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5 4悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
7 6悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋
What is a suggested academic qualification?
Where could I study?     悖惆惘愕 悖  悖
悋惘悋惷悋惠  悋惘悋惠
Math skills
悋悋愕惠惠悋悴 悋惠惘 悋惘悋惠
Deductive reasoning skills
悋悖悋愀 惺 悋惠惺惘
Pattern recognition
Cost-benefit analysis skills 悋悸 惠忰 悋惘悋惠
悋惠惡悋惺悋 悋惡悋惆悧 悋悋 惷惺
Setting and following rules and
惴悸 悋悋悸 悋忰悋悸 惠忰惆惆  悋悋悸 悋悽愀愀 忰 惺悋悄 悋愆惘悸 惠惆 惓  悋悋悸 悋悖愆愀悸 惡悋愆惘悸
.悋惠悴悋惘悸 悋愆惘悋惠 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘 悴悋  悋悋悸 悋悖惘悋 愆惘悋悄 惡惺  悋忰愕悋惡悸 愕悴悋惠 悋 悋惠悋惘惘 惠悋惡悸
Direct financial activities, prepare financial plans and status reports, keep accurrate accounting
records, and/or invest in securities and other assets.
:惡悋惠悋  悋悸 悵  惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶
Someone working in this field would typically:
Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸 悋悋悸 悋悒惆悋惘悸 悋忰悋愕惡悸
Accounting & FinanceAccountant 忰悋愕惡
.悴惺悋 悖 悋悗愕愕悸  悴慍悄 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘悋惠 悋惠悽愀愀 悋愆惠惘悋惠 惓 悋惡悋愆惘悸 悋悋悸 悋悖愆愀悸 悋惘愕悸
Direct financial activities, such as planning, procurement and investments for all or part of an
悋悖惘悋 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘 悋惷惘悋悧惡 悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悋惠  悋惺惘悸 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋悋悸 悋悽愀愀 忰 惺悋悄 悋愆惘悸 惠惆
惠愃愀悸 悋惆 悋惠惆 悋悋惠慍悋悋惠 悋惺悋悄 悴惆悋惠 惠 悋惺悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋惺惆 悽愀愀 悋惠悖 悋悋悸
.悋悋愕惠惓悋惘 悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悋惠 惷惺 悋悋悸 悋悖惆悋 悋惷惘惡 悋惷惺 悋惠悖
Advise clients on financial plans utilizing knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities,
insurance, pension plans, and real estate. Duties include assessing clients assets, liabilities, cash
flow, insurance coverage, tax status and financial objectives to establish investment strategies.
Financial Advisor 悋 愕惠愆悋惘
悋惠惺悸 悋惠悋惘惘 悒惺惆悋惆 悋悗愕愕悸 惡悖惴悸 悋惠惆 惠忰惆惆 悋惺悋惠 悋忰悋愕惡悸 悋愕悴悋惠 惠忰 惆惘悋愕悸
.悋惠愆愃 惡悒悴惘悋悄悋惠
Examine and analyze accounting and operations records to determine compliance status of
establishment and prepare reports concerning processes and procedures.
Auditor 惆
悋悖惘悋惆 愆惘悋惠 悋悋悸 悋悽愀愀 惠悵 惷惺 悋惠悴悋惘悸  悋悋愕惠惓悋惘悸 悋愆惘悋惠  悋悋悸 悋悖惘悋 惡惺 愆惘悋悄
Buy and sell securities in investment and trading firms and develop and implement financial plans
for individuals, businesses and organizations.
Investment Broker 悋 愕愀
.悋悸 忰惴悸 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘悸 悋悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悸 悒惆悋惘悸 惠悵
Implement a funds investing strategy through active and passive management of its portfolios.
Fund Manager 悋悸 忰悋惴 惆惘
Notes 悋忰惴悋惠
悋悖惺悋 悒惆悋惘悸 悖 悋悒忰惶悋悄 悋悋惠惶悋惆 悋悋悸 悋忰悋愕惡悸 惓 悴悋悋惠  悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸
Bachelors degree in fields such as accounting, finance, economics, statistics or business administration
University of Dammam, King Fahad University for
Petroleum and Minerals, King Faisal University, Prince
Mohammad bin Fahad University, Arab Open University,
Saudi Electronic University, Asas Training Center, Future
Sciences Training Company...
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悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惺悋惆 惡惠惘 惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惆悋 悴悋惺悸
悋惠忰悸 悋惺惘惡悸 悋悴悋惺悸 惆 惡 忰惆 悋悖惘 悴悋惺悸 惶
惺 愆惘悸 惠惆惘惡 悖愕悋愕 惘慍 悋悋惠惘悸 悋愕惺惆悸 悋悴悋惺悸
...惠惆惘惡 悋愕惠惡
悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶
9 8悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋
What is a suggested academic qualification?
Where could I study?     悖惆惘愕 悖  悖
悋惠惡悋惺悋 悋惡悋惆悧 悋悋 惷惺
Setting and following rules and
悋惺悋惠 惠忰
Information analysis
悋惠忰 悋惘悋惠
Investigative skills
悋惡忰惓 悋惘悋惠
Research skills
悋悒悋惺 悋惘悋惠
Persuasion skills
悋愆悋惠 忰 悋惘悋惠 悋愕悋愀悸
Mediation and problem solving
悋悋愕惠惠悋悴 悋愀
Deductive reasoning
惺悸 惷悋悋 惆惺 悋悖惆悸 惠惆 悋忰悋  悋惺悋悄 惠惓 悋悋悸 悋忰悴悴 惘悋悄悸 惠悋惡悸 悋惡忰惓 悒悴惘悋悄
.悋惴悋惠 悋悗愕愕悋惠  悋惺惆 悒悋悄 悒惆悋惘悸 惠悋惡悸
Provide advice to clients; research, write and read legal arguments; represent clients and
present evidence to support cases in courts; manage and terminate contracts in institutions and
Law     悋悋
Legal Clerk 悋 悋惠惡
.悖悋惷悋悸 忰悋 悋惺悋惠 惠悽惶 悋悋悸 悋忰悴悴  悋惡忰惓 惘悋悄悸 惠悋惡悸
Research, write, and read legal arguments; summarize information for lawyers or judges.
.悋悗愕愕悋惠 惆悋悽 悋惠惶悋惘忰 悋惠惘悋悽惶 悋悋悧忰 悋 悋愀悋惡悸 惠忰 惠 惆惘悋愕悸
Examine, evaluate and investigate conformity with laws and regulations, licenses and permits within
an organization.
Legal Compliance Officer 悋 悒惠慍悋 愕悗
 悋惺悋悄 悋忰悋 惓 悋 .惺 愕悋惘 悋惠惘悋忰 悋悋悸 忰 忰 惺悋悄 悋愆惘悸 惠惆
.惷惠 惆惺 悋悖惆悸 惆 悋忰悸
Advise clients of their legal rights and suggest a course of action; represent clients in court and
present evidence to support their case.
Lawyer 忰悋
愕悋愕悋惠悋 悗愕愕悸 悋悋 悋惷惺  惠愀惡 悵悋 悋惺惆 悒悋悄 悒惆悋惘悸 悋惠悋惷  悋惴悸 惠惓
.悋惺惆 惠忰 悋惠 悋悋惺惆 悋悋 悒 惡悋悒惷悋悸 悋悋愕惠惘悋惠悴 悋惠悽愀愀 悋惶悋忰 悒悴惘悋悄悋惠悋
Represent the organization in contract negotiations, contract management and contract termination.
This job requires understanding an organizations finances, policies and procedures, interests and
strategic planning as well as laws and rules governing contracts.
Legal Contracts Officer 悋 惺惆 愕悗
.悋悴悋悧悸 悋惷悋悋 忰 悋悖惆悸 悋忰悋悧 悴惺
Gather facts and evidence to solve criminal cases.
Criminal Detective 悴悋悧 惠忰惘
Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸
悋悖惴悸 悖 悋愕悋愕悸 悋惺 悋悋 悋愆惘惺悸 惓 悴悋悋惠  悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸
Bachelors degree in fields such as law, shareia, regulations or political sciences
King Faisal University, Prince Mohammad bin Fahad
University, King Saud University, King Khalid University,
King AbdulAziz University, Disciplines Training Center,
Future Sciences Training Company...
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悴悋惺悸 惆 惡 忰惆 悋悖惘 悴悋惺悸 惶 悋 悴悋惺悸
惘慍 惺惡惆悋惺慍慍 悋 悴悋惺悸 悽悋惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 愕惺惆 悋
...惠惆惘惡 悋愕惠惡 惺 愆惘悸 惠惆惘惡 悋惠悽惶惶悋惠
悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶
Notes 悋忰惴悋惠
:惡悋惠悋  悋悸 悵  惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶
Someone working in this field would typically:
11 10悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
悋惺惆悋惠 惠愆愃
Equipment operation
悋惺悋惠 悋惠悴悋惠 惠 悋惘悋惠
Product and process evaluation
悋惠愕 悋惘悋惠
Coordination skills
悋惠悸 悋愆悋 忰 悋惘悋惠
Technical troubleshooting skills
悒惆悋惘悸 悒 惡悋悒惷悋悸 惴悸 悋惘慍 悋惘 悖愕悋愕  悋惺悋惠 悋惴 悋悖惆悋惠 惠惆 惠悋惡惺悸
.悋惠悽慍 愕惠惆惺悋惠 惘悋惡悸 悋悴惘惆 悒惆悋惘悸 悋悒忰惠悋悴悋惠 惠忰惆惆 惡悋愆惠惘悋惠 惡悋惠忰 悋悋惘惆 愕愕悸
Handle the flow of information, people, and equipment from centralized headquarters; manage
supply chain through purchasing, determining material needs, inventory control, warehousing
and receiving.
Logistics     悋愕悋惆悸 悋悽惆悋惠
Supply Chain Manager 悋惠惘惆 愕愕悸 惆惘
悋惠悽慍 悋悒愕惠悋 悋愆惠惘悋惠 惠愕惘 愀惘 惺 悒愕惠悋悋 悋 忰惠 悒惶惆悋惘悋 悋  悋悖惆悋惠 悒惠悋 悒惆悋惘悸
.悋惠愕 悋惆惺 惺悋惠 悒悴惘悋悄 悋愀惡悋惠 悒惆悋惘悸
Manage the flow of materials from their point of origin to their point of consumption by facilitating
the purchasing, receiving, warehousing, orders, payment processing and delivery.
.悋惴悋惠  悋惠悴悋惠 悽惆悋惠 悋悴惆悸 惺悋惘 惠悵 惘悋惡悸
Monitor and implement quality standards in service and production facilities.
Quality Assurance Officer 悋悴惆悸 惠惆 愕悗
悋悋悸 悋愕惺 悖 悋惠悴悋惠  悋愀惡悸 悋悽慍 愕惠悋惠 惺 悋忰悋惴 悋愆惘悋悧悸 悋惴悸 悖愆愀悸 惠愕
.悋悖愕惺悋惘 悖惷 惷悋 悋愆惘悋悄 愀惡悋惠 悴惺 惺
Coordinate purchasing activities for an organization while maintaining required inventory levels of
products or goods. Activities include approving all purchasing requests to ensure best pricing.
Procurement Coordinator 惠忰惶 愕
.悋愕惠悋悋 悋 悒 悋惘慍 悋惘  悋惺惆悋惠 悋悖愆悽悋惶 悋惺悋惠 惠惆 惠悋惡惺悸
Handle the flow of information, people, and equipment from a centralized headquarters to a
destination point.
Dispatcher 惘愕
.悋惡惷悋悧惺 惠慍惺 忰悋慍悸 惘悋惡悸 愀惘 惺 悋悋惆 悋惠 悒惆悋惘悸
Manage material quantities by monitoring acquisition and distribution of merchandise.
Inventory Officer 悋悽慍 惷悋惡愀
Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸
悋悋惠惶悋惆 悖 悋悖惺悋 悒惆悋惘悸 悋悴惆悸 惘悋惡悸 悋惠惘惆 愕愕悸 悒惆悋惘悸 悴悋悋惠  悋惆惡 悖 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸
Bachelors degree or diploma in the fields of supply chain management, quality control, business or economics
King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dammam
Community College, Dammam College of Technology,
National Institute of Technology, Middle East Logistics
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惡悋惆悋 悋悴惠惺 悸 悋惺悋惆 惡惠惘 惆 悋 悴悋惺悸
悴愕惠悋惠 惺惆 惠悸 悋愀 悋惺惆 惡悋惆悋 悋惠悸 悋悸
...悋悖愕愀 悋愆惘
悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶
Notes 悋忰惴悋惠
:惡悋惠悋  悋悸 悵  惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶
Someone working in this field would typically:
悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋
What is a suggested academic qualification?
Where could I study?     悖惆惘愕 悖  悖
13 12悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
Where to study? 惠惆惘愕 悖
悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋
What is a suggested academic qualification?
Where could I study?     悖惆惘愕 悖  悖
忰悋 悋愆悸 惠忰惆惆 悋惘悋惠
Problem identification and
solving skills
悋惠惺悋 悋惘悋惠 悋悸 悋悋惠惶悋悋惠
悋悛悽惘 惺
Strong communication and
interpersonal skills
悋惷愃愀 惠忰惠 悋惺 惺 悋惆惘悸
Ability to work under pressure
Decision making skills 悋惘悋惘 悋惠悽悋悵 悋惘悋惠
Detail orientation
悋惠愆悋 悖悴  惡悋悖惡忰悋惓 悋悋 悖惴惠 悋惡愆惘 悋悴愕  悋悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶 惺悸  悋愕悋悸
惡惠悋惡惺悸 悋惠惺悸 悋悖愆愀悸 悋惺悋惠 悴惺 惠愀惡 悒惆悋惘悸 悋悖惘悋惷  悋悸 愀惘 悴惆惆悸 惺悋悴悋惠
.悋惠 惺 悋忰悋惴 悋惘惷
Participate in process of diagnosing, treating and researching diseases and conditions of the
human body and its systems; manage and apply all systems and activities related to patient care
and record keeping.
Health Services     悋惶忰悸 悋悽惆悋惠
Nutritionist 惠愃悵悸 悖悽惶悋悧
悋悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 悋悋悸 惺 悋愕悋惺惆悸 .悋悴惡悋惠 惠惆 悒惺惆悋惆 惺 悋悒愆惘悋 悋惠愃悵悸 悋愃悵悋悄 惡惘悋悴 惠悽愀愀
.悋愃悵悋悧 悋惴悋 惺 惠惺惆悋惠 悋惠惘悋忰 悋惶忰悸 悋悖 惺悋惆悋惠 惠愆悴惺 愀惘 惺
Plan food and nutrition programs, and supervise the preparation and serving of meals. Help prevent
and treat illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits and suggesting diet modifications.
.悋悖愀悋 悒惶悋惡悋惠  悖惘悋惷  悋悋悸 愕悋惺惆悸 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶
Diagnose, treat and help prevent childrens diseases and injuries.
Pediatrician 悖愀悋 愀惡惡
.惡悋 悋惶悸 悵悋惠 悋悋 悋惓悸 悋悖愕悋 惠愆悋惠 悒惶悋惡悋惠 悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶
Diagnose and treat diseases, injuries and malformations of teeth and gums and related oral
Dentist 悖愕悋 愀惡惡
.悋惺 悋惷愀惘悋惡悋惠  悋悋悸 愕悋惺惆悸  惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶
Diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders of the mind.
Psychiatrist 愕 愀惡惡
.悋悛悸 悋惆悸 悋惠悋惠 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋悋悴惠悋忰悸 惡悋愀惘 悋惠愆悋惠 悋悒惶悋惡悋惠 悋悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴
Treat diseases, injuries and deformities by invasive methods using manual and instrumental
Surgeon 悴惘悋忰 愀惡惡
Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸
悖 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .悋悖愕悋 愀惡  悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .)Residency program( 悋愀惡 悋惠悽惶惶 惡惘悋悴 悋 悋愀惡  悋惆惠惘悋 惆惘悴悸
.悋惺惆惆悸 悋惠愀惡悸 悋愀惡悸 悋惺 惠悽惶惶悋惠  悖  悋惆惡
Doctor of Medicine (M.D) degree followed by a specialized medical residency program. Bachelors degree in dentistry.
Bachelors degree or diploma in any of the many applied medical sciences majors.
University of Dammam, King Faisal University, King
Saud University, King AbdulAziz University, King Khalid
University, Technical Institute for Health Training...
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悴悋惺悸 愕惺惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 惶 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惆悋 悴悋惺悸
惠惆惘惡 悋惠 悋惺惆 悽悋惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 惺惡惆悋惺慍慍 悋
悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶
Notes 悋忰惴悋惠
:惡悋惠悋  悋悸 悵  惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶
Someone working in this field would typically:
15 14悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋
What is a suggested academic qualification?
Where could I study?     悖惆惘愕 悖  悖
悋慍悋悄 悋悋悄  悋惘悋惠
Chemistry and physics skills
悋惠忰惘 悋惘悋惠
Investigative skills
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惘悋惠
Communication skills
悋忰惆惆悸 悋惺悋惘 悋惘惠悋惠  悋悒悴惘悋悄悋惠 悋惠惡悋惺 惺 悋惆惘悸
Ability to follow set procedures, routines, and standards
Detail orientation
悴惺 悋惺 悖惓悋悄 悋悒惶悋惡悋惠 悋忰悋惆惓 惺 惺 悋惺悋惠 悋惡悋惆悧  悴惺悸 惺 悋愕悋悸 惡惘悋悴 惠悽愀愀
悋愕悋愕悋惠 悋忰悋悸 悖悋愀 惺 惠愆悴惺 悋惠 悋惡惘悋悴 惠悵 惡 悋忰 悋悴惠惺 悋忰惠悋悴悋惠 惠忰惆惆 悋惡悋悋惠 惠忰
.悋惶忰悸 悋惡悧悋惠
Plan safety programs with a set of principles and processes to prevent accidents and injuries
at work; collect and analyze data to identify community needs prior to implementing programs
designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies and environments.
悋惡悧悸 悋悒惆悋惘悸 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 悋惶忰悸
Health, Safety & EnvironmentEnvironmental Engineer 惡悧 惆愕
惡悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋惡悧悸 悋惶忰悸 悋悽悋愀惘 惺悋悴 惺 悋愕愀惘悸 悋悸 悋惆愕悸 悋悋 悖惆悋悄 悖 惠悽愀愀 惠惶
.悋惠惓 悋忰悸 悖 悋悋惺 惺悋悴 悋悋悋惠 惺悋悴悸 惠悋惠
Design, plan, or perform engineering duties in the prevention, control, and remediation of
environmental health hazards including waste treatment, site remediation or pollution control
悖悋愀 惠愆悴惺 悋惶悸 悋惡惘悋悴 惠 惘惶惆 惠悵 惠悽愀愀 悋悴惠惺 悋忰惠悋悴悋惠 惠忰惆惆 悋惡悋悋惠 惠忰 悴惺
.悋惶忰悸 悋惡悧悋惠 悋愕悋愕悋惠 悋忰悋悸
Collect and analyze data to identify community needs prior to planning, implementing, monitoring
and evaluating programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies and environments.
Safety and Health Consultant 悸 愕悋悸 惶忰悸 愕惠愆悋惘
悋愃惘 悋惺 惴惘 惠惶忰忰 悖 惺 悋悋慍悸 悋惠悴悋 悋惡悋惆悧 惠惺 悋愕悋悸 惡惘悋悴 惠愕 惠悵 惠悽愀愀
Plan, implement, and coordinate safety programs; applying principles and technology to prevent or
correct unsafe working conditions.
Safety Officer 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 愕悗
悋惠 悋悖悽惘 悋愕惡悸 悋悛惓悋惘 悋悒惶悋惡悋惠 悋忰悋惆惓 惺 惺 悋惠惆悋惡惘 悋惺悋惠 悋悖愀惘 悋惡悋惆悧  悴惺悸 惠愀惡
.惠悴 悖 悽惆悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惺 惠悴 惆
Apply a set of principles, frameworks, processes and measures to prevent accidents, injuries and
other adverse consequences that may be caused by using a service or a product.
Safety and Security Manager 悋愕悋悸 悋悖 惆惘
愕惠悸 惘悋悴惺悸 愀惘 惺 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 惡悋惶忰悸 悋惘惠惡愀悸 悋悋 悋惡悋惆悧 悴惺 惠愀惡 惺悸 惠惆
.惴悋惠 悋愕悋悸 悋惶忰悸 悖惴悸 悴惆悋惘悸 惺悋悸 惷悋 悖悴 
Examine application of all occupational health and safety standards, policies and procedures
through a structured and independent process to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of
organizational safety management systems.
Occupational Safety Auditor 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 惆
悋惡悧悸 悋惶忰悸 悋悸 悋惶忰悸 悋愕悋悸 悴悋  悋惠惆惘惡 悖 悋惆惡 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .悋惡悧悸 悋惆愕悸 悴悋  悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸
.悋惡悧悸 悋惺 悖
Bachelors degree in the field of environmental engineering. Bachelors degree, diploma or training in occupational safety
and health, environmental health or environmental sciences.
University of Dammam, King Faisal University, King Saud
University, King AbdulAziz University, Human Assets
Training, Tafe Arabia for Training...
Get our APP for complete listing
悴悋惺悸 愕惺惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 惶 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惆悋 悴悋惺悸
...惠惆惘惡 悋惺惘惡悸 愀 惠惆惘惡 悋惡愆惘悸 悋悖惶 惺惡惆悋惺慍慍 悋
悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶
Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸
Notes 悋忰惴悋惠
:惡悋惠悋  悋悸 悵  惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶
Someone working in this field would typically:

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Rte career booklet-gold

  • 1. 5 4悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide
  • 2. 7 6悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide 悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋 What is a suggested academic qualification? Where could I study? 悖惆惘愕 悖 悖 悋惘悋惷悋惠 悋惘悋惠 Math skills 悋悋愕惠惠悋悴 悋惠惘 悋惘悋惠 Deductive reasoning skills 悋悖悋愀 惺 悋惠惺惘 Pattern recognition Cost-benefit analysis skills 悋悸 惠忰 悋惘悋惠 悋惠惡悋惺悋 悋惡悋惆悧 悋悋 惷惺 Setting and following rules and guidelines 惴悸 悋悋悸 悋忰悋悸 惠忰惆惆 悋悋悸 悋悽愀愀 忰 惺悋悄 悋愆惘悸 惠惆 惓 悋悋悸 悋悖愆愀悸 惡悋愆惘悸 .悋惠悴悋惘悸 悋愆惘悋惠 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘 悴悋 悋悋悸 悋悖惘悋 愆惘悋悄 惡惺 悋忰愕悋惡悸 愕悴悋惠 悋 悋惠悋惘惘 惠悋惡悸 Direct financial activities, prepare financial plans and status reports, keep accurrate accounting records, and/or invest in securities and other assets. :惡悋惠悋 悋悸 悵 惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶 Someone working in this field would typically: 悋悋惘悋惠 悋愀惡悸 Skills Required Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸 悋悋悸 悋悒惆悋惘悸 悋忰悋愕惡悸 Accounting & FinanceAccountant 忰悋愕惡 .悴惺悋 悖 悋悗愕愕悸 悴慍悄 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘悋惠 悋惠悽愀愀 悋愆惠惘悋惠 惓 悋惡悋愆惘悸 悋悋悸 悋悖愆愀悸 悋惘愕悸 Direct financial activities, such as planning, procurement and investments for all or part of an organization. 悋悖惘悋 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘 悋惷惘悋悧惡 悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悋惠 悋惺惘悸 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋悋悸 悋悽愀愀 忰 惺悋悄 悋愆惘悸 惠惆 惠愃愀悸 悋惆 悋惠惆 悋悋惠慍悋悋惠 悋惺悋悄 悴惆悋惠 惠 悋惺悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋惺惆 悽愀愀 悋惠悖 悋悋悸 .悋悋愕惠惓悋惘 悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悋惠 惷惺 悋悋悸 悋悖惆悋 悋惷惘惡 悋惷惺 悋惠悖 Advise clients on financial plans utilizing knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate. Duties include assessing clients assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status and financial objectives to establish investment strategies. Financial Advisor 悋 愕惠愆悋惘 悋惠惺悸 悋惠悋惘惘 悒惺惆悋惆 悋悗愕愕悸 惡悖惴悸 悋惠惆 惠忰惆惆 悋惺悋惠 悋忰悋愕惡悸 悋愕悴悋惠 惠忰 惆惘悋愕悸 .悋惠愆愃 惡悒悴惘悋悄悋惠 Examine and analyze accounting and operations records to determine compliance status of establishment and prepare reports concerning processes and procedures. Auditor 惆 悋悖惘悋惆 愆惘悋惠 悋悋悸 悋悽愀愀 惠悵 惷惺 悋惠悴悋惘悸 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘悸 悋愆惘悋惠 悋悋悸 悋悖惘悋 惡惺 愆惘悋悄 .悋惴悋惠 Buy and sell securities in investment and trading firms and develop and implement financial plans for individuals, businesses and organizations. Investment Broker 悋 愕愀 .悋悸 忰惴悸 悋悋愕惠惓悋惘悸 悋悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悸 悒惆悋惘悸 惠悵 Implement a funds investing strategy through active and passive management of its portfolios. Fund Manager 悋悸 忰悋惴 惆惘 Notes 悋忰惴悋惠 悋悖惺悋 悒惆悋惘悸 悖 悋悒忰惶悋悄 悋悋惠惶悋惆 悋悋悸 悋忰悋愕惡悸 惓 悴悋悋惠 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 Bachelors degree in fields such as accounting, finance, economics, statistics or business administration University of Dammam, King Fahad University for Petroleum and Minerals, King Faisal University, Prince Mohammad bin Fahad University, Arab Open University, Saudi Electronic University, Asas Training Center, Future Sciences Training Company... Get our APP for complete listing 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惺悋惆 惡惠惘 惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惆悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惠忰悸 悋惺惘惡悸 悋悴悋惺悸 惆 惡 忰惆 悋悖惘 悴悋惺悸 惶 惺 愆惘悸 惠惆惘惡 悖愕悋愕 惘慍 悋悋惠惘悸 悋愕惺惆悸 悋悴悋惺悸 ...惠惆惘惡 悋愕惠惡 悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶
  • 3. 9 8悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide 悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋 What is a suggested academic qualification? Where could I study? 悖惆惘愕 悖 悖 悋惠惡悋惺悋 悋惡悋惆悧 悋悋 惷惺 Setting and following rules and guidelines 悋惺悋惠 惠忰 Information analysis 悋惠忰 悋惘悋惠 Investigative skills 悋惡忰惓 悋惘悋惠 Research skills 悋悒悋惺 悋惘悋惠 Persuasion skills 悋愆悋惠 忰 悋惘悋惠 悋愕悋愀悸 Mediation and problem solving 悋悋愕惠惠悋悴 悋愀 Deductive reasoning 惺悸 惷悋悋 惆惺 悋悖惆悸 惠惆 悋忰悋 悋惺悋悄 惠惓 悋悋悸 悋忰悴悴 惘悋悄悸 惠悋惡悸 悋惡忰惓 悒悴惘悋悄 .悋惴悋惠 悋悗愕愕悋惠 悋惺惆 悒悋悄 悒惆悋惘悸 惠悋惡悸 Provide advice to clients; research, write and read legal arguments; represent clients and present evidence to support cases in courts; manage and terminate contracts in institutions and organizations. 悋悋惘悋惠 悋愀惡悸 Skills Required Law 悋悋 Legal Clerk 悋 悋惠惡 .悖悋惷悋悸 忰悋 悋惺悋惠 惠悽惶 悋悋悸 悋忰悴悴 悋惡忰惓 惘悋悄悸 惠悋惡悸 Research, write, and read legal arguments; summarize information for lawyers or judges. .悋悗愕愕悋惠 惆悋悽 悋惠惶悋惘忰 悋惠惘悋悽惶 悋悋悧忰 悋 悋愀悋惡悸 惠忰 惠 惆惘悋愕悸 Examine, evaluate and investigate conformity with laws and regulations, licenses and permits within an organization. Legal Compliance Officer 悋 悒惠慍悋 愕悗 悋惺悋悄 悋忰悋 惓 悋 .惺 愕悋惘 悋惠惘悋忰 悋悋悸 忰 忰 惺悋悄 悋愆惘悸 惠惆 .惷惠 惆惺 悋悖惆悸 惆 悋忰悸 Advise clients of their legal rights and suggest a course of action; represent clients in court and present evidence to support their case. Lawyer 忰悋 愕悋愕悋惠悋 悗愕愕悸 悋悋 悋惷惺 惠愀惡 悵悋 悋惺惆 悒悋悄 悒惆悋惘悸 悋惠悋惷 悋惴悸 惠惓 .悋惺惆 惠忰 悋惠 悋悋惺惆 悋悋 悒 惡悋悒惷悋悸 悋悋愕惠惘悋惠悴 悋惠悽愀愀 悋惶悋忰 悒悴惘悋悄悋惠悋 Represent the organization in contract negotiations, contract management and contract termination. This job requires understanding an organizations finances, policies and procedures, interests and strategic planning as well as laws and rules governing contracts. Legal Contracts Officer 悋 惺惆 愕悗 .悋悴悋悧悸 悋惷悋悋 忰 悋悖惆悸 悋忰悋悧 悴惺 Gather facts and evidence to solve criminal cases. Criminal Detective 悴悋悧 惠忰惘 Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸 悋悖惴悸 悖 悋愕悋愕悸 悋惺 悋悋 悋愆惘惺悸 惓 悴悋悋惠 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 Bachelors degree in fields such as law, shareia, regulations or political sciences King Faisal University, Prince Mohammad bin Fahad University, King Saud University, King Khalid University, King AbdulAziz University, Disciplines Training Center, Future Sciences Training Company... Get our APP for complete listing 悴悋惺悸 惆 惡 忰惆 悋悖惘 悴悋惺悸 惶 悋 悴悋惺悸 惘慍 惺惡惆悋惺慍慍 悋 悴悋惺悸 悽悋惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 愕惺惆 悋 ...惠惆惘惡 悋愕惠惡 惺 愆惘悸 惠惆惘惡 悋惠悽惶惶悋惠 悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶 Notes 悋忰惴悋惠 :惡悋惠悋 悋悸 悵 惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶 Someone working in this field would typically:
  • 4. 11 10悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide 悋惺惆悋惠 惠愆愃 Equipment operation 悋惺悋惠 悋惠悴悋惠 惠 悋惘悋惠 Product and process evaluation skills 悋惠愕 悋惘悋惠 Coordination skills 悋惠悸 悋愆悋 忰 悋惘悋惠 Technical troubleshooting skills 悒惆悋惘悸 悒 惡悋悒惷悋悸 惴悸 悋惘慍 悋惘 悖愕悋愕 悋惺悋惠 悋惴 悋悖惆悋惠 惠惆 惠悋惡惺悸 .悋惠悽慍 愕惠惆惺悋惠 惘悋惡悸 悋悴惘惆 悒惆悋惘悸 悋悒忰惠悋悴悋惠 惠忰惆惆 惡悋愆惠惘悋惠 惡悋惠忰 悋悋惘惆 愕愕悸 Handle the flow of information, people, and equipment from centralized headquarters; manage supply chain through purchasing, determining material needs, inventory control, warehousing and receiving. 悋悋惘悋惠 悋愀惡悸 Skills Required Logistics 悋愕悋惆悸 悋悽惆悋惠 Supply Chain Manager 悋惠惘惆 愕愕悸 惆惘 悋惠悽慍 悋悒愕惠悋 悋愆惠惘悋惠 惠愕惘 愀惘 惺 悒愕惠悋悋 悋 忰惠 悒惶惆悋惘悋 悋 悋悖惆悋惠 悒惠悋 悒惆悋惘悸 .悋惠愕 悋惆惺 惺悋惠 悒悴惘悋悄 悋愀惡悋惠 悒惆悋惘悸 Manage the flow of materials from their point of origin to their point of consumption by facilitating the purchasing, receiving, warehousing, orders, payment processing and delivery. .悋惴悋惠 悋惠悴悋惠 悽惆悋惠 悋悴惆悸 惺悋惘 惠悵 惘悋惡悸 Monitor and implement quality standards in service and production facilities. Quality Assurance Officer 悋悴惆悸 惠惆 愕悗 悋悋悸 悋愕惺 悖 悋惠悴悋惠 悋愀惡悸 悋悽慍 愕惠悋惠 惺 悋忰悋惴 悋愆惘悋悧悸 悋惴悸 悖愆愀悸 惠愕 .悋悖愕惺悋惘 悖惷 惷悋 悋愆惘悋悄 愀惡悋惠 悴惺 惺 Coordinate purchasing activities for an organization while maintaining required inventory levels of products or goods. Activities include approving all purchasing requests to ensure best pricing. Procurement Coordinator 惠忰惶 愕 .悋愕惠悋悋 悋 悒 悋惘慍 悋惘 悋惺惆悋惠 悋悖愆悽悋惶 悋惺悋惠 惠惆 惠悋惡惺悸 Handle the flow of information, people, and equipment from a centralized headquarters to a destination point. Dispatcher 惘愕 .悋惡惷悋悧惺 惠慍惺 忰悋慍悸 惘悋惡悸 愀惘 惺 悋悋惆 悋惠 悒惆悋惘悸 Manage material quantities by monitoring acquisition and distribution of merchandise. Inventory Officer 悋悽慍 惷悋惡愀 Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸 悋悋惠惶悋惆 悖 悋悖惺悋 悒惆悋惘悸 悋悴惆悸 惘悋惡悸 悋惠惘惆 愕愕悸 悒惆悋惘悸 悴悋悋惠 悋惆惡 悖 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 Bachelors degree or diploma in the fields of supply chain management, quality control, business or economics King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dammam Community College, Dammam College of Technology, National Institute of Technology, Middle East Logistics Institute... Get our APP for complete listing 惡悋惆悋 悋悴惠惺 悸 悋惺悋惆 惡惠惘 惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 悴愕惠悋惠 惺惆 惠悸 悋愀 悋惺惆 惡悋惆悋 悋惠悸 悋悸 ...悋悖愕愀 悋愆惘 悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶 Notes 悋忰惴悋惠 :惡悋惠悋 悋悸 悵 惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶 Someone working in this field would typically: 悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋 What is a suggested academic qualification? Where could I study? 悖惆惘愕 悖 悖
  • 5. 13 12悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Where to study? 惠惆惘愕 悖 悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋 What is a suggested academic qualification? Where could I study? 悖惆惘愕 悖 悖 忰悋 悋愆悸 惠忰惆惆 悋惘悋惠 Problem identification and solving skills 悋惠惺悋 悋惘悋惠 悋悸 悋悋惠惶悋悋惠 悋悛悽惘 惺 Strong communication and interpersonal skills 悋惷愃愀 惠忰惠 悋惺 惺 悋惆惘悸 Ability to work under pressure Decision making skills 悋惘悋惘 悋惠悽悋悵 悋惘悋惠 悋惆悸 Detail orientation 悋惠愆悋 悖悴 惡悋悖惡忰悋惓 悋悋 悖惴惠 悋惡愆惘 悋悴愕 悋悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶 惺悸 悋愕悋悸 惡惠悋惡惺悸 悋惠惺悸 悋悖愆愀悸 悋惺悋惠 悴惺 惠愀惡 悒惆悋惘悸 悋悖惘悋惷 悋悸 愀惘 悴惆惆悸 惺悋悴悋惠 .悋惠 惺 悋忰悋惴 悋惘惷 Participate in process of diagnosing, treating and researching diseases and conditions of the human body and its systems; manage and apply all systems and activities related to patient care and record keeping. 悋悋惘悋惠 悋愀惡悸 Skills Required Health Services 悋惶忰悸 悋悽惆悋惠 Nutritionist 惠愃悵悸 悖悽惶悋悧 悋悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 悋悋悸 惺 悋愕悋惺惆悸 .悋悴惡悋惠 惠惆 悒惺惆悋惆 惺 悋悒愆惘悋 悋惠愃悵悸 悋愃悵悋悄 惡惘悋悴 惠悽愀愀 .悋愃悵悋悧 悋惴悋 惺 惠惺惆悋惠 悋惠惘悋忰 悋惶忰悸 悋悖 惺悋惆悋惠 惠愆悴惺 愀惘 惺 Plan food and nutrition programs, and supervise the preparation and serving of meals. Help prevent and treat illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits and suggesting diet modifications. .悋悖愀悋 悒惶悋惡悋惠 悖惘悋惷 悋悋悸 愕悋惺惆悸 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶 Diagnose, treat and help prevent childrens diseases and injuries. Pediatrician 悖愀悋 愀惡惡 .惡悋 悋惶悸 悵悋惠 悋悋 悋惓悸 悋悖愕悋 惠愆悋惠 悒惶悋惡悋惠 悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶 Diagnose and treat diseases, injuries and malformations of teeth and gums and related oral structures. Dentist 悖愕悋 愀惡惡 .悋惺 悋惷愀惘悋惡悋惠 悋悋悸 愕悋惺惆悸 惺悋悴 惠愆悽惶 Diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders of the mind. Psychiatrist 愕 愀惡惡 .悋悛悸 悋惆悸 悋惠悋惠 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋悋悴惠悋忰悸 惡悋愀惘 悋惠愆悋惠 悋悒惶悋惡悋惠 悋悖惘悋惷 惺悋悴 Treat diseases, injuries and deformities by invasive methods using manual and instrumental techniques. Surgeon 悴惘悋忰 愀惡惡 Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸 悖 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .悋悖愕悋 愀惡 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .)Residency program( 悋愀惡 悋惠悽惶惶 惡惘悋悴 悋 悋愀惡 悋惆惠惘悋 惆惘悴悸 .悋惺惆惆悸 悋惠愀惡悸 悋愀惡悸 悋惺 惠悽惶惶悋惠 悖 悋惆惡 Doctor of Medicine (M.D) degree followed by a specialized medical residency program. Bachelors degree in dentistry. Bachelors degree or diploma in any of the many applied medical sciences majors. University of Dammam, King Faisal University, King Saud University, King AbdulAziz University, King Khalid University, Technical Institute for Health Training... Get our APP for complete listing 悴悋惺悸 愕惺惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 惶 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惆悋 悴悋惺悸 惠惆惘惡 悋惠 悋惺惆 悽悋惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 惺惡惆悋惺慍慍 悋 ...悋惶忰 悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶 Notes 悋忰惴悋惠 :惡悋惠悋 悋悸 悵 惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶 Someone working in this field would typically:
  • 6. 15 14悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆悋 悋惠愆悋 惘悋惡 惺惘惷 悋 惆 Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide Rawabi Talent Exhibit Career Guide 悋惠惘忰 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗 悋 What is a suggested academic qualification? Where could I study? 悖惆惘愕 悖 悖 悋慍悋悄 悋悋悄 悋惘悋惠 Chemistry and physics skills 悋惠忰惘 悋惘悋惠 Investigative skills 悋悋惠惶悋 悋惘悋惠 Communication skills 悋忰惆惆悸 悋惺悋惘 悋惘惠悋惠 悋悒悴惘悋悄悋惠 悋惠惡悋惺 惺 悋惆惘悸 Ability to follow set procedures, routines, and standards 悋惆悸 Detail orientation 悴惺 悋惺 悖惓悋悄 悋悒惶悋惡悋惠 悋忰悋惆惓 惺 惺 悋惺悋惠 悋惡悋惆悧 悴惺悸 惺 悋愕悋悸 惡惘悋悴 惠悽愀愀 悋愕悋愕悋惠 悋忰悋悸 悖悋愀 惺 惠愆悴惺 悋惠 悋惡惘悋悴 惠悵 惡 悋忰 悋悴惠惺 悋忰惠悋悴悋惠 惠忰惆惆 悋惡悋悋惠 惠忰 .悋惶忰悸 悋惡悧悋惠 Plan safety programs with a set of principles and processes to prevent accidents and injuries at work; collect and analyze data to identify community needs prior to implementing programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies and environments. 悋悋惘悋惠 悋愀惡悸 Skills Required 悋惡悧悸 悋悒惆悋惘悸 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 悋惶忰悸 Health, Safety & EnvironmentEnvironmental Engineer 惡悧 惆愕 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋惡悧悸 悋惶忰悸 悋悽悋愀惘 惺悋悴 惺 悋愕愀惘悸 悋悸 悋惆愕悸 悋悋 悖惆悋悄 悖 惠悽愀愀 惠惶 .悋惠惓 悋忰悸 悖 悋悋惺 惺悋悴 悋悋悋惠 惺悋悴悸 惠悋惠 Design, plan, or perform engineering duties in the prevention, control, and remediation of environmental health hazards including waste treatment, site remediation or pollution control technology. 悖悋愀 惠愆悴惺 悋惶悸 悋惡惘悋悴 惠 惘惶惆 惠悵 惠悽愀愀 悋悴惠惺 悋忰惠悋悴悋惠 惠忰惆惆 悋惡悋悋惠 惠忰 悴惺 .悋惶忰悸 悋惡悧悋惠 悋愕悋愕悋惠 悋忰悋悸 Collect and analyze data to identify community needs prior to planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies and environments. Safety and Health Consultant 悸 愕悋悸 惶忰悸 愕惠愆悋惘 悋愃惘 悋惺 惴惘 惠惶忰忰 悖 惺 悋悋慍悸 悋惠悴悋 悋惡悋惆悧 惠惺 悋愕悋悸 惡惘悋悴 惠愕 惠悵 惠悽愀愀 .悛悸 Plan, implement, and coordinate safety programs; applying principles and technology to prevent or correct unsafe working conditions. Safety Officer 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 愕悗 悋惠 悋悖悽惘 悋愕惡悸 悋悛惓悋惘 悋悒惶悋惡悋惠 悋忰悋惆惓 惺 惺 悋惠惆悋惡惘 悋惺悋惠 悋悖愀惘 悋惡悋惆悧 悴惺悸 惠愀惡 .惠悴 悖 悽惆悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惺 惠悴 惆 Apply a set of principles, frameworks, processes and measures to prevent accidents, injuries and other adverse consequences that may be caused by using a service or a product. Safety and Security Manager 悋愕悋悸 悋悖 惆惘 愕惠悸 惘悋悴惺悸 愀惘 惺 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 惡悋惶忰悸 悋惘惠惡愀悸 悋悋 悋惡悋惆悧 悴惺 惠愀惡 惺悸 惠惆 .惴悋惠 悋愕悋悸 悋惶忰悸 悖惴悸 悴惆悋惘悸 惺悋悸 惷悋 悖悴 Examine application of all occupational health and safety standards, policies and procedures through a structured and independent process to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of organizational safety management systems. Occupational Safety Auditor 悋悸 悋愕悋悸 惆 悋惡悧悸 悋惶忰悸 悋悸 悋惶忰悸 悋愕悋悸 悴悋 悋惠惆惘惡 悖 悋惆惡 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .悋惡悧悸 悋惆愕悸 悴悋 悋惡悋惘愕 惆惘悴悸 .悋惡悧悸 悋惺 悖 Bachelors degree in the field of environmental engineering. Bachelors degree, diploma or training in occupational safety and health, environmental health or environmental sciences. University of Dammam, King Faisal University, King Saud University, King AbdulAziz University, Human Assets Training, Tafe Arabia for Training... Get our APP for complete listing 悴悋惺悸 愕惺惆 悋 悴悋惺悸 惶 悋 悴悋惺悸 悋惆悋 悴悋惺悸 ...惠惆惘惡 悋惺惘惡悸 愀 惠惆惘惡 悋惡愆惘悸 悋悖惶 惺惡惆悋惺慍慍 悋 悋悋悧悸 悋愕惠悋 悋惠愀惡 惺 悋忰惶 Sample Job Titles 惴悸 愕悋惠 悖惓悸 Notes 悋忰惴悋惠 :惡悋惠悋 悋悸 悵 惺 悋悵 悋愆悽惶 Someone working in this field would typically: