This plugin allows you to manage farm tasks like deleting items, moving items between buildings, storage, giftbox and farm, placing items from storage and giftbox to buildings and farm, and keeping track of mastery progress. Selections are used to filter which items to manage. Actions are added using buttons to delete, store or place items. Building IDs are required to place animals. The plugin can sell items, move locked items between buildings, and provide item information.
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rszAdam - plugin tutorial
1. rszAdam - Ultimate farm helper manager :)
What this plugin can do:
delete items from: buildings (pens,orchards and etc) (locked items like items from another world cannot
be deleted with this plugin)
delete items from giftbox, storage and farm!
places items from buildings/farm/giftbox to building via building ID
places items from buildings/giftbox/storage to farm/storage
places locked items from giftbox to buildings
allows you to keep amounts of items in giftbox
shows mastery progress of items inside your buildings for you to easily follow up the actions what are
you taking with them
allows you to filter through animals/tree/buildings for better searching
How to use Selections in plugin?
The plugin is rounded by Selections which we activate by selecting and pressing save+refresh!
The wanted selection will show in Tabs.
Show Placed Animals, Show Placed Trees = is showing animals and trees placed on farm.
Show animalBuildings, show TreeBuildings and show empty buildings will show buildings on farm containing items.
Show giftbox, conbox in storage included, show storage will show all your items available in storage/giftbox/conbox:
2. If you use show more information selection, by your item will show information about the item (code and etc.)
Actions field in plugin:
Here is where all your actions which you will do with your plugin are shown!
How do I make action?
Plugin Has 3 main buttons on which you need to pay attention!
Delete, store, place:
Clicking on this buttons you are adding your actions!
3. Example:
Click on
Click on
on rainbow chicken means I want to delete this item permanetly:
on silkie chicken means I wish to place this item on farm:
4. Click on
means I wish to store item (storage or building), in this case I wish to store it to appropriate building ID:
Our actions are here, and we can press save to them and run our plugin:
5. Log
We advise you for better loading to have selections only for things you want to use...
In next example we will show you how to sell items from giftbox/conbox, place them in buildings, or place them on farm!
Always make sure you press the X to sell for item you wish to sell.. To place animals in buildings you need building ID!
How do you get building ID?
Simply find the building in which you want to place items and press
The building ID will be added in above box, and it will be address of your path of animals which you choosen to store to
Warning! You cannot use multiple buildings IDs, setting is valid only for 1 building, which means if you have chickens to
store or foals you need to run cycle by cycle!
6. Example of set up:
I wish to sell all of the material and keep 0 of them:
I wish to sell some of the material in example of water pump i wish to sell 2 and keep 3:
I wish to place chickens in coop and in farm:
Our chosen actions:
7. Log :
The plugin contains many farm actions which we usually done manually on farm.. To run this plugin you need to allow
empty cycle on every farm to load the correct data of items!
Giftbox is working on every farm! While storage is specific for every farm!
How to use filter in plugin?
Filter is very usefull for users who have many buildings or animals on their farm and wish to find them only!
In this example i wish to filter only through my cow pastures on farm, what I need to do is write cow pasture, choose
animal buildings and press save+refresh button:
After plugin refresh and reload it will show me only the cow pasture i have on that particular farm!
8. And similar is with animals/trees. In this example i wish to see "all my chickens" so we type in filter of animal chicken, and
press save+refresh:
After plugin reloaded data we will get list of buildings with chickens:
When you finished working with plugin, it is good to reset selections and press save + refresh button! To reset all old
actions you were working with!
9. Some example of plugin usage:
Moving animals from buildings to storage!
How we do it on farm:
How rszAdam does it:
Actions overview:
10. Moving from storage to farm, selling from storage, placing from gb to farm/building:
How we do it in farm:
How rszAdam does it:
Actions overview:
11. Moving locked items from building to building:
How we do it in farm:
How rszAdam does it:
Action overview:
12. Heavy configuration: selling from storage, gb, farm, placing on farm, building, placing locked and normal items to
buildings, handeling error!
How we do it in farm:
How Adam does it, action overview:
13. FAQa:
rszAdam is one and only farm, building, giftbox, storage manager available in FarmVille Bot.
Possiblity you will wonder next questions:
Can I sell mastered/unmastered items from farm/building/storage/giftbox?
o Yes.
Can I store mastered/unmastered items from farm/building/storage/giftbox to building/farm/storage?
o Yes.
Can I move items from giftbox/building/storage/farm to building/storage/farm?
o Yes.
Can I move locked items from building to building on farm?
o Yes.
Can I place locked item from giftbox to building?
o Yes.
Can I see items information, mastery points, and more xml information?
o Yes.
Can I sell Buildings?
o No.
Can I sell items (animals/trees( from farms?
o Yes.
Can I move items from farm to pens, buildings ?
o Yes.
Can I place items from storage and giftbox to farm or building?
o Yes.
All in all rszAdam is one complete manager of your tasks in game!
First and only complete :)
Plugin made by rsz
Powered by:, & Fly with Bot (FB Group)
Tutorial made by Andrea Tot