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                                     Rum and Redbull

                      PICTURE                                               SOUND

0.00 Sc1) Int run down house                        Sound fx

     Pre-title sequence                             General laughter and fooling around.
     Extreme close-up of cigarette smoking
     With a beam of light passing through it.
     Cut to medium shot of people laughing
     with focus on the head.
     Montage sequence of hands scrambling           General noises of rustling through pockets.
     for phone, keys, wallet, etc.                  Clicking sound as if setting up music player
0.08 Sc2) Int pocket                                (opening bars)
                                                    Future Fambo (Fambo)
        Feeling of heavy movement.                  (Hik)
        (possibly phone camera still in pocket)     Di drunken master (masta)
                                                    Drunk again
                                                    (Hik hik)
0.16 Sc3) Ext rundown house                         Music
                                                    I'm drinking [x4]
        Man and a woman walking along
        pavement encountering random people,
        beginning to add a weak blurred effect.
        Sc4) Ext Caribbean beach                    [Chorus: Beenie Man]
                                                    I'm drinking rum and Redbull
                                                    Hennessy let me heart full
        Artist singing in green screen. Some        Dem wah me get awful
        dancers around him and in the               Like dem on di dancehall get crawful
        Sc5) Ext rundown house                      And a mi rum and Redbull (drink up)
                                                    Hennessy let me heart full
                                                    Dem wah me get awful
     Cut back to pavement. POV shot, walking        Like dem on di dancehall get crawful
     down a side road, turns around to see
                                                    [Verse 1: Fambo]
     people jumping of a wall. Matched action       We start the day with a flask
     cut, distorted image of same people            Cranberry wid ice in a glass
     jumping into a massive can of redbull.
     Two street runners join the original pair.
0.48 Sc6) Int on (train/Bus station)
                                                    Satellite can't find me mi lost,
                                                    Buy mi own a liquor cah mi a mi own boss,
        Cut to a medium long shot of a man in       Drink fi drunk that me endorse (oh!)
        Halloween costume sitting on a train with   After the flask den we move to di bar
        a bottle. Man in costume leans over to      Tell di bartender di bill a restart
                                                    Coconut fi rum mi use wash off mi heart
        read old ladies newspaper. He walks out     If you hide an drink then
        onto the street and sits down on the        you must get caught
        pavement to drink from his bottle.
        Original man passes him by and gives
        him a can of redbull. He then joins the
        group of people.

        Sc4) Ext Caribbean beach                      [Chorus: Beenie Man]
                                                      I'm drinking rum and Redbull
                                                      Hennessy let me heart full
     Artist singing in green screen. Some             Dem wah me get awful
     dancers around him and in the                    Like dem on di dancehall get crawful
1.03 Sc8) Int funeral director                        And a mi rum and Redbull (drink up)
                                                      Hennessy let me heart full
                                                      Dem wah me get awful
     Original people in shot including                Like dem on di dancehall get crawful
     characters from other scenes. Invade the
                                                      [Verse 2: Fambo]
     funeral director two men surrounding a           Yuh wanna know wat I'm drinkin,
     coffin are surprised by this but when            Appleton an Pepsi in a mi cup a wah you thinkin
     given a bottle and redbull they start            Everyone is a star we live like king pin,
                                                      Sometimes mi model wid a fatty or a slim ting,
     dancing. Body rises out of coffin also           Nah stop drinkin (Oh!)
     with a bottle and redbull and starts to bop      How much can you drink? Fill up mi cup an let me think,
     his head. The body from the coffin joins         Pure sexy gyal a gimme wink,
     the group.
1.38 Sc10) Ext funeral director                       Abrupt stop to the music (scratching record)

        A bottle is dropped and spilt/smashed on      Sound of the crew groaning. One emphasised
        the floor. Close up shot of bottle falling    yell
        out of hand and then another close up of
        the bottle landing.

        Next shot zooms straight out to show the   Generic sounds?? Door bell, clatter of bottles,
        film crew and all standby actors and crew. unzipping/strapping wallet. Coins hitting the
        Full body shot of costumed man throwing table.
        his hat/mask on the floor in anger.

     Extreme close up of feet entering a shop
     and followed by a montage sequence
     illustrating the purchase of another bottle
     of rum (possibly shots of drinks rack,
     wallet, cash exchange)
1.58 Sc11) Ext park                                   Music resumes

        Walking through an average park. Many         Put her in di car well tint
                                                      Moses a express himself to people pon di ink
        aspects have increased in size. Large
        football (beach ball) being played kids       [Chorus: Beenie Man]
        with, large tree, greatly enlarged dog (has   Ru-Ru-Ru-Rum and Redbull
                                                      Hennessy let me heart full
        to be later edited).                          Dem wah me get awful
                                                      Like dem on it dancehall get crawful
        Shot of a squirrel (plush toy being thrown
                                                      And a mi rum and redbull (drink up)
        past camera) passing the people by then       Hennessy let me heart full (how much can you drink)
        there is a subjective shot of the two         Dem wah me get a full
        original people as they turn around to        Like dem on it dancehall get cup full
        look at the squirrel.

        The costumed man chases the squirrel out
        of the park.

     Then the camera reverts back to the group
     of people and two of them run off to help
     the costumed man.
2.23 Sc12) Ext high street                           Ru-Rum and Redbull
                                                     Hennessy let me heart full
                                                     Dem wah me get awful
        The group is parading in the street still    Like dem on it dancehall get crawful
        drinking away. As a bus arrives at the bus
                                                     And a mi rum and Redbull
        stop the body from the funeral director      Hennessy let me heart full
        runs to get on it. The rest of the group     Dem wah me get awful
        continues on down the street.                Like dem on it dancehall get crawful

        The woman gets to her apartment/house
        as she enters the house the rest of the
        group wave good-bye and carries on.

     The man continues on to a larger building
     and enters. The last of the group departs
     in different directions. The man arrives in
     a green screen room and Spuds the
2.43 Sc13) Ext                                       I'm drinking [x4]

        Various shots of the members of the
        group and where they left off (costumed
        man in a tree sleeping/chased by dogs).

        Street runners doing a demo.

        Dead body getting back into the coffin.

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Rum and redbull

  • 1. Jason Rum and Redbull PICTURE SOUND 0.00 Sc1) Int run down house Sound fx Pre-title sequence General laughter and fooling around. Extreme close-up of cigarette smoking With a beam of light passing through it. Cut to medium shot of people laughing with focus on the head. Montage sequence of hands scrambling General noises of rustling through pockets. for phone, keys, wallet, etc. Clicking sound as if setting up music player 0.08 Sc2) Int pocket (opening bars) (Hik) Future Fambo (Fambo) Feeling of heavy movement. (Hik) (possibly phone camera still in pocket) Di drunken master (masta) Drunk again (Hik hik) 0.16 Sc3) Ext rundown house Music I'm drinking [x4] Man and a woman walking along pavement encountering random people, beginning to add a weak blurred effect. Sc4) Ext Caribbean beach [Chorus: Beenie Man] I'm drinking rum and Redbull Hennessy let me heart full Artist singing in green screen. Some Dem wah me get awful dancers around him and in the Like dem on di dancehall get crawful background. Sc5) Ext rundown house And a mi rum and Redbull (drink up) Hennessy let me heart full Dem wah me get awful Cut back to pavement. POV shot, walking Like dem on di dancehall get crawful down a side road, turns around to see [Verse 1: Fambo] people jumping of a wall. Matched action We start the day with a flask cut, distorted image of same people Cranberry wid ice in a glass jumping into a massive can of redbull. Two street runners join the original pair. 0.48 Sc6) Int on (train/Bus station) Satellite can't find me mi lost, Buy mi own a liquor cah mi a mi own boss, Cut to a medium long shot of a man in Drink fi drunk that me endorse (oh!) Halloween costume sitting on a train with After the flask den we move to di bar a bottle. Man in costume leans over to Tell di bartender di bill a restart Coconut fi rum mi use wash off mi heart read old ladies newspaper. He walks out If you hide an drink then onto the street and sits down on the you must get caught pavement to drink from his bottle. Original man passes him by and gives him a can of redbull. He then joins the group of people.
  • 2. Jason Sc4) Ext Caribbean beach [Chorus: Beenie Man] I'm drinking rum and Redbull Hennessy let me heart full Artist singing in green screen. Some Dem wah me get awful dancers around him and in the Like dem on di dancehall get crawful background. 1.03 Sc8) Int funeral director And a mi rum and Redbull (drink up) Hennessy let me heart full Dem wah me get awful Original people in shot including Like dem on di dancehall get crawful characters from other scenes. Invade the [Verse 2: Fambo] funeral director two men surrounding a Yuh wanna know wat I'm drinkin, coffin are surprised by this but when Appleton an Pepsi in a mi cup a wah you thinkin given a bottle and redbull they start Everyone is a star we live like king pin, Sometimes mi model wid a fatty or a slim ting, dancing. Body rises out of coffin also Nah stop drinkin (Oh!) with a bottle and redbull and starts to bop How much can you drink? Fill up mi cup an let me think, his head. The body from the coffin joins Pure sexy gyal a gimme wink, the group. 1.38 Sc10) Ext funeral director Abrupt stop to the music (scratching record) A bottle is dropped and spilt/smashed on Sound of the crew groaning. One emphasised the floor. Close up shot of bottle falling yell out of hand and then another close up of the bottle landing. Next shot zooms straight out to show the Generic sounds?? Door bell, clatter of bottles, film crew and all standby actors and crew. unzipping/strapping wallet. Coins hitting the Full body shot of costumed man throwing table. his hat/mask on the floor in anger. Extreme close up of feet entering a shop and followed by a montage sequence illustrating the purchase of another bottle of rum (possibly shots of drinks rack, wallet, cash exchange) 1.58 Sc11) Ext park Music resumes Walking through an average park. Many Put her in di car well tint Moses a express himself to people pon di ink aspects have increased in size. Large football (beach ball) being played kids [Chorus: Beenie Man] with, large tree, greatly enlarged dog (has Ru-Ru-Ru-Rum and Redbull Hennessy let me heart full to be later edited). Dem wah me get awful Like dem on it dancehall get crawful Shot of a squirrel (plush toy being thrown And a mi rum and redbull (drink up) past camera) passing the people by then Hennessy let me heart full (how much can you drink) there is a subjective shot of the two Dem wah me get a full original people as they turn around to Like dem on it dancehall get cup full look at the squirrel. The costumed man chases the squirrel out of the park.
  • 3. Jason Then the camera reverts back to the group of people and two of them run off to help the costumed man. 2.23 Sc12) Ext high street Ru-Rum and Redbull Hennessy let me heart full Dem wah me get awful The group is parading in the street still Like dem on it dancehall get crawful drinking away. As a bus arrives at the bus And a mi rum and Redbull stop the body from the funeral director Hennessy let me heart full runs to get on it. The rest of the group Dem wah me get awful continues on down the street. Like dem on it dancehall get crawful The woman gets to her apartment/house as she enters the house the rest of the group wave good-bye and carries on. The man continues on to a larger building and enters. The last of the group departs in different directions. The man arrives in a green screen room and Spuds the artist. 2.43 Sc13) Ext I'm drinking [x4] Various shots of the members of the group and where they left off (costumed man in a tree sleeping/chased by dogs). Street runners doing a demo. Dead body getting back into the coffin.