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RTS Board  the Doorway to
Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015
Nonprofit Partnership for the Development of Financial Market RTS
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
RTS Board contains more than 900 issuers that are not represented on the Russian organized market See slide 04
RTS Board securities cover all spectrum of Russian economy and regions of the country See slides 05-06
Average dividend yield of TOP-10 RTS Board securities achieved 25% per annum in 2014 See slides 07-08
RTS Board is the leading information system for electronic quotation and signing of securities purchase
agreements (SPA) on securities that are not admitted to trading on the Russian organized market
See slide 03
RTS Board issuers have great financial ratios
See slides 09-11
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
The operator of RTS Board is NP RTS group, which comprises a number of companies such as:
 Saint Petersburg Exchange (operating first Russian Global Equities Market and trading platform with one of the broadest scope
of commodities traded in Russia)
 RTS Tender (operating 2nd largest state procurement electronic trading platform in Russia)
 Clearing Centre MFB, Best Efforts Bank and other businesses
RTS Board was created in 2001 - over 14 years on Russian Market
More than 100 000 SPAs were concluded through RTS Board system that made it possible to invest directly into the business
development of Russian issuers
After being quoted in RTS Board system more than 150 issuers of securities were listed on Russian stock exchanges
RTS Board was the basis of RTS exchange market that later became an integral part of joint stock market organized by the
Moscow Exchange
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
The number of stocks*
RTS Board
quoted stocks
Russian exchange
traded stocks
The number of issuers*
Russian exchange
traded stocks
The total number of shares / issuers as of 10/04/2015Total number
The number of active
The number of active shares / issuers as of 10/04/2015
(according to the criterion of active bid/ask orders for
more than 4 trade days per week)
264 227
The best place to look for investment decisions regarding Russian
small and mid cap companies
The widest range of ideas for direct and venture investments into
The platform for investments in non-primary / non-resource Russia
RTS Board
quoted stocks
Success stories**
Source of information: Bloomberg
** Large companies which were listed on Russian organized market after
being quoted on RTS Board
RTS Board represents companies all over Russia, from the Baltic Sea to
the Far East
RTS Board covers a broad range of issuers from any Russian economys
industry sector, including sectors that are poorly represented in the
organized market but highly promising, e.g. Engineering & Construction,
Shipbuilding, Aerospace/Defense
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Consumer, Non-cyclical
Basic Materials
Consumer, Cyclical
Russian exchange traded stocks RTS Board quoted stocks
Source of information: Bloomberg Source of information: Bloomberg
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Moscow, Central Federal District
Volga Federal District
Ural Federal District
Siberian Federal District
Northwestern (St. Petersburg) Federal District
Southern (Black sea) Federal District
Far Eastern Federal District
North Caucasian Federal District
Russian exchange traded stocks RTS Board quoted stocks
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
114 stocks
Classification according to Industry Classification Benchmark - http://www.icbenchmark.com/
Industrial Engineering
105 stocks
Industrial Metals & Mining
104 stocks
Construction & Materials Financial Services
78 stocks
Food Producers
54 stocks
Aerospace & Defense Banks Industrial Transportation Oil & Gas Producers Gas, Water & Multi-
49 stocks 46 stocks 46 stocks 46 stocks
0,00% 5,00% 10,00% 15,00% 20,00% 25,00% 30,00%
Russian OTC Market
US OTC Market
UK OTC Market
German OTC Market
Taiwan OTC Market
Japan OTC Market
AVG = 15,90%
RTS Board issuers demonstrate sustainable dividend payments over the
past 3 years which are twice higher than on Russian organized market
RTS Board issuers dividend yield averaged at about 18% for the last 3
years (provided 3 years of sustainable payments)
Twice as more RTS Board issuers than on Russian organized market, paid
dividends in 2014
Global OTC Market TOP-10 average
dividends paid in 2014
Mihailovsky GOK  40,11%
Dalkhimpharm  42,55%
JSC "MSCP"  94,5%
SHATURA Furniture Co  51,92%
SMPP J.S.C.  134,78%
6 RTS Board issuers demonstrated over 40% dividend yield per year in
the last 3 years :
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Source of information: Bloomberg, SKRIN, web-sites of Russian issuers Source of information: Bloomberg as of 10/04/2015 according to announced dividends
TOP-10 RTS Board quoted stocks
dividends paid in 2014
TOP-10 Russian exchange traded stocks
dividends paid in 2014
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Source of information: Bloomberg, SKRIN, web-sites of Russian issuers Source of information: Bloomberg, SKRIN, web-sites of Russian issuers
AVG = 25,05% AVG = 11,52%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Mihailovsky GOK
Kalinin machinery plant, Yekaterinburg
ABS Automation
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
M Video
E.ON Russia
MMC Norilsk Nickel
Bashneft ps Q42013
Bashneft cs Q42013
Mobile TeleSystems
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Financial statement
and Multiples as of
Assets = 2 576 748 kRUB
Revenue = 3 494 872 kRUB
Operating profit = 212 099 kRUB
Net profit = 163 158 kRUB
ROA = 0,0857
ROE = 0,0961
P/E = 8,4659
BVPS = 6,9890
Yenisei River Shipping
OrelstroyVanino Commercial Sea Port
Ticker: erpa
Yenisei River Shipping Company
provides cargo and passenger
transportation services.
Ticker: orls
Orelstroy OAO is a construction
company. The Company provides civil
construction services of residential and
commercial buildings.
Ticker: mtpv
Vanino Commercial Sea Port offers
shipping port services. The Company loads,
unloads and stores shipping containers,
loads and unloads general cargo and
provides other related services.
Source of information: Bloomberg, RTS Board issuer name is given in accordance with the one used in Bloomberg system
Assets = 18 009 727 kRUB
Revenue = 2 674 690 kRUB
Operating profit = 4 085 642 kRUB
Net profit = 1 630 316 kRUB
ROA = 0,2411
ROE = 1,7078
P/E = 12,4383
BVPS = 29,8699
Assets = 3 915 398 kRUB
Revenue = 1 975 301 kRUB
Operating profit = 926 912 kRUB
Net profit = 715 879 kRUB
ROA = 0,2420
ROE = 0,5093
P/E = 3,5154
BVPS = 8,3053
*1USD = 49,98 RUB as for 07/05/2015, source of information: Bank of Russia
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Financial statement
and Multiples as of
Assets = 10 062 447 kRUB
Revenue = 16 719 039 kRUB
Operating profit = 1 511 241 kRUB
Net profit = 1 047 524 kRUB
ROA = 0,1595
ROE = 0,3531
P/E = 3,7675
BVPS = 0,7875
Kolomensky zavod Vostochny PortMetafrax
Ticker: klmz
Kolomensky Zavod OAO produces
main-line passenger diesel
locomotives. The Company also
develops and produces passenger
electric locomotives and freight diesel
Ticker: vopt
Vostochny Port is located in the Russian
Far East and provides mainly coal
handling with usage of conveyer
equipment. The Company also
transports metals, timber, ore, chemical
cargoes, cement, and other
Ticker: mefr
OAO Metafrax manufactures products
derived from methanol. The Company
produces formalin technical,
pentaerythritol technical, urotropine, urea
formaldehyde resins, urea formaldehyde
concentrate and technical pentaerythritol
Assets = 24 585 675 kRUB
Revenue = 13 439 071 kRUB
Operating profit = 5 866 817 kRUB
Net profit = 4 712 202 kRUB
ROA = 0,267
ROE = 0,3504
P/E = 4,5819
BVPS = 0,0541
Assets = 12 297 987 kRUB
Revenue = 5 998 258 kRUB
Operating profit = 3 186 345 kRUB
Net profit = 2 432 608 kRUB
ROA = 0,3317
ROE = 0,5573
P/E = 2,0166
BVPS = 3,2121
Source of information: Bloomberg, RTS Board issuer name is given in accordance with the one used in Bloomberg system
*1USD = 49,98 RUB as for 07/05/2015, source of information: Bank of Russia
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Financial statement
and Multiples as of
Assets = 53 183 767 kRUB
Revenue = 113 042 979 kRUB
Operating profit = 26 078 059 kRUB
Net profit = 20 498 320 kRUB
ROA = 0,5266
ROE = 1,0849
P/E = 8,9549
BVPS = 6,9476
Udmyrtneft Kalinin machinery plantRostvertol
Ticker: udmn
Udmurtneft is active in the extraction
and refining of raw oil and natural gas,
prospecting and mine-workings of oil
and gas fields and the production of
various industrial, consumer and
agricultural products.
Ticker: mzik
Kalinin Machinery Plant Yekaterinburg
OAO develops and manufactures
medium and heavy duty trucks. The
Company's products include electric
forklift trucks, diesel forklift trucks,
electric trolleys, cleaning machines and
military equipment.
Ticker: rtvl
JSC Rostvertol, or Rostov Helicopter
Production Complex, produces the
helicopters MI-24, Mi-26T, Mi-28N and Mi-
34, and their modifications. The Company
operates in southern Russia.
Assets = 107 416 767 kRUB
Revenue = 36 938 285 kRUB
Operating profit = 8 579 859 kRUB
Net profit = 3 044 057 kRUB
ROA = 0,0914
ROE = 0,6518
P/E = 3,5794
BVPS = 0,0062
Assets = 55 225 774 kRUB
Revenue = 27 823 222 kRUB
Operating profit = 6 204 766 kRUB
Net profit = 4 819 894 kRUB
ROA = 0,1434
ROE = 2,9187
P/E = 1,0767
BVPS = 3,3979
Source of information: Bloomberg, RTS Board issuer name is given in accordance with the one used in Bloomberg system
*1USD = 49,98 RUB as for 07/05/2015, source of information: Bank of Russia
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
In December 2014 RTS Board moved to an entirely new IT platform for OTC market, that provides straight-through
processing for indicative quotation of financial instruments, electronic confirmation (including electronic signing of
SPAs) and OTC transactions reporting to trade repositories and stock exchanges
More than 110 participants have access to RTS Board and are ready to on-board today (for more information about
participants please see our website rtsboard.com)
Currently RTS Board team is working on cooperation with the biggest international market data vendors. Join
hundreds of clients who already do receive RTS Board market data
Further development of RTS Board includes implementation of financial instruments such as local bonds, Eurobonds
of Russian companies, loans and derivatives on different underlying assets classes
Code: 0#BRD.RTS
Price: $50/month
Historical market data is available today ,
online stream will appear in 2nd half of 2015
Market data viewing terminal
Price: ~50$/month*
* 2400 RUB/month
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Import substitution strategy in all major areas of Russian economy (industry, agriculture, IT, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
The largest since the beginning of 1990s program of state defense orders financing (RTS Board is the only market that
includes securities of defense sector issuers)
Underestimated market value of Russian companies due to general decrease of Russian stock market
Upcoming listing of securities of Russian companies which are not traded publicly as result of NP RTS team active
work with issuers and cooperation with industry associations
RTS Board  the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia
May 2015, Moscow
Issuer (Bloomberg name) Code 2012 2013 2014 AVG
Active Marine Fishery Base nbam 28,19% 15,39% 11,70% 18,43%
OAO "SPETSGAZREMSTROY" OAO "GAZPROM" sgrsp 5,52% 7,88% 41,08% 18,16%
VOLGA SHIPPING vfltp 12,42% 16,59% 18,58% 15,86%
Metafrax mefr 17,70% 13,84% 14,41% 15,32%
Saratovneftegas snfgp 11,55% 14,66% 16,69% 14,30%
ROSTVERTOL PLC rtvl 8,30% 15,76% 14,80% 12,95%
PJSC "Volzhsky Abrasive Works" vazzp 17,21% 6,14% 13,75% 12,37%
OJSC "Mostostroy-11" msts 6,29% 10,07% 20,36% 12,24%
Udmyrtneft udmn 14,81% 9,08% 12,66% 12,18%
OJSC "APZ" apsz 14,36% 10,75% 7,27% 10,80%
Gornozavodskcement gzce 6,30% 6,87% 12,00% 8,39%
Komigaz kgaz 3,24% 3,25% 13,26% 6,58%
Yenisei River Shipping Company erpap 8,89% 0,18% 9,77% 6,28%
Chelindbank chlb 3,18% 5,32% 7,51% 5,34%
Lengazspecstroy legs 7,09% 7,33% 0,81% 5,08%
PJSC "Vanino Commercial Sea Port" mtpvp 2,79% 5,55% 6,88% 5,07%
Metrostroy metp 0,50% 0,52% 5,99% 2,34%
OJSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Voronezh vogz 2,47% 1,37% 2,67% 2,17%
Irkutsk Electronetwork Company iesk 0,62% 2,30% 2,42% 1,78%
Gazenergoservice gzes 1,60% 1,26% 1,42% 1,43%
TOP-20 dividends paid regularly
Address: Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya, 38 bld.1
Tel: +7 (495) 705-90-31
E-mail: otcmarket@rts.ru

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Rts board the doorway to profitable investments in russia

  • 1. RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015 Moscow Nonprofit Partnership for the Development of Financial Market RTS
  • 2. WHY RTS BOARD SYSTEM? RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow 02 RTS Board contains more than 900 issuers that are not represented on the Russian organized market See slide 04 UNIQUE INVESTMENT DIRECTIONS RTS Board securities cover all spectrum of Russian economy and regions of the country See slides 05-06 WIDE COVERAGE AND DIVERSITY OF INVESTMENTS Average dividend yield of TOP-10 RTS Board securities achieved 25% per annum in 2014 See slides 07-08 HIGH YIELD INVESTMENTS RTS Board is the leading information system for electronic quotation and signing of securities purchase agreements (SPA) on securities that are not admitted to trading on the Russian organized market See slide 03 LEADING OTC SYSTEM RTS Board issuers have great financial ratios GREAT FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF RTS BOARD ISSUERS See slides 09-11
  • 3. LEADING OTC SYSTEM RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow 03 The operator of RTS Board is NP RTS group, which comprises a number of companies such as: Saint Petersburg Exchange (operating first Russian Global Equities Market and trading platform with one of the broadest scope of commodities traded in Russia) RTS Tender (operating 2nd largest state procurement electronic trading platform in Russia) Clearing Centre MFB, Best Efforts Bank and other businesses RTS Board was created in 2001 - over 14 years on Russian Market More than 100 000 SPAs were concluded through RTS Board system that made it possible to invest directly into the business development of Russian issuers After being quoted in RTS Board system more than 150 issuers of securities were listed on Russian stock exchanges RTS Board was the basis of RTS exchange market that later became an integral part of joint stock market organized by the Moscow Exchange
  • 4. UNIQUE INVESTMENT DIRECTIONS 04 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow The number of stocks* RTS Board quoted stocks Russian exchange traded stocks The number of issuers* Russian exchange traded stocks The total number of shares / issuers as of 10/04/2015Total number The number of active stocks/issuers The number of active shares / issuers as of 10/04/2015 (according to the criterion of active bid/ask orders for more than 4 trade days per week) 280 322 581 1186 932 441 264 227 The best place to look for investment decisions regarding Russian small and mid cap companies The widest range of ideas for direct and venture investments into Russia The platform for investments in non-primary / non-resource Russia RTS Board quoted stocks Success stories** Source of information: Bloomberg ** Large companies which were listed on Russian organized market after being quoted on RTS Board *
  • 5. WIDE COVERAGE AND DIVERSITY OF INVESTMENTS RTS Board represents companies all over Russia, from the Baltic Sea to the Far East RTS Board covers a broad range of issuers from any Russian economys industry sector, including sectors that are poorly represented in the organized market but highly promising, e.g. Engineering & Construction, Shipbuilding, Aerospace/Defense 05 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Industrial Consumer, Non-cyclical Financial Energy Basic Materials Utilities Consumer, Cyclical Communications IT Russian exchange traded stocks RTS Board quoted stocks Source of information: Bloomberg Source of information: Bloomberg 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Moscow, Central Federal District Volga Federal District Ural Federal District Siberian Federal District Northwestern (St. Petersburg) Federal District Southern (Black sea) Federal District Far Eastern Federal District North Caucasian Federal District Russian exchange traded stocks RTS Board quoted stocks
  • 6. WIDE COVERAGE AND DIVERSITY OF INVESTMENTS 06 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow 114 stocks Classification according to Industry Classification Benchmark - http://www.icbenchmark.com/ Industrial Engineering 105 stocks Industrial Metals & Mining 104 stocks Construction & Materials Financial Services 78 stocks Food Producers 54 stocks Aerospace & Defense Banks Industrial Transportation Oil & Gas Producers Gas, Water & Multi- utilities 40 stocks 49 stocks 46 stocks 46 stocks 46 stocks
  • 7. HIGH YIELD INVESTMENTS 07 0,00% 5,00% 10,00% 15,00% 20,00% 25,00% 30,00% Russian OTC Market US OTC Market UK OTC Market German OTC Market Taiwan OTC Market Japan OTC Market AVG = 15,90% RTS Board issuers demonstrate sustainable dividend payments over the past 3 years which are twice higher than on Russian organized market RTS Board issuers dividend yield averaged at about 18% for the last 3 years (provided 3 years of sustainable payments) Twice as more RTS Board issuers than on Russian organized market, paid dividends in 2014 Global OTC Market TOP-10 average dividends paid in 2014 Mihailovsky GOK 40,11% SPETSGAZREMSTROY 41,08% 2012 2013 2014 Dalkhimpharm 42,55% JSC "MSCP" 94,5% SHATURA Furniture Co 51,92% SMPP J.S.C. 134,78% 6 RTS Board issuers demonstrated over 40% dividend yield per year in the last 3 years : RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Source of information: Bloomberg, SKRIN, web-sites of Russian issuers Source of information: Bloomberg as of 10/04/2015 according to announced dividends
  • 8. HIGH YIELD INVESTMENTS 08 TOP-10 RTS Board quoted stocks dividends paid in 2014 TOP-10 Russian exchange traded stocks dividends paid in 2014 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Source of information: Bloomberg, SKRIN, web-sites of Russian issuers Source of information: Bloomberg, SKRIN, web-sites of Russian issuers AVG = 25,05% AVG = 11,52% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% SPETSGAZREMSTROY GAZPROM Mihailovsky GOK TVZ Kalinin machinery plant, Yekaterinburg ABS Automation Mostostroy-11 Komigaz VOLGA SHIPPING Saratovneftegas Uralavtopritsep 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% M Video E.ON Russia Severstal MMC Norilsk Nickel Bashneft ps Q42013 Acron Bashneft cs Q42013 Mobile TeleSystems Surgutneftegas Sollers
  • 9. RTS BOARD SMALL CAP MODEL COMPANIES 09 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Financial statement and Multiples as of 31/12/2014* Brief description Assets = 2 576 748 kRUB Revenue = 3 494 872 kRUB Operating profit = 212 099 kRUB Net profit = 163 158 kRUB ROA = 0,0857 ROE = 0,0961 P/E = 8,4659 BVPS = 6,9890 Yenisei River Shipping Company OrelstroyVanino Commercial Sea Port Ticker: erpa Yenisei River Shipping Company provides cargo and passenger transportation services. Ticker: orls Orelstroy OAO is a construction company. The Company provides civil construction services of residential and commercial buildings. Ticker: mtpv Vanino Commercial Sea Port offers shipping port services. The Company loads, unloads and stores shipping containers, loads and unloads general cargo and provides other related services. Source of information: Bloomberg, RTS Board issuer name is given in accordance with the one used in Bloomberg system Assets = 18 009 727 kRUB Revenue = 2 674 690 kRUB Operating profit = 4 085 642 kRUB Net profit = 1 630 316 kRUB ROA = 0,2411 ROE = 1,7078 P/E = 12,4383 BVPS = 29,8699 Assets = 3 915 398 kRUB Revenue = 1 975 301 kRUB Operating profit = 926 912 kRUB Net profit = 715 879 kRUB ROA = 0,2420 ROE = 0,5093 P/E = 3,5154 BVPS = 8,3053 *1USD = 49,98 RUB as for 07/05/2015, source of information: Bank of Russia
  • 10. RTS BOARD MID CAP MODEL COMPANIES 10 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Financial statement and Multiples as of 31/12/2014* Brief description Assets = 10 062 447 kRUB Revenue = 16 719 039 kRUB Operating profit = 1 511 241 kRUB Net profit = 1 047 524 kRUB ROA = 0,1595 ROE = 0,3531 P/E = 3,7675 BVPS = 0,7875 Kolomensky zavod Vostochny PortMetafrax Ticker: klmz Kolomensky Zavod OAO produces main-line passenger diesel locomotives. The Company also develops and produces passenger electric locomotives and freight diesel locomotives. Ticker: vopt Vostochny Port is located in the Russian Far East and provides mainly coal handling with usage of conveyer equipment. The Company also transports metals, timber, ore, chemical cargoes, cement, and other commodities. Ticker: mefr OAO Metafrax manufactures products derived from methanol. The Company produces formalin technical, pentaerythritol technical, urotropine, urea formaldehyde resins, urea formaldehyde concentrate and technical pentaerythritol filtrate. Assets = 24 585 675 kRUB Revenue = 13 439 071 kRUB Operating profit = 5 866 817 kRUB Net profit = 4 712 202 kRUB ROA = 0,267 ROE = 0,3504 P/E = 4,5819 BVPS = 0,0541 Assets = 12 297 987 kRUB Revenue = 5 998 258 kRUB Operating profit = 3 186 345 kRUB Net profit = 2 432 608 kRUB ROA = 0,3317 ROE = 0,5573 P/E = 2,0166 BVPS = 3,2121 Source of information: Bloomberg, RTS Board issuer name is given in accordance with the one used in Bloomberg system *1USD = 49,98 RUB as for 07/05/2015, source of information: Bank of Russia
  • 11. RTS BOARD ABOVE MID CAP MODEL COMPANIES 11 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Financial statement and Multiples as of 31/12/2014* Brief description Assets = 53 183 767 kRUB Revenue = 113 042 979 kRUB Operating profit = 26 078 059 kRUB Net profit = 20 498 320 kRUB ROA = 0,5266 ROE = 1,0849 P/E = 8,9549 BVPS = 6,9476 Udmyrtneft Kalinin machinery plantRostvertol Ticker: udmn Udmurtneft is active in the extraction and refining of raw oil and natural gas, prospecting and mine-workings of oil and gas fields and the production of various industrial, consumer and agricultural products. Ticker: mzik Kalinin Machinery Plant Yekaterinburg OAO develops and manufactures medium and heavy duty trucks. The Company's products include electric forklift trucks, diesel forklift trucks, electric trolleys, cleaning machines and military equipment. Ticker: rtvl JSC Rostvertol, or Rostov Helicopter Production Complex, produces the helicopters MI-24, Mi-26T, Mi-28N and Mi- 34, and their modifications. The Company operates in southern Russia. Assets = 107 416 767 kRUB Revenue = 36 938 285 kRUB Operating profit = 8 579 859 kRUB Net profit = 3 044 057 kRUB ROA = 0,0914 ROE = 0,6518 P/E = 3,5794 BVPS = 0,0062 Assets = 55 225 774 kRUB Revenue = 27 823 222 kRUB Operating profit = 6 204 766 kRUB Net profit = 4 819 894 kRUB ROA = 0,1434 ROE = 2,9187 P/E = 1,0767 BVPS = 3,3979 Source of information: Bloomberg, RTS Board issuer name is given in accordance with the one used in Bloomberg system *1USD = 49,98 RUB as for 07/05/2015, source of information: Bank of Russia
  • 12. WHY WILL RTS BOARD AWAKE YOUR INTEREST WHEN INVESTING IN RUSSIA TODAY? 12 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow In December 2014 RTS Board moved to an entirely new IT platform for OTC market, that provides straight-through processing for indicative quotation of financial instruments, electronic confirmation (including electronic signing of SPAs) and OTC transactions reporting to trade repositories and stock exchanges More than 110 participants have access to RTS Board and are ready to on-board today (for more information about participants please see our website rtsboard.com) Currently RTS Board team is working on cooperation with the biggest international market data vendors. Join hundreds of clients who already do receive RTS Board market data Further development of RTS Board includes implementation of financial instruments such as local bonds, Eurobonds of Russian companies, loans and derivatives on different underlying assets classes Code: 0#BRD.RTS Price: $50/month Historical market data is available today , online stream will appear in 2nd half of 2015 Market data viewing terminal Price: ~50$/month* * 2400 RUB/month
  • 13. WHY ARE INVESTMENTS INTO RUSSIA ATTRACTIVE RIGHT NOW? 13 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Import substitution strategy in all major areas of Russian economy (industry, agriculture, IT, pharmaceuticals, etc.) The largest since the beginning of 1990s program of state defense orders financing (RTS Board is the only market that includes securities of defense sector issuers) Underestimated market value of Russian companies due to general decrease of Russian stock market Upcoming listing of securities of Russian companies which are not traded publicly as result of NP RTS team active work with issuers and cooperation with industry associations
  • 15. PAID RTS BOARD DIVIDENDS 15 RTS Board the Doorway to Profitable Investments in Russia May 2015, Moscow Issuer (Bloomberg name) Code 2012 2013 2014 AVG Active Marine Fishery Base nbam 28,19% 15,39% 11,70% 18,43% OAO "SPETSGAZREMSTROY" OAO "GAZPROM" sgrsp 5,52% 7,88% 41,08% 18,16% VOLGA SHIPPING vfltp 12,42% 16,59% 18,58% 15,86% Metafrax mefr 17,70% 13,84% 14,41% 15,32% Saratovneftegas snfgp 11,55% 14,66% 16,69% 14,30% ROSTVERTOL PLC rtvl 8,30% 15,76% 14,80% 12,95% PJSC "Volzhsky Abrasive Works" vazzp 17,21% 6,14% 13,75% 12,37% OJSC "Mostostroy-11" msts 6,29% 10,07% 20,36% 12,24% Udmyrtneft udmn 14,81% 9,08% 12,66% 12,18% OJSC "APZ" apsz 14,36% 10,75% 7,27% 10,80% Gornozavodskcement gzce 6,30% 6,87% 12,00% 8,39% Komigaz kgaz 3,24% 3,25% 13,26% 6,58% Yenisei River Shipping Company erpap 8,89% 0,18% 9,77% 6,28% Chelindbank chlb 3,18% 5,32% 7,51% 5,34% Lengazspecstroy legs 7,09% 7,33% 0,81% 5,08% PJSC "Vanino Commercial Sea Port" mtpvp 2,79% 5,55% 6,88% 5,07% Metrostroy metp 0,50% 0,52% 5,99% 2,34% OJSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Voronezh vogz 2,47% 1,37% 2,67% 2,17% Irkutsk Electronetwork Company iesk 0,62% 2,30% 2,42% 1,78% Gazenergoservice gzes 1,60% 1,26% 1,42% 1,43% TOP-20 dividends paid regularly
  • 16. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Contacts: Address: Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya, 38 bld.1 Tel: +7 (495) 705-90-31 E-mail: otcmarket@rts.ru www.nprts.ru www.rtsboard.com