The Vineyard Hotel & Spa has committed to operating responsibly and minimizing its environmental impact through initiatives like reducing water and energy consumption. It supports local social projects, does volunteer work, and recycles waste. The hotel set targets to reduce water use by 6% and energy by 5% in 2012 based on a monitoring program. It partners with local groups on conservation projects and engages guests in community activities.
2. The Vineyard Hotel
We acknowledge as a 207 room hotel, the Vineyard Hotel &
Spa has a significant environmental impact via its
consumption of energy, water and the creation of waste.
We operate & market our hotel in a manner that upholds the
guiding principles for Responsible Tourism, i.e. we Minimize
any negative economic, environmental and social impact we
may have.
In doing so the staff and management of Vineyard Hotel &
Spa strive to continuously improve our performance in the
context of sustainable development and management of
3. What we do concerning RT
you cannot ask hungry people to save the environment, recycle waste
and eliminate their carbon footprint. we have to take care of the social side
Lex petousis group operations director the vineyard group
We have made a commitment via Our Kids of the Cape Fund and
other CSI contributions to uplift the life of children in the
community, Baphumelele children's home ,Woodside special care
Centre, St Michael's home for girls.
Planting trees at schools
Alien clearing project SANP Silvermine Amy Biehl Foundation
Voluntourism: introducing the guest to the community
Cork It collection for donation of cork flooring , Woodside Centre
Up cycling: Shopping bags from Puro coffee bags
Paradise Park community project
Waste recycling facilities made available to the local community
7. Progress & Monitoring
To achieve the responsible tourism sustainability objectives
we have produced a water, energy & waste minimization
programme which will be used to assist us in achieving our
Monitor:If you cant measure it you cant save it.
We have set ourselves the following targets to achieve for 2012 .
Reduce water consumption by 6% .
Reduce our energy consumption by 5%.
Waste percentage recycled to 94%
8. RT Sustainability Monitoring 2012
Triple bottom line 7 indicators Indicators Baseline Data Target 2012 Quarterly Report 2012 Total Average to date
Jan- Mar Apr- Jun Jul- Sept Oct- Dec
Environment Water L per bednight 530 475 444 520 492.25
Energy kWh per bednight 34 30.5 32.5 23.6 30.15
Waste Kg per bednight 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.23 0.345
volume generated
volume recycled Kg per bednight
0.35 0.33 0.30 0.28 0.315
86% 93% 89% 93%
Water: consumption was up?, solution: efficient showerheads, laundry, borehole
Energy: consumption down?, new initiatives: LED lights 6%,laundry 6%, solar,
showerheads 8 %
Waste: recycling up, separation at source, up cycling of Puro coffee bags, Collection of
Corks & attention to detail
9. Thank You!
If there's reason for hope, it lies in man's occasional binges of co-operation . To save our planet,
we'll need that kind of heroic effort, in which all types of people join forces for the common
good - George Meyer
Responsible Tourism