of realistic environmentschedule early. Check out facility at Range Control then check out facility at MOUT, A inspection is required.
EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL (EOD) Emergency = Contact Range Control Routine support = 5 Working Days prior to event Required EOD support: -Hand Grenades

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Rso class

  • 2. RESPONSIBILITIES MC Base, Range Control and RSOs overall responsibility for Safety Briefs, use of Ranges, Facilities, and Training Areas. ROIC/RSO is responsible for everything that happens or fails to happen on the Range, Facility or Training Area. Commanders are responsible for certifying the ROICs/RSOs on each weapon system and ammunition that will be used in training.
  • 3. Commanders Ensure compliance with applicable TMs, FMs, Orders, and the MCB Range SOP for safe training and firing for each weapon system within the Command. Designates an OIC and RSO for each live fire exercise and or maneuver. Ensures personnel performing duties of OIC/RSO are certified in accordance with established installation safety certification program. Competent and properly instructed/trained in the performance of their duties. Knowledgeable in the weapon systems for which they are held responsible for and in safe ammunition handling and use procedures. Applies risk management and develop safety controls and procedures for all phases of training.
  • 4. SCHEDULING Different areas must be requested at different times. Requests must be submitted on a TAR via TAMIS-R to RSU S-3 electronically. Know what you are scheduling: Training Areas do not include TLZs, ALZs, GPs, MPs CBT Town, etc.. G-3 (G-3 7.62 and below, G-3 .50cal, G-3 TOW MP-7/OP-5/Bivouac Sites Alcoholic Beverages in the Field(Must be Approved by Base)(Special Events-Mess Night, Warrior Night).
  • 5. SPECIAL RANGE/TRAINING REQUESTS (SRR) If it is not in Range Control SOP then you need a SRR. All SRR will be submitted 10 working days prior to the event! To Live Is To Suffer! USMC
  • 6. WHAT IS A SRR? Letter from your CO to Base RCO, via RSU, S-3. Letter requesting alternate usage of a Training Area/Facility/Live Fire Range. In your letter describe in detail SOM/Safety plan. Include Operational Risk Assessment (BN Level Approval) Include SDZ overlays (Review with your Gunner) . Must be endorsed by the RSU S-3.
  • 7. FACE to FACE BRIEFS Face to Face is with RANGE CONTROLL prior to 1400 the day before the operation. Face to Face is to ensure all participants are on the same Sheet of Music.(All Hands)
  • 8. Safety Brief A detailed safety brief should come from your unit. (RSO/ROIC) Appendix F, Range SOP At a minimum your brief should have: - The Four Safety Rules and weapons conditions. - Ammunition Safety Requirements. - Right and Left Lateral Limits Signs. - Cease Fire Procedures. - Malfunction Procedures (Immediate Action). - Special Instruction i.e. Fire and Movement. - Safety Parameters (ORM Handout). - Location Corpsman, Safety Vehicle. -Target Emplacement/Range Sweep/Duds
  • 9. Ammunition Handling RSO and Ammo Tech must do a joint inventory. Ammo Tech will explain any past Malfunction/Defected Ammunition Reports. Ammunition must be guarded at all times. Organize the dunnage/issue point, keep track. When opening boxes/cans, use only approved tools. Avoid Excessive Break-out of Ammunition. Save all Packing Material, Boxes, Cans. During inclement weather cover ammunition. No Smoking with-in 50 Feet of ammunition. Report all expenditures to Range Control and record on the Ammo Techs expenditure reports
  • 10. VEHICLE MOVEMENT Obey posted speeds limits at all times Vehicle Accidents--report them to : (1) Road Master (2) Range Control (3) PMO Emergency Vehicles have the Right of Way. Stay off trails or paved road shoulders. Ground Guides for all wheeled/track vehicles.
  • 11. SIMUNITIONS/SESAMS Scheduling = Use drop down in TAMIS-R for TA/facility Have proper safety gear Isolate 150 meter bubble Range Fan. Read Range Regulations BO P3570.1A. Must have a RSO. Rules of Engagement-do not shoot at someone if you are closer that 30 feet. Special Effects Small Arms Marking System
  • 12. MOUT Popular training facility on the Base because of realistic environmentschedule early. Check out facility at Range Control then check out facility at MOUT, A inspection is required.
  • 13. EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL (EOD) Emergency = Contact Range Control Routine support = 5 Working Days prior to event Required EOD support: -Hand Grenades

Editor's Notes

  • #3: -In MCO P3570.1A it clearly states that the Range Control Officer is responsible for an OIC/RSO orientation and over all safety brief to CLNC (which you are getting here) -Unit Commander= Bn Cmdr/Squadron Cmdr/ equivalent is responsible for certifying each OIC/RSO on each weapon system to be used at that particular range, facility, TA. -ROIC is responsible and in the hot seat on the deckeverything that happens or fails to happen is his/her responsibility. -Very important that all understand this relationship. -If this is the only safety training that the proposed OIC/RSO are getting they are not ready to run a range and are being set up for failure.(they need to know this)
  • #4: -In MCO P3570.1A it clearly states that the Range Control Officer is responsible for an OIC/RSO orientation and over all safety brief to CLNC (which you are getting here) -Unit Commander= Bn Cmdr/Squadron Cmdr/ equivalent is responsible for certifying each OIC/RSO on each weapon system to be used at that particular range, facility, TA. -ROIC is responsible and in the hot seat on the deckeverything that happens or fails to happen is his/her responsibility. -Very important that all understand this relationship. -If this is the only safety training that the proposed OIC/RSO are getting they are not ready to run a range and are being set up for failure.(they need to know this)
  • #5: -Scheduling: ranges, TAs, training facilities, restricted airspace, ALZs, TLZs, Drop Zones, impact areas, and waterways. -This is not all inclusive list (go over some ranges and when they need to be scheduled) OIC responsible for scheduling -AIWW/GSRA one calendar month out. -Road closures 7 working days out. -SRR 10 days. -Earliest to be scheduled 90 dayslatest 48 hrs out. (MOS producing schools have 120 privileges) Exceptions: Check with your 3 shop, Range control SOP, last resort Range Control -RFMSS= Range Facility Management Support System. Your 3 shop has a terminal and will input it for you. -Sometimes you need a paper TAR or SRR
  • #6: Ignorance is not an excuse!!
  • #7: Your boss as in Bn Commander or higher Ensure your chain knows what is going on and will support you. EX: L-5 Fire and Maneuver/CBC All GSRA ranges need a SRR
  • #9: One last time quick review
  • #11: Off road vehicles? Track vehicles?