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1.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on how the situation in
the story came about.
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplestiltskin is about Lisa who has
__________________________________ for the king and she was able
to do so with the help of ______________________ who has magical
powers. The situation is the result of __________________________
who feel proud of Lisas skills. They are kind but foolish and think that
the king might offer to marry Lisa if they _______________________
her skills. The greedy king however wants the gold and so
________________ Lisa in a tower to spin straw into gold. A little man
helps Lisa in exchange for things. Lisa almost loses her
__________________ to the little man. Such a situation is because of
Lisas parents_________________________.
2.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on one of the themes
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has
___________________for the king. One of the themes in the drama is
______________ in ones family member. Lisas parents are very proud
of her abilities especially her baking. They are always telling people how
clever Lisa is and all the wonderful things she can do. They even
_________________ and tell the king that Lisa can
_________________________. Such______________ in a family
member is understandable and admirable but one must be
_______________notto be too ________________.
3.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write about a character you
find interesting.
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has to
______________________________ forthe king. A character I find
interesting is Lisa. She is a _____________________and
____________________________ girl who is modestabout her skills.
But, her parents are so ____________________ ofher that they even tell
the king that Lisa can spin straw into gold. When the king keeps her in a
tower and demands that she spins gold for him, Lisa does not even blame
her parents for her ______________________.When the little man helps
her, she willingly give her ____________________and
_____________________. Sheis ______________________ and yet
na誰ve. When her parents told her to promise the little man anything he
asked for she obeyed them although it might mean she has to lose her
________________________________.She is interesting in that she is
obedient and does not blame her parents who are responsible for her
4.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on a moral lesson
portrayed by the story.
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has
_________________________ for the king. The story portrays a few
moral lessons and one of these is that we must not make
________________ promises whatever the ______________________.
Lisas parents make the __________________ promisethat Lisa can turn
straw into gold and this almost costLisa her life. When Lisa wants help
from the little man _____________________ she makes
the____________ promiseof giving him her ______________________
because her parents have told her to promise him anything. They do this
thinking that the __________________ will not come back to
____________________ the promise, Unfortunately, he does and Lisa
almost loses her ___________________. When we make promises we
must remember that the other party might come back to
__________________ so we should not make ________________
promises to anyone under any ___________________.
5.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on the setting of the
story.Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has
________________________ forthe king. It is a fairy tale set in the time
of kings, castle and magical surroundings. The story opens in a village in
a small country in the ________________ ofLisa and her parents. This is
the typical village occupied by villagers who work hard for a living. Lisa
is taken to the room in a tower in the kings __________________. Such
_______________are typical of kings of the past. They live in luxury at
the expense of the villagers. The scene changes to the _______________
when Lisas parents follow the little man to learn his _______________.
The setting shows clearly the way of life of the people in the story.
6.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write about a lesson you have
learned from the story.
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has
________________________ forthe king. From the story, a lesson that I
have learned is that if we make __________________, we should make
an effort to ___________________ it. Lisas parents are so keen to
________________ the king about Lisa that they say that she can
________________________. Theyrealized the mistake they made
when the king insisted on Lisa spinning straw into gold for him. If she
cannot do it, she will be _________________. Theytry
to_______________ their mistake by saying that they are only joking but
the king refuses to listen. When the little man wanted to take Lisas
________________, her parents know it is their fault. So, they helped her
by learning the _________________ ofthe little man. Lisas parents
made a __________________ butthey did try to ___________________
the mistake.
7.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and explain why you would or
would not recommend the story to a friend.
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has spin straw into gold for
the king. I find the story interesting although it is a fairy tale and I would
recommend it to my friend because of the themes and moral values in the
story. The story portrays the ____________________ ofmaking
______________ promises and the value of not being too
_____________ofones ability even if the person is a family member.
Lisas parents made _______________ promises and went
_________________ with their pride in Lisa. This puts Lisa in a
________________. Fortunately, the parents are willing to take
responsibility for their mistake. The story has an interesting setting and
one gets to know that people in a village live a very simple life. My
friends will enjoy the story too.
8. Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskinand the lessons that you learnt in
the drama.
Give reasons to supportyour answer,
One important lesson I have learnt from the play Rumplelstiltskin is
never to talk without thinking or brag.
First of all, talking too much can land oneself and others
in_______________.As Lisas parents case, it is good to be
_________________ ofones daughter but it gets too excessive when it
is done so publicly. Lisas parents______________ aboutLisas baking,
cooking, sewing and weaving abilities to the King but the King is more
interested in her supposedability to spin straw into gold and risks being
executed by the King if she fails to do so. Luckily, for her,
______________________ with magical powers comes to her rescue not
once but _______________ times.
Next, boasting and bragging sometimes amount to
___________________and lying and this is despicable. In the case of
Lisas father and mother, they ______________ to the King about their
daughters ability to _________________________.
Although she finally marries the King, she has to pay for her parents
folly. She also almost loses her _____________________ to the
______________________ in the process.The lesson learnt is never to
boast, brag nor lie.

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  • 1. 1.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on how the situation in the story came about. Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplestiltskin is about Lisa who has __________________________________ for the king and she was able to do so with the help of ______________________ who has magical powers. The situation is the result of __________________________ who feel proud of Lisas skills. They are kind but foolish and think that the king might offer to marry Lisa if they _______________________ her skills. The greedy king however wants the gold and so ________________ Lisa in a tower to spin straw into gold. A little man helps Lisa in exchange for things. Lisa almost loses her __________________ to the little man. Such a situation is because of Lisas parents_________________________. 2.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on one of the themes Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has ___________________for the king. One of the themes in the drama is ______________ in ones family member. Lisas parents are very proud of her abilities especially her baking. They are always telling people how clever Lisa is and all the wonderful things she can do. They even _________________ and tell the king that Lisa can _________________________. Such______________ in a family member is understandable and admirable but one must be _______________notto be too ________________. 3.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write about a character you find interesting. Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has to ______________________________ forthe king. A character I find interesting is Lisa. She is a _____________________and ____________________________ girl who is modestabout her skills.
  • 2. But, her parents are so ____________________ ofher that they even tell the king that Lisa can spin straw into gold. When the king keeps her in a tower and demands that she spins gold for him, Lisa does not even blame her parents for her ______________________.When the little man helps her, she willingly give her ____________________and _____________________. Sheis ______________________ and yet na誰ve. When her parents told her to promise the little man anything he asked for she obeyed them although it might mean she has to lose her ________________________________.She is interesting in that she is obedient and does not blame her parents who are responsible for her _________________________. 4.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on a moral lesson portrayed by the story. Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has _________________________ for the king. The story portrays a few moral lessons and one of these is that we must not make ________________ promises whatever the ______________________. Lisas parents make the __________________ promisethat Lisa can turn straw into gold and this almost costLisa her life. When Lisa wants help from the little man _____________________ she makes the____________ promiseof giving him her ______________________ because her parents have told her to promise him anything. They do this thinking that the __________________ will not come back to ____________________ the promise, Unfortunately, he does and Lisa almost loses her ___________________. When we make promises we must remember that the other party might come back to __________________ so we should not make ________________ promises to anyone under any ___________________. 5.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write on the setting of the story.Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has ________________________ forthe king. It is a fairy tale set in the time
  • 3. of kings, castle and magical surroundings. The story opens in a village in a small country in the ________________ ofLisa and her parents. This is the typical village occupied by villagers who work hard for a living. Lisa is taken to the room in a tower in the kings __________________. Such _______________are typical of kings of the past. They live in luxury at the expense of the villagers. The scene changes to the _______________ when Lisas parents follow the little man to learn his _______________. The setting shows clearly the way of life of the people in the story.
  • 4. 6.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and write about a lesson you have learned from the story. Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has ________________________ forthe king. From the story, a lesson that I have learned is that if we make __________________, we should make an effort to ___________________ it. Lisas parents are so keen to ________________ the king about Lisa that they say that she can ________________________. Theyrealized the mistake they made when the king insisted on Lisa spinning straw into gold for him. If she cannot do it, she will be _________________. Theytry to_______________ their mistake by saying that they are only joking but the king refuses to listen. When the little man wanted to take Lisas ________________, her parents know it is their fault. So, they helped her by learning the _________________ ofthe little man. Lisas parents made a __________________ butthey did try to ___________________ the mistake. 7.Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskin and explain why you would or would not recommend the story to a friend. Give reasons to supportyour answer, The drama Rumplelstiltskin is about Lisa who has spin straw into gold for the king. I find the story interesting although it is a fairy tale and I would recommend it to my friend because of the themes and moral values in the story. The story portrays the ____________________ ofmaking ______________ promises and the value of not being too _____________ofones ability even if the person is a family member. Lisas parents made _______________ promises and went _________________ with their pride in Lisa. This puts Lisa in a ________________. Fortunately, the parents are willing to take responsibility for their mistake. The story has an interesting setting and one gets to know that people in a village live a very simple life. My friends will enjoy the story too.
  • 5. 8. Refer to the drama Rumplelstiltskinand the lessons that you learnt in the drama. Give reasons to supportyour answer, One important lesson I have learnt from the play Rumplelstiltskin is never to talk without thinking or brag. First of all, talking too much can land oneself and others in_______________.As Lisas parents case, it is good to be _________________ ofones daughter but it gets too excessive when it is done so publicly. Lisas parents______________ aboutLisas baking, cooking, sewing and weaving abilities to the King but the King is more interested in her supposedability to spin straw into gold and risks being executed by the King if she fails to do so. Luckily, for her, ______________________ with magical powers comes to her rescue not once but _______________ times. Next, boasting and bragging sometimes amount to ___________________and lying and this is despicable. In the case of Lisas father and mother, they ______________ to the King about their daughters ability to _________________________. Although she finally marries the King, she has to pay for her parents folly. She also almost loses her _____________________ to the ______________________ in the process.The lesson learnt is never to boast, brag nor lie.