mod_auth_ticket - Bringing Single-Sign-On to lighttpdTaisuke Yamada
Explains mod_auth_ticket, a newly developed module for lighttpd to make any website SSO-enabled. Also discusses development experience for lighttpd and some strength evaluation of crypto used by this module.
ZynqMPのブ`トとパワ`マネ`ジメント : (ZynqMP Boot and Power Management)Mr. Vengineer
2016定2埖20晩(署)のZynq Ultrasclae+ MPSoC 茶氏で聞ったY創です。
弖) 2016.05.08
巷塀ARM Trusted Firmwareのサイトに、Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCのg廾が弖紗されていていることを苧した
This is the material I used at Zynq Ultrasclae + MPSoC SIG on 20th February (Friday).
Addendum) 2016.05.08
We stated that the implementation of Zynq UltraScale + MPSoC was added to the official ARM Trusted Firmware site.