The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses.
This document discusses lifestyle lending, which is a direct lending model where credit unions provide financing for various lifestyle purchases like medical procedures, home improvements, and retail goods. It outlines the benefits of lifestyle lending for credit unions, including generating new loans and members. Lifestyle lending can integrate easily into credit unions' existing lending processes and offers members convenient financing options. It also benefits retailers by providing a new marketing channel and reducing their financing costs. Overall, lifestyle lending allows credit unions to expand their loan portfolios and build new business relationships in their communities.
McDonald’s SM Fairview’s primary target market are shoppers of the mall
who want to satisfy their hunger fast.
They can choose Jollibee, KFC, Chowking and food-court. Gap is nearby fast-food restaurants are always crowded and food is served slower
The market size is the average daily foot traffic of 130,000 of the mall.
McDonald’s is a fast-food giant that offers standard products worldwide. It is priced relatively at par with Jollibee, 2% less than KFC and 15% less than Chowking
Brand advertised thru TV, radio, print, events & experiences.
Conveniently located inside SM Fairview. It uses location and available space to win customers
This document summarizes a panel discussion on energy efficiency opportunities. The panelists were Melissa Aho from Ultra Geothermal, Inc., Jack Bingham from Seacoast Energy Alternatives, Inc., and Paul Button from Energy Audits Unlimited, LLC. They discussed how energy audits identify savings opportunities, geothermal heat pumps that can reduce costs by 60%, solar electric and hot water systems, and the many ways homeowners can incrementally save energy through various upgrades and technologies. The panel encouraged attendees to get an energy audit done and consider all renewable options to find the best fit for lowering energy costs.
Green Shoots, LLC, will introduce a new ultra-low pressure electric sprayer in 2017. The dispenser can dispense both spray and foam. Ultra-low pressure means there's less misting of the spray which translates into less drift, less off-target harm, and fewer fine spray particles that can cause harm to the operator. Moreover, ultra-low pressure means the battery can be smaller and lighter but still operate just as long. If you have questions, contact us at
Este documento presenta un resumen del nuevo pensamiento militar venezolano. Propone profundizar y acelerar la conformación de la nueva estrategia militar nacional mediante objetivos como consolidar el pensamiento militar venezolano, incorporar al pueblo a la defensa a través de la reserva militar, y desarrollar la industria militar y naval. También analiza la historia y evolución del pensamiento militar en Venezuela desde la época de Bolívar hasta la actualidad.
Cut through the stem end of the pumpkin with a sharp knife to cut out the top. Scrape out any seeds and pulp from the inside and save seeds if cooking later. Cut a face design into the pumpkin and push out the pieces, then place a candle inside for a lit jack-o-lantern.
Method for Controlling Buckthorn - Society for Ecological Restoration 2011John Lampe
This presentation describes a novel way to control woody invasive plant species like buckthorn. It is especially suitable for small woodland owners and managers.
The document discusses various sports popular in the United States and their histories. It focuses on baseball as the national pastime, noting that over 30% of Major League Baseball players are Latino. Baseball terms and idioms are common in American English. Basketball idioms are also examined. The history of African American and Native American athletes is covered, including the internationally competitive Iroquois national lacrosse team. Various sports terms in English are defined.
This document provides a 3-step process for killing invasive English ivy vines:
1. Prepare by identifying the target plant as English ivy and removing climbing vines first.
2. Cut the vines using loppers or saws to sever them from trees and structures.
3. Apply a herbicide like glyphosate or triclopyr to the freshly cut stumps within 5-10 minutes using a foam applicator to ensure absorption. Leave treated stumps for at least 4 months to fully kill the ivy.
This document discusses the history of the music industry from the 19th century to today. It covers key developments and changes over time, including the invention of the phonograph in 1877, the rise of radio in the 1920s, the dominance of major record labels in the 1980s-90s, the growth of digital music in the late 1990s and 2000s, and the impact of YouTube and social media on music distribution and discovery in the 21st century. Case studies are provided on early YouTube stars like Justin Bieber and Boyce Avenue, as well as how MySpace helped unknown artists get discovered. The last sections discuss strategies for musicians to stay relevant today through social media engagement and maintaining communication with fans.
yoStory è la soluzione completamente brandizzabile per trasformare gli eventi in storie. Lo storytelling "dal basso" è un formato che permette l'interazione fra partecipanti ad eventi, organizzatori ed il mondo fuori dall'evento. Il risultato è la creazione di engagement, divertimento, marketing bastato sui contenuti e la "viralizzazione" sui social media di storie basate su persone ed esperienze vere.
This document summarizes a workshop for engaging tech-savvy teen volunteers. It discusses the benefits of volunteering, including helping seniors with technology and building communication skills. Challenges included determining what assistance people need and having patience. Suggestions were made to emphasize hands-on training and give volunteers activities when not helping. Benefits to the teens include experience hours, while benefits to libraries include administrative help and publicity. Overall, the experience was recommended for building skills.
Este documento contiene las calificaciones de asistencia y evaluaciones de un curso de Defensa Integral de la Nación I impartido durante el período 1-2014. Se lista la cédula, nombre y apellido de 35 estudiantes junto con su asistencia semanal y calificaciones en cuatro evaluaciones que componen la nota final. La mayoría de estudiantes asistió a todas las clases y obtuvieron notas entre 14 y 18 puntos.
The document describes the "Tall Stump Treatment Method" for controlling buckthorn, an invasive species. The method involves three phases - preparation, cutting, and treatment. In the preparation phase, the property is surveyed to identify the worst buckthorn trees. In the cutting phase, the identified trees are cut high, leaving tall stumps. The treatment phase involves using a scraper and herbicide applicator to apply herbicide to the cut stump using the frill method. The advantages of this method are that it is efficient, splits the work into phases that can be separated by months, makes identification and retreatment of stumps easy, reduces fire risk, and exposes more cambium for better treatment outcomes while minimizing soil and herbicide
Injections of Herbicide into Rhizomes of Knotweeds and Other Invasive Plant S...John Lampe
We ran trials on this method for a few years as did other organizations and individuals. Ultimately, we did not find its efficacy to outweigh the labor involved. Therefore, Green Shoots decided not to launch the product. We have however had real success with foliar applications using our Green Shoots Foam Herbicide Dispenser. John Lampe gave a presentation on that system at the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference:
Este documento describe el propósito y contenido de un módulo de doctrina bolivariana para estudiantes. El propósito es promover una formación integral de los estudiantes basada en los principios constitucionales venezolanos, considerando el liderazgo y trabajo en equipo. El módulo cubre la historia y evolución de la independencia de Venezuela, incluyendo documentos y figuras clave como Simón Bolívar, Ezequiel Zamora y Hugo Chávez.
The narrator gets a flat tire while driving home in the rain. Unable to change the tire themselves due to a disability, they drive to a nearby house for help. An old blind man and his young granddaughter come out and change the tire for the narrator. The narrator realizes they had been selfish and taken their own abilities for granted. They pray for blessings for the kind family and to overcome their own shortcomings.
Method for Controlling Buckthorn - Society for Ecological Restoration 2011John Lampe
This presentation describes a novel way to control woody invasive plant species like buckthorn. It is especially suitable for small woodland owners and managers.
The document discusses various sports popular in the United States and their histories. It focuses on baseball as the national pastime, noting that over 30% of Major League Baseball players are Latino. Baseball terms and idioms are common in American English. Basketball idioms are also examined. The history of African American and Native American athletes is covered, including the internationally competitive Iroquois national lacrosse team. Various sports terms in English are defined.
This document provides a 3-step process for killing invasive English ivy vines:
1. Prepare by identifying the target plant as English ivy and removing climbing vines first.
2. Cut the vines using loppers or saws to sever them from trees and structures.
3. Apply a herbicide like glyphosate or triclopyr to the freshly cut stumps within 5-10 minutes using a foam applicator to ensure absorption. Leave treated stumps for at least 4 months to fully kill the ivy.
This document discusses the history of the music industry from the 19th century to today. It covers key developments and changes over time, including the invention of the phonograph in 1877, the rise of radio in the 1920s, the dominance of major record labels in the 1980s-90s, the growth of digital music in the late 1990s and 2000s, and the impact of YouTube and social media on music distribution and discovery in the 21st century. Case studies are provided on early YouTube stars like Justin Bieber and Boyce Avenue, as well as how MySpace helped unknown artists get discovered. The last sections discuss strategies for musicians to stay relevant today through social media engagement and maintaining communication with fans.
yoStory è la soluzione completamente brandizzabile per trasformare gli eventi in storie. Lo storytelling "dal basso" è un formato che permette l'interazione fra partecipanti ad eventi, organizzatori ed il mondo fuori dall'evento. Il risultato è la creazione di engagement, divertimento, marketing bastato sui contenuti e la "viralizzazione" sui social media di storie basate su persone ed esperienze vere.
This document summarizes a workshop for engaging tech-savvy teen volunteers. It discusses the benefits of volunteering, including helping seniors with technology and building communication skills. Challenges included determining what assistance people need and having patience. Suggestions were made to emphasize hands-on training and give volunteers activities when not helping. Benefits to the teens include experience hours, while benefits to libraries include administrative help and publicity. Overall, the experience was recommended for building skills.
Este documento contiene las calificaciones de asistencia y evaluaciones de un curso de Defensa Integral de la Nación I impartido durante el período 1-2014. Se lista la cédula, nombre y apellido de 35 estudiantes junto con su asistencia semanal y calificaciones en cuatro evaluaciones que componen la nota final. La mayoría de estudiantes asistió a todas las clases y obtuvieron notas entre 14 y 18 puntos.
The document describes the "Tall Stump Treatment Method" for controlling buckthorn, an invasive species. The method involves three phases - preparation, cutting, and treatment. In the preparation phase, the property is surveyed to identify the worst buckthorn trees. In the cutting phase, the identified trees are cut high, leaving tall stumps. The treatment phase involves using a scraper and herbicide applicator to apply herbicide to the cut stump using the frill method. The advantages of this method are that it is efficient, splits the work into phases that can be separated by months, makes identification and retreatment of stumps easy, reduces fire risk, and exposes more cambium for better treatment outcomes while minimizing soil and herbicide
Injections of Herbicide into Rhizomes of Knotweeds and Other Invasive Plant S...John Lampe
We ran trials on this method for a few years as did other organizations and individuals. Ultimately, we did not find its efficacy to outweigh the labor involved. Therefore, Green Shoots decided not to launch the product. We have however had real success with foliar applications using our Green Shoots Foam Herbicide Dispenser. John Lampe gave a presentation on that system at the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference:
Este documento describe el propósito y contenido de un módulo de doctrina bolivariana para estudiantes. El propósito es promover una formación integral de los estudiantes basada en los principios constitucionales venezolanos, considerando el liderazgo y trabajo en equipo. El módulo cubre la historia y evolución de la independencia de Venezuela, incluyendo documentos y figuras clave como Simón Bolívar, Ezequiel Zamora y Hugo Chávez.
The narrator gets a flat tire while driving home in the rain. Unable to change the tire themselves due to a disability, they drive to a nearby house for help. An old blind man and his young granddaughter come out and change the tire for the narrator. The narrator realizes they had been selfish and taken their own abilities for granted. They pray for blessings for the kind family and to overcome their own shortcomings.
#37: The total is 1574.  And if you include Rails Edge attendees, it's 1889.
#38: is it possible to order one without the terrible new cover?   I'm not sure who that's supposed to attract -twelve year girls that are into boys and professional rails development?
If I need to, I suppose I can photoshop the cover of Agile 1 and glue it on, so I'm not quite as embarrassed to have it on my bookshelf.
Personally, I think the cover, with some pink unicorns and hearts, would be perfect to attract 12-year old girls.  Others get a distinctly "NAMBLA" vibe from the cover. 
(North American Man Boy Love Association)
#39: I just wanted to thank you for the new great cover for Agile Web Development with Rails .  I don't even program (I can barely understand how to use my mac), but when I saw those legs I just had to
have it.   A plus plus!!   Well, long story short, a few of my friends got together to make a tribute.  Could you please pass this on to legs for me?
#40: over 60kloc, runs catalog, sales, royalties, stock control, international rights, cms, ....
#97: Wasn’t always that way. Early Eniac programmers were women. Grace Hopper wrote first compiler
#110: If someone illustrated a talk about worker processes with pictures of black slaves, or priority queues with pictures of segregated bathroom doors, would you feel uneasy?
#111: So tha MAYBE will take us from the 5% closer to the 25%
#112: Using shared screens, and my iPad as a presentation controller, I walked the girls through a Keynote presentation about some of the of the basic concepts of Software Engineering. Then we fired up Ruby in IRB and I showed the girls how to work with numbers, variables, and simple control structures in Ruby. They had to sit three to a computer, but that also let them help one another out. They learned to use loops to print out silly things about me (for example, I had my computer print out “Mr. Thompson rocks!”, the girls felt that they absolutely must get their computer to print “Mr. Thompson most certainly does not rock!” 1000 times). There was an awful lot of giggling, but as the teacher I was proud to see them pick up the basic concepts and apply them to their own goals. My favorite exclamation was “Wow! I could use this to help me with my homework.”
Learn to Program
#118: around 10,000 left
homozygous at virtually all gene loci
#122: If all you’ve got is a hammer, you’re going to look pretty stupid in an operating theater