This document contains a career orientations inventory to help youth assess their interests and strengths. It includes 40 statements about different career motivations and responsibilities to rate on a scale of 1 to 6. Respondents then identify the 3 statements most true for them and add 4 points each to score the inventory. Scoring involves transferring ratings to a sheet and calculating averages in 8 categories to determine areas of strongest career fit. The goal is to help youth explore potential careers and jobs that align with their natural talents and priorities.
El documento compara las tecnologías PON GPON y EPON. Explica que GPON es más eficiente en el uso de ancho de banda, soporta múltiples servicios como voz y video, y tiene estándares para encriptación y gestión de elementos de red. EPON depende de cada fabricante para estos aspectos y tiene menor eficiencia de ancho de banda. También analiza las aplicaciones de PON para backhaul y acceso multiservicio a clientes residenciales y empresas.
The document contains data from Beribi Supermarket on customer arrivals and wait times throughout the day.
It includes two tables:
1) Arrival and wait time data broken into half-hour intervals from 8 AM to 5 PM on a Monday. This shows the number of customer arrivals, initial wait times, departures and end wait times for each interval.
2) Summary statistics calculated from the first table, including the total customers and average initial wait times for morning, lunch and afternoon rush periods. The average arrivals per interval are also calculated.
The objective is stated to use the data to understand time patterns of arrival and congestion at the supermarket through the day.
A presentation on Acqueon's product RAP CMS Databridge, a business intelligence plug-in to Avaya CMS. RAP CMS Data Bridge links CTI driven business data with Avaya CMS based reports.
Nipple retraction is Congenital. Correction is for Cosmetic reasons. It is a complex operation where the ducts have to be preserved and the fibrous bands severed to correct the pulling force.
This document summarizes Keylingo as a translation company that provides tools, technology, and personnel to adapt clients' products and services to any global audience without the bureaucracy of larger competitors. Keylingo offers a personal touch with a focus on quality, value-add, and exceeding expectations. The process involves specifications, production, and post-project review for continuous improvement. Multiple clients provide testimonials praising Keylingo's professionalism, reliability, superior work, and ability to meet tight deadlines.
This document provides details and plans for several building projects designed by Alexander Samuel Davis during his architectural studies. It includes:
1) Floor plans and sections for a fire station in Cambridge, Massachusetts from Davis's fourth year of study.
2) Diagrams and plans for Alvar Aalto's Saunatsalo Town Hall in Finland from Davis's fourth year.
3) Shadow studies and analyses of building forms in Copley Square, Boston from Davis's third year.
4) Skip stop plans and perspective drawings for a housing development in Almere, Netherlands from Davis's third year.
5) Plans and sections showing programmatic distribution for a YMCA in New Bedford, Massachusetts
This document discusses migration to the United States. It provides background information on migration, a brief overview of the US, and examines the impacts of migration on environmental, social, economic, and political issues in the US. Specifically, it notes that immigration contributes to US population growth, which impacts the environment. It also discusses how contact with immigrants can influence Americans' views of immigrants, and how Hispanic immigrants have been affected by economic downturns. The document concludes that migration to the US is generally positive but should have appropriate boundaries and security measures.
There are four steps to installing the Oracle BI Mobile App Designer:
1. Apply the required patch file
2. Deploy the Mobile App Designer to the Weblogic application server
3. Set up security permissions in the system-jazn-data.xml file
4. Configure the Apps library folder in the catalog to manage mobile applications
The document provides instructions for creating a new service name for an Oracle database. It describes modifying the service_names parameter to add the new service name, either through an ALTER SYSTEM command if using a server parameter file or modifying the init.ora file. It also notes to then use an ALTER SYSTEM REGISTER command to re-register the database with the listener using the new service name. The entire document was prepared by Ravi Kumar Lanke over 7 pages.
This document summarizes discussions from a meeting on energy services and ESCo's in Milan. It outlines the split incentive barrier where different organizations pay for energy investments and bills. It also describes several initiatives in the Netherlands to address this, including a national energy agreement, guidance from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and tools like a Green Lease Menu to facilitate agreements between landlords and tenants. Examples are given of sustainable renovation projects and plans for all-in rent for national government buildings to overcome split incentives.
[HQ NACIONAL] STREET FIGHTER II - ANO I: N?MERO 1 - Parte 4 ( Completo 10/ 0...Santuário do Mestre Ryu
Parte Integrante de [Street Fighter II 20 Anos - Round 8] Ao Pé da Letra: Street Fighter II - Ano I (Por: Mestre Ryu)
Strategie nutrizionali nella corsa gjav integratori ferraraGJAV
Sono disponibili sul sito internet i contenuti relativi alla serata informativa sulle strategie nutrizionali e gli integratori per il recupero nella corsa.
Jacopo Zuffi, spiegherà come ottimizzare al meglio la performance fisica grazie all'utilizzo degli integratori energetici e salini.
Presentation of Chicago, IL, USA (2010).
It was a group project for school.
My main work on this project was around the presentation design and layout. I also created a draft of the plan and was the speaker for the slides 1,2,3,9,10,11,13,21. In english only.
I got the rights from my team to upload it (thank you my team!).
Présentation de Chicago, IL, USA (2010).
Travail de groupe pour l'école.
J'ai principalement travaillé sur l'apparence et la structure de la présentation. J'ai également fait un brouillon du plan de notre présentation et a été le présentateur oral des slides 1,2,3,9,10,11,13,21. En anglais uniquement.
A eu les droits de mettre en ligne la présentation (merci l'équipe !).
This document contains a career orientations inventory to help youth assess their interests and strengths. It includes 40 statements about different career motivations and responsibilities to rate on a scale of 1 to 6. Respondents then identify the 3 statements most true for them and add 4 points each to score the inventory. Scoring involves transferring ratings to a sheet and calculating averages in 8 categories to determine areas of strongest career fit. The goal is to help youth explore potential careers and jobs that align with their natural talents and priorities.
El documento compara las tecnologías PON GPON y EPON. Explica que GPON es más eficiente en el uso de ancho de banda, soporta múltiples servicios como voz y video, y tiene estándares para encriptación y gestión de elementos de red. EPON depende de cada fabricante para estos aspectos y tiene menor eficiencia de ancho de banda. También analiza las aplicaciones de PON para backhaul y acceso multiservicio a clientes residenciales y empresas.
The document contains data from Beribi Supermarket on customer arrivals and wait times throughout the day.
It includes two tables:
1) Arrival and wait time data broken into half-hour intervals from 8 AM to 5 PM on a Monday. This shows the number of customer arrivals, initial wait times, departures and end wait times for each interval.
2) Summary statistics calculated from the first table, including the total customers and average initial wait times for morning, lunch and afternoon rush periods. The average arrivals per interval are also calculated.
The objective is stated to use the data to understand time patterns of arrival and congestion at the supermarket through the day.
A presentation on Acqueon's product RAP CMS Databridge, a business intelligence plug-in to Avaya CMS. RAP CMS Data Bridge links CTI driven business data with Avaya CMS based reports.
Nipple retraction is Congenital. Correction is for Cosmetic reasons. It is a complex operation where the ducts have to be preserved and the fibrous bands severed to correct the pulling force.
This document summarizes Keylingo as a translation company that provides tools, technology, and personnel to adapt clients' products and services to any global audience without the bureaucracy of larger competitors. Keylingo offers a personal touch with a focus on quality, value-add, and exceeding expectations. The process involves specifications, production, and post-project review for continuous improvement. Multiple clients provide testimonials praising Keylingo's professionalism, reliability, superior work, and ability to meet tight deadlines.
This document provides details and plans for several building projects designed by Alexander Samuel Davis during his architectural studies. It includes:
1) Floor plans and sections for a fire station in Cambridge, Massachusetts from Davis's fourth year of study.
2) Diagrams and plans for Alvar Aalto's Saunatsalo Town Hall in Finland from Davis's fourth year.
3) Shadow studies and analyses of building forms in Copley Square, Boston from Davis's third year.
4) Skip stop plans and perspective drawings for a housing development in Almere, Netherlands from Davis's third year.
5) Plans and sections showing programmatic distribution for a YMCA in New Bedford, Massachusetts
This document discusses migration to the United States. It provides background information on migration, a brief overview of the US, and examines the impacts of migration on environmental, social, economic, and political issues in the US. Specifically, it notes that immigration contributes to US population growth, which impacts the environment. It also discusses how contact with immigrants can influence Americans' views of immigrants, and how Hispanic immigrants have been affected by economic downturns. The document concludes that migration to the US is generally positive but should have appropriate boundaries and security measures.
There are four steps to installing the Oracle BI Mobile App Designer:
1. Apply the required patch file
2. Deploy the Mobile App Designer to the Weblogic application server
3. Set up security permissions in the system-jazn-data.xml file
4. Configure the Apps library folder in the catalog to manage mobile applications
The document provides instructions for creating a new service name for an Oracle database. It describes modifying the service_names parameter to add the new service name, either through an ALTER SYSTEM command if using a server parameter file or modifying the init.ora file. It also notes to then use an ALTER SYSTEM REGISTER command to re-register the database with the listener using the new service name. The entire document was prepared by Ravi Kumar Lanke over 7 pages.
This document summarizes discussions from a meeting on energy services and ESCo's in Milan. It outlines the split incentive barrier where different organizations pay for energy investments and bills. It also describes several initiatives in the Netherlands to address this, including a national energy agreement, guidance from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and tools like a Green Lease Menu to facilitate agreements between landlords and tenants. Examples are given of sustainable renovation projects and plans for all-in rent for national government buildings to overcome split incentives.
[HQ NACIONAL] STREET FIGHTER II - ANO I: N?MERO 1 - Parte 4 ( Completo 10/ 0...Santuário do Mestre Ryu
Parte Integrante de [Street Fighter II 20 Anos - Round 8] Ao Pé da Letra: Street Fighter II - Ano I (Por: Mestre Ryu)
Strategie nutrizionali nella corsa gjav integratori ferraraGJAV
Sono disponibili sul sito internet i contenuti relativi alla serata informativa sulle strategie nutrizionali e gli integratori per il recupero nella corsa.
Jacopo Zuffi, spiegherà come ottimizzare al meglio la performance fisica grazie all'utilizzo degli integratori energetici e salini.
Presentation of Chicago, IL, USA (2010).
It was a group project for school.
My main work on this project was around the presentation design and layout. I also created a draft of the plan and was the speaker for the slides 1,2,3,9,10,11,13,21. In english only.
I got the rights from my team to upload it (thank you my team!).
Présentation de Chicago, IL, USA (2010).
Travail de groupe pour l'école.
J'ai principalement travaillé sur l'apparence et la structure de la présentation. J'ai également fait un brouillon du plan de notre présentation et a été le présentateur oral des slides 1,2,3,9,10,11,13,21. En anglais uniquement.
A eu les droits de mettre en ligne la présentation (merci l'équipe !).
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
2. RSpec のここがすごい! RSpec で宣言的な UnitTest! まずはこれを見てくれ require 'lru_cache' describe LruCache do describe " を初期化する場合 " do it " は、サイズを渡したら、そのサイズのキャッシュができる ." do targ = targ.limit.should == 10 end it " もし、サイズにマイナス値を渡したら、例外が発生する ." do lambda{ }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it " もし、サイズに nil を渡したら、例外が発生する ." do lambda{ }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it " もし、サイズに数値以外を渡したら、例外が発生する ." do lambda{"a") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end
25. RSpec で宣言的な UnitTest! RSpec の構文 まずは基本 describe do end で、一番外側のブロックを記述する。 通常は、次のようにテスト対象のクラスを宣言しておく。 また、一緒に説明を付けることも可能。 describe LRUCache do end describe LRUCache , " を初期化する場合 " do end もちろん、説明だけにすることも可能。 describe "LRUCache のケース " do end
28. RSpec の構文 RSpec で宣言的な UnitTest! describe の中 テストの前準備 before テスト本文(it)を実行する前に必要な、 テストと直接は関係ない準備のための処理 を記述する。 たとえば、テスト対象のオブジェクトを生成して、インスタンス変数に入れたり。 たとえば、モックやスタブを用意して、本物のオブジェクトと摩り替えたり。 たとえば、ファイルを用意したり。 before :each do end before :all do end :each を指定した before は、各テスト (it) のたびに、その前に必ず実行される。 :all を指定した before は、 describe の最初に一度だけ実行される。
29. RSpec の構文 RSpec で宣言的な UnitTest! describe の中 テストの後処理 after テスト(it)を実行した後に必要な、 テストと直接は関係ない後片付けのための処理 を記述する。 after :each do end after :all do end :each を指定した after は、各テスト (it) を実行するたびに、その後に必ず実行される。 :all を指定した after は、 describe の最後に一度だけ実行される。
30. RSpec の構文 RSpec で宣言的な UnitTest! it の中 テストのコードは、すべて it の中に記述する。 基本的な書き方は、次のとおり。 it " テストの説明 " do [ テスト対象オブジェクト ] . [ テスト対象メソッド ] .should == [ 結果 ] end