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Ruby and OO
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
June 24, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
 What is Ruby?
 Ruby Basics
 Advanced Ruby
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
What is Ruby?
 First released in 1995 by Yukihiro
Matsumoto (Matz)
 number = 1.abs #instead of Math.abs(1)
 Dynamically Typed
 result = 1+3
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
What is Ruby?
class Person
attr_accessor :name, :age # attributes we can set and retrieve
def initialize(name, age) # constructor method
@name = name # store name and age for later retrieval
@age = age.to_i 
 # (store age as integer)
def inspect # This method retrieves saved values
"#{@name} (#{@age})" # in a readable format
p1 = Person.new('elmo', 4) # elmo is the name, 4 is the age
puts p1.inspect # prints elmo (4)
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Will It Change Your Life?
 Ok, Maybe
 Its fun to program with
 And what is programming if it isnt fun?
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics
 Variables, Classes and Methods
 Properties / Attributes
 Access Control
 Importing Files and Libraries
 Duck Typing
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Variables
 Local (lowercase, underscores)
 fred_j = Person.new(Fred)
 Instance (@ sign with lowercase)
 @name = name
 Class (@@ with lowercase)
 @@error_email = testing@test.com
 Constant (Starts with uppercase)
 MY_PI = 3.14
 class Move
 Global ($ with name)
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Variables contain
references to objects
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Classes
 Class definitions are started with
class,are named with a CamelCase
name, and ended with end
class Move
attr_accessor :up, :right
def initialize(up, right)
@up = up
@right = right
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Classes (and Modules) are
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Classes
 Attributes and fields normally go at the
beginning of the class definition
class Move
attr_accessor :up, :right
def initialize(up, right)
@up = up
@right = right
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Classes
 initialize is the same concept as a
constructor from .NET or Java, and is called
when someone invokes your object using
Move.new to set up the objects state
class Move
attr_accessor :up, :right
def initialize(up, right)
@up = up
@right = right
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Methods
 Methods return the last expression
evaluated. You can also explicitly return from
class Move
def up
def right
return @right
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Every Expression
Evaluates to an Object
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Methods
 Methods can take in specified
parameters, and also parameter lists
(using special notation)
class Move
def initialize(up, right)
@up = up
@right = right
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Its All About Sending
Messages to Objects
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Methods
 Class (Static) methods start with
either self. or Class.
class Move
def self.create
return Move.new
def Move.logger
return @@logger
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Properties
 Ruby supports the concept of
Properties (called Attributes)
class Move
def up
class Move
def up=(val)
@up = val
move = Move.new
move.up = 15
puts move.up #15
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Properties
 Ruby also provides convenience
methods for doing this
class Move
attr_accessor :up #Same thing as last slide
move = Move.new
move.up = 15
puts move.up #15
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Properties
 You can specify read or write only
attributes as well
class Move
attr_reader :up #Cant write
attr_writer :down #Cant read
move = Move.new
move.up = 15 #error
d = move.down #error
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Exceptions
 Ruby has an Exception hierarchy
 Exceptions can be caught, raised and
 You can also easily retry a block of
code when you encounter an exception
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Exceptions
process_鍖le = File.open(test鍖le.csv)
begin #put exceptional code in begin/end block
#...process 鍖le
rescue IOError => io_error
puts IOException occurred. Retrying.
retry #starts block over from begin
rescue => other_error
puts Bad stuff happened:  + other_error
else #happens if no exceptions occur
puts No errors in processing. Yippee!
ensure # similar to 鍖nally in .NET/Java
process_鍖le.close unless process_鍖le.nil?
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Access Control
 Ruby supports Public, Protected and
Private methods
 Private methods can only be accessed
from the instance of the object, not from
any other object, even those of the
same class as the instance
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Access Control
 Access is controlled by using keywords
class Move
def calculate_move
#Any subsequent methods will be private until..
def show_move
#Any subsequent methods will now be public
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Access Control
 Methods can also be passed as args
class Move
def calculate_move
def show_move
public :show_move
protected :calculate_move
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Imports
 To use a class from another file in your
class, you must tell your source file
where to find the class you want to use
require calculator
class Move
def calculate_move
return @up * Calculator::MIN_MOVE
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics - Imports
 There are two types of imports
 Only loads the file once
 Loads the file every time the method is executed
 Both accept relative and absolute paths, and
will search the current load path for the file
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
 What defines an object?
 How can you tell a car is a car?
 By model?
 By name?
 Or, by its behavior?
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
 Wed use static typing! So only the valid
object could be passed in
 What if my object has the same
behavior as a Car?
class CarWash
def accept_customer(car)
 How would we
validate this
in .NET or Java?
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
 What is
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
 We know objects based on the
behaviors and attributes the object
 This means if the object passed in can
act like the object we want, that should
be good enough for us!
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Duck Typing
 Or we could just let it fail as a runtime
Class CarWash
def accept_customer(car)
if car.respond_to?(:drive_to)

 @car = car


Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Blocks
 A block is just a section of code
between a set of delimters  { } or
{ puts Ho }
3.times do
puts Ho 
end #prints Ho Ho Ho
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Blocks
 Blocks can be associated with method invocations.
The methods call the block using yield
def format_print
puts Con鍖dential. Do Not Disseminate.
puts 息 SomeCorp, 2006
format_print { puts My name is Earl! }
-> Con鍖dential. Do Not Disseminate.
-> My name is Earl!
-> 息 SomeCorp, 2006
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Blocks
 We can check to see if a block was passed to our
def MyConnection.open(*args)
conn = Connection.open(*args)
if block_given?
yield conn #passes conn to the block
conn.close #closes conn when block 鍖nishes
return conn
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Iterators
 Iterators in Ruby are simply methods
that can invoke a block of code
 Iterators typically pass one or more
values to the block to be evaluated
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Iterators
def 鍖b_up_to(max)
i1, i2 = 1, 1
while i1 <= max
yield i1
i1, i2 = i2, i1+i2 # parallel assignment
鍖b_up_to(100) {|f| print f +  }
-> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
 Pickaxe Book, page 50
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Modules
 At their core, Modules are like
namespaces in .NET or Java.
module Kite
def Kite.鍖y
module Plane
def Plane.鍖y
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Mixins
 Modules cant have instances  they
arent classes
 But Modules can be included in
classes, who inherit all of the instance
method definitions from the module
 This is called a mixin and is how Ruby
does Multiple Inheritance
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Mixins
module Print
def print
puts Company Con鍖dential
class Document
include Print
doc = Document.new
doc.print { Fourth Quarter looks great! }
-> Company Con鍖dential
-> Fourth Quarter looks great!
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Reflection
 How could we call the Length of a
String at runtime in .NET?
String myString = "test";
int len = (int)myString



 null, myString, null);
Console.WriteLine("Length: " + len.ToString());
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Reflection
 In Ruby, we can just send the
command to the object
myString = Test
puts myString.send(:length) # 4
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Advanced Ruby - Reflection
 We can also do all kinds of fancy stuff
#print out all of the objects in our system
ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) {|c| puts c}
#Get all the methods on an object
Some String.methods
#see if an object responds to a certain method
#see if an object is a type
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Sending Can Be Very, Very
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Basics  Other Goodies
 RubyGems  Package Management for
Ruby Libraries
 Rake  A Pure Ruby build tool (can use
XML as well for the build files)
 RDoc  Automatically extracts
documentation from your code and
Thursday, June 26, 14
Triangle.rb Meetup
June 25th, 2012
Cory Foy | @cory_foy
Ruby and OO
Ruby Resources
 Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas (the
Pickaxe Book)
Thursday, June 26, 14
Cory Foy
Thursday, June 26, 14

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Ruby and OO for Beginners

  • 1. Ruby and OO Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Triangle.rb June 24, 2014 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 2. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Overview What is Ruby? Ruby Basics Advanced Ruby Wrap-up Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 3. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO What is Ruby? First released in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz) Object-Oriented number = 1.abs #instead of Math.abs(1) Dynamically Typed result = 1+3 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 4. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO What is Ruby? http://www.rubygarden.org/faq/entry/show/3 class Person attr_accessor :name, :age # attributes we can set and retrieve def initialize(name, age) # constructor method @name = name # store name and age for later retrieval @age = age.to_i # (store age as integer) end def inspect # This method retrieves saved values "#{@name} (#{@age})" # in a readable format end end p1 = Person.new('elmo', 4) # elmo is the name, 4 is the age puts p1.inspect # prints elmo (4) Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 5. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Will It Change Your Life? Yes! Ok, Maybe Its fun to program with And what is programming if it isnt fun? Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 6. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Variables, Classes and Methods Properties / Attributes Exceptions Access Control Importing Files and Libraries Duck Typing Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 7. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Variables Local (lowercase, underscores) fred_j = Person.new(Fred) Instance (@ sign with lowercase) @name = name Class (@@ with lowercase) @@error_email = testing@test.com Constant (Starts with uppercase) MY_PI = 3.14 class Move Global ($ with name) $MEANING_OF_LIFE = 42 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 8. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Variables contain references to objects Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 9. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Classes Class definitions are started with class,are named with a CamelCase name, and ended with end class Move attr_accessor :up, :right def initialize(up, right) @up = up @right = right end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 10. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Classes (and Modules) are Objects Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 11. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Classes Attributes and fields normally go at the beginning of the class definition class Move attr_accessor :up, :right def initialize(up, right) @up = up @right = right end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 12. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Classes initialize is the same concept as a constructor from .NET or Java, and is called when someone invokes your object using Move.new to set up the objects state class Move attr_accessor :up, :right def initialize(up, right) @up = up @right = right end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 13. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Methods Methods return the last expression evaluated. You can also explicitly return from methods class Move def up @up end def right return @right end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 14. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Every Expression Evaluates to an Object Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 15. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Methods Methods can take in specified parameters, and also parameter lists (using special notation) class Move def initialize(up, right) @up = up @right = right end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 16. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Its All About Sending Messages to Objects Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 17. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Methods Class (Static) methods start with either self. or Class. class Move def self.create return Move.new end def Move.logger return @@logger end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 18. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Properties Ruby supports the concept of Properties (called Attributes) class Move def up @up end end class Move def up=(val) @up = val end end move = Move.new move.up = 15 puts move.up #15 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 19. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Properties Ruby also provides convenience methods for doing this class Move attr_accessor :up #Same thing as last slide end move = Move.new move.up = 15 puts move.up #15 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 20. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Properties You can specify read or write only attributes as well class Move attr_reader :up #Cant write attr_writer :down #Cant read end move = Move.new move.up = 15 #error d = move.down #error Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 21. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Exceptions Ruby has an Exception hierarchy Exceptions can be caught, raised and handled You can also easily retry a block of code when you encounter an exception Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 22. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Exceptions process_鍖le = File.open(test鍖le.csv) begin #put exceptional code in begin/end block #...process 鍖le rescue IOError => io_error puts IOException occurred. Retrying. retry #starts block over from begin rescue => other_error puts Bad stuff happened: + other_error else #happens if no exceptions occur puts No errors in processing. Yippee! ensure # similar to 鍖nally in .NET/Java process_鍖le.close unless process_鍖le.nil? end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 23. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Access Control Ruby supports Public, Protected and Private methods Private methods can only be accessed from the instance of the object, not from any other object, even those of the same class as the instance Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 24. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Access Control Access is controlled by using keywords class Move private def calculate_move end #Any subsequent methods will be private until.. public def show_move end #Any subsequent methods will now be public end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 25. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Access Control Methods can also be passed as args class Move def calculate_move end def show_move end public :show_move protected :calculate_move end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 26. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Imports To use a class from another file in your class, you must tell your source file where to find the class you want to use require calculator class Move def calculate_move return @up * Calculator::MIN_MOVE end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 27. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics - Imports There are two types of imports require Only loads the file once load Loads the file every time the method is executed Both accept relative and absolute paths, and will search the current load path for the file Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 28. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing What defines an object? How can you tell a car is a car? By model? By name? Or, by its behavior? Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 29. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing Wed use static typing! So only the valid object could be passed in What if my object has the same behavior as a Car? class CarWash def accept_customer(car) end end How would we validate this in .NET or Java? Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 30. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing What is this? Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 31. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing How about this? Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 32. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing What about this? Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 33. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing We know objects based on the behaviors and attributes the object possesses This means if the object passed in can act like the object we want, that should be good enough for us! Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 34. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Duck Typing Or we could just let it fail as a runtime error Class CarWash def accept_customer(car) if car.respond_to?(:drive_to) @car = car wash_car else reject_customer end end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 35. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Blocks A block is just a section of code between a set of delimters { } or do..end { puts Ho } 3.times do puts Ho end #prints Ho Ho Ho Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 36. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Blocks Blocks can be associated with method invocations. The methods call the block using yield def format_print puts Con鍖dential. Do Not Disseminate. yield puts 息 SomeCorp, 2006 end format_print { puts My name is Earl! } -> Con鍖dential. Do Not Disseminate. -> My name is Earl! -> 息 SomeCorp, 2006 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 37. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Blocks We can check to see if a block was passed to our method def MyConnection.open(*args) conn = Connection.open(*args) if block_given? yield conn #passes conn to the block conn.close #closes conn when block 鍖nishes end return conn end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 38. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Iterators Iterators in Ruby are simply methods that can invoke a block of code Iterators typically pass one or more values to the block to be evaluated Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 39. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Iterators def 鍖b_up_to(max) i1, i2 = 1, 1 while i1 <= max yield i1 i1, i2 = i2, i1+i2 # parallel assignment end end 鍖b_up_to(100) {|f| print f + } -> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 Pickaxe Book, page 50 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 40. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Modules At their core, Modules are like namespaces in .NET or Java. module Kite def Kite.鍖y end end module Plane def Plane.鍖y end end Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 41. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Mixins Modules cant have instances they arent classes But Modules can be included in classes, who inherit all of the instance method definitions from the module This is called a mixin and is how Ruby does Multiple Inheritance Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 42. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Mixins module Print def print puts Company Con鍖dential yield end end class Document include Print #... end doc = Document.new doc.print { Fourth Quarter looks great! } -> Company Con鍖dential -> Fourth Quarter looks great! Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 43. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Reflection How could we call the Length of a String at runtime in .NET? String myString = "test"; int len = (int)myString .GetType() .InvokeMember("Length", System.Re鍖ection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, myString, null); Console.WriteLine("Length: " + len.ToString()); Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 44. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Reflection In Ruby, we can just send the command to the object myString = Test puts myString.send(:length) # 4 Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 45. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Advanced Ruby - Reflection We can also do all kinds of fancy stuff #print out all of the objects in our system ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) {|c| puts c} #Get all the methods on an object Some String.methods #see if an object responds to a certain method obj.respond_to?(:length) #see if an object is a type obj.kind_of?(Numeric) obj.instance_of?(FixNum) Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 46. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Sending Can Be Very, Very Bad Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 47. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Basics Other Goodies RubyGems Package Management for Ruby Libraries Rake A Pure Ruby build tool (can use XML as well for the build files) RDoc Automatically extracts documentation from your code and comments Thursday, June 26, 14
  • 48. Triangle.rb Meetup June 25th, 2012 Cory Foy | @cory_foy http://www.coryfoy.com Ruby and OO Ruby Resources Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas (the Pickaxe Book) http://www.ruby-lang.org http://www.rubycentral.org http://www.ruby-doc.org http://www.triangleruby.com http://www.manning.com/black3/ http://www.slideshare.net/dablack/wgnuby Thursday, June 26, 14