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Rube goldberg machine brains
Who is Rube Goldberg?

          Rube Goldberg (1883-
           1970) was a Pulitzer Prize
           cartoonist, sculptor and
          He started out as an
           engineer but became a
           famous cartoonist
           drawing funny inventions
Funny inventions??? Just thinkHave
you ever seen the game Mouse Trap?

  The game Mouse Trap is an example of a funny invention that has
  different pieces put together to work like a machine.
 Rube Goldbergs cartoons were like this game because they were
  inventions or contraptions in which he used an elaborate set of
  arms, wheels, gears, handles, cups and rods, put in motion by balls, canary
  cages, pails, boots, bathtubs, paddles and live animals  and takes a simple
  task and makes it extraordinarily complicated.
Rube goldberg machine brains
Rube goldberg machine brains
He used different types of machines to
         make his cartoons!

 We are going to look at six different kinds of
  simple machines: inclined plane, wheel &
  axel, wedge, pulley, screw, lever
Inclined Plane
Wheel & Axel
Rube did not build the machines
 he drew, but his cartoons have
   become an inspiration to
aspiring engineers and scientists
        across the world.

   Watch this video to see one such
 You are going to design
  a machine using  at
  least four of the
  simple machines
  to replace your brain.
  The machine is
  supposed to do
  something that
  happens in your head
  (blinking, yawning, rem
  embering, etc.)
Rube goldberg machine brains
Rube goldberg machine brains
Rube goldberg machine brains

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Rube goldberg machine brains

  • 2. Who is Rube Goldberg? Rube Goldberg (1883- 1970) was a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, sculptor and author He started out as an engineer but became a famous cartoonist drawing funny inventions
  • 3. Funny inventions??? Just thinkHave you ever seen the game Mouse Trap? The game Mouse Trap is an example of a funny invention that has different pieces put together to work like a machine.
  • 4. Rube Goldbergs cartoons were like this game because they were inventions or contraptions in which he used an elaborate set of arms, wheels, gears, handles, cups and rods, put in motion by balls, canary cages, pails, boots, bathtubs, paddles and live animals and takes a simple task and makes it extraordinarily complicated.
  • 7. He used different types of machines to make his cartoons! We are going to look at six different kinds of simple machines: inclined plane, wheel & axel, wedge, pulley, screw, lever
  • 10. Wedge
  • 13. Lever
  • 14. Rube did not build the machines he drew, but his cartoons have become an inspiration to aspiring engineers and scientists across the world. Watch this video to see one such example! http://thomaselementaryart.blo gspot.com/search/label/3rd%20 Grade
  • 15. You are going to design a machine using at least four of the simple machines to replace your brain. The machine is supposed to do something that happens in your head (blinking, yawning, rem embering, etc.)